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Note: This is a female version of Farm Boy.

Summary: A high school senior, Megan noticed that her older sister has been dipping into the chemical on their parents' farm, and has been gaining a lot of weight. A bit disgusted, a bit curious, Megan tries the chemical hormones herself, and experiences the best high of her life. She quickly introduces the chemical to her two best friends, and the three progressively get addicted, all while experiencing incidental changes, such as butt growth, breast development, belly expansion, in addition to other, stranger, things. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, multiple breasts, breast-belly, butt expansion, weight gain, and more. Also, issues of drug addiction.

Previous Chapter 


Roger purchased Megan an assortment of custom-made…clothing. Lingerie, specifically. It was kind weird, and Megan had half a mind to deck him. But it was also kind of exciting. Megan observed herself in the mirror in the four-breasted bikini top she had put on. She wondered what the manufacturer had thought when Roger had submitted the order. Megan snickered. Then she thought about how turned on Roger probably got just at the thought of Megan wearing this.

Admittedly, it wasn’t just lingerie. There were also…maternity bras, which were so very soft and comfortable, yet awkward, and kind of weirded Megan out. That she was a young woman, a college student, was wearing a double-breasted maternity bra, which was meant for…meant for people who decidedly weren’t her.

All of it was dizzying, but Megan just went along with it because pleasure always seemed to accompany the weirdness. A lot of it. It’s going to be a long week, Megan thought, as she pulled a robe over herself and stepped out of the master suite, through the french doors, and onto the deck right outside of it.

The air was brisk but the hot tub was on. Roger was already waiting inside of it.

“This is really corny,” Megan noted wryly.

“Super corny,” Roger responded, watching her intently.

Megan shed the robe. She was wearing the custom bikini and a pair of swim shorts. She found it hilarious the way Roger immediately pressed his lips.

“You have issues,” Megan noted, grinning. “I can’t control this, but you…you’re something special.”

“Come here,” said Roger.

Megan climbed into the hot tub and sort of enjoyed how possessive Roger was becoming of her. How much attention Roger gave her. Her tits, specifically. And turned out, it wasn’t just bathing suits and lingerie. There were custom made tube tops, bandeaus, and more for Megan to try on. Each new outfit seemed to turn Roger on more than the last one. The outfits did nothing for Megan except to keep her mildly entertained.

It was also weird to—unintentionally—flaunt her boobs. Usually she was wrapping them, pushing them down, trying to hide them under layers of baggy clothes. So to look in the mirror and see her four tits bulging against a neckline, cleavage on generous display, was a little jarring. It was embarrassing, but fun as well, torturing Roger. Getting whatever she wanted from him.

“Focus on the bottom ones,” Megan groaned one evening while Roger was kissing her breasts.

“What?” he said.

“You’re always sucking the top ones. They need attention to,” said Megan, pushing Roger’s head down, to his clear amusement. He obliged and Megan just groaned.

It was a week of nonstop sucking and stimulation. Roger was at it all day, every day, touching or groping her boobs. Megan would wake up to sucking them, and fall asleep to Roger groping them. It was insane. Megan’s nipples were deliciously sore, and she couldn’t get enough.

Between sessions of fucking, kissing, and groping, the two lazed around. They ordered food in a lot, and ate junk, Roger finally taking a break from his strict athlete diet, and Megan just giving no fucks.

They even agreed to stay an extra three days. They were cutting it close with the new semester, but it just felt so good to be at the cabin taking a break from the world.

It was one of their final days, and Megan was getting ready to lounge in the hot tub for a few hours. She was pulling on the string bikini from the first day there, Roger’s favorite of the things he had purchased, when Megan found herself struggling somewhat. She paused to look down at herself, at the way her boobs bulged against the cups, in fact, she could barely get the thing on. The material was uncomfortably squeezing, and just couldn’t seem to accommodate all of her tit flesh. Before Megan could fully wrap her mind around this, Roger chose that moment to stroll in.

Roger immediately noticed the issue. He stopped to stare. “Megan…” he said.

Megan felt herself redden.

“Oh my god Megan.”

“I know,” Megan responded, cheeks hot.

“They’re growing, oh god. Look how much they're growing.” Roger attacked them with nips and bites as Megan unintentionally arched into the contact.

“Oh fuck,” Megan whispered as she was pushed into the wall.

Roger was insanely turned on. He had Megan try on everything, and it was all too tight. Megan was not sure how she hadn’t noticed it before. She must have been going topless most days. All her clothes were straining, her breasts bulging to get free of them. Her four mounds were stretching out bandeaus, or bubbling over the necklines of her tank tops. Megan was embarrassed and horrified, but mostly aroused. She hated that this turned her on, but god, it did. It really did.

Then they were fucking and kissing. Roger was groping and touching. He paid special attention to the lower mounds, pushing Megan flat on the bed and drinking indulgently. God, Megan was growing her tits. Like a plant or farm animal, she was nurturing it to more fertility, more abundance, more girth. More and more milk.

Megan was breathless, trembling slightly. “What the hell are we doing?”

“You look amazing,” Roger murmured between kisses. “Gorgeous. Your body is incredible. I fucking can’t get enough.”

Megan was getting massive. In the morning, she squeezed into a too-tight tanktop, her swollen nipples rubbing into the cotton in a way that made her groin tingle. The mounds bobbed on her chest, all four fat and full and bloated, even though she had pumped before she got out of bed. Roger couldn’t seem to take his eyes or hands off them. He never stopped touching them. Megan loved it, but she knew she needed a break. Things were getting out of control.

That afternoon they watched a movie on the couch together. It was a relatively tame activity. Megan was leaned into Roger, and Roger was cupping her breasts gently. Megan was getting used to the constant contact on her boobs. She fidgeted somewhat, panting.

The mounds were sweat-sleek, round and heaving. She could feel them pushing. Stretching. She could actually feel them expanding as they grew progressively more engorged.

They were so hot. So heavy. Her nipples were huge and hard and ready to squirt. Megan tried to readjust herself, but now Roger’s hands were digging into her even though he had not moved an inch.

“You okay?” he said.

“Yeah…” said Megan breathlessly, but she couldn’t go on. She needed to pump. She pulled herself out of Roger’s arms and felt his gaze on her back as she left. Both knew that she shouldn’t have been due for another pumping for at least a few hours. Megan suspected she would have to add a session to her regular routine.


It was a long trip home, and Megan felt completely overstimulated. Roger had wanted to make the best of their final day at the cabin, and Megan was suffering the consequences.

She was so tight. She was trying her best not to pant, but she was completely soaked in sweat, and it was obvious that she was uncomfortable. Her breasts were flushed and full, and her nipples began to leak on their own. Roger pulled over several times to suck her enough for Megan to get through another hour without feeling like she was about to burst. It was a relief to finally get home and shed the now way-too-small jacket

Paige was walking by. She paused to stare. “Holy crap,” she said.

Megan grimaced at her. “The trip…might not have been the best idea,” she said breathlessly. Her tits each looked like honeydews, nipples huge and distended. She had barely been able to fit into anything for the trip home, the tank top she had on stretched at the seams, her tits all but popping out of it. To top that off, Roger seemed practically addicted to her. Megan had barely been able to pull herself away when Roger had dropped her off at the building. “Damn, he did a number on you,” Paige noted.

“It was—mutual,” Megan gasped out, struggling to contain the milk.

“Then it looks like you had a little too much fun.”

Megan bit hard on her lip, her faced twisted. “I think—I think I’m going to lie down,” she managed, and headed gingerly for her room.


Megan did her first paid video. It felt dirty and weird, but there was definitely a response to her increased size. A huge response. She felt overwhelmed and embarrassed, but there was just so much online support. She was showered with so many compliments that she began to feel comfortable in her own skin for the first time since this whole thing had started. The cash was flowing in, and she was starting to feel weirdly…confident. People commented relentlessly on her boobs, and it was clear that the latest bout of growth hadn’t gone unnoticed.

whoa, when did they…?

they’re huge!

wat the hell have u been eating?

They grew!

how much did they grow?

How much bigger you gonna make them?

Maybe u went 2 far? There just so…

Fuck, dis is incredible.

Can we have more frequent updates? Like, daily?

Oddly, no one even mentioned the charge for the video. They hardly seemed to care.

“They’re always really…full,” Megan said, speaking for the first time, trying to sound relaxed and not terrified. She could feel the milk pressing hotly at her flesh even then. Megan had figured talking to her viewers might be a way to engage people more, yet it increased the risk of someone somehow identifying who she was. “I’m up to pumping them four times a day, otherwise they get so tight, then they get bigger.”

The comment section exploded, new lines of text scrolling down the screen faster than Megan had any hopes of reading it. “I better…I better get pumping. Be sure to comment, subscribe, and look out for my next video,” she said breathlessly, before cutting off the live stream.

A few days later, Megan had Roger on.

Roger had no reservations whatsoever. He even went ahead and revealed his face, even though Megan was always so meticulous about keeping her own face hidden from the nose upward.

Without even a hint of shame, Roger got down and started to suck Megan for all the viewers to see. He seemed to get lost, kissing, licking, sucking indulgently, and Megan couldn’t help releasing a small groan. She just pulled Roger closer, held him to her chest, noting that he was a sick pervert, then realizing that she was one as well.

The response was even bigger than the last time. Megan’s audience was only growing, and she felt strangely proud of the very strange thing she was building.


Megan finally got around to visiting Sam.

Sam looked well into her new pregnancy. In fact, she already looked due, though Sam assured that she was only six months along. Megan just stared uncomfortably, sort of mortified with herself when she thought about how she had been indulging Roger’s weird sexual fantasy. Megan remembered how she had thought about Sam. Thought of becoming like Sam, and gotten turned on.

Now, it was just awkward. Megan tried not to think about it anymore.

“God, high school feels like it was so long ago,” Megan muttered. “We were just dumb kids.”

Sam snorted. “We still are.”

Megan tried to remember a time when her life wasn’t ruled by sex and highs. Her stomach lurched, and she cupped it, wondering if she had eaten anything sour recently. With all the junk food she had been throwing back, it really wasn’t a surprise that she had indigestion.

Her attention shifted back to Sam, who was huge with another litter, her belly practically squashing her. Megan flushed. “How does it feel?” she couldn’t help asking.

“Tight,” said Sam immediately. “Stuffed. Uncomfortable. Heavy.” She groaned, cupping her gut, and arching, pushing it farther outward, farther than Megan thought was logical.

Megan swallowed.

“But it really turns me on,” Sam breathed. “Like, I’m always really fucking horny. Sometimes I just—I just like, come. You know? Just daydreaming or something. God, it’s fucked up.” Sam continued to fidget under the huge mass perched against her. “I can’t believe how huge I am…mghhh…about to pop.” Sam kneaded her palms into her mass with a sort of desperation. “Fuck, I’m not ready for labor.”

Megan gulped, staring at the heaving mound. “But you have time.”

“Nghh…yeah…not sure how I’m gonna last another three months at this rate.” Sam continued to rub, face flushed. “I know I’m an extreme case. The babies seem to come in threes for some reason. Well, this time it’s quads. They’re really packed in there.”


“And the doctor said they’re big babies. Don't know how mom expects me to nurse. I’ve only got these things.” She motioned to the respectable B-cups bulging on her chest. “Can't produce that much. Gonna have to use formula.”

Megan’s face was flaming.

She was actually surprised that Sam had yet to ask about Megan’s layers of bulky clothes topped off by a huge winter coat. Then again, Sam had always been kinder than Jane. She didn’t prod or harass, she let people come out with things on their own. On top of that, Sam already did know about Megan’s huge tits from high school. She just didn’t know about the second pair Megan had kept hidden all these months.

Revealing herself not only to her sister, but also Paige, had been far more than Megan thought she could ever do or handle. Sam was a new challenge, but Megan was committed to opening up. She had decided before the visit. She needed people in her life with whom she could share her secret, not to hide away like a hermit for the rest of her life.

So Megan drew a deep breath, and began to undo her jacket. She started to shed the layers.


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