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Summary: Lab technician, Beth, has been engineered to periodically birth  small eggs from her nipples. But Beth soon discovers that the eggs  are progressively increasing in size as well as number. Contains: Female: Breast expansion, breastation, egg laying, and more.

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It was three months later, and Beth was in her bathroom seated on a toilet, her custom-made blouse pulled open and her huge, basketball-sized breasts protruding freely. They were no longer perfectly round. Instead there was more softness and malleability, causing the globes to take on a more teardrop shape. The engorgement had offered that small comfort, at least.

Beth was breathing heavily, massaging her right breast and the puffy areola as droplets of milk spilled out of her huge nipple. She groaned as it tensed up, throwing her head back. She screwed up her face and pushed, feeling an egg arduously make its way through, her legs twisting, shoes scuffing at the floor.

Her nipple swelled up grossly, and finally, something began to crown.

A tennis ball-sized egg began to emerge from Beth’s nipple as she gave an inhuman whine, her face reddening as her back arched, and her shaking fingers massaged her flesh, trying to coax the egg through. She groaned, pushing again as her left breast began to contract as well, then Beth just held her face and released a long wail.


An hour later, Beth walked through the office, still a bit flustered. She was awkwardly carrying four coffees in a cardboard holder around the massive breasts jutting out on her form, bobbing with her every movement, her bulging nipples pressing hard against the cotton of her blouse.

She had on a blazer hanging uselessly on her shoulders, with no hope of buttoning. She was also wearing a pencil skirt that was getting rather snug at the rear.

Beth was dealing with balance much better than she had previously. At the direction of the scientists, she had put on weight. A good deal of it. Her thighs were thicker, hips rounder, backside plump, and her waist and belly had softened as well. It helped her with the toll of trying to balance the huge weight of her breasts in front of her. She was voluptuous and plump, a sharp contrast to the woman she had been before. She found herself constantly eating, sometimes not allowed to leave the lab until she had forced down an absurd amount of food. But it did help, she supposed.

Beth walked into the elevator and scanned her access card that would allow her into the secret basement level. She cradled her breasts as she waited for the elevator to fully descend if just to give her spine a short reprieve. The mounds were wider than the rest of her torso, even wider than her shoulders. They were just so huge, and growing constantly. She didn’t know how much more she could take, but she just had to keep pushing forward.

The elevator stopped. Beth drew a deep breath and lowered her hands. She walked out into the basement, which was much more metallic, cold, and clinical then the rest of the building. Experimentation rooms lined the walls, each of them covered in one-way glass through which Beth could peer and see what was going on with the subjects who were more progressed in their experiments.

In one of the rooms sat April Johnson, flushed and panting. She was dressed in a blouse and leggings, the blouse straining at the chest, buttoned low so that the cleavage of her plump EE-cup breasts was protruding heavily. And perched in April’s lap was…a… Beth could only characterize as a cow udder. It was huge, covering April’s thighs, practically overflowing her lap. It was round and rubbery, with four thick teats protruding out of it. Every so often milk would squirt and April would squeal. Her hands would rub along the sides of it. Beth shook her head and moved on to the next window, her breasts wobbling gently on her chest.

In the next room was an orange-skinned man with some sort of reptilian tail growing out of the base of his spine. The window after that displayed a woman who was consistently vomiting these huge, squirming gray slugs that completely covered the floor of the room she was in.

There was a man sprawled on the ground in the next room, and Beth was racked with guilt at seeing him. She had been personally tasked with offering him a spiked hard candy. It had been his last day on the job, too. But the scientists had had other plans. Not moments after he had popped the candy into his mouth, his abdomen had exploded forward with growth, surging huge and round, until he had collapsed under his own weight, his belly resembling a beach ball, flushed, and heaving. At present, he was sprawled on the hard cold floor, groaning under his boulder of a belly, thighs spread as he dry-pushed, like he wanted it out; like he just couldn’t handle the pressure a moment longer. Veins bulged on his forehead, his face red and strained. Beth didn’t even know if he could expel it that way. The whole thing was just sad.

Beth came upon Linda’s room and paused there to stare for a little while. Linda was set up in some elevated, cushioned contraption upon which her body perched. She was sweaty and gasping, much the way the man in the last room had been. Her whole body was pink, not just flushed, but her skin had taken on a rich pink hue. Pig-like, plump, and soft. Her belly was massive, probably as large as shewas. It pulsated with growth, her body constantly being turned and tilted by the contraption, likely to aid in circulation. Beth didn’t know what they were incubating inside of her, but it must have been substantial. She didn’t know what Linda’s limits were, but there seemed to be no end in sight. Linda’s eyes were dazed, staring off vacantly. Drool ran down her chin. Her huge, engorged breasts were shoved up by her belly, squishing into her jaw.


Beth was startled out of her reverie. She turned to see Rian approaching.

“Thanks for coming down. The others are this way.”

Beth followed Rian down the hall. She scrunched up her nose as she felt the first hint of a contraction deep in her left breast, but this would have to wait. She didn’t have time to birth eggs again so soon. She absently rubbed the side of her breast as she and Rian turned down a corridor, then entered an office there. Inside was a round table with four chairs. Walker and Spelding were waiting in two of them. Beth and Rian joined them, Beth passing the coffees out before she eased herself down into a seat.

“Beth, thanks for joining us,” said Spelding. “You’ve done excellent work these past few months. You have really thrived on the managerial side of things.”

Beth’s breasts shivered slightly. She offered a curt nod.

“But you must understand, this was never permanent. We have held off long enough, but it’s time that you moved down here in the basement so that we can monitor you more closely. It’s really for the best.”

Beth had expected this day to come. She felt herself getting flustered, then grunted as another contraction hit her. “So you want to — to imprison me,” she stammered through the discomfort, ignoring the growing pressure on her left nipple.

“Imprison?” said Walker, feigning affront. “It’s simply part of your contract. You will serve your term, then move on.”

“Right,” said Beth brusquely. “I would have had to hire a lawyer just to interpret that contract. But of course, that would be a breach. And from what I could gather, it was very obscure about freedoms.”

“Are you implying that we are running some sort of human trafficking ring?” said Rian condescendingly. She sipped on her skinny vanilla latte.

“It just doesn’t seem a productive usage of my time and skills,” Beth said indignantly. “Why, I walked in on you all feasting on my eggs last week! You had a whole egg bar. Deviled, scrambled, it was sick!”

The three scientists at least had the shame to look embarrassed.

“I can’t say I know what you’re talking about,” said Spelding shiftily.

“I will not humor any more of these absurd accusations,” Rian added.

“Well,” said Beth resignedly. “It’s been a good run. You taught me a lot.”

“Finally, some appreciation,” said Walker.

“Some of this stuff has just been incredible. It’s a shame it has to stay under lock and key. You introduced me to compounds I didn’t know existed, things I could only characterize as alien. You let me work with experimental hormones and gene therapy. Even tinker with lab specimens I still don’t quite understand.”

“Tinker?” said Spelding.

Then it started. A large belch erupted from Rian’s throat. She looked mortified and covered her mouth as her colleagues gave her odd looks. Then another one came, even larger, as the top of her blouse tightened. She looked down at herself in horror.

“What did you do?” demanded Spelding, swiveling around to face Beth again. His eyes shot down to his coffee cup. “You–!”

Then he groaned. He grabbed either side of his head, grunting in pain as something began to push out of his forehead. Pointy, branch-like protrusions that were progressively getting longer. He was growing antlers!

Walker stood up, looking panicked, but then his belly began to push against his button-down, until the buttons tore apart. His belly swelled in forceful waves until he lost his balance and fell on his ass. He clutched it as it continued to grow, rapidly making him look as though he was nine months pregnant.

“You forgot that I was brilliant,” Beth said, grimacing as she stood. She clutched her contracting breasts that were dripping profusely, an egg trying to shove forward and crown. “We all are. We’re completely capable of what you hired us for. I studied those compounds you were using to drug my colleagues and I was able to modify certain genes, accelerate others. I have to admit, it’s a bit careless to experiment on you all like this.”

Rian’s breasts had swollen even larger than Beth’s, and the back of her pants had torn apart as a huge, pillowy ass emerged, rising like dough. Her chair broke beneath her, causing her to collapse with a yelp. Then she just writhed on the floor, groaning and clutching at herself as though trying to contain it all.

Spelding’s antlers were only getting longer and more intricate, his front two teeth beginning to distend as well. Beth wasn’t certain of what any of them were becoming, but she couldn’t say she much cared.

She walked out of the room and then went through the basement, pressing the release on each door she passed. Those who could stand scrambled off for freedom. Beth would have to send for the others. But first, she needed to expose all this so it could never happen again. She had contacts with the media.

“I’m sorry,” she told Linda, pausing at the door of the woman’s cell. “I’ll always remember our taco runs.”

But Linda didn’t seem to hear her, or even register Beth’s presence. Her eyes were glazed, her belly continuing to throb.

Sighing and shaking her head, Beth cupped her breasts and hurried off to the elevator.

The End


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