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Summary: Rachel has a remote control that can influence the body of Lisa, a high school bully. She can add babies to Lisa's womb, change Lisa's breast-size and their contents, completely alter the weight and shape of Lisa's body, among other, stranger, things.. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

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The first thing Rachel noticed when she awoke was that she was sprawled on an extremely comfortable bed.

The second thing she noticed was a pressure against her body; a soft but heavy weight. She opened her eyes and blearily looked up at Lisa, registering that the other girl was straddling her.

“Morning,” Lisa drawled smugly.

Rachel was breathing heavily, her eyes darting around. She remembered the last thing Lisa had done to her but somehow hoped it had all been a dream.

But no. Rachel’s body felt distinctly strange. Heavier. Fuller. And there it was. The — udder — thing.

“This thing is so real,” said Lisa in a mixture of amusement and awe. She poked at it. “Well I guess it is real. Weird shit.”

“Oh god,” Rachel breathed, feeling dizzy.

“And look at these. Well, I suppose you can’t see them.” Lisa took Rachel’s hands and brought them down to Rachel stomach, before sliding them upwards along her torso. Rachel’s fingers were pushed up to her ribs, under her breasts, until they made contact with a — a bump on either side of her sternum. Touching them made her gasp, then shiver. She looked at Lisa in shock. No way.

“Nipples!” Lisa shrieked in glee. “You have extra fucking nipples! What the hell is this thing is capable of?” She wiggled the remote tauntingly in the air. “It’s like, turning you into an alien or something,” Lisa could hardly speak through her giggles.

“Y-you d-did this,” Rachel stammered out, struggling not to cry.

“It’s this MISCsetting,” Lisa went on. “It’s not like I know what it does. I just select it and random shit happens. Not that I’m complaining. Gotta admit, you deserve it.”

Rachel couldn’t speak, her throat was tight with emotion, and Lisa was sort of crushing her as well.

“Come on phlegm, admit it’s kinda fun.” Lisa jammed the remote into the waistband of her pants then allowed her freed fingers to glide along Rachel’s flanks.

“I’m a f-freak.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.”

Lisa’s hands continue to roam, now brushing the side of Rachel’s breasts each time they passed. Rachel found herself squirming, her breathing quickening. Lisa’s contact was so teasingly close and not quite sufficient.

“I also found, like – it must be an auto-setting,” Lisa mentioned.

“A what?” Rachel managed.

“Wow, you really didn’t know how to use it, did you?” said Lisa. There’s an automatic option. Like, the level of something will periodically increase by increments. On its own. Until I stop it or whatever.”

Any feelings of pleasure Rachel had been experiencing evaporated. She blinked up at Lisa, a bit stunned.

“I set it to hourly,” Lisa informed her. “Guess which body part?”

“Oh god,” Rachel repeated. She knew there was no point in begging, pleading, or negotiating at this point. She couldn’t convince Lisa to stop this madness. For now, all she could do was endure.

Lisa finally climbed off her. “Get up phlegm. It’s time for school.”


Rachel was forced to borrow some of Lisa’s clothes.

She had the disgusting — udder — thing stuffed under a spandex knee-length skirt, the rounded bulge blatantly obvious and weird-looking, on top of being terribly uncomfortable where it was squished and pressurized while also rubbing against the fabric. Rachel would have preferred a skirt that was wide and flowy, or even layered to hide the bulge. But the spandex skirt was all that Lisa had offered.

“Please don’t make me,” Rachel said once Lisa had pulled her car into the student parking lot.

Rachel was wearing a white tank top tucked into the skirt. It was formfitting and low-cut, showing off her vast and new cleavage. The outfit as a whole displayed all the new juts and curves of her body. Despite not being contained in a bra, Rachel’s breasts were round and perky, now rivaling Lisa’s in size. Rachel’s nipples were erect, swollen, and aching. She knew it was only a matter of time before they started leaking again.

Everyone stared. On top of all Rachel’s sudden changes and the strange protrusion of the udder, Lisa had given Rachel’s now-long hair a pink tone to replace the blonde. People’s eyes were positively magnetized to Rachel. They blinked and tilted their heads or muttered amongst themselves. Some people didn’t even recognize who she wasat first. Not that Rachel had ever been particularly noticeable. Well, she certainly was now.

She shuffled along, her wide hips rocking, and her round backside swaying behind her as her breasts gently bobbed with her movements. Often, Rachel found her hands wandering down, wanting to cup at the sensitivity udder pressed under her skirt. The mound felt sore but tingly and sensitive, making it difficult to breathe if she didn’t properly distract herself.

Somehow, Rachel made it to first period. She eased herself down into a desk that seemed much smaller than it had been yesterday. She drew in a deep breath as she attempted to ignore the continued gaping of her classmates. She reached down to withdraw her notebook and pencil, when something happened. A surge of tension.

Rachel’s face heated up as she became hyper conscious of the — the extra pair of nipples on her ribs, hidden beneath her now-enormous boobs. She felt the skin there push out, getting softer and swollen, as though inflamed, no, as though growing. They were growing.

She panted quietly, trying not to fidget too much. The sensation of those extra nipples was becoming as distracting as the udder. But it wasn’t just extra nipples, was it? She was developing…breasts. A second pair of them. This realization made her bite her lip in anxiety.

“Good morning class,” their homeroom teacher, Mr. Brown, strolled into the room. “Before you head off, I’d just like to discuss…” He trailed off as his eyes made contact with Rachel, and he seemed to freeze for a moment before managing to construe words again. “What the…what kind of costume is that?” he blurted.

The class giggled. Rachel sunk in her seat.

“Miss Pilgrim, I hardly find that appropriate,” Mr. Brown said.

“I um…it’s for…it’s a social experiment,” Rachel said, deciding to follow his lead and pretend that she was in costume and makeup.

Mr. Brown shook his head. “This isn’t like you, Pilgrim. I have half a mind to make you go home and change.” But instead, he just threw one more queer look over her body then continued with his morning announcements. It seemed he was letting Rachel off, at least for the time being.


It happened again in Rachel’s second period. This time she was in math and Lisa was seated a few desks away, showing no signs of fiddling with the remote.

Lisa felt that same sense of heat and pressure at her ribs, then her breasts shivered slightly from the pressure beneath them as the lower ones there…grew? She could feel it, the two lumps pressing harder beneath them.

She was growing at intervals, just like Lisa had said she would. She was growing a second pair of breasts. Now the discomfort was even worse and her body felt terribly warm. Rachel tried her best to breathe evenly and not think about what was happening to her. Because she knew if she did, she would completely fall apart again.

Rachel tugged down her bucket hat and kept her head down, gluing her eyes to the scribbled equations that littered her notebook pages. Every so often, a classmate would snort or giggle in her direction. Mr. Kent would throw her odd glances. Rachel just tried to be invisible.

It wasn’t until lunch period that things got slightly more dramatic. Rachel had endured two more spurts of growth to her lower breasts, and the discomfort was becoming torture. She was hot and sweaty, her lower breasts feeling positively squashed. She had even gone to the bathroom, swallowed her nerves, then lifted the cantaloupe-sized mounds on her chest to get a look at what was going on beneath them.

Through the mirror, she could see that she had a pair of B-cups directly beneath them. The sight of them made her dizzy. They were round and full, the nipples plump and pink. These new mounds continued to be undetectable beneath the upper pair, but for how long? They were growing, literally, by the hour. Rachel could feel herself hyperventilating, but forced herself to calm down and suck in long, even breaths. Despite her heart racing, she carefully tugged her clothing back into place on her voluptuous body. She adjusted the girth of the udder in her skirt, and cupped at the bulge as it gently bounced, until she had reached the bathroom exit, at which point she lowered her hands and attempted an air of cool composure.


“What’s going on, Pilgrim?”

Rachel slowly looked up from her lunch tray to see that Thomas Michaels, the school’s biggest jock, was standing over her lunch table with his posse of braindead football buddies.

“What’s with the makeover?” Thomas continued, loudly.

Several of his buddies burst into laughter. One had the audacity to reach out, aiming for Rachel’s chest. Rachel shrieked and narrowly dodged being groped. She then hugged her chest, but immediately regretted it, groaning as she dropped her arms. It was just too uncomfortable.

“It looks so real,” said the guy who had attempted to cop a feel.

“It looks like she ordered a whole sex doll, and like, crawled inside it,” someone said, which roused another round of hearty snickering.

“No, you look good,” Thomas called above that heckling. “I mean it.” He offered an insincere smile. “This is sexy shit.”

Rachel’s face was burning hot. Usually she was so unnoticeable that even the bullies left her alone. “It’s um, it’s for a class,” she forced out, eyes down.

“Yeah? What class?” Thomas said.

Rachel pressed her lips and said nothing, which only amused them more. The crowd was swelling by the moment.

Maybe it was the nerves. Maybe it was just time. But her nipples started aching and burning, and before Rachel could react, moisture began to seep into her tank top, dampening the material, creating a growing plate of moisture in the center of each upper breast. The material was rendered thinner, and transparent. She hunched forward, but people noticed.

“’the fuck?” said Thomas.

Rachel got up and absconded to the nearest bathroom. Thankfully, no one followed.


School was almost over. Rachel couldn’t wait to leave. The rude and sexual remarks that followed her around that day were just getting out of hand. Was this what Lisa had to deal with every time she came to school? No, not likely. Lisa was popular. Rachel, well, she was just some nerd who had shown up with a stripper-body and a strange bulge at her pubic region.

At first, everyone had thought Rachel was adorning some crazy costume, but now people were talking. They had seen the way her nipples leaked. They could observe the deep fold of cleavage bulging out at the neckline of her tank top. And there was no denying Rachel’s thicker hips and round backside stretching her skirt taut. Everything about it was real, implausible though it might have been.

Rachel’s lower breasts were continuing to progressively grow, putting increasing pressure against the upper ones. Soon the lower pair was starting to heavethe upper ones up, just slightly. No longer did her upper breasts completely squash them. Instead, the upper pair was hovering just a bit, and the lower pair was steadily beginning to emerge. It was terrifying.


Rachel gasped as she was grabbed in the hallway and pulled roughly into the janitor’s closet.

“I’ve gotta see this,” Lisa said, and suddenly Lisa’s hands were all over Rachel in the tight space.

At first, Rachel resisted, but she couldn’t deny how nice it was to feel Lisa’s hands cool her burning skin, the contact soothing in ways, but agitating in others. She felt Lisa’s fingers on her breasts, and ceded to the contact, arching and moaning quietly, because suddenly it felt good to be touched. Quite good. Her nipples ached and began to seep again. Her top was already damp, which left her feeling gross and sticky. Her breasts were heavy, round, and pressurized. She could hardly stand it. “They’re really full,” she whimpered.

“Yeah?” said Lisa.

Then the pressure surged. She could feel them getting tighter and hotter, nipples stinging and pushing out as they grew as well. Rachel gasped for breath, cupping the undersides of her breasts as her shirt strained against them.

Her nipples started to gush. Rachel’s loins were hot and throbbing, thighs quavering. “Unghhh…” she groaned. “T-to big.”

“I don’t know, I think it looks good,” Lisa said. Rachel vaguely noticed that her and Lisa’s breasts were smushing together in the small closet. To her alarm, hers looked like they might have been bigger than Lisa’s now.

The tension shifted, now going to the…the udder. Oh god.

“I wonder…” Lisa mused aloud. Rachel could see her fiddling with the remote in the darkness.

The udder tightened. Rachel could feel it pushing out, stretching the skirt as it grew plumper, and filled up with the same weighty heat that occupied her chest. Rachel reached down and clutched it, futilely trying to contain the growth. Her whole body was trembling from the arousal of the pulsing pressure. Chuckling, Lisa pressed the button again.


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