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Summary: One-shot. Lucas is infuriated that his coworker, Matthew, is always getting special treatment just for being pregnant. Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, butt expansion, weight gain.

Note: Part of an art-trade with the extremely-talented artist Belka-Dog. This is a story based on a character sketch they sent me. Be sure to check out more of Belka's work on DeviantArt and Patreon. xD


“Here’s the file you requested, sir,” Matthew said breathlessly.

Lucas watched the scene from his desk, his lips twisted in a scowl. Matthew’s back was arched as he practically shoved his huge belly outward, ensuring that it looked as large as possible. He was practically flaunting his condition, wanting everyone to see how present and pronounced it was.

Ever since Matthew had developed a rare male pregnancy, he had disclosed it to anyone who would listen, constantly whining to garner extra days off, a decreased workload, and the sympathy of his colleagues. It was entirely insufferable.

“Thanks Matty. But you didn’t have to bring it for me. You should stay off your feet,” said Jim, their boss.

Matthew huffed a weary laugh. “You’re probably right. My back is killing me. God, I can’t wait till this is all over.”

“Well you’re almost there,” Jim consoled as he stood and ushered Matthew back to his desk.

Lucas was raging.

He couldn’t stand Matthew. Always whining and complaining, getting treated like fucking royalty just for bending down and getting himself knocked up, which should have been seen as freakish, anyway. Male pregnancy had only started up in the past couple of years. Thought to be some natural evolutionary development, it had resulted in arbitrary gay men, many closeted, popping up around the world, somehow, pregnant. There had been less than a thousand cases globally so far. For a while, Lucas hadn’t even thought it to be real. At least until this Matthew thing.

“Oh my gosh!” Matthew blurted, sounding horrified. As Lucas glanced his way, he found himself flinching.

Matthew clutched his chest, but not before Lucas got a glimpse of the fabric dampening against the outlines of a pair of large, bulging nipples. He was…leaking? Lactating? Disgusting, Lucas thought. Male lactation? Was that even a thing?

Now the office receptionist and two other women were hurrying over to console the increasingly emotional Matthew. Shaking his head in revulsion, Lucas went back to work.


That night, Lucas got a little tipsy.

“Yeah right!” he spat across the small dive bar he found himself in that evening. He took another swig from his pint.

He’d managed to catch the attention of the trio of men who had been talking conspiratorially and chuckling amongst themselves on the opposite end of the bar. One cleared his throat. “Yeah, it’s true. My boy Manny here can impregnate anyone,” he said, as he patted this Manny’s shrugging shoulder.

“Or anything!” piped in the third friend.

The other two threw him a concerned look.

“Yeah right!” Lucas reiterated. “You can’t knock up a man!”

“He knocked up a dude last week!” the first friend said as Manny shoved him good-naturedly and the three fell back into their drunken giggles.

“My junk is magical!” Manny blurted, causing their collective laughter to intensify.

Lucas downed the remainder of his pint, assuring that he was properly drunk. He wiped his wet lips on his sleeve. “Well Manny, do I have a job for you.”


Lucas could not say that he had blacked out. He awoke the next morning alone atop his rumpled bed sheets with hazy but detailed memories of the things he and Manny had gotten up to all night. How Lucas had demanded that Manny fuck him deeper and harder, and how they’d done it again and again. “Knock me up, fucker! Put a baby and me!” Lucas had shouted.

And now, Lucas just groaned as he ran his hand down his face. “‘The fuck is wrong with me?” he muttered, shaking his head. Well, he’d done worse when he was wasted. He had certainly done worse.

He grimaced, shifting, and registering how sore he was. Lucas knew that he was determinedly straight, but he did tend to get rather flexible when he was inebriated. He groaned again, thanking god it was Saturday. Ceding to his hangover, he burrowed under his sheets and closed his eyes again.


Within a week, Lucas knew something was off.

He felt lethargic and bloated. And his nipples, they — well, they were just really pointylately.

He pulled off his shirt one evening and looked at himself in the mirror. He was flushed and breathless just from the act of walking up his staircase. His nipples were clearly swollen and erect. They had been stiff all day, the constant sensation of them rubbing into his button-down shirt leaving him squirming at the office.

“There’s just no way…” He muttered to himself. That had been a gag. It hadn’t been serious. And male pregnancy was so rare, only weirdos got it. Gay weirdos.

Just for kicks, Lucas picked up a couple of pregnancy tests at the drug store the following day. The results were not amusing.




So he sat down and stared off, wondering what the hell he had done to himself.


In only a couple of weeks, he had a curve going on. Like, a bulge. A bump. He had gone to the doctor and was exactly what he’d learned online. There was no way to undo this. With men, well, the biology was complicated. There was no safe way to abort the thing.

His nipples had only gotten larger and pointier, sticking out and his shirt, noticeable even when he layered. And now his areola was getting puffier, and his chest was getting softer. He was developing…he was developing breasts. Which was rare, even for pregnant men.

Sometimes he could see people at the office staring at him. They were beginning to notice. Lucas kept his head down and tried to focus on work.

Matthew was waddling around looking like a fucking whale. He was always flustered and sweaty, his eyes watery, as he clutched his massive belly, which looked the size of a basketball by then. He had a little pair of tits which seemed to  be getting fatter by the day. He took every opportunity to complain, while still showing it off, arching his back, making sure he was on display.

Lucas had the misfortune of nearly bumping into him at the water cooler that day.

“Oh, sorry,” Matthew apologized breathlessly. “Sometimes I forget how far this thing spans out.” He cupped the sides of his belly with a miserable little smile.

“Right. Whatever,” said Lucas succinctly, his head down. He tried to continue past Matthew, but at every angle, Matthews huge gut seemed to block his path.

Matthew gave an awkward chuckle. “Hey, Luke? I don’t mean to pry, but I’ve been wondering. Are you…?”

Lucas finally met Matthew’s eyes as he felt his own face start to heat. “No. I mean…” What was he saying? He walked around in baggy sweaters, usually hunching forward to hide his growth, but the jig was likely up. Lucas vaguely realized, to his horror, that his tits were about the size of Matthews.

Matthew gave a fleeting smile. “Yeah, I could tell. Like, you can just sense it when someone’s going through the same thing. The way you’re carrying yourself. It’s just the way I did in the beginning. Are you…um…you must be happy?”

Lucas grimaced. “As a matter of fact, I am. I’m looking forward to all the extra time off, the lighter workload, and getting away with nonstop complaining.” Lucas knew he had gone too far, but Matthew’s reaction was surprisingly light.

Matthew laughed. It was full and hearty, his hands clutching his abdomen even harder, but then he stopped abruptly with a gasp. Matthew’s belly gave a visible jerk, causing him to puff out. “Ohhhh…”

Lucas swore, the guy looked like he was inflating. Lucas staggered back in surprise. “What the —? Is that — normal?” he stammered.

Matthew was breathing forcefully. “Yeah,” he managed. “Male pregnancy — it can be pretty intense.” He rubbed his hands consolingly all over his swell. “It’s okay. It’s — it’s fine.” Who was he trying to convince? “How far along are you, Lucas?”

“Three months.”

Matthew’s eyes went wide. “What?”

Lucas’ face was beyond red. “I’m going to get back to work, if you don’t mind.” With that, he pointedly navigated around Matthew’s belly and returned to his desk.


Everyone now stared at him, whether he was at the office or just out running errands. Lucas tried to layer on even more baggy sweaters, but he wasn’t hiding anything. His tits were already D-cups, and still growing. His nipples were huge and bulging. His belly was so bloated he looked as though he was eight months pregnant even though he was only five by then. Lucas was just embarrassed. He arranged a private meeting with his boss. He might as well come clean and take advantage of the benefits.

“Congratulations!” said Jim in befuddled amusement. “You’re our office’s second male pregnancy in a row. There must be something in the water here,” he chuckled.

“I’m going to need some time off.” Lucas got straight to business.

Jim’s face lost its humor. “I’m sorry Lucas, but with Matthew on paternity leave, I just can’t right now. You understand?”

Lucas remembered the week earlier when Matthew’s water had broken in a horrifying display right at the office. The man had been swollen to bursting, his belly heaving, his face red and straining as he clutched at his ass and screamed.

The whole scene had left Lucas shaken. He tried to brush off the memory.

So Matthew, that freak, had gotten so much paid time off, the company no longer had the resources or manpower to give it to Lucas. Even in his absence, Matthew plagued him like a disease. Fucking Matthew, every time. Lucas was knocked up and couldn’t even reap any benefits.

“Congratulations, again,” Jim said awkwardly.

Lucas heaved himself out of his seat and left.


Lucas did his appointments after work at the medical center near his job. The healthcare was expensive. Insurance didn’t cover this sort of thing yet. Lucas had to pay mostly out-of-pocket, which meant he put his medical bills on credit cards, and he was close to maxing them all out. His condition was putting him in serious debt, draining him both physically and financially.

During his latest exam, Lucas awkwardly grumbled about the mountains he had growing on his chest.

“It’s true that men don’t typically develop this much breast tissue,” Dr. Sneed said as he squirted some gel onto Lucas’s belly. “It may be indicative of a greater need to nurture. Your body is clearly accommodating higher stores of milk.”

Lucas flinched at his last word. Certainly he wasn’t going to start—? Lucas felt sick just thinking about it. “Why would that be?” he asked queasily as the sonogram started.

An hour later, Lucas was storming into the dirty little bar where this whole thing had started. He hadn’t bothered with his frumpy sweaters, and was now just wearing a button-down shirt he had by far outgrown, the stiff cotton tight against him, his swollen flesh bulging out between the buttons, the sweaty, heaving cleavage of his EE-cups threatening to tear the top of his shirt entirely apart as the huge mounds wobbled on his chest with every step he took.

Lucas’ face was flushed and he felt breathless from rage. And there they were, right where he had found them originally. Manny and his buddies were at their spot near the end of the bar, chatting and snorting like the swine they were. Maybe they could feel the white-hot fury radiating off Lucas, because in unison, the three looked up to stare at him in surprise.

Manny sputtered as his two friends stumbled back. They tried to scramble away, but Lucas closed in, making sure to shove his belly out so that it bumped into Manny, knocking him into the wall.

“I’m sorry man,” Manny stammered, sounding a little tipsy again. “I was drunk. You told me to do it.”

“Fucking quints.”

“Whaaaa?” said Manny.

His friends whooped and gave each other high fives.

“I’m sorry bro, I told you I’m freakishly fertile,” Manny said, backing away. “I, uh, I gotta go.” He made a mad dash for the back exit, but tripped, and fell on his face. He got himself up and doggedly continued on. His friends trailed him, muttering and cackling.

“Look at the tits on that guy,” one said.

“Manny, you outdid yourself,” said the other.

“Manny! Manny! Manny!” they chanted until their voices faded, and then they were gone.

Lucas stood alone in the bar, breathless, infuriated, and exposed. He could feel the other patrons staring, some pointing at him, others making crude remarks much the way Manny’s friends had. Some creep even invited Lucas over. Offered to put another baby in him.

His body trembling from his combined anger and defeat, Lucas turned and left.


Lucas was getting huge. By month eight, he was certain that he was the most pregnant person he had ever seen. His belly was just immense, looking like a beach ball in its massiveness. He was far larger than Matthew had been at term. Everywhere Lucas went, people marveled at him, amazed, offended, or a mixture of both.

Lucas’s growing breasts weren’t only full and large, but they were round. Too round. Bloated; likely they were…filled up. They were always hot, practically radiating heat. They were only getting bigger by the day, but also tight and uncomfortable. It wasn’t long before they were the biggest breasts he had ever seen, fake or natural, and disturbingly enough, they were attached to his body.

Then one day, while he was poring over some files at his desk, he felt a strange sense of relief. The achy tightness eased up, if just partly. Then there was the sensation of…moisture. Lucas looked down at himself in astonishment. He was lactating.

His nipples were just huge. His breasts had swollen up to the size of honeydews in recent weeks. Lucas feebly tried to cover himself up, but then his nipples just started gushing. He felt his face heating, and in his disoriented state, tried to get up. But now people were noticing.

One woman hurried over, trying to comfort, telling him he was “doing great!”

Lucas shoved her hands off his shoulder and told her to fuck off.


Lucas stopped going into work.

He was too hot and heavy all over. He was constantly sweat-soaked, breathless, and could no longer stand the feeling of clothing against him. So he just sat at home, naked, in his bed. He didn’t think she could take much more of this.

His belly was tight, lurching with continuous movements. The closer to term he got, the more rapidly his breasts seemed to grow. Lucas hadn’t thought it to be possible, but they now seemed to dwarf his belly in their prominence, each mound nearly the size of it. His breasts parted to make way for his belly, instead falling to the side of it, both massively huge and leaking constantly, nipples squirting at irregular intervals. He cupped them feebly with his hands, gasping, drooling. He couldn’t believe how pregnant he was. How full. His thighs had gotten outrageously thick and plump, his backside swollen beneath him. He was constantly erect now, his cargo sitting too low on his prostate and sex organs. It was just all too much. He panted like a dog.

So maybe pregnancy wasn’t the smooth ride he had thought it to be. Lucas wondered what Matthew would say if he could see him now.

“Ngghhhh…god…” Lucas groaned as his belly gave one of those forceful jerks that left him wheezing. His abdomen tightened and his tits began to positively spray. Lucas just tried to hold on. Unpaid though it was, at least he was getting some time off.

The End


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