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Note: This is a male version of Nest.

Summary: Connor is pregnant with large alien beetles which crawl in an out of him at their whim and are forming a nest inside his abdomen. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, unbirthing, and more...

Previous Chapter


Graduation started off copacetic.

Connor somehow avoided his parents until the ceremony, and when he lumbered out onto stage to do his valedictorian speech, he was a flustered, waddling mess.

He could see his family in the crowd, and the utterly shocked expressions on their faces. Connor didn't know how he was going to explain this after the ceremony. He was mostly just focused on keeping the insects contained inside his churning gut, at least until he got through his speech.

His belly was pulsating; visibly throbbing. His graduation robes were tented out and stretched out over the formidable mass which was approaching the size of a bolder.

The mound pressed against the dais, separating him from it by at least a couple of feet. He awkwardly reached out to grasp the microphone with his clammy hands, pulling it to his lips.

"Good morning everyone," Connor managed, voice quavering. He did his best to ignore the shocked stares, not only from his own family members, but the families of all his classmates gathered to watch, in addition to other students who were just confused as to why he would carry on with his bizarre "social experiment" all the way to graduation.

"We made it," Connor breathed with a strained smile and a rough chuckle. He turned his gaze to the front rows of the crowd, where his fellow graduating seniors would be sitting neatly, all hopeful and keen.

But they weren't. Many looked flustered, but not from nerves. Some were fidgeting in their seats, others grasping at their stomachs or chests. Rey's face was scrunched up and bright red as she let out forceful breaths. Her boobs looked absolutely massive, on the brink if tearing right through her graduation robes. Another student, Pamela, head of the debate club, seemed to have developed an advanced pregnancy in only a matter of days, a large belly perched in her lap. Yet another student squirmed and released an audible groan, before two damp spots appeared at the chest of his robes. Connor saw something moving on the grass beneath the seats, and as he squinted, he could just make out something purple. An...insect?

"So great job. Congrats," Connor wrapped up his speech abruptly. He could now feel the growing panic amongst the assembly. All focus was pinned to him, and not just for his speech. People wanted answers.

God, it was hot. He was sweating even worse than usual.

Not even waiting for the Dean to bring over his diploma, Connor turned and waddled off the stage, but he didn't return to his place amongst the other seniors.

He walked into the school and found a cool, empty classroom to take retreat within.

The student desks looked so small and feeble, and there was no way he could squeeze his mass between the table and attached chair. Instead, Connor gingerly pulled back the teacher's chair, and eased himself down, groaning from the strain of balancing his bobbing mound. The metal and screws creaked, and he just hoped he didn't end up on the ground.

Oh god,Connor thought, once he had a moment to truly register what was going on. The bugs, they were—they were spreading somehow. They were infecting other people. It had all happened so fast.

Connor mopped some sweat off his face with his hand. He suddenly felt suffocated in his robes, and began to desperately unbutton them, pulling them apart, first letting his swollen, sweaty cleavage bulge free where his breasts were practically popping out of his shirt. His belly was next, the mound absolutely huge where it was perched against his thighs, practically taking over his torso. Connor groaned and arched as it gave a tremor, and was left gasping for breath once the activity mitigated. He looked utterly ludicrous sprawled there, huge belly protruding from his robes. He feared that someone would wander in and see him but felt so depleted, he couldn't even entertain the concept of getting up to lock the door.

What am I going to do? Connor wondered blankly as he sat there breathing. He had achieved his goal of finishing high school. He had gotten into his top choice of college. Now all that was left were the things he had ridden off as distractions, things he had tried to ignore for so long in his venture towards academic success.

There was a scream from outside. Connor's eyes widened. He craned his neck and was able to look down on the ceremony from the classroom window nearest to his seat.

The scene was chaotic. People had leapt from their seats and started to flail. Some were patting at themselves, others screaming, or stumbling away.

"Oh god," Connor breathed. It took an extraordinary amount of effort, but he somehow managed to heave himself up from his seat. He waddled slowly towards the window, his breasts bobbing and belly lurching. The insects seemed content inside him for whatever reason. He had indulged in a massive amount of syrup that morning in preparation for his long day, so maybe it had actually helped.

"Oh fuck," Connor breathed as he gazed down at his peers.

Reyna seemed to have been pushed over the edge, because she had pulled open her robes, the tank top she was wearing serving as little more than a bandeau as her breasts visibly contracted, her shirt tenting prominently at the nipples where Connor could tell that Reyna was about to birth more of the slugs.

A guy was sprawled on his back on the lawn, thighs spread as he puffed out breaths like he was giving birth, his large belly practically bouncing above him.

Another young man was clutching the groin of his pants where a cantaloupe-sized swell had formed, zipper starting to tear open.

One student was hunched over belching slugs right there on the lawn. Other students were just swatting at themselves, the alien bugs visibly crawling over their bodies.

A girl was visibly expanding, her robes slowly tightening as she clutched her belly, as though trying to push it back in.

The scene was an absolute nightmare.

And it was all Connor's fault. "I have to get out of here," he breathed in anguish.

With that, he waddled himself around and made his way towards the door.


Connor had his high school diploma mailed directly to his college.

Rather than facing his family or having to explain the humiliation of what was happening to him, Connor enrolled in an early summer program and left for university directly after graduation.

There were news stories coming out about his small town. Talk of mass hysteria, alien parasites, bizarre conspiracy theories and city-wide quarantines. Connor tried not to pay attention to it much.

By the first day of his summer program, he was almost used to the stares. People even stopped or stumbled to gawk at Connor's hugeness. Connor just struggled to waddle through campus. He could feel sticky syrup seeping from his nipples and under his clothes. He just hoped the padding would last through his first class, because the output had been getting much greater lately, and the last thing he wanted were wet, goey, orange moist patches on the chest of his clothing on top of everything else he was dealing with.

Connor gave a quiet gasp as he felt a fat insect pop out of his ass and begin to slide down the leg of his shorts. But he didn't look back. He didn't want to think about it. He would focus on his grades and nothing else.

And in the evening, in his dorm room, when he was able to truly relax, he would spread his thighs and allow the bugs free to roam and do as they pleased, giving his massive belly a break from the relentless, growing pressure. Often the bugs would crawl up and taste the sweet syrup his swollen breasts seemed so keen to produce for them. His body would shudder from the varying sensations of pressure and passage, his cheeks warm, skin dewy and flushed.

Connor had come to terms with the anomaly he had become. He was their home. A sort of nest. They would multiply, grow, and stretch him wide, and he would do his best to accommodate them all. All that mattered were grades, after all.

The End


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