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Summary: Lab technician, Beth, has been engineered to periodically birth  small eggs from her nipples. But Beth soon discovers that the eggs  are progressively increasing in size as well as number. Contains: Female: Breast expansion, breastation, egg laying, and more.

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By then, her breasts were bigger than honeydews, bobbing and jiggling with her every movement.

The eggs were still progressively getting larger. She now estimated that each one she produced was the size of a golf ball. It was a strain to push them out, though it helped that her nipples had grown exponentially. Each nub was only slightly smaller than the eggs that squeezed out of them. Overall, her condition was exacerbating.

“We have been impressed with your work, Ms. Jennings,” said Walker, when she was summoned to his office that day. “Extremely impressed. We think it’s time to let you in on the true depth of the program.”

Beth was certainly interested. She wondered if the scientists were going to finally tell her why her breasts were producing eggs, of all things.

Walker handed her a flash drive. “Take this home with you tonight. These files will self-destruct after you close them. Study the content; absorb it. We will conference tomorrow after you’ve gathered your thoughts.”

Beth left Walker’s office, the flash drive clutched in her fist. Her large breasts gently bobbed as she walked back to her office, bra feeling close to splitting in two. For the remainder of the workday, she found it hard to focus on anything other than the flash drive buried in her purse. She desperately wanted answers, but she would have to wait a little longer. Much of her day was spent checking the time, as she was only half aware of her interactions with her underlings.


Beth’s breasts were becoming a strain on her back. She clutched the mounds with her hands as she walked into her apartment. They were so bloated and full, round and not sagging. They were heavy with their contents. Eggs, probably hundreds, if not more.

Beth dug the flash drive out of her purse and went directly to her home office. She sat down behind her desk, pausing to stretch her tight shoulders. Finally, she plugged the flash drive into her computer, and was astonished with what she found. Beth stayed up all night going through the files, practically afraid of leave her computer screen. She didn’t want to miss a single detail. Because this far transcended what she could have ever expected. This was just madness.


She was late to work the following day. She walked through the building feeling kind of numb. She still couldn’t believe what she had learned. As expected, Walker summoned her.

“So,” Walker said, as he, Rian, and Spelding, studied Beth’s blank expression. “Now you know. Do you have any questions?”

Beth had a million. “Why?” She blurted. “Is — is any of this even legal!?” Her breasts wobbled slightly with her heavy breathing.

“It depends on your definition of legal,” Spelding said with a crooked smile. Beth gave him an astonished look.

“We work directly under the United States government,” Walker notified. “Everything transpiring here is highly classified. Legality is irrelevant at this point.”

“All the assignments…” Beth mused. “All the work you have us doing here is — it’s just busywork. It’s all pointless. The real experiments going on here…”

“Yes,” said Walker. “We experiment on our employees. Every one of them. That is the solitary focus of this organization. The experiments the technicians think they’re conducting are all just distraction.”

It was mildly infuriating. Beth could remember the numerous times she had pulled all-nighters to meet work deadlines. And to think, her meticulous research had likely just been tossed in the trash upon submission. “The only thing I didn’t see was a file on me,” Beth said.

“We thought we’d tell you personally,” Walker responded. “Using a special enzyme extracted from the eggs of chickens, we are endeavoring to mimic the process of reproduction. Humans producing eggs, to create more humans. Could you imagine it? And to think, we’ve come this far with your help. You are the first subject who has been able to produce eggs at all, let alone birth them.”

It was just…bizarre. “But why?” Beth asked. Why was there even a need for humans to lay eggs? It just sounded dumb.

“Why do we study anything? For progress.”

“Um…” was all Beth could manage, staring off, completely gobsmacked. What the hell had she signed up for?

“Though none of your eggs have proven viable so far, we remain optimistic. Perhaps with increased mass, there will be more development.”

Rian stood, catching Beth’s attention for the first time. She reached into her pocket, withdrawing a syringe. Then she began to steadily approach Beth.

“You have nothing to be afraid of,” Rian said in her calm, but apathetic, voice. “This treatment is completely natural. Just a bit of growth hormone.”


That night, Beth tossed and turned. She couldn’t sleep. Her body was hot and sweaty, her skin flushed.

Her breasts were throbbing. She turned from her left side to her right side, then hugged the mounds with her arms, groaning at how bloated they felt.

She was just too uncomfortable. Beth sat up in her bed, gasping for breath. She arched her back, feeling the thin cotton of her nightshirt stretch tightly over her breasts, riding up to expose her midriff.

“Ngghhhh…” she groaned as her flesh contracted, nipples twitching. Beth whined out as she produced several eggs in quick succession — what felt like a dozen. But then it stopped, Beth grunting out, legs squirming. Her flesh shuddered, more eggs trying to crown. But she was just so packed, and the eggs were getting impossibly large. Her nipples ached and stretched as sweat rolled down her chest and dripped off of them.

She felt feverish. Her fingers aimlessly grabbed at her top, gripping and stretching until the cotton started to tear.

There was no way she was getting any sleep in this state. Beth heaved herself off the bed, a bit stunned by how awkward it felt to do this. She padded out of her bedroom and into the kitchen, where she turned on the light and walked over to the fridge. Inside was a gallon jug of milk sitting on the top shelf; and Beth desperately needed to cool down. She grabbed the jug and ripped off the cap before lifting the whole thing to her lips. She threw her head back and starting to down it.

She gulped and gulped. Milk trickled down her chin, along her throat, then dipped between her cleavage. She shivered at the cool sensation of the fluid on her hot skin.

Once Beth finished the whole gallon, her belly was aching yet her mouth still felt dry. Her head was swimming and her sensation of being overheated was only intensifying. Her body was throbbing with heat and pressure, her breasts rising up and down with her heavy breathing. But also, on their own. Her breasts seemed to pulsate independently of her other bodily movements.

Beth sunk down the wall, drawing her knees up so her breasts pressed into them. She looked down to survey herself, and there was no denying that she’d had a significant growth spurt at some point during the night. Maybe it was still happening. It would explain the jittery discomfort and the cumulating pressure throbbing inside of her. Her breasts looked huge. Nearly the size of volleyballs. Her thin cotton nightshirt was glued to her body, damp with sweat, and semi-transparent from moisture. Like most of her clothing, it had been rendered a crop shirt from her growth. But barely even that. The material didn’t pull down far enough to cover the undersides of her breasts. Instead the flesh protruded out, plump and round and on display.

“I… I can’t…” Beth panted, struggling to breathe. There was something wrong. She just felt so off. “Mmmgghhhh…ohhhh…” she whimpered, experiencing a strange twisting sensation inside of her. Her right nipple bulged painfully, causing her face to contort as she stared down at herself in morbid horror. The nipple spasmed for a moment, having doubled in size and flushed an angry red. But then, it steadily relaxed again, leaving her gasping for breath.


Beth woke up still seated on the kitchen floor, slumped back against the wall. She groaned as she shifted, her back truly aching from her unfortunate decision to sleep upright. She looked down at herself in the light of day, her jaw hanging.

Volleyballs was accurate. Maybe shifting towards the size of basketballs. Her breasts were just massive. Beth’s legs scrambled to find their footing, and after they did, she leaned heavily on the wall to gingerly get herself to her feet. It took some effort and maneuvering, and she was again astonished by the weight of her upper body.

Then she was standing, looking down herself, feeling a little unbalanced. Beth tentatively stepped forward, holding onto the refrigerator for support. She whined out at the now-familiar twisting sensation, both of her nipples bulging painfully. She arched, and pushed, trying to encourage the process of birth. Her nipples swelled, her face reddening as sweat rolled down her temple. “Nrrrghhhh!” Her nipples swelled even more, until they were comically, almost horrifyingly, large. She arched harder, whining out, “C’monnn…” But the eggs wouldn’t crown or breach. It was like she was…constipated or something. Like her breasts were too congested and the eggs were too large. She turned to face the fridge, leaning on it with her arms, her nipples stinging and twitching as they continued to contract against the too-large eggs.

“Oh god…” she moaned, resting her forehead against the refrigerator. It was so uncomfortable. She cursed quietly to herself. “This isn’t working…” Her breasts squashed into the fridge door, the cool surface somewhat comforting.

They were stuck. She couldn’t pass them, and it felt awful. Worse, if her body couldn’t eject the eggs, her breasts were just going to get fuller, tighter, and more congested.

Beth threw a glance at the clock on her kitchen wall. She still had two hours before work started. Maybe that was enough time to run to the shopping center near the mall. She just had to get ready; try to make herself presentable.

“Fuck this,” Beth mumbled unhappily, finally breaking away from the fridge. She did her best to adjust to her shifting center of gravity as she tentatively made her way to the bathroom. With a quick shower, she would be on her way.


Her thighs were quavering during her car ride to the shopping center. Her breasts were so big, they were squishing into the steering wheel, and she was having difficulty driving. But Beth made it work, her skin burning and groin sopping. The sensitivity of her nipples had only multiplied since her growth spurt. So on top of dealing with the weight and sheer size of her massive breasts, she had to deal with the stimulation as well.

After she parked her car outside of her destination, she took several minutes to just sit back in her car and catch her breath. She was wearing a white shirt and a custom-made blazer the scientists had provided her with only recently, and had even managed to close the button above her navel, just below her breasts. But it was unbearably tight, and the outfit no longer covered her abdomen. Again, her whole midriff was exposed, but at least she had managed to cover her breasts up.

Steeling herself, Beth climbed out of her car. She tried to keep it together, remaining cool and calm, as she walked carefully to the maternity store, her massive breasts bouncing with her stride. As it was early on a weekday, there were not many patrons around, though the people who were at the shopping center all froze up to stare at her, giving Beth startled expressions. Beth simply pretended not to notice. She had gotten used to people staring at her anyway.

She had never been to a maternity store before but it wasn’t too difficult to navigate. The aisles were labeled neatly, and Beth found her way to the ‘postpartum’ section of the store.

The vitamin shelf was the first thing she spotted. She quickly scanned them with her eyes, before closing in on some bottles labeled, ‘Lactation Supplements.’ It was a crazy idea, she knew. I wonder if this will even work… Beth thought nervously. It wasn’t as though she had any other options. So she grabbed up several bottles, dumped them into her basket, then headed for the register.

The idea was that the incorporation of lactation might help loosen things up. And lubricate the passage out of her nipples, so that the eggs might be able to slip through more easily. Beth wasn’t sure if it made any sense, she was just desperate. When she shoved her items towards the cashier, the young woman behind the register blithely scanned them, before doing it double take at the sight of Beth. She looked at the bottles of lactation pills, then back at Beth.

“Miss, are you sure that you need these? Maybe I can show you our offerings of pumps. It’s actually really common for women to struggle the first time, but sometimes new mothers overcorrect when they’re already producing —”

“Just ring me up,” Beth snapped impatiently as she pulled out her wallet.


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