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Note: This is a male version of Nest.

Summary: Connor is pregnant with large alien beetles which crawl in an out of him at their whim and are forming a nest inside his abdomen. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, unbirthing, and more...

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Connor continued to steadily grow, and more massive than he thought was even possible. His hips had thickened and widened, his backside had gotten plump and round behind him, his breasts had continued to bloat and balloon, now heavy E-cups bobbing on his chest, and most substantially, his belly had gotten even more massive. It resembled a beach ball and he could barely balance it anymore. It was an arduous strain to waddle around supporting the heavy mass, where it protruded out feet ahead of him, preceding him wherever he went. It was so heavy on his hips, his hands often reached down to support the underside of the mass. Though his efforts proved largely futile. The insects were continuing to breed and he was continuing to grow.

With scheduled feedings and frequent bathroom breaks, Connor had gotten better at containing them all, though there were slip-ups. While conferring with his biology teacher, Connor had whimpered slightly when he felt a bug plop free from his bulging hole. It had squirmed about in his briefs, making him quaver, before finding its way to freedom, and plopping to the floor under his shorts.

“Are you okay, Connor?” Connor’s teacher asked, peering at Connor in a mixture of perplexion and distaste.

Connor was panting and sweating, but then, he always was these days. He felt the bug begin to scuttle back up his ankle but he managed to kick it under a nearby lab table.

“Yes, of course,” Connor breathed.

The “leaks” as Connor had come to think of them, occurred a few other times at school. One morning, when Connor had eased himself down in a chair, his belly plopping against his lap, several bugs had popped up his throat, making him choke. He hunched down and coughed, watching three of them splatter against the floor to quickly scuttle behind some nearby shelves.

“You okay?” Connor’s classmate, Sean, nudged Connor’s shoulder while giving Connor’s huge mound an amused grin.

“Fine,” Connor said, managing to straighten. He lightly cupped his flanks, squirming, spreading his thighs, trying to alleviate as much pressure from his over-packed orb as he could. It decidedly was not fun to regurgitate the insects.

Sean chuckled, lightly shaking his head. “You and your crazy social experiments,” he whispered, before turning his attention back to the lecture.

All of the plus-sized clothes Connor had purchased were getting steadily tighter, stretching and straining to accommodate his swelling body. The shirt he was wearing at present hugged his form, showing off every curve and crevice of his body. His breasts were starting to pull the stitching apart, desperate for more room to expand. And every so often, a bug would push hard against the surface of his belly, visibly rolling across it, a lime-shaped bulge, and someone would do a double-take after seeing it. Connor would do his best to cover it up or turn away.

Things were getting out of control. Connor just tried to persevere.

Over the next few days, his nipples had gotten to be particularly dark and distended. The nubs were fat and swollen, and Connor had ignored it as long as he could, but he was at the point that pulling on shirts left him a shuddering mess, bugs popping out of his quavering ass.

Connor eased himself down on his bed that morning, his EEE-cups breasts perched on the top curve of his belly, both almost unnaturally round. Soft but clearly bloated. “Nghhhhh…”

Connor unbuttoned the top of his shirt, allowing his breasts to push free. He glided his fingers gently along the heated flesh, before finally encountering his nipples. “Ohhh,” he groaned, feeling himself shiver.

His left nipple tightened, sort of contracting. His breath shuddered out of his throat as the nub warmed, to finally begin to drip.

The droplets were persistent, Connor panting and flushed. The sticky orange substance was getting all over his shirt, but Connor could hardly bring himself to care at that moment. He grunted when his right nipple released a sudden, forceful squirt, before settling into a persistent dripping as well.

Connor moaned quietly, his back arching, pushing his fat tits forward. His breasts were full, he could tell that much. He waited for the leaking to mitigate, though it didn’t seem like it was stopping. He slumped back, putting his hands on his head, regarding himself. What was he going to do? A nursing bra? “Damn,” he hissed. He didn’t think his breasts could tolerate a bra in their current ultra-sensitized state. On top of that, he didn’t think he could afford anymore new articles of clothing, especially when they were rendered useless as he outgrew them in a matter of days.

With some strain, Connor hauled himself up and lumbered about the room until he found a tank top that was far too small for his swollen body, but he just managed to tug it over his tits.

He added some folded pieces of fabric and paper towel and watched it absorb the moisture. He didn’t think it would last him long, but at least it was a start.

It took forty minutes of Connor lying around on his bed for the orange substance to soak up the padding and start to leak into his top again. The output seemed endless. Releasing a frustrated curse, Connor lifted his phone, got online, and actually found himself ordering a breast pump. He felt queasy just at the thought.

He tried to relax again, and ignore the chronic pressure fully occupying his overheated breasts. Still as he was, he was forced to truly experience the squirming movements that filled his belly, but at least things were somewhat better when he was at home, relaxing like this.

For one thing, his gut wasn’t as distressingly tight. Now that he was in his bedroom, bugs were crawling out of him in droves, thighs spread and twitching as one after the next pushed free of his hole to scuttle about the floors, walls, and ceilings.

Connor just breathed through it, his face twitching as bugs crawled either out or in. He knew he was helpless to do anything about it. He was left with an odd visual of his body’s infestation, still rather astonished that all of these things lived inside of his belly. His body had become a nest of sorts. The bugs came and went, but he was their home.

There was a shuffling of movement outside in the hallway, a pair of feet stopping in front of the bedroom door. There was a knock, and suddenly the bugs were swarming, all surging towards Connor, rapidly crawling back into his body. He writhed and grunted, shoving his fist into his mouth to contain the noises. In only seconds, all of the bugs had abruptly reoccupied his gut, and Connor felt tighter than ever before, belly flushed and pulsing, feeling ready to burst.

Through his grunts and gasping, he somehow managed to grab some of the heavy blankets he kept on his bedside and throw them over him before his mother opened the door. Of course, the blankets were barely adequate in hiding how massive Connor had become, but his family members were more likely to believe that thick bedding composed the shape of the mound rather than the less likely concept that Connor had inexplicably sprouted a massive pregnancy.

Connor held his navel under the blanket, trying to smile through his breathlessness and not look completely distressed.

“Going to bed early, again?” his mother asked, raising her brows.

“Yeah,” Connor managed, before clamping his mouth shut to contain a blech. When he could, he added, “Mmm…I ate a quick dinner after studying at Rey’s. Early exam tomorrow morning.” All lies. Connor hadn’t seen Reyna in days, and he had not eaten dinner so much as drank it. He had a huge stockpile of syrups, jams, and other sugary substances packed in his closet.

“Rest well, honey,” said his mother.

Connor attempted a beam of gratitude but it was more of a grimace.

When his mother turned off the light and closed the door, Connor slumped back. The bugs immediately started the process of filtering back out of him, Connor’s ass hot and tingling, belly heaving forcefully from the activity. He screwed up his face and tried to relax, his hole tightening and releasing, again and again, like he was steadily defecating hundreds of lime-sized things.


There was a school-wide issue of…weight gain.

People were actually rounding out, developing bellies that seemed too firm to be fat. And everyone lately was looking queasy or just spooked. No one spoke of the situation aloud, and Connor just hoped he was imagining things. He hoped it wasn’t what he suspected, yet tried not to look at it too closely.

Rey was growing rapidly as well. Every time Connor saw her, Rey’s breasts looked larger. One day at school, Connor found himself staring at Reyna in the hallway. Rey’s breasts had become huge wobbling mounds that had to be close to the size of volleyballs by then—just massive on the small-framed girl. Yet they were so round and full, sort of perfect even in their unnatural largeness. At present, they were stuffed into a tight tank top that had been transformed into a belly shirt by the huge mounds. Reyna didn’t appear to be wearing a bra, and her nipples were swollen and erect, protruding hard against the straining material. Her cleavage was bulging heavily against the low neckline. Rey seemed completely overwhelmed, one of her hands frequently shooting up to cradle the side of a huge breast, but it was just so massive. It jiggled with her every motion, round breast flesh even bulging out at the bottom of the shirt.

The students who didn’t laugh at Rey pointed and whispered, or just stared, sort of mystified and perplexed. Seeming completely fed up with it all, Rey dropped her books right there in the hallway and hurried into the nearest bathroom.

Connor waddled after her, even though he knew he himself was drawing gossip and derision. Panting heavily, he struggled into the lavatory, clutching either side of his throbbing belly. There, he found Rey standing in front of the sink, leaning on the ceramic with her hands, back arched and face sweating as she pushed her breasts forward, a strangled grunt coming up her throat.

At first Connor had no clue what was going on, but as he surveyed his friend, he noticed how unusually large Rey’s nipples had come to look all the sudden, distended and…expanding, pushing outward, wider, as though to tunnel through Rey’s flimsy shirt. Releasing a frustrated huff, Rey pulled up the shirt, revealing her big round boobs in all their perfection. And Connor hadn’t been imagining it, Rey’s nipples were swelling larger, all while Reyna strained and grunted, her back arching even more. What was happening?

Connor almost wished he hadn’t gotten the answer. A pore in the center of Rey’s right nipple began to widen and open up, all while Reyna whimpered and groaned, shoulders twisting. Wider it opened, and something pushed and crowned, something a faded purple. Connor stared aghast as something actually began to emerge from Reyna’s nipple, pushing forward, appearing fatter while squishing out like toothpaste steadily protruding through a tube. Finally its entirety plopped to the ground, and Connor found himself gawking down at a fat slug squirming on the floor. It was followed by a splatter of milk. Reyna released a miserable little whine.

“Oh god, oh god,” Reyna said in panic, her hand shooting up to desperately massage her left breast. The nipple was bulging alarmingly, and twitching now. Connor could see this pore opening up as well. Opening up for a slug. Were Reyna’s breasts full of those things?

It was just too much. Connor began to back away.

“Con,” Reyna moaned, seeming to notice Connor for the first time. She looked helpless. Desperate. She had produced the left side slug, and was already birthing  another pair from both her nipples simultaneously. Her nipples twitched and wiggled, causing both mounds to tremor. “Connor,” Reyna groaned.

But Connor was already exiting the bathroom and wobbling off, desperate to get away before he could change his mind.

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