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Note: This is a female version of Farm Boy.

Summary: A high school senior, Megan noticed that her older sister has been dipping into the chemical on their parents' farm, and has been gaining a lot of weight. A bit disgusted, a bit curious, Megan tries the chemical hormones herself, and experiences the best high of her life. She quickly introduces the chemical to her two best friends, and the three progressively get addicted, all while experiencing incidental changes, such as butt growth, breast development, belly expansion, in addition to other, stranger, things. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, multiple breasts, breast-belly, butt expansion, weight gain, and more. Also, issues of drug addiction.

Previous Chapter


Megan and Roger were playing video games, Megan doing her best to focus on her game character.

But it was hard, when she was so distracted. Roger was always distracting, even when he was sitting back, with his legs crossed, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he quickly navigated the weapons inventory for his character.

Megan thought it was the anticipation. Of Roger putting his mouth on her tits, and whatever else Roger planned to do with her. The game was just foreplay; just a form of torture, Megan suspected. Because Megan felt jittery and wet, and Roger was being completely nonchalant about it.

That’s when Roger mentioned, “I saw your video.”

Megan took a sharp breath, her face reddening with alarm and mortification. Roger had seen her VidSwoop livestream. Megan’s game character died, and she was left trying to figure out from Roger’s impassive expression whether he was angry, disgusted, or amused; would he mock—?

“You gonna do it again?” Roger asked, not taking his eyes off the game, fingers still working rapidly on the controller.

Megan choked. “Do you…think I should?”

“Yeah,” said Roger, now giving a lazy smile, though his attention was still focused on the screen. “You had a good view count. Next time you should try a paid video.”

Megan just stared at him for a moment. Finally, she tore her gaze away, got up, and went over to her full-length bedroom mirror.

She wasn’t wearing bras, though she hadn’t thought they would be of use for very long that night. Her four round breasts bulged out against the thin material of her shirt, full and perky despite that they were each FF-cups by then. Her nipples were large and hard, rubbing against the cotton in a way that made Megan shudder. Releasing a shaky breath, Megan went over to her desk and opened her laptop. She went to her VidSwoop account, and right there, before she could lose her nerve, she posted an announcement.

New livestream coming up. Tune in this Thusday evening.

It only took a few moments before comments began to populate beneath her post. She had accumulated hundreds of followers in only the past week. Some of the comments were disparaging, but most were excited and praising. Megan bit her lip as she reflected on it all.

Her computer chimed as she got an email alert. Megan found a message from Sam. It was brief. An invitation to come by and visit before spring break was over. Megan frowned as she considered it, all while continuing to read. The final sentence made her blink: “Yeah, anyway, looks like I’m pregnant again.”


Coincidentally enough, Roger kept up the fantasy.

“I’m gonna fill you with babies,” he muttered against Megan’s shoulder as he fucked her. “Put those huge tits to work. Look how fat they are. A damn milk factory. Time to breed you, keep you busy.”

Megan’s head was spinning, the conflicting nature of the words causing speech to fail her. She couldn’t protest, she could only groan.

“You’re gonna be as big as a fucking planet. Be my pregnant cow. Everyone is gonna see and know what I did to you. You’ll be straining to contain them all.”

Megan imagined cradling a huge belly, straining and groaning, like Sam. She imagined her four tits seeping as her mound squashed against her weary, shuddering body. She imagined her body rocking as Roger fucked even more babies into her.

All four of Megan’s nipples squirted. No they actually sprayed between them, making a mess. Roger laughed. “You’re really turned on by this.”

“Nn…no,” Megan feebly protested, red.

“God, I wanna fill you, Megan. Give you so many babies to feed and make fat with your tits. I know you want it too. You want to be round and bursting like that girl on the news. That’s—nngghh, that’s why you’re making all this milk.”

“Uhh,” Megan arched, and sprayed, and came the same time Roger did. She could feel her tits pulsing, nipples contracting. Roger pulled her against him as Megan’s nipples continued to seep, and Megan murmured indecipherably. Roger rubbed her back soothingly.

It was still dark when Megan awoke to someone impatiently knocking on the front door. She blinked a few times, and rubbed her head. Somehow she managed to pull herself out of Roger’s arms and out of the bed. She pulled on some shorts and her puffy winter coat, which made an odd combination. Finally, she left the room and padded across to the front door, snapping up the light switch in the process. She put an eye to the peephole to see who was on the other side.

To her shock, it was Amy.

Megan immediately unlocked the door, already speaking as she opened it, “Amy, what are you doing h—” Megan broke off in a startled huff as she saw the state of her sister.

“Hey,” Amy greeted, with a wry, but strained, smile. “God, that took you long enough,” she ground out as she staggered inside, shoving past Megan with just her belly. Amy gripped her gigantic abdomen. It was immense. It looked fucking larger than Sam’s had been just before she’d given birth to the triplets, Amy’s t-shirt straining at the seams to contain it.

But then Amy hefted the t-shirt up, revealing that she was wearing a—a pregnancy girdle? Gasping and whimpering, Amy rapidly unlatched it, and her belly blew up, surging forward, growing substantially as Amy nearly lost her balance, her hands gripping to support the huge mass. Her huge shirt slipped up inch after inch, no longer able to negotiate the massively swollen expanse. Barely able to walk, Amy wobbled to the couch, and dropped down across it, twitching and moaning as she cradled the small bolder on her torso.

Megan was speechless.

She watched Amy’s belly heave and bob. Amy tugged down her shirt, which seemed fruitless and ridiculous. Trying for any modesty at all was absolutely ludicrous given the bizarre and extreme nature of Amy’s affliction. She could only stretch the shirt down just enough to hide the massive, tangerine-sized protrusion that Megan knew was a nipple. At present it was visibly contracting, and oozing milk that looked weirdly thick as it slid out from under Amy’s shirt. Amy gasped, her hands flying to the underside of her gut. She groaned and arched, and finally, the shirt slid. Revealed was the huge, gleaming, swollen pink nipple, dimpled in the middle where milk oozed sluggishly. The nipple blew a milk bubble that steadily swelled and popped, before more milk slowly trailed down the bottom of Amy’s massive midsection.

“T-tight,” Amy groaned out, shuddering. There were tears on her cheeks. “The milk just kept getting—ughhh—thicker. N-now it’s hard to get it out.” She whimpered and fidgeted, fingers desperately massaging into her bloated flesh, though that seemed counterproductive to Megan. Amy’s chest had developed two perky D-cups under her shirt, but it was nothing compared to her belly, which was on full display by then.

Megan’s bedroom door opened and a yawning Roger emerged in only his briefs, his lean body on display. “What’s going on?” he said, as she wandered over to Megan. He spotted Amy over the back of the couch and his jaw went slack.

Megan remembered the days when her sister had been a star athlete in high school. Popular, attractive, and sought after by all the guys. But now Amy was…this. It was completely bizarre. Finally tearing her eyes away, Megan looked at Roger beside her, who was still gawking. For some reason irritated, Megan jabbed him with her elbow. “Hey, that’s my sister.

Roger blinked and tore his eyes away from Amy’s giant belly-breast, looking utterly confused.

Amy managed to sit up just slightly, her huge mound shifting against her lap.

“Amy, this is my friend, Roger. Roger, this is Amy,” Megan hastily introduced.

“Right,” Amy managed, still flushed and sweaty, still presently oozing. “E-excuse my…”

“I, uh…” Roger trailed off. He lightly shook his head. “Er, no worries. I mean…you know Megan has…”

Amy looked confused and a little desperate. It seemed to take effort to focus on anything other than her body.

Comprehension dawned in Roger’s eyes. “You don’t know? Show her, Meg.”

“No!” said Megan more forcefully than she’d intended. She unconsciously hugged herself protectively.

But now Roger was pulling at her coat, trying to wrench it open, and Megan was too disoriented to put up much of a fight.

Suddenly, Megan’s own four tits were on display, in the thin tank top she was wearing, stretching out the semi-transparent material. Megan felt her cheeks heat up and it was Amy’s turn to gawk.

“You…” Amy started.

“Is this a genetic thing?” Roger cut in. “Are you guys mutants or something? Not that I’m complaining.” Roger looped his arm around Megan’s back, his hand idly cupping Megan’s lower right breast.

Blush worsening, Megan shoved Roger away.

Amy seemed momentarily for a loss of words. Finally, she stiffened. “Yeah, genetic,” she said curtly, though Megan could see the accusation in her eyes.

“Amy, what’s going on?” said Megan. “Are you okay?”

“Obviously no,” Amy huffed out, shifting her attention back to her throbbing midsection. “This was mm…manageable, but lately I’ve been having trouble pumping the milk.” There was another translucent white bubble that swelled and popped. Amy heaved a heavy sigh, trying to relax her body. “It’s too thick. I had a friend helping me but we…nghhh…got into a f-fight, and...” She tensed again, cradling herself. She couldn’t seem to keep her hands off of it.

The three young adults were so caught up in the dilemma that they didn’t hear Paige’s approach until there was a surprised squeak to the left of the room. In tandem, they turned to the living room entryway.

“What the fuck,” Paige breathed, as she looked from Megan to Amy then back again. “How high am I?”

Megan’s lungs compressed and she found herself hugging herself again.

“Well, fuck,” said Roger lightly.

Later that morning, Megan awoke with a groan. She had hardly gotten three hours of sleep.

“You okay?” said Roger groggily beside her.

“Tight,” said Megan, face twisted. For once, she didn’t want to think about tits. Not her own or anyone else’s. Of course, that was tricky when hers required so much attention.

Her breasts were full and hot, the tank top now uncomfortably tight against them. Megan gingerly peeled it off, grunting when the cotton dragged on her distended nipples.

Roger sleepily reached around her and rubbed his hands into the tingling flesh, causing Megan to seize up and gasp. She quickly grabbed Roger’s hands, stilling them. “That’s—not helping.”

“Mmmm,” Roger hummed, face buried in Megan’s nape.

Rolling her eyes, Megan sat up. She reached out for the breast pump she kept clean and ready on her nightstand, and carefully attached the four cups. She leaned back and closed her eyes as she pumped her breasts, her body relaxing except for the occasional twitch as the minutes passed. At an awkward twinge, she hissed and kicked out, her hand going under her shorts.

Within the half hour, Roger was fully awake, and Megan was boneless. She had fingered herself twice, and feared she was enjoying the process of pumping more than she should have been.

“Still at it?” said Roger.

“I don’t think it helps at a certain point,” Megan mumbled, turning off the pump. “I’m probably just stimulating,” she said uncertainly.

Roger just smiled.

The two began to get cleaned up and dressed. The pair of bras Megan tried on weren’t fitting. Her flesh was bubbling over the material. She was left conflicted between going braless while dealing with the sensation of her nipples against her shirt, or enduring the sensation of the pair of too-tight bras squeezing into her flesh all day. Either prospect was unappealing, and yet she had to choose one.

Roger just seemed amused. “I can buy you new ones,” he said as he gazed appreciatively at Megan.

“It’s not about the money,” Megan grumbled, taking the bait, lingering in the room, because Paige and Amy were just too much to deal with at that moment, and she wanted to defer it.

“What’s it about,” said Roger, slowly cornering her, meeting Megan’s lips with his. “How hot you’re getting?” he mumbled between kisses. “How huge your tits are becoming? You beautiful fucking cow.” Megan’s breasts squished between them. Megan grunted as Roger cupped one roughly.

“Don’t know…how I feel about you calling me that,” Megan muttered, her breathing thinning.

Roger just chuckled and Megan allowed herself to be consumed by sensation.

She would deal with the rest later.

Next Chapter 


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