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Summary: Holly has the ability to possess other people’s bodies. In a scheme of jealousy and revenge, Holly sabotages Faye by possessing her and making her act recklessly - including but not limited to binge-eating, exposure to weird experiments, consuming strange things, fertility drugs, etc. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, belly expansion, birth denial, and more.

Previous Chapter 


Maybe Holly had gone a little overboard.

Faye was undeniably chubby. But chubby in the best of ways, most of her weight having surged to her boobs and butt, with some on her thighs. She had gone from a thin girl to a voluptuous one. Chubby, yes, but that was just the downside. And most people only noticed the upside of this situation. The men, particularly.

“My doctor said my bloodwork was normal, but I honestly think something’s really wrong,” Faye rambled that afternoon while munching on a celery stick. “I swear, all I ate last week were carrots and grapefruit.”

“Faye, you look fine,” Greg consoled. Oh right, they were a couple now. Holly nearly gagged every time they kissed in front of her. Which was too often to not be rude, and perhaps, intentional.

“Faye, can you help me with this equation,” Holly cut in, shoving her notebook towards her cousin. Over the past couple of weeks, Faye had been giving Holly some tutoring in math. Not that Holly thought she needed it, but it was another opportunity to be around Faye. And Holly had been looking for a lot of those lately.

“Oh, sure,” Faye said, tearing her eyes away from Greg and looking down at Holly’s scribblings. The three were seated around a small table in the school cafeteria. Greg had stopped by with an offering of sweet potato fries, but Faye had pushed it aside, muttering something about the oil. Now Holly picked at it, enjoying the buttery sweetness in ways she hadn’t prior to her recent magical prankings.

“Well, I’ve gotta get to work,” Greg said. He leaned over and kissed the side of Faye’s head. She accepted it with a grimace of a smile. Lately she seemed uncomfortable in her own skin.

As Greg left, Holly pulled the basket of fries entirely over to her, munching away. Faye was still scrutinizing the math problem.

“You guys make a…a good couple,” Holly said as politely as she could as she tried not to make a sour face.

Faye gave an acknowledging hum. She had never expressed much excitement about Greg, instead appreciating his reliability. He was good company, like a nice pet or something; someone to give her rides and tell her how pretty she was.

“You’ve been really into this diet lately,” Holly remarked a bit snidely. This got Faye’s attention.

“I’ve gained thirty pounds in the past couple weeks,” Faye said, looking anguished. “And I swear, I barely even eat. Mom says it’s probably some hormonal issue.”

“Maybe,” said Holly, enjoying the fact that the weight gain was really bothering her cousin. At least someone was bothered by it. Holly saw the way guys looked at Faye these days. “I’m sure it’s nothing too serious.”

Faye released a frustrated huff.

“Anyway, I think my brain is done after that eco test. Can we resume this tomorrow? Maybe in the evening?”

“I’ll be home from six.”

“I’ll come by.” Holly stood, pulling her backpack over her shoulder. She paused before she departed. “And Faye? Thanks for the help.”

Faye smiled wearily. “We’re cousins. That’s my job.” She waved with a celery stick, then looked at it sadly.

Holly left.


The next time Holly was in Faye’s body, she got a little tipsy. She hadn’t intended to, but Faye’s alcohol tolerance was apparently nonexistent. Holly recalled that her cousin didn’t drink, at all.

“Here we goo…” Holly sang as she dropped back on Faye’s couch, beside her own body, which was slumped off to the side. Nowadays, Holly possessed Faye at least daily. She would stuff Faye’s body relentlessly, and was actually, starting to develop an appreciation for junk food, and perhaps even a bit of a dependency on it. Holly would have never treated her own body this way. But Faye, Faye’s body was a pleasant reprieve from responsibility.

It was getting soft and squishy; kind of plush. And it was more sensitive, too. The way the shirt dragged against Faye’s new D-cups left Holly shivering, wondering why her own nipples didn’t feel that way. Then again, Holly was mostly flat-chested. She had never developed much there, or anywhere really, physically speaking.

So Faye’s body had undeniably become interesting to inhabit. Holly stuffed another powdered donut into her (Faye’s) mouth, chewing fervidly, groaning after she gulped it down. Faye’s belly was finally starting to get a soft padding. But Holly was sure she could do better.

Holly reached over and rummaged in her own purse, withdrawing a bottle of pills. Holly had snagged one of her dad’s prescription pads before college had started. It tended to come in handy. She unscrewed the cap with Faye’s chubby fingers. They were fertility drugs. Smiling darkly, Holly popped several into her mouth, washing them down with another swig of wine.

Maybe I’m going too far…

And maybe Faye should have thought better than to make Holly’s life living hell up to that moment. College was supposed to be fun and free, not perpetually living in Faye’s shadow.

Holly stood, swaying slightly. She walked into the bathroom and opened Faye’s medicine cabinet, smiling at the large variety of supplements stored there. It was easy to find Faye’s birth control. Holly opened the bottle, dumped the pills down the toilet, and replaced them with the remaining fertility pills, filling the bottle up. The fertility drug looked similar enough to the birth control pills that Faye wouldn’t question it. With that, Holly placed the bottle back into the cabinet.

“Time for another drink,” Holly mused, as she strolled out of the bathroom. Typically, Holly never drank on a school night, and she knew for a fact that Faye had a big test tomorrow. It was going to be hell to do it through a hangover. Holly chuckled to herself as she walked back towards the two boxes of doughnuts she had waiting for her in Faye’s living room. She had already put in an order for some Mexican food and was salivating just at the thought of sinking her teeth into some quesadillas. Holly lightly patted her cousin’s abdomen. “Faye, you are in for a ride.” She yelped as she tripped on the edge of the rug, still not fully acquainted with her Faye’s small apartment. Holly fell forward with a shriek.


Fortunately, Faye’s nose wasn’t broken. It didn’t look pretty, though.

“I don’t even remember injuring it,” Faye remarked at the school library the following morning as she held an ice pack to her face. “And my head is killing me. I just feel awful. I don’t know what the hell’s going on with me today,” she wined.

“You do seem a little run down,” Holly mentioned aloofly as she tried not to grin. She had truly outdone herself last night.

Greg was petting Faye consolingly. “That’s really weird. I mean, you do seem kind of, I don’t know, hung over?” he said awkwardly. “Did you have anything to drink last night?”

“Greg, you know I don’t drink,” said Faye in exasperation as Holly tried to keep a straight face. “I don’t know how I’m going to get through this test. Maybe I can tell Professor Cooper I’m sick.”

“Doubt that’s gonna work. You know how strict he is,” Greg said.

Holly was only half-listening now, instead deliberating on her next shenanigans. The possibilities were endless.


Perry made a thoughtful hum. “I thought you hated processed foods.”

Holly belatedly noticed the half-eaten chicken nugget clasped in her fingers. She lowered it back to Perry’s tray. “I do,” she said, clearing her throat.

“This is rich,” Perry muttered darkly. “After all those rants you’ve given me every time I order so much as a hotdog—”

“Shut it, Perry. It’s my cheat day.”

“Cheat day?” Perry scoffed.

Holly threw a particularly floppy chicken nugget at the side of his head. “Why do I hang out with you again?”

Perry offered a sweet smile and a rude hand gesture.

He had brought up a valid point. Holly found herself craving junk food like crazy, picking at it, sometimes indulging, even.

That shit really was addictive. Now that she was using Faye’s body to eat copious amounts of food loaded with salt, fat, additives, and sugar, Holly’s own body was developing a dependency on the stuff. She wrinkled her nose, disgusted with the thought of becoming a fatass like her cousin.

Oh yes, Faye was only getting chunkier. It was absolutely delicious. She seemed positively miserable even though she always tried to put on a smile. She was just so fake; so infuriatingly optimistic.

“Oh, hi Holly.”

Holly looked up from her cell phone screen, where her aimless web scrolling had led her to videos of dogs groomed to look like small lions. “Hey Faye. I thought you had English.”

It was the most popular café on campus, and Faye and Greg were standing there, clutching their iced coffee-like beverages, Faye discreetly fidgeting, folding her arms over her torso, as though wanting to hide it.

The pudge was spreading. No longer was it all just going to Faye’s boobs and butt;  her hips were plumper, her thighs were thicker, her shoulders, softer; even her face looked fuller, cheeks rounder.

But most notably, her stomach had developed a swell that had not been present just a week earlier. And her stomach was everything. It was the swell that would help push her over the line between voluptuous and plain fatness. Holly could hardly contain her glee.

“I’m headed home. Not feeling too well today,” Faye said, as Greg wrapped his arm around her shoulders to rub her arm. “I think I’m gonna have to cancel our study date tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Holly. “Maybe I’ll swing by and check in on you later. You should get some rest.” Holly threw a glance at Perry, and was pleased to see that his eyes were bulging. He hadn’t seen Faye in a month or two, and was clearly astounded by the transformation. It took all of Holly’s self-control not to take credit for Faye’s little makeover.

“You’re too good to me,” Faye said.

“Oh, I know.”

“Um, and good to see you again,” Faye added awkwardly to Perry, clearly not remembering his name.

Perry coughed. “Yeah.” He belatedly put on a smile. “Feel better.”

Greg and Faye walked off.

Perry gawked after them for a few moments before turning his attention back to Holly. “Your cousin really let herself go.”

Holly simply nodded as she picked up another nugget.


When Holly went over to Faye’s apartment that evening, it was a bit late, and Faye was sleeping. Holly let herself in. Faye had given her the key a couple of weeks before, being that the two of them had gotten so “close” lately. And admittedly, Faye’s place had become a second home. Holly had spent many a day lounging around in her cousins body, stuffing her face while watching Asian soap operas, and feeling freer than she ever had in her life, just being a bum on the cheap and comfortably squishy couch. Faye’s body had become a reprieve from caring, a break from discipline, etiquette, and fruitless efforts towards perfection.

Taking over Faye’s body while Faye was asleep was a bit awkward, but Holly remained cognizant enough to wake herself up. She yawned as she sat up in Faye’s bed, her form now pleasantly plump and soft. She groaned slightly, furrowing her eyebrows. She felt distinctly nauseous.

Holly breathed deeply, taking in long breaths of air, trying to get her stomach — Faye’s stomach — to settle a bit. Well this was no fun. Holly should have thought better than to possess of sick person. Sick…nausea… It hadn’t really worked, had it? Were Faye and Greg even—? It had been a sick little prank. Holly still couldn’t believe that she’d actually done it. But had it worked?

Her hand slid to her — Faye’s — stomach. Now fuller, rounded. But also filled with an uncomfortable bloated sensation. And there was the faintest hint of firmness as she pressed into it with her hands.

Faye was pregnant.

This was horrible. This was perfect.

This is cruel, Holly thought.

But Holly hadn’t made Faye fuck him. They could’ve used protection. Like a condom, or something better than whatever they had used, if they had used something other than the pills. There were so many variables, this was hardly Holly’s fault. And who was to say it was a bad thing. If Holly recalled, Faye love children.

This is amazing, Holly decided. Little Miss perfect was knocked up. Now she would have to explain it to her parents and the rest of the family. She would have to continue her coursework while blowing up like a hippopotamus. And who knew, maybe a kid would humble her. Faye was just so airy and vacant to the rest of the world so maybe an experience like this would get her a little grounded for once.

“Baby’s gotta eat,” Holly muttered wryly as she picked up her cell phone. After all, this body was eating for two now. Holly pulled up the food delivery app and scrolled through it, deciding on a burger place, where she ordered various sandwiches, fries, dogs, milkshakes, nuggets, and a couple more burgers. This was a special occasion, and Holly was going to help Faye celebrate.

Holly put on a movie and plopped down on the couch, snacking on a box of chocolates she found on the end table as she waited for the food delivery to arrive. Obviously Greg had brought it for Faye, which was a remarkably oblivious thing for him to do. Maybe they were meant for each other after all. Holly zoned out as she watched the film, but once she finished the chocolates, she got distracted. She noticed Faye’s phone lying on the coffee table and picked it up, seeing that there were a few messages.

“Just wanted to wish you a good night. Sweet dreams,” one said. It was from Greg.

Holly gagged. She needed a drink.

She started to get up, when she realized that she probably should not be drinking in his body anymore. What with the, baby, and everything. She pouted, and sank back into the cushions. Drinking had been a definite perk. Holly hated doing it to her own body, but with Faye’s body she been able to drink all she wanted. Oh well. She supposed she would just have to let that one go.

Holly looked back down at the phone, reading the message again. Greg was just way too into this courtship. Holly saw the way Faye looked at him. Treated him. She was stuck on neutral. He didn’t excite her. He was like some overzealous friend she just tolerated. Faye wasn’t nearly smitten. It was almost like she had agreed to go out with Greg just for the hell of it. Almost as if to…to claim him. To keep him on hand. To string him along. To keep him from…dating someone else.

Before Holly knew it, her thumbs were moving; typing erratically. She pressed the send key before she fully registered what she had written. Then she read it.

I’m breaking up with you.


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