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Note: This is a male version of Nest.

Summary: Connor is pregnant with large alien beetles which crawl in an out of him at their whim and are forming a nest inside his abdomen. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, unbirthing, and more...

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The drive back to his house was only five minutes but Connor wasn’t sure he would last. Every turn of the cab left his body reeling and every bump in the road had him bouncing forcefully, cursing under his breath and gripping the seat in front of him even as his belly shoved and pressed into it, causing the driver to jerk at times and grimace through the rearview mirror.

They were coming. They were coming! He couldn’t contain it! Connor tore a bottle of chocolate syrup out of one of his grocery bags and glugged down mouthfuls, but it wasn’t helping. In his growing panic, he shoved the bottle into the back of his pants. He didn’t think, he just shifted his hips up, pushing the spout into his ass hole, tipping the bottle and giving a squeeze.

It helped. Connor gasped for breath as the furious writhing eased down to a stirring. He continued to pump the chocolate syrup into his hole. Belatedly, he noticed that the vehicle had stopped. They were in front of his house, and the cab driver had craned his neck to give him a look of horrified disgust. Connor couldn’t blame the man.

Connor pulled the syrup out of his pants, replaced the cap, and shoved it back into his grocery bag. He shifted forward, and as usual, not a drop leaked out of him. Mumbling a thanks, he shoved several bills in the direction of the driver, but the man seemed reluctant to touch them. His face burning, Connor heaved himself and his grocery bags out of the cab. He gasped and grunted as he waddled his way to his front door.

He was huge. His belly was massive. He looked as though he was pregnant with triplets by then. Navigating around his brother proved tricky. Whenever Charlie was around, Connor pretended to be asleep or in the shower. He could tell that Charlie knew something was up, but thankfully, Charlie was too busy to investigate, what with all the extra shifts he was taking at work.

On Monday morning, school was unavoidable. Connor was still determined to graduate and start college in the fall. Riding his bike was out of the question, so he tried to walk. This proved an exhausting process of waddling, wobbling, holding his back, clutching his gut, gasping for breath, huffing and puffing, and being generally gawked at as he proceeded along the sidewalk.

He looked like he could have been overdue with child, not that he was a woman. His ass had gotten noticeably plumper, and his breasts were growing steadily fuller. They had likely swelled all the way up to D-cups by then. There was not one bra he owned that could accommodate them, yet they were so round and plump, they hardly necessitated one. Except to control the continual jiggling, he supposed. And the way his nipples—which had managed to double in size at some point—protruded hard against his clothes while rubbing rousingly into the cotton.

Connor just tried to focus on other things besides how warm his loins were getting.

Connor had managed to order some specialty clothing over the weekend, and was presently wearing a huge jersey that fell loosely over his form. His belly button was bulging in a way that just weird. Even then, he could feel the insects lurching inside him, migrating downwards, as though planning their next escape.

He was sweat-drenched by the time he arrived to the school building, his face red and his clothes sticking to him. He knew he couldn’t afford an accident during classes, so he walked the hallways with a bottle of syrup clutched in his hand, and two spare bottles tucked away in his backpack (strawberry and maple).

His feelings of uneasiness were consistent with the continuous, tingling crawling sensation that filled his abdomen. Sometimes he would just cup the huge mound of his belly, marveling at it, imagining the sheer number of insects that filled him, and how absurdly packed they must have been inside him. He still had no clue how to get all of them out. But as things were, he felt a lot less panicked when they were all inside rather than out, running amuck.

Unsurprisingly, teachers and students stared at him, school officials pausing mid-step to gawk. Some of Connor’s peers took to pointing and chuckling, as though this was all some joke. They thought he was wearing one of those fake pregnancy bellies, and was partaking in some social experiment. But then, what else would they think.

Connor just weakly smiled and went along with it, struggling his way through the day. Whenever the bugs got especially active, he hurried into a bathroom and fed them syrup through his mouth or ass, or both. It was a lot. Midway though the day, he had already completed his second bottle. He found himself releasing small belches and gagging at times. Maybe all the sugary substances just weren’t agreeing with him.

Later in the school day, Connor found himself discussing an assignment with a professor after class. The other students were filtering out, and Connor stood to the side as Mr. Paulson rambled on. Connor had just asked one minor question about the format of an essay and now Mr. Paulson was going on about intricate details that Connor was already aware of. Connor’s back was arched. He was so tired, sweaty, and flustered, and wished he could sit down. His nipples were aching, breasts tingling.

His belly was trembling slightly. He cupped it with his palm, kneading it with the heel of his hand. Panting quietly, he nodded to Mr. Paulson’s words. Connor’s eyes widened as his belly heaved, and he quickly covered his mouth with a folder to hide the sight of his gagging.

Mr. Paulson paused. “Are you okay, Connor?”

Connor hurriedly nodded, though he wasn’t sure he was. He pressed his lips tight, his eyes still wide in shock. Something had come up. Something was in his mouth.

He could feel the bug wriggling on his tongue, and it only managed to make him ten times more nauseous. It felt big, like clutching a lime in his mouth. His pupils darted around in panic. He didn’t know what to do. He did the only thing he could think to.

He gulped.

His belly gurgled. He tried not to groan. He forced the insect back down his throat, and into his stomach. The sensation was horrible. Oh god. He waited for Mr. Paulson to finish talking, while praying another insect didn’t come up.

Mr. Paulson finally finished with his imperial lecture, “Understood?”

“Yes, absolutely,” Connor breathed out. With that, he turned out of the classroom and waddled straight for the nearest bathroom, not knowing if he wanted to laugh or cry.

He washed his hands, not really knowing what else to do with himself. He splashed his face with cool water then belatedly thought to rinse his mouth out, thoroughly.

He was just too full. He could feel the bugs pressing hard on his rectum. He could feel his hole tightening as they tried to force their way out. His belly was huge, getting wider than he was. It was big and tight. Connor slid his shirt up the massive, quavering ball. He just didn’t know what to do. He watched blankly as his belly button twitched, actually twitched with movement. “Eugh…”

As Connor was leaving the bathroom, he couldn’t help noticing Reyna stumbling into the womens' restroom nextdoor. “Rey!” he called, but she didn’t hear him. Before he could stop himself, he pushed his way inside after her. “Reyna.”

Reyna jumped a little, and looked up at Connor with wide eyes. “Oh. Hi Connor.”

Reyna seemed clammy and shaken. There also seemed to be something different about her that Connor couldn’t immediately pinpoint. “Are you okay?” Connor asked.

“No,” said Reyna with a nervous smile, lightly shaking her head. “Connor, I think your condition is—contagious.”

“I—oh,” said Connor, registering it. His eyes immediately darted down to Reyna’s stomach, but it seemed the same as always. “You’re not…?”

“Fuck, I—” Reyna paused and drew several deep breaths. “My—my boobs,” she forced out, waving vaguely at her chest. “Ever since the—with the things—at your house—well, they’ve felt really weird, Connor. Like, really weird.”

Connor’s gaze shifted slowly to Reyna’s chest. It was noticeably bloated, Reyna’s T-shirt stretching out against her where it had previously been loose. Reyna’s clothes were always loose.

Connor could also see Reyna’s bra lines, and the way her breast flesh was pushing against it, noticeably bulging against the cups.

Reyna was breathing heavily now, chest heaving, making the changes all the more evident. Reyna winced and hissed out, lifting her hands as though to cup her chest, but stopping just short of making contact.

“What is it?” said Connor in morbid fascination.

“My nipples, they’re—god—fuck, I can’t talk about this.” Reyna stormed off.

“Rey!” Connor waddled to the bathroom door, staring at Rey’s retreating back. He wanted to stop his friend. Talk through it with her. Yet Connor had no idea what he would say, or what could make this situation even slightly less horrible than it was. So he pressed his lips and said nothing.


“Fuck,” Connor whispered under his breath when he got home that evening. School had been horrible, but he just needed to get through with the rest of the semester. He could handle another few weeks of this. He hoped.

He locked himself in his room and eased himself down on his desk chair which felt uncomfortably tight and creaked precariously beneath him. His belly was a huge mound perched in his lap, sort of nestled there, in such a maternal way it could have almost been sweet were he not full to bursting with bugs.

His chest felt tingly and tender, but he wondered if he was imagining it. He leaned back and indulgently rubbed the flesh with the palms of his hands, allowing himself to grunt and quiver as he finally explored the increased sensitivity of his nipples.

They stung and ached, yet felt utterly erotic. His breathing thinned as he massaged the flesh and glided his fingers gently over his nipples. He still couldn’t believe how big they were getting. Another glide left his dick hardening. Some bugs began to push into his briefs, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. They writhed. He groaned, and slid his hand under his shirt to roll a nipple between his fingers.

There was moisture. Stickiness. Connor drew his shirt higher then looked down, and saw something orange on his nipples. Dripping from them, now. In a daze, he allowed the substance to glide over his fingertips. It was rather thick, and sticky, almost like a diluted syrup. He brought it to his nose and smelled it.


Without really thinking, Connor stuck his fingers into his mouth, his eyes widening at the sweet, fruity taste. It was almost like…nectar. And it was coming out of him.


Connor returned his gaze to his chest, watching the steady dripping of substance from his nipples. He wondered if this was what had happened to Reyna. Had she started to lactate this stuff?

Connor’s breasts were plump and round—full-looking. They were full of this stuff. Somehow they looked…healthy, if that made sense. Full and bountiful, and producing.

As horrifyingly bizarre as it was, it seemed minor in comparison to Connor’s infestation with bugs. Connor stared off for a while, his mind rather hazy. He didn’t know how the two things were connected, though he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.


Connor was rapidly getting bigger.

He appeared overdue with triplets by his estimation, but he was sure he was downplaying things. He probably looked bigger.

He was taking one of the several breaks he now regularly took from class throughout the day, this time taking refuge in one of the unisex bathrooms near the gym. He was leaning back on the wall, holding his belly with one hand, while his free hand clutched an extra-large bottle of chocolate syrup. His head was thrust back as he sucked syrup down as rapidly as he could without choking.

As he heard the door open, Connor froze, reddening. Discretion seemed to have become secondary to his desperation to feed.

To his relief, it was only Reyna again. “Hey,” said Connor awkwardly.

The sounds of giggles wafted in before the door swung closed. Reyna was flushed and clearly anxious. “People think I’m stuffing my bra,” Reyna mumbled, and Connor could see that Reyna’s boobs had experienced a leap in size in only the past day. Reyna didn’t even seem to be wearing a bra. She had two plump D-cups on her chest that dwarfed most of the other female students. “God I think—think there’s something inside of them,” Reyna breathed, her chest heaving, but now Connor could see that it wasn’t in a natural way. They seemed to be heaving independently of the rest of her.

“Rey,” said Connor helplessly. “I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah…whatever,” said Reyna, locking herself into a stall. Connor heard her release a miserable whimper.

Connor could only bite his lip and lean back on the wall as he stared down at his own changing body.

Next Chapter 


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