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Note: This is a female version of Farm Boy.

Summary: A high school senior, Megan noticed that her older sister has been dipping into the chemical on their parents' farm, and has been gaining a lot of weight. A bit disgusted, a bit curious, Megan tries the chemical hormones herself, and experiences the best high of her life. She quickly introduces the chemical to her two best friends, and the three progressively get addicted, all while experiencing incidental changes, such as butt growth, breast development, belly expansion, in addition to other, stranger, things. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, multiple breasts, breast-belly, butt expansion, weight gain, and more. Also, issues of drug addiction.

Previous Chapter 


Megan lost a bet.

It was the only reason she was doing this. Under normal circumstances, Roger certainly couldn’t have convinced her to go a full day without pumping.

Megan was getting hot.

“Remember, you can’t leak a drop,” Roger growled during their last phone conversation that morning.

“You’re just trying to get me huge,” Megan griped back.

To that, Roger had no retort.

Megan was not sure why she was even doing this. It was entirely stupid. And arousing. But mostly stupid.

She struggled to get her college assignments done with the distraction of the four heavy, pressurized EEE-cups bobbing on her chest, all warm and sleek.

Even her face was flushed. Megan found herself constantly wiping her hand down it to get the sweat out of her eyes. She could feel the weight of her milk, pushing, stretching her. Her back was sore, her nipples aching, desperate for release.

She had already missed her morning milking, and was due for another at that moment. With the pressure she was under, she wasn’t sure how she could do the full day. Her boobs were practically throbbing. One of her nipples stung, and she grunted out, arching. “Mmghhhhh…” Megan groaned, shifting in her seat. But somehow, she managed to relax, and to not release. She panted quietly and resisted the urge to cup the tender mounds.

Her computer buzzed. Megan reluctantly minimized her homework and answered the web call.

“How are the girls?” said Roger pleasantly, leaning back in his desk chair.

Megan shot him an irritated look. “Did you need something?”

“Just checking in. Why the bad mood?”

“It’s just kind of hard to focus,” said Megan breathlessly, tugging at her collar.

“Let me see.”

Of course, the camera was focused only on Megan’s face. Megan entertained the idea of just torturing Roger, but reluctantly, she shifted her laptop screen so that her torso was in full view.

She was wearing an old tank top that was tightly stretched over her four heaving jugs. The material was completely soaked in sweat, and her fat nipples—much fatter since she had started, er, nursing Roger rather regularly—bulged out against the material, hard, distended, and desperately keen. The pinkness was visible under the semi-transparent fabric, and they protruded with such definition that she might as well have been topless.

Despite it, Megan didn’t give Roger the satisfaction of a full strip show. She tried to breathe evenly. “It’s a little uncomfortable,” she understated.

Roger sounded weak, “You’ve got this, Meg.”

Megan almost laughed. “Are you sure you’ve got this? You’re about to bust a nut.”

“Don’t worry about me, Megan. Worry about those growing tits and how fat they’re gonna be this evening.”

Megan’s face fell. She struggled to catch her breath and not squirt milk with every deep inhalation. “I’m going to leak eventually,” she managed. “I can’t exactly stop it.”

“You’ve got this, Meg,” Roger repeated, sort of in a wistful way.

“God, you’re such an idiot.” Megan minimized the screen.

She gave up on her school work. For what had to be hours, she just leaned back in her desk chair, eyes squeezed shut, not wanting to move an inch, not even to get in her bed or somewhere more comfortable than her present position. She was so full, so heavy and tight. She was hot, her heart racing, flesh tingling, as her nipples distended more, contracting and stinging. It was so uncomfortable, she could feel her eyes beginning to water.

She was hot, her panties soaked and groin tingling. But she didn’t want to touch herself. She knew she would come rapidly, breasts spraying, and she wasn’t sure her body could take such an explosive release at that moment.

When Megan opened her eyes and took a glance at the clock, she could see that she was approaching the time of her evening milking. She felt unfocused and dazed. She could readily tell that she had gotten bigger. Her breasts were visibly swollen, her shirt close to tearing. “Why am I doing this?” she rasped as she panted and fidgeted, fingers twitching to grasp onto her mounds. She felt feverish. Carefully she straightened and watched her nipples shudder.

Her cell phone rang, causing Megan’s attention to snap to her desk. She stared at the unfamiliar number flashing across the screen. She accepted the call, bringing the phone to her ear. “…hello?”


Megan was shocked to hear her sister’s voice. Amy sounded winded on the other line.

“Amy, what the…I haven’t heard from you in like a year,” said Megan in bafflement.

“I know. Sorry sis. I just—can I borrow some money?”

“I…er…what? No—I mean—I don’t have any,” Megan said, completely disconcerted. “Amy, are you alright? W-what’s going on?”

“Everything’s fine. I just, I gotta go.”


But the call had ended. Megan stared blankly at the screen. “’the hell,” she muttered. She began to call the number back when a sharp stinging sensation brought her back to her present predicament. The phone clattered to the floor. “Ohhhhh…” she groaned, twisting in her seat. Why had she even agreed to play this stupid game? She hunched forward. “Ngghhhh…fuck…” she breathed, grunting and clutching her face. Her computer buzzed. Megan realized she had never closed the application when she heard Roger’s voice. “Meg?”

Megan lifted her head. “God, Roger,” she mumbled, face red, shoulders shuddering. “I’m so fucking tight,” she panted, chest heaving, huge, and positively straining.

Roger just drank her in for a moment. “Fine,” he said, so softly that Megan almost didn’t catch it. “You can…”

Megan didn’t need to be told twice. She tore off her shirt and gave in, arching, and completely splattering her computer screen as she released a long erratic moan, her body spasming. Her tits bobbed and squirted as she gripped and squeezed at them. They were definitely bigger, and Megan didn’t know why she was turned on, but she was. She continued to cup and knead her flesh, not caring about the discomfort, just wanting the milk out of her. “Fuck, look at what you did to me,” she breathed. “Look at how huge I’m getting.”

Roger came with a moan and a grin.


As soon as exams were over, Megan found herself dealing with a frequent house guest. “Milk is for babies,” Roger remarked absently one day.

He was presently teasing Megan’s chest with his tongue, not quite at the nipples. Megan’s head was back as she tried to enjoy it, and tried not to rock against Roger’s jeans, but it was hard, when she was practically being straddled by the other teen.

“Why are you producing so much baby food?” Roger muttered on Megan’s skin.

It was a bizarre topic to bring up, and it brought Megan out of it a little. “Uh…”

“Is that what you want, to be full of babies to feed?”

“N-no.” Megan was a little disturbed, but for some reason she thought of Sam heavy with the triplets, looking like a stuffed pig. “Nnghhh…” Roger finally flicked Megan’s nipple with her tongue, as Megan remembered how huge Sam had gotten right up to the final moments of containing her kids. She’d been a whale. Round to bursting.

“You’re making more and more milk. You want to be full, want to feed…” Megan thought of herself in Sam’s position, bursting with babies, and it was disturbing, but still arousing, seeing herself huge and round, tits leaking, back arched, belly shoved outward, red and flushed and sweaty, the size of a beachball, packed with babies. Four tits plump and ready.

“Lemme fuck you,” Roger urged.

“Uhhh…” Megan groaned.

“Fuck you full.”


“I want you huge. Practically bursting.”

“F-fill me,” Megan begged.

He did.


Thankfully he used a condom.

Megan was still dazed. She had kept Roger at arms-length for a reason, but now it was official. They were fuck buddies. And she was beginning to fear that they were forming a relationship of some sort.

Inconveniently enough, Megan wasn’t one for relationships. And Roger just wasn’t her type; he was too selfish, too perverted.

Megan tried not to think about it. Instead, she did the powder. One day, she found herself so high that she actually walked into the wrong bedroom.

It took her a moment to process what she was seeing. Paige’s room seemed less like a bedroom than some sort of amateur…film set. Lights beamed down from massive lamps, and a camera hung from two different angles. Paige lay back nude in the midst of it all, and was wantonly pleasuring herself with an enormous dildo, her writhing image reflected on her laptop screen.

She was live streaming. Megan could tell by the endless trail of text populating the comment box, the scroll bar shrinking and shrinking as it was pushed up by rapidly populating comments.

Paige was live streaming herself masturbating.

Then Paige caught Megan’s eye. Megan thought Paige would scream or curse and cover herself up, but instead she threw a grin and a wink.

Megan backed away, her reflexes slow, but still active enough to get her the hell out of there. She shut the door behind her and stood frozen for a moment. What the fuck? was all she could think. Did Paige even live here? Or was this apartment to some sort of…studio, to her? Also, what the fuck?

Megan went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee, not sure if she was too high or not high enough. The image of Paige’s wriggling, supple body cycled relentlessly through her mind.

That’s when Paige entered the room in a robe. Megan’s eye’s shot downwards. “Sorry,” she managed.

“No big deal. Just a job.” Paige smiled, sitting across from her.

Megan looked up. “That’s your job!?”

“Yah,” said Paige aloofly, pulling a large wrapped wad of gum out of her purse. An actual wad. It was clear that it had already been chewed. “What did you think I did?” said Paige as she stuffed the already-chewed-gum into her mouth. Megan winced.

Megan opened her mouth and closed it. Paige sat there and leered. Megan slowly sipped her coffee.

She was definitely too high for this shit.


When she got back to her room, Megan immediately went on her laptop.

She went online and did some research, discovering that several platforms, including vidSwoop, apparently, hosted content creators whose content was nothing more than softcore porn. And the creators were able to get paid, not only in ad revenue, but subscriptions.

There were men and women, even intersex and transgender people. They came in all shapes and sizes, and their audiences varied widely in size.

“This girl is making what? 8k a month?” Megan muttered in disbelief as she browsed the public page of a little blonde woman with a pixie cut dressed entirely in leather. Seriously, she was pocket sized. And a freak, apparently.

Megan leaned back and contemplated. Distractedly, she wrenched down the zipper of her jacket, letting the puppies breathe.

“What if…what if I—I—”

Megan hesitated, then did a hurried video search under terms like ‘multiple boobs’ and ‘extra breasts,’ and stunningly enough, there were videos. Only a scant amount. Less than half a dozen, all on an inactive account. There was an animated short clip and a couple of bad CGI jobs, but each had a surprisingly decent number of comments.

Megan’s heart was racing, her face hot. She looked down at herself, then back at the screen. Her bills were piling up, the cost of the drug only increasing. What if I…no. No. She cut off that train of thought.

Hurriedly, Megan shut her laptop.


Later that day, Megan did a test video. She was wearing two strapless bras that didn’t quite fit her, and a spandex skirt. She sat on camera, shifting uncomfortably, and feeling self-conscious in ways she never felt under Roger’s stare. This is stupid, she decided, hovering her mouse over the Go Live button, squeezing her eyes shut, and actually clicking. It was terrifying. She didn’t want to look. But somehow Megan convinced herself to open her eyes.

Her face wasn’t on screen. She had made sure of that, her body only visible from the neck down.

The comments popped up slowly, one by one, but increased in pace as she sat there frozen and mortified.

What the fck?

This girl again?


How does she even…

This is so freaky.

wtf am I watching?

Really good makeup work.

Rly kinky

Disgusting. Why is this on my feed?

omg this is so hot

girl don’t stop making videos.

Can I lick them? Can I put my face in them?

So stupd so fake.

shake them pls want to see them jiggle

post more of these

Megan didn’t know why, but she shifted her laptop screen for a closer view. She didn’t even want to think about why she was turned on. She found herself not thinking about a lot of things lately.


looks so Real


omg this is amazing


the fact that im still here says a lot about…

Megan closed the application, breathless, flushed, embarrassed and exhilarated. She felt antsy, hands trembling slightly.

They moved automatically, shoving her upper bra down, allowing her breasts to push free. She closed her eyes and began to stroke the fat nubs as she leaned harder back against her seat.

Next Chapter 


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