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Note: This is a story-prompt for Absolus.

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Tony needed this modeling contract.

Boynup was one of the top agencies in the country. Despite putting in all the eating and training he possibly could, Tony scarcely ever made the cut for the runway competitions.

The Boynup brand was well-known for their high-fashion maternity-wear for men. Their fashion shows were always a spectacle, displaying heavily pregnant men with thick, muscular bodies.

In an industry where he was being constantly judged for his size, Tony was decidedly stressed out. He tried to put on as much baby and muscle mass as he could, but it never seemed to be enough.

At the last rehearsals, he had spotted three guys who outsized him, easily, and the designer had even started to cut some guys. Lucy Landry eyed them all up through her rectangular glasses, her eyes roaming over muscles and bellies, deciding which ones were worthy, while weeding out others.

Worried and stressed, Tony had gotten on his laptop, searching for answers to his dilemma. He needed this opportunity. He didn’t know if he would be able to make rent without it. Link after link took him deep into the recesses of the Internet until some way, somehow, Tony found himself on the dark web.


The package arrived the very next day. Tony stared down at it for a while before opening it.

Inside was a small bottle of pills. It looked so much less intimidating than he had thought it would. Tony had hardly gotten any sleep, just thinking about the fact that he had ordered illegal drugs on the Internet.

But this might’ve been his last chance to make it in modeling. If he lost another gig or contest, he doubted another company would hire him. And the kid was due in another week. Tony looked down at the huge mound perched against his lap. Sometimes he couldn’t believe there were guys bigger than he was. He felt like a blimp! When he was at home, he wanted little more than to lay around, massaging his swollen bump. When he was out, he had to look and dress impeccably, move smoothly, and flaunt his belly. It was all about appearances. And maybe, this drug would help him in that regard.

It was a baby-size enhancer medicine. It had originally been developed to help increase the weight of preemies before safer alternatives had been developed. To use it on a fetus was completely illicit, but not unheard of. The drug was no longer on the market, but Tony had heard that it worked for people in his predicament.

Tony scanned the instructions with his eyes. It said the dosage was one pill a day over the course of five days to increase the baby mass by up to 15%, but the show was in only three days, and Tony didn’t think that just 15% would cut it. He knew it was risky to overdose, but he tore open the bottle and popped three pills into his mouth without even thinking it through. After he gulped it down, he sat there breathing. He hoped this worked. God, this really needed to work.


Tony took three pills a day for the following two days, and another three just before the contest.

The results were dramatic.

“Oh my,” said Lucy, as she laid her eyes on him before the show.

Tony was flushed and sweaty, breathing heavily. His impressively thick pecs and biceps were clenched as he tried to bear the increasing strain. His whole belly seemed to have a pulse. He could feel his baby growing, slow and steady.

The clothing he was supposed to model wasn’t fitting properly. The buttons were straining, hem sliding up against his orb.

The mass was wider than the rest of him. Sometimes it tensed up, causing his face to twist as he struggled not to groan. It was a true strain to walk smoothly, and he didn’t think he would be able to make it down the runway without falling into an embarrassing penguin-waddle. His belly jerked, and a grunt escaped this time as he arched his throat and gasped for breath.

Lucy’s eyes were glued to the heaving mass. “What happened to you?

“G-Growth spurt,” Tony managed, cupping what he could reach of his massive mound. It was just so full. He knew, at his size, the baby might be too painful to be birthed naturally. It likely would not even fit through his pelvis. He wished he had thought that through before he had done this. His career would never recover from the surgery scars if he had to submit to way C-section. It was every pregnant model’s worst nightmare.

“I love it!” Lucy said, but then she paused and frowned. “But you’re not fitting the clothes. The show’s in an hour, we don’t have time to alter anything.”

“P-please,” Tony managed. His belly gave a forceful shudder. “L-let me go on. I n-need this. The clothes look great.”

He looked sloppy, and his body was skewering the previously perfect lines of the tight muscle shirt he had on. It was a poor representation of the design, and he knew it.

Lucy thought for a long moment, but she eventually agreed to let him participate. He knew it was a gamble for her, and could nearly cry from his relief. Things had nearly backfired entirely.

He was the last one on the runway, what with the spectacle that had become of his body. The other models gawked at him, either in shock or resentment. Some just look suspicious. But Tony held his head high and did his walk.

His stride was too awkward; not smooth at all. And he couldn’t help reaching out to clasp the underside of his belly, the mound so heavy, his baby churning restlessly. When he did his pose at the end of the runway, he gasped for breath for a moment. His belly did another jump, causing a groan to escape him. He stumbled slightly, the audience descending to whispers as they stared and pointed.

His shirt felt as though it was getting tighter. The hem was sliding steadily upwards, and he feebly tugged it down.

Rather belatedly, he ended his pose and managed to turn away, people gasping as they saw his cartoonish profile before he waddled off.

Despite being the biggest model, Tony ended up only placing third in the competition. He made $1000 in prize money, which just barely managed to cover his rent. The next morning he woke up screaming as his abdomen contracted forcefully around a belly that had surged up to the size of a beach ball overnight, his body struggling to birth the impossibly large baby. The whole mass bobbed and twitched painfully on his torso, and he screamed till his voice was hoarse and police were bursting through his door.

All in all, it seemed that his modeling days were over.


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