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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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She was growing. She could feel the pressure incrementally increasing in her backside as well as her stomach. She groaned as she walked, cupping one of her massive butt cheeks with her free hand, trying to stabilize it a bit. Her other hand was still clutched at the wrist by Sid. She could see that he was dragging her back towards campus, and it occurred to her that they had a class that was about to start. But Carrie didn’t think she could handle it. She was just too full, too tight and lethargic. The pressure was only getting worse, her skin tense and hot. Her body was pouring sweat. She tried to muster the strength to protest, “Sid…no…” she moaned.

“Come now, Carrie. I know you gained a little weight, but that’s no excuse to start slacking off,” Sid responded flippantly as Carrie struggled not to collapse.

She felt so off-balance, the weight of her huge ass practically dragging her backwards. The pressure in her gut was building as well, her stomach making gurgling noises where it bulged. Carrie thought it had swollen larger since she had last taken inventory of herself. She was starting to look pregnant, the way the mound was so full and bloated, packed with her latest indulgences.

“Nnnggghhh!” She wrenched her hand free from Sid’s grip. They had just entered their course building, her plump hips brushing concerningly against either side of the door frame. Her face was red and sweaty, scrunched up as she tried to bear the intense surge. “It’s…I can’t…errrggghhhh…” she groaned, leaning down to clutch her knees, as the pressure grew and grew, until she could physically feel her skin stretching. Her makeshift skirt was tightening and riding up, straining against her, close to tearing apart. She wined as she pushed her backside outward, looking for some relief to the worsening strain and discomfort. She could hear gasps and mutterings around her, and when she looked up she could see that a small crowd had formed around her, people gawking in shock or fascination. Sid just stood there, looking impressed.

Carrie gasped for breath, still gripping her knees. The growth spurt seemed to have come to an end, or at least decreased in intensity. She moaned and looked down at herself, at the way her belly seemed even rounder, and her thighs had thickened, now pressing together. Even as she stood still, she could feel her backside jiggling behind her. It must have been tremendous. She was almost afraid to straighten up.

She could feel some of her flesh bulging out from the skirt, which was practically rendered panties by then. She moaned helplessly, feeling a string of drool fall out of her mouth. She felt dizzy and disoriented, and above all else, humiliated. She had to get a hold of herself. “Sid…” she groaned helplessly, reaching out. She had never thought he would be her source of support.

He took her hand. “Come on, we’re going to be late,” he said, pulling her, and Carrie managed to get herself upright, though she had to fully grip onto his arm to not plop down on her ass. She supposed the increased weight of her belly helped to balance her, at least somewhat. She practically whimpered in relief at the sight of their classroom door. Just inside, the professor took notice of her.

“Carrie, I’m glad you’re early,” Professor Clint started. “I wanted to talk to you about your last assignment—”

Sid walked inside first. Carrie could see that only a handful of students were there, presently finding seats. There was also a clutter of students behind them trying to enter. Carrie faintly nodded to Professor Clint, walking towards him, through the doorframe. She halted with a yelp, her hand jerking free of Sid’s hold. He turned back to her, looking perplexed.

Carrie looked down at herself. The gargantuan bloat of her hips and ass were lodged in the doorframe, her own fat squishing her in the seemingly generous space. Carrie gave a mortified squeak and attempted to wiggle free, but only seemed to get herself more firmly stuck. Professor Clint’s jaw fell as he realized her predicament. He opened and closed his mouth, but seemed speechless.

“What the hell?” someone said behind Carrie. There was a variety of yammering and laughter followed by a few gasps, followed by various expressions of confusion. After a moment, things fell silent, which Carrie assumed was the product of true puzzlement.

Inside the classroom, students simply gawked at her. And for the first time, Sid seemed at a loss for words.

She helplessly looked at up at him. “Help me,” Carrie whined as she squirmed, feeling on the verge of tears. Not because of the embarrassment, though that was monumental in itself. But she could still feel the pressure incrementally increasing, and it was starting to hurt.

Seeming to shake himself out of his reverie, Sid came over and took her hands.


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