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Note: This is a male version of Nest.

Summary: Connor is pregnant with large alien beetles which crawl in an out of him at their whim and are forming a nest inside his abdomen. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, unbirthing, and more...

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Connor still couldn’t believe how big he was. The way his huge stomach stretched out his clothes and bulged away from his body. He continuously ran his hands down the orb, completely panicked about his prospects of explaining it away to his family. Something was seriously wrong with him. He looked pregnant.

So when Reyna brought over the parasite medication the following day, Connor gulped down a handful of pills without hesitation.

“Connor, that's too much!” Reyna scolded, snatching the bottle away, but it was almost empty.

“This is an extreme situation,” Connor coughed back, before taking another gulp of water from the bottle clutched in his hand. “Hopefully this works better than the—” Connor stopped short.

“What is it Connor? Do you feel something?” Reyna asked.

“I feel…nrrghhhh…” Connor groaned as his belly gurgled. He hugged it tightly, feeling the insects writhe under his skin. They felt restless inside him, moreso than ever before. The movement was frenzied, the pressure spiking and mitigating erratically at different points on his gut. He felt an unsettling heaviness drop low on his pelvis and he found himself clenching his ass, struggling to contain it.

“What’s going on? Is the drug working?” said Reyna desperately.

“Errgghhh…” Connor was red and flushed, his body sweating. But he couldn’t contain it any longer. They began to push out in droves.

Rather than just plopping to the floor, they pushed and scuttled in streams down his legs, skittering across the room, causing Reyna to scream. In her effort to back away, Reyna stumbled and fell on her backside. She wailed and began to frantically bat at her skin. Connor grunted and gripped his knees, moaning lowly, squatting slightly. “It—didn’t—work!” Connor gasped out, his face reddening, not only from the discomfort, but from a rising fury. The drug had only made things worse, like before. He glared at Reyna who was still scrambling on the floor. “Get out.”

Reyna stilled, looking dolefully up at Connor. She distractedly scratched at one of her small breasts. “Connor…”

“Out!” Connor shouted, and Reyna didn’t try to placate. She got up and hurried out of the house, not looking back as the door slammed behind her.

Connor groaned and shifted his hips, rubbing his hands along the flanks of his swollen abdomen. He winced every time his hand connected with some of the fat crawling insects, knocking them off him. He swore he looked overdue with child by then. As much as he massaged the mass, the insects would not calm down. They were agitated now, as though they were somehow aware of his intentions in taking the medication.

Connor dropped to his knees grabbing his hair—he could feel the bugs crawling around in it! They were all over him, scrambling across his whole body as much as he tried to brush them off. They were crawling unpleasantly in and out of his hole. He tried to calm down, thinking perhaps they could sense his anxious state, but it didn’t work. Nothing seemed to be working. His belly throbbed visibly from the continuous rotation of the insects. He felt himself hyperventilating, and the world blurring as he pulled and dragged at the straining tank top he was wearing. Somehow Connor managed to haul himself to his room, collapsing to his bed just before everything went dark.


When Connor awoke, he was not sure how much time had passed, though the light was dim outside of his bedroom window. His belly was still throbbing, tightening and loosening in uncomfortable pulses. His position on his back caused an unpleasant tension on his spine. He shifted then marveled at himself. It looked as though he had only gotten larger, and the bugs were still crawling all over him. His belly looked ludicrous in its swollen state, laying on the mattress before him. The situation was so bizarre, he could almost laugh. He could almost cry. Connor shuddered, and swatted an insect that had begun to crawl across his cheek. “Fuck,” he muttered, beginning to writhe in his sheets.

His phone chimed on the nightstand beside him, the screen lighting up. Connor grabbed it up while distractedly brushing bugs out of his hair. It was a text from Rey.

I’m so sorry, it said.

Connor sighed and lowered the phone. What the hell was he going to do?

A knocking sound made Connor stiffen, instinctively dragging his blankets up to his chin. He stared at the bedroom door, his heart racing.

“Connor?” Charlie called. The door opened just slightly, Charlie poking his head in. Thankfully the room was dark, and Charlie could not see the bugs crawling on Connor and the bed, nor did he seem to register the huge mound of Connor’s belly under the sheets. “Hey kid, I’m heading back to work. Didn’t see you last night.”

Connor thought fast. “Yeah, I was tired. Had Rey over. We studied, pigged out, then I must have fallen asleep.”

“You aren’t kidding about pigging out. You kids emptied the fridge.” Connor couldn’t quite make out his brother’s face, but Charlie’s voice was quizzical.

Connor forced a laugh, but it was brittle. “Yeah,” he managed, hoping he came off flippant.

“Well there’s leftover Chinese from last night. See you later?”

“Yeah. Later,” Connor managed.

Connor sighed deeply as his brother left and closed the door. Connor could hear him padding around the living room and waited a few moments until he heard the front door open and close.

Connor heaved himself out of bed, a little astonished by the newfound heaviness of his body. He leaned back, pushing his belly out, getting used to his new center of gravity. The tank top he had on had slid up above his navel and seemed to have no hope of being dragged back down. He didn’t know what he was going to do about his predicament, but he at least had one certainty.

He was hungry.

Connor went to the kitchen where he indeed found a small clutter of Chinese food cartons in the fridge. There was lo mein, fried rice, steamed dumplings, a few gravy-slathered omelets, and a large pork dish in a red glaze sauce.

Connor gobbled it all down, not even bothering to plate it. He enjoyed the sticky sweetness of the pork, but once he was finished, he was not satisfied. His hunger only seemed to be escalating.

“Eugh,” said Connor, rubbing the face of his belly. The insects at least seemed to be calming down, if just slightly, though they continued to crawl freely over his skin.

He dragged himself to the bathroom, thinking he might be able to wash off the bugs along with the dirty feeling he had everywhere that they touched him. He stripped, climbed into the shower, and turned on the tap, but before the first droplet of water could make contact with his skin, the bugs rushed so rapidly to his hole, he almost collapsed. In an instant, the entire horde had crammed its way inside him, as he gripped the shower wall with one hand and his belly with the other, feeling the tension surge, watching his belly inflate before his very eyes.

He was being stuffed. A strange noise escaped his throat, face reddening as he tried to breathe through it, breasts feeling weirdly warm and tingling, nipples prickling and aching as he struggled against his shuddering belly.

“Fuuuhhh…” he breathed, once every insect had migrated deep into his stomach. He felt a little dizzy and nauseous, and found himself gingerly sitting down on the tub’s edge. He regretted this decision as he suffered spikes of tension bordering on pain as his belly pushed forward, crammed between his chest and lap.

“Mmmgghhhh…goddd…” he moaned, rubbing his belly gently, trying to adapt. He looked as though he was due with twins by then. As much as he hated the feel of the insects crawling on his body, he suddenly found that preferable to all of them occupying his stomach at one time.

Connor allowed the water to run over him. He dipped his head in, breathing deeply.

He couldn’t believe he was still hungry. It was only getting worse, the intensity scaring him. But then, he had a lot of…creatures…to support.

Connor heaved himself up, going rigid for a moment, his face twisted as he again tried to adjust to the position. He carefully got out of the shower and tried to wrap a towel around himself, but it refused to accommodate his swollen midsection. Instead, he made his way back to his bedroom, half-naked. Flushed and panting, he hastily went through the process of getting dressed, though it wasn’t easy. The tightness of his briefs made him realize that he must have gained weight in his ass. The shorts he pulled on pushed low beneath the swell of his mound, and there wasn’t a single shirt in his room that could pull down past his navel anymore. Connor resorted to going into his brother’s room and digging his biggest sweatshirt out of his dresser. It managed to cover him, but was extremely tight, and made him feel like he was being strangled. Connor was puffing out long breaths of air by then, completely drained from the process of getting dressed.

Much as he wanted to collapse to his bed and go back to sleep, the hunger was painful and disorientating. He jammed his feet into sneakers, grabbed his wallet, and walked right out of the house, not even thinking about the ramifications. His next door neighbor paused in trimming his hedges to gawk.

Connor couldn’t blame him. He felt like a whale, and was waddling somewhat. “Hey, Mr. Mullery,” he called uneasily as the other man continued to ogle. Connor had been a slim, compact teenager only a few weeks earlier.

Connor grabbed his bike from the side of the house. It was awkward. His huge, bobbing belly pressed against the handle bars, and his ass quavered as he tentatively rolled forward. The wheels squeaked continuously, and he could hardly remain balanced. The effort made him feel like he would burst!

He rode at a painfully slow pace, huffing and bobbing while trying desperately not to fall. People rolled down their car windows to stare at him in morbid fascination. Admittedly, the bike could hardly fit his body anymore. And yet he was determined. So Connor rolled on.

Twenty minutes later, Connor was at the grocery store. He gripped onto the shelves with his clammy hands while hoping not to topple. He felt as though his insides were vibrating, but just hoped it wasn’t visible through the straining sweatshirt practically glued to his form. He distractedly threw things into his cart as rapidly as he could. Jams and jellies, syrups and chocolate sauces, toffees, a few tubs of ice cream, cookie dough, honey, caramel, whipped cream, chocolates, candies, and more. Connor made his way to the register, leaning heavily on the cart. He couldn’t help freeing one of his hands to knead his fingers into his swollen stomach. Anything to assuage the discomfort. It churned.

“That is some is to belly,” said the cashier as she rung up Connor’s purchases. “Aren’t you a little young for all that drinking?”

“Um…” said Connor desperately.

“Never seen anything like it,” the cashier went on, smacking her lips against the gum she was chewing. A pause. “You sure you don’t have some medical issue?”

“Mgghhh…” Connor hummed, shifting, because fuck, they were coming. He felt them trying to squish and pour out of him, trying to make a scene right when he had almost finished up at the store.

“Are you okay, sir?”

“How much!?” Connor demanded, legs quavering.

The cashier gave a shrug. “$92.35.”

Connor shoved several bills at her. He knew it was too much, but he just rolled off with his bags loaded in the cart. Once outside, Connor looked helplessly at his bike, not sure how he had been planning to get home with groceries. Wasn’t planning to get this much, Connor reminded himself. He had intended to get a bag or two, not a whole cart loaded with sugary food, even using cash out of his college fund to pay for it all.

He panted and shifted, knowing that he was running out of time. The bugs were already starting to shove out, piling into the back of his pants.

There was a beep of a horn. Connor turned to see a taxi pulled up to the curb, letting someone out.

“Need a ride?” the driver called.

“God, yes!” Connor said in relief. And he waddled forward, his belly prodding into the shopping cart handle bar as he pushed it along.

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