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Summary: Rachel has a remote control that can influence the body of Lisa, a high school bully. She can add babies to Lisa's womb, change Lisa's breast-size and their contents, completely alter the weight and shape of Lisa's body, among other, stranger, things.. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

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It was for science. Rachel just needed to know how this all worked. She wanted to know if the remote could really impregnate someone with the child of the person controlling it. And if so, did that mean that Lisa could carry Rachel’s child, even though the two of them were the same gender?

It was just too intriguing a subject to drop. Of course, there was something more depraved lurking in Rachel’s rationale as she stared at the MONTHS setting on the remote, and slowly pressed the Up arrow.

Lisa’s eyes went wide as a belch erupted from her throat. She quickly covered her mouth, blushing. “Sorry,” she said, sitting up on the bed to fidget somewhat. “God, my body is out of control tonight.” She folded her arms over her midsection.

There was a brisk knock on the bedroom door.

“Rachel, your mother and I have to run to the hardware store. Don’t think I forgot about your language downstairs. I’d like a word with you later,” Dad called.

Rachel sighed. “Right. Talk to you later,” she called back awkwardly.

She heard his footsteps retreating all the way down the stairs. The front door opened. There was some indecipherable discussion as the door closed again, then all was silent. It was just Rachel and Lisa in the house — as well as Eric. But he had probably holed up to his bedroom by then.

Lisa was staring at the wall, biting her bottom lip.

“You okay?” Rachel asked.

“Yeah,” Lisa said, turning her attention back to Rachel. “Just a weird feeling. Maybe we should get back to studying.”

Rachel shrugged. She and Lisa climbed off the bed and heading for the door. Rachel would have to take this slow. She didn’t want to overwhelm the other girl.

As she followed Lisa down the stairs, Rachel increased the MONTHS level from 1 to 2.

Another belch. Lisa absently rubbed her hand over her stomach. “Eugh, sorry. What the hell did I eat today?” They arrived in the kitchen. Lisa sat down at the table, and Rachel took the seat opposite her. “Crap, I forgot my textbook upstairs,” Lisa said.

“I’ll get it,” Rachel volunteered. Not waiting for a response, she left the room again, hurrying up the staircase. Her bedroom was just after the landing. She went inside and closed the door behind her before leaning against it, drawing in long, even breaths. As much as she tried to convince herself to stop, there was a complete loss of control. She just wanted to go a tiny bit farther. She wanted to see Lisa grow round, with Rachel’s child.

Rachel pressed the Up arrow again, bringing the level to 3. She was shaking slightly, from the combined adrenaline and excitement, and also the festering anxiety that she was an awful person and possibly out of her mind. But had any of it been that bad, really? If anything, the baby had softened Lisa; made her kinder. Lisa was a better person now — Rachel was certain of it. There had been no permanent harm done. It was temporary anyway. Lisa wasn’t in any pain. She had only gained from this experience. And with that justification, Rachel increased the level to 4. She grabbed Lisa’s textbook off the hamper, took a deep breath, and walked back out of her bedroom.

In the kitchen, Lisa had pushed her seat away from the kitchen table, both of her hands clasping her abdomen. Rachel could see a curve there.

“I think it’s happening again,” said Lisa, her eyes filled with panic. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, I thought this was over. We have to get to the hospital, we have to —”

“You have to calm down,” Rachel said, walking over. “You’re getting hysterical. Lisa, you’re fine.”

“Rache, my stomach is growing, it’s — it’s another pregnancy, I’m gonna — I’m gonna —!”

“I don’t think that’s even possible, Lisa. You just had a baby. It takes nine months to gestate, not a couple of weeks. Maybe you’re just like — gassy?”

“Jesus fuck, I know my body!” said Lisa in clear frustration. “You think I’m crazy, don’t you? Just like everyone else.”

“No,” said Rachel immediately. “I believe you. I mean, I saw it, how — how you grew last month, that time at my house.” Rachel’s skin was getting warm, her thighs practically trembling. “Let’s just wait and see what happens. It like, reverses itself sometimes, doesn’t it?”

Lisa hesitated, and nodded, weakly. She was so helpless at that moment, her tough exterior chipping away.

“You probably shouldn’t be moving around too much anyway. And what can the hospital really do? Haven’t you gone there before a couple of times?”

Again, Lisa nodded. She ceded to Rachel’s rationale. After all, Rachel was the top of their class. Rachel was smart and clearheaded, with no other interests or emotions clouding her judgment.

Or so Lisa thought.

“We just need to stay calm. And — breathe. I think everything will be fine,” Rachel assured. “One way or another.”

“Right…okay,” said Lisa, fidgeting.

“It might not be the real thing,” Rachel reiterated. She looked down at the papers and textbooks on the kitchen table. “Do you think you’re up for any studying?”

“Fuck no,” Lisa breathed.

“So what do you want to do?”

Rachel thought the little pooch in Lisa’s top was decidedly adorable as the two went into the living room, but Rachel did her best not to stare. She couldn’t reveal how absorbed she was in it. Lisa’s cheeks were flushed now, in what was a lovely symptom of her pregnancy. Her eyes seemed brighter, skin practically glowing. She really did carry well.

The two sat on the couch, and when Lisa seemed absorbed enough in the sitcom rerun that was playing, Rachel reached into her pocket and found the up arrow button without even having to look at it. She pressed it again, raising the level to 5. From the corner of her eye, she could see Lisa’s belly discreetly inch outward. Lisa groaned out, clutching the mound. “Fuck,” she hissed.

It occurred to Rachel that Lisa likely could not even see the little mound past her huge breasts. What a dilemma. But it would be rectified soon.

Rachel allowed herself to properly look. “How are you feeling?” she asked in what she hoped was a concerned tone, resisting the urge to press her thumb against the up arrow and just hold it there.

“Pregnant,” Lisa spat petulantly.

“Yeah,” Rachel agreed, her eyes fixed on Lisa’s torso. “This is…so unique. I mean, it’s kind of incredible.” Then Rachel pushed the button again. Lisa moaned and arched as her belly shifted out into a six-month swell, sort of popping out and making a respectable bump.

“Nngghhhh, fuhhck!” Lisa rattled off a string of obscenities. “Why does this keep happening?” She hugged the curve, as though willing it to go back inside her.

“Does it hurt?”

“No, it’s just really tight,” Lisa whined, a little breathless.

“Do you want me to…” But Rachel was moving before she could stop herself. Her hand made contact with the strained fabric of Lisa’s top. The mound was so warm and soft beneath her hand. Lisa leaned back, pushing her belly into the contact.

“Eugh, this sucks,” Lisa groaned, reaching down and jerking her shirt up, so that her bare belly was now exposed, and pressing into Rachel’s hand. Rachel could feel the tension in her skin, but also the dryness. There was a sudden ripple of movement that made Rachel gasp and pull back.

Lisa grunted. “Believe me now?”

“I, um…” Rachel was flustered. There was a baby and there. Possibly Rachel’s baby. “I’ll go get you some lotion. It might help.” Then she hurried off, because she needed a breather. She went into the bathroom, her hands fumbling in the drawers. Eventually her fingers closed around a lotion bottle, but she waited several more moments until her heartbeat evened out.

They would take this slow.

As Rachel approached the living room, she could see Lisa sprawled on the couch, legs thrown across the cushions as she leaned on the arm. Her hand was rubbing circles into her belly. She looked kind of resigned by then, and worried, consistently looking down at herself with a sense of trepidation. Maybe she was doing mental calculations. Budgeting her time, resources, and energy. Thinking about how inconvenient it would be to deal with another infant. But Rachel wouldn’t bring things that far. She wanted to be fair to Lisa. Rachel didn’t want to burden her. She just wanted to…experiment a little more.

As Rachel increased the level from 6 to 7, Lisa fidgeted madly as her belly visibly surged outward. After all, this was now the third trimester. It was the trimester with the most growth. When the spurt ended, Lisa was left panting, her leaking nipples leaving large patches of moisture in her shirt. Her shirt was still drawn up over her bump, but Rachel had doubts that it would be able to properly cover her anymore. She was getting undeniably large by now. Rachel increased the level again.

“Errgghhh, fucckkk!” Lisa groaned, arching hard, as though to aid her belly with its jerky procession forward. Her face was red, her limbs taut. “Hahhhh…hahhhh…slow…the fuck…down…” she gasped out, presumably to the baby growing inside of her. She was eight months and looking properly pregnant. Big and round, and motherly, and close. Lisa looked miserably up at Rachel. “I’m having another baby,” she whined in dread.

“You don’t know that,” said Rachel as calmly as she could, taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch, not minding as Lisa laid her feet across her lap.

“This sucks phlegm, god, this sucks so fucking hard,” Lisa ranted.

Rachel would forgive the rude nickname. After all, Lisa was in a stressful situation.

Though Rachel felt weirdly remorseless as she took out the remote again, scrolling through the settings. Rachel didn’t even make an attempt to hide the remote anymore. Lisa was too preoccupied to even notice it, let alone appreciate how Rachel’s pressing buttons corresponded with her episodes of growth.

Rachel increased the HIPS and REAR level each by several intervals, watching Lisa squirm as her posterior rounded out, giving her fertile form a much more balanced appearance. She was the ultimate mother. She looked as though she was made to breed in this state. Everything about it was so good, Lisa’s round belly perched against her lap, properly and fully pregnant as it heaved her breasts higher. The mound was gleaming with sweat, and a bit flushed. So was Lisa’s face. She seemed so overwhelmed as she gazed at her big belly, now visible beyond her fat breasts. She looked like she could faint the way she had the last time she was this round with child.

Rachel increased the REAR level one more time, just to ensure that it was properly absurd, and Lisa was fully voluptuous, plump and pregnant. Rachel went to the NPLS mode, increasing that level as well, as Lisa whimpered and fidgeted, while tugging helplessly at her clothing, like she couldn’t decide which part of her was the most uncomfortable. Her nipples grew obscenely large, protruding against the straining cotton of her shirt, bulging out like golf balls as Lisa huffed, and puffed, and groaned. The material was dripping milk.

Finally, Rachel scrolled back to the MONTHS setting, and brought the level to 9. The number went red on the remote for some reason. But Rachel’s attention swung back to Lisa as the pregnant girl yelped, throwing her legs off the couch, leaning forward like she was going to get up, but instead just clutched the underside of her belly as it rolled outward, swelling as she whined and arched, face twisted as the mass made one final jump forward, bulging out to its full pregnant potential. She was at term.

Fluid splashed against the cushions, some of it trickling onto the floor. Lisa’s water had broken. She was in labor. But Rachel wasn’t going to let things proceed. She wasn’t going to make Lisa have another baby. Lisa was huffing and puffing, pouring sweat as she clutched her belly. “Oh god, I don’t…don’t want —nrgghhhh…” She was fighting the urge to push.

Rachel pressed the up arrow again, increasing MONTHS to 10 before she even realized what she was doing. Lisa wailed as her belly swelled more, and Rachel was sopping wet. She pressed the button again, bringing the level up to 11, making Lisa eleven months pregnant, which meant she was two months past term. And she was getting immense, her belly blowing up like a balloon, as she wheezed and whined, her mass shaking with contractions. “Fuhhhh…godddd!” she wheezed out, her face beet red. Veins rose, then sunk against her huge mass. Her breasts were growing on their own, shirt starting to tear open. And Rachel pressed the button again.

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