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Summary: Holly has the ability to possess other people’s bodies. In a scheme of jealousy and revenge, Holly sabotages Faye by possessing her and making her act recklessly - including but not limited to binge-eating, exposure to weird experiments, consuming strange things, fertility drugs, etc. Contains: Female: pregnancy, breast expansion, belly expansion, birth denial, and more.


Holly was too old for crushes. She would be twenty in a couple of months. But none of that seemed to change the way her heart pounded whenever Greg’s eyes met hers. She knew it was stupid, and juvenile. She had almost literally jumped at the opportunity to be in his group for the theology assignment.

Rather blithely, Faye had joined their group as well. “Oh, this is going to be great,” she said cheerily.

And now the group of five was assembled in the living room of Faye’s little dorm apartment. It was rather cramped for Holly’s taste, but Faye couldn’t afford a place off-campus. It was weird, how different their upbringings had been, especially considering the fact that Faye and Holly were cousins.

“So I was thinking, me and Greg can handle the research, and you ladies can put it all together for the presentation,” Miguel was saying as Faye nipped on popcorn and Sarah nodded from where was she was sprawled across the beanbag adjacent to the couch.

“I don’t mind helping put the presentation together,” said Greg, rather hopefully. He threw a glance at Faye, who was perched on the couch beside him.

Holly twiddled her sweaty thumbs. “Good idea.”

“Okay, then I’ll help Miguel with the research, so he’s not doing it all on his own,” said Faye in her annoyingly high voice.

“No — I mean —” Greg fumbled. Suddenly he seemed the sweaty one. “I mean, er, that sounds fun. Count me in.”

“But then we’ll have three on research,” Faye said obliviously, blinking her long eyelashes, and failing to realize what had quickly become obvious to everyone else.

Greg wanted to work with Faye.

Holly stood abruptly. The others looked up at her in surprise.

“Bathroom,” she managed, slinging her oversized purse over her shoulder and shuffling off, her breathing growing thinner with every step she took.

This was so typical. Ever since grade school, Faye had always swept in and taken what was Holly’s. Faye had always had to best Holly in everything. She had to be prettier, more popular, better at sports, get higher grades — it was relentless, the pressure; their parents always comparing them. Holly had anticipated that it would be over after high school, and had chosen an extremely exclusive college all the way on the opposite side of the country for just this purpose. And then Faye — fucking, Faye — had decided to apply to the same school. And she had gotten accepted even before Holly had.

Holly didn’t know how long she stood gripping the sink, with the water running, hyperventilating as she thought about the unfairness of it all. There was a knock on the door, which caused her to jump. She quickly wiped away her tears, but mostly managed to smear dark mascara all around her eyes. Whispering a few obscenities under her breath, she went to the bathroom door and opened it just a crack.

“Hey, you okay? You’ve been in there a while…” Faye obnoxiously twisted some of her strawberry blonde hair around her pointer finger.

“Yeah, sorry, I —uh — fell in.”

“Ew — what!?”

“Yeah, one of those douchebags left the toilet seat up.”

“Oh Goddess, every time I do anything here, I swear some guy—”

“Faye?” Holly cut her cousin off.


“Why did you join the same group as me?” Holly opened the door a little wider. If Faye noticed the messy state of Holly’s makeup, she didn’t mention it.

“Why wouldn’t I? We’re cousins. This was our first class together in three years. We can never seem to align our schedules.”

“So you couldn’t just let me have this one, could you?”

“Holly, what are you talking about?”

Holly sighed. This was pointless. “Nothing — it’s nothing. I’ll be out in another minute, you should get back.”

Faye frowned at Holly, and looked like she might say something else, but eventually nodded and left. Holly closed the door.

Faye was predictable. Competitive. Relentless. Always so subtle in her cruelty; always presenting herself as so kind and saintly.

Holly returned to the mirror, staring at her reflection as she drew in long, even breaths. Her dark hair hung around her face in messy waves, an oversized black T-shirt hanging over her thin frame.

She reached into her purse and pulled out her wand. The carved wood was long, thin, and imperfect. Holly was usually above using magic out of spite, but Faye had been asking for it for years, from the moment she had first one-upped Holly, and from the days when Faye had first started to shun her own magical learnings. Apparently she was above it all. But not anymore. Faye wasn’t better at everything.

Holly swung her wand down in one sharp motion. She had known this spell since she was a child. It was practically harmless. More of a practical joke. Holly threw a glance at the bathroom door, making sure that it was locked. She waved her wand over her head in a smooth revolution, causing a tingling sensation to trickle from the top of her head and steadily down the rest of her body. Her eyelids fell, and she became still, falling into a trance where she stood.


Now Holly was in the living room. She was seated on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in her lap, Greg sitting a bit too close. He smiled and gave her his undivided attention, throwing his arm around the back of the couch, like he wanted to put it about her shoulders.

Holly could see the blonde hair in the edges of her vision, knowing that it now hung around her face and trailed along her back. She was in Faye’s body. Gods, she hadn’t done this in years, not since they were kids. Knowing that she had created an unnatural rift in whatever conversation Faye had been partaking in, Holly stuffed her mouth with popcorn, nodding as Greg chuckled and said, “I guess you’re not a big fan of sci-fi.”

Holly nodded and smiled, continuing to chomp away. At first it was just to avoid having to speak, but she realized that she must have looked quite greedy. She stuffed even more into her mouth, till her cheeks were bulging. Now Greg just looked perplexed. Sarah snorted.

“Faye, what are you doing?” said Sarah, giving her an odd, but amused, look.

Holly attempted to stuff more popcorn into her mouth, but it was spilling out by then. Greg gave a surprised laugh and Miguel just shook his head, disgusted.

“I guess she’s hungry,” said Greg lightly.

“Right,” said Sarah quizzically. She gave a slight shake of her head. “Anyway, can we wrap this up? I have to walk my dog before he destroys my apartment. When are we meeting up again?”

As the rest of the group sorted out the details, Holly continued to hog the corn, even hugging the bowl to her chest when Miguel tried to grab a piece. She completely stuffed her face, but had failed to consider how much Faye had already eaten before Holly took the controls. By the time the bowl was finished, Holly was trying not to hurl. Here she was, over-stressing her cousin’s tiny little stomach. She grimaced as the others left with awkward waves and shakes of their heads.

“See ya, Faye,” Greg said.

Holly just gave him a sneer and chomped on some of the brownies Sarah had brought.

Greg chuckled, shutting the door behind him.

When she was alone, Holly slumped back into the cushions. “Gods, why is this body so itchy?” she squirmed.

Because I’m allergic to chocolate, a high voice snapped.

Holly felt a jolt, and she was suddenly back in the bathroom, hunched over and gasping as she clung onto the sink. It took her a moment to gather her bearings. Then she exited the bathroom to find Faye back in the living room, spitting out bits of brownie as she brushed popcorn off her skirt.

Holly rolled her eyes. “Drama queen,” she intoned.

Faye’s eyes snapped up at her. “Why would you do that!?”

“Relax, it was just a joke.” Holly responded. “I’m surprised you even noticed. Usually people can’t detect when they’re possessed.”

“I’m a witch too, you know.”

Holly scoffed. “Right. Of course.” She would have to work on her spell. Holly was sure that with a little more focus, she could make it so Faye would have no idea that Holly had taken over.

“We’re not kids anymore, Holly! And that spell can be dangerous! Eugh, why does my stomach hurt? Did you make me eat this whole bowl of popcorn?”

“Of course not. That was mostly Miguel. You know that guys a pig.” Holly plopped down on the opposite end of the couch, kind of resigned. Her little prank had cheered her up, but only briefly.

“Promise me you won’t ever do that again,” Faye insisted.

Holly dropped her head back. “I wouldn’t think of it.”


Holly decided to do it again a week later.

Faye was just too easy a victim. If she had been a stronger witch, she could have easily performed a counter-spell to take over Holly’s own body. It was the perfect defense and deterrent.

But of course, Faye had all but rescinded the old ways. She was just a normal human these days; just as helpless as the rest of the cattle.

Holly’s previous attempt had only lasted a couple of minutes, but with practice, she was sure that she could make the spell last longer. She remembered Faye’s disgust about being forced to eat all that popcorn. Faye had always been quite picky about what she ate. Holly decided to use that against her.

Holly invited Faye out for ice cream. She knew it was uncharacteristic, but Faye didn’t show an inkling of suspicion. The moment the two of them sat down, Holly reached into her purse and twisted her wand with a few sharp jerks of her wrist. She had managed to compact the spell into tiny movements. In another few days, she was sure she would be able to do it completely wandless.

Doing this publicly did pose some risks. Holly slumped in her seat, her eyes closing.

And suddenly she was looking at herself through Faye’s eyes. She was seated across from her own body, and it was quite odd to see herself hunched there in a catatonic state, looking as though she had arbitrarily fallen asleep. Thankfully, the parlor was small, and there was only another pair of customers seated on the opposite side, presently immersed in conversation. No one took notice of the brunette’s stupor, so Holly happily sat back and ate both her own and Faye’s ice cream servings. Then she ordered another two bowls.

It was odd to pig out like this. Holly tended to avoid sweets since she seemed to gain weight at the mere smell of junk food. She had never really indulged like this. So now she enjoyed the sensation of the ice cream melting in her mouth, and the awareness that she wasn’t the one who was taking on the calories. That would be Faye.

Holly could feel her grasp on the spell growing taut. She quickly ordered a third serving of ice cream for both of them. Just as the waiter took away their empty bowls, she was thrust back into her body. Holly gasped upright, blinking around.

Faye had a similar reaction. She looked wildly around, seeming disoriented for a moment. “Eugh, why do I feel so…I think I’m getting a stomach ache,” she groaned, folding her arms over her abdomen. “What the hell did I eat today?”

Now back in her own body, Holly shrugged and lifted her spoon. Her belly felt pleasantly empty. “Dig in.”


Maybe Holly was going overboard.

Faye was starting to put on weight, mostly in her tits and ass.

Holly could see it, and even feel it when she possessed her cousin’s body. The balance was off, flesh heavier in places, and softer. The little bras Faye wore were now starting to cut into her chest.

Holly realized that her silly games were now starting to impact Faye’s health. Maybe it was time to back off. It was revenge enough.

It was the day of the next study session, and Faye had again volunteered to host. Holly arrived an hour early after an economics class, not wanting to head to her off-campus apartment just to turn around and come back.

She turned the doorknob of Faye’s dorm to find it unlocked, so she let herself in, dumping her backpack on the couch. Holly looked around but there was no sight of her cousin.

There was some movement in the next room. Faye was in her bedroom.

Holly opened her mouth, about to call out to her, but then she heard Faye talking. It sounded like she was on the phone.

“Honestly mom, I just feel sorry for her,” Faye was saying, the cheap dormitory walls so thin Holly had no trouble hearing her. “She has no friends, she’s struggling with this project — I don’t even know if she’s going to graduate on time. I try to help, but you know Holly always pushes me away.”

Holly felt her breath catch in her throat. Faye was talking about her.

“Yeah, I know it’s not my problem. But she’s my cousin, I can’t help but — yes, mom.” Faye sighed. “Yeah, I’m still top of the class. It’s honestly not that hard, and yes, I do have fun. No, really. As a matter of fact, I have a date tonight after the study session.” A giggle. “It’s this guy in my theology class. He’s a dork but…he’s kind of cute.”

Holly set her laptop on the coffee table, and a bit harder than she’d intended. It made an audible thump.

“Mom, someone’s here. I gotta go. Love you too.” Faye walked out of her room, pulling a brush through her long hair. She gave Holly a quizzical look. “You’re early.”

“Yeah, well, this grade’s important,” Holly retorted with a bite of sarcasm. She pulled out her phone, swiping through her food delivery app until she found the nearest fast food joint. “How does pizza sound? I’m thinking meat-lovers.”

“Ew. You know I’m on a diet,” Faye responded as she strolled into the bathroom, continuing to brush her long hair.

“Yeah, okay, you don’t have to eat it,” Holly said as she put in an order for a couple of large pies.

Oh, Faye would.

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