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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ani.

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Every attempt seemed to fall through. It took another six months before they were finally able to sell.

The house was going to a young gay couple, who were intending to put it online as one of those short-term rentals. They had it all planned out.

“It’ll make a nice little B&B,” one of the young men was saying. His name was Tom.

“Well, six bedrooms,” Jane managed, as she clutched her swollen belly. She couldn’t believe she was already pregnant again. Thankfully, it was only triplets this time. Small children swarmed around them, playing and screaming, and causing general chaos. Jane doggedly pretended not to notice them. “So you don’t intend to live here?”

“Oh, we’ll test it out. But we prefer our apartment in the city.”

“I think you’re perfect for this place,” Peter blurted in clear relief.

The other two men blinked at him. “Why?” the second one, Rob, asked.

“No reason,” said Jane, throwing Peter look. Then she pulled some keys out of the pocket of her maternity dress. “All yours.”

“Right,” said Rob, accepting them. He looked around at the surrounding madness. “Are all these kids…yours?” His gaze shifted to Jane’s round belly.

“Yes,” said Jane, as Peter nodded robotically.

“But how is that even…you two don’t look anything over —”

“Well, we have to run,” Jane cut Rob off. “You’ll love it. You’ll just love it.” It was also rather rapidly.

“It’s a great place to start a family,” said Peter rather wearily as Jane grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards the multitude of vans lined up for them and the horde of children.


It had been almost too generous of a deal. Both Tom and Rob had searched tirelessly for what it was that was wrong with the place, but they couldn’t find anything. It was a bit antiquated, but it was huge, and functional, and with little need for maintenance so far.

Before putting the place up for rent, Tom and Rob tested it out for a week, and it was like a redo of their honeymoon. Something about being homeowners made them ridiculously frisky, and they could hardly get their hands off of each other. They must have done a test run of all six bedrooms, and by the end both knew things had gotten a bit too indulgent, based on the visible weight both had visibly put on.

“Worth it,” Rob said, patting his little belly, as Tom snorted and threw his backpack into the car.

“Let’s just get this place online.”


But even after the vacation, and both men had resumed their normal diets (and workout routines), the weight continued to stack. Tom was looking rather chubby and Rob was sporting a prominent belly. It was just starting to look bizarre.

“It’s a bit baffling,” Dr. Lee admitted as he went over Rob’s test results for the third time. “The hormones in your blood are heavily indicative of pregnancy. Which obviously isn’t possible. Have either of you been on any unusual drugs? Herbs or anything?”

Tom struggled to maintain a straight face, both at the question, and the fact that Rob decidedly was starting to look pregnant lately.

Rob was absently rubbing his bump. “No, no herbs,” he said wryly. “Is this some sort of tumor or something? I’m beginning to look like a freak.”

“Darling, you are a freak,” Tom assured, fidgeting with his jacket somewhat as he stood by Rob’s side. Though this was Rob’s appointment, Tom couldn’t deny that he was experiencing similar symptoms. Lately his own stomach was steadily growing rounder, though he tried not to bring it up. Whatever was making Rob sick was obviously affecting him as well.

“I would like to refer you to a specialist…” Dr. Lee went on.

The two men were sent home with no answers and the specialist couldn’t see them for another month. The whole situation was just weird. Rob seldom even left the apartment anymore, too embarrassed by his swelling form.

“God, my nipples are so tender lately,” Rob complained, rubbing his hand into his chest once they had gotten back to the apartment.

“Do you think it could’ve been something at the house?” Tom asked as he sat on the couch, pulling his laptop onto his thighs. It had been a couple of months since their stay there. He didn’t think he had ingested anything odd, but he could remember the elation. Practically euphoria. And the fucking. There had been a lot of crazy rabbit sex going on.

“We haven’t gotten any complaints,” Rob responded, wandering into the kitchen. “Do we have any more of those mini cupcakes? I’ve been craving them like crazy.”

Tom got online and went to their listing. He began to scroll through the reviews.

‘It started out as a work trip, but somehow turned out to be a romantic getaway. Which was odd, because we weren’t even a couple. But well…now we’re expecting…twins.’

‘The place is massive, it really gets you in the mood. We were getting ready to retire, but, well, it looks like were having another baby…or a few…’


The house was not scheduled to be occupied the following weekend, so Tom and Rob decided to check it out and see if they found anything odd.

By that point, Tom seemed to have somehow…popped. Out of nowhere. His belly was now jutting, protruding out even farther out than Rob’s. He swore he looked like a damn whale, his insides lurching with indigestion. Admittedly, he had been eating like a pig lately, but this was just ridiculous. He was even waddling a little.

They caught a couple on the tail end of their stay just as they were heading for their car.

The woman gave them an awkward wave as she struggled towards the passenger seat of a sedan. She was that repeat visitor, Miss Morrison. Morrison stayed there sometimes for business. Her belly was massive, looking like a beach ball attached to her, as it bounced and she clutched it while struggling to ease herself down in the car. And it was a tight squeeze. She was left huffing and puffing, her heaving mound looking like it would tear through her blouse at any moment. The man with her looked perpetually-dazed as he started the car.

“A lot of pregnancies…” Tom mused aloud as he watched the vehicle speed away.

Rob shrugged as he tugged on the hem of his too-small shirt. “Let’s just get inside,” he said as he ducked off towards the house, clearly not wanting to be seen by anyone.


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