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Summary: Tom is in his mid-forties. Comfortably married in suburbia  with his wife, office job, and his 2.5 kids getting ready for college, Jim finds himself immersed in an affair with a fit young biogeneticist. Jim  has no idea why he's gaining so much weight, and his wife has started making remarks about it. Little does he know, his secret boyfriend is not only experimenting on him but breeding him. Worse, Jim can apparently get pregnant additional times while already pregnant, and end up carrying multiple babies of different gestational ages. Its only a matter of time before his secret affair comes to light. That, in addition to other things. Contains: Male: pregnancy, breast expansion, belly expansion, butt expansion, stuffing, weight gain.

Previous Chapter 


“Just when I thought things couldn’t get any more humiliating,” Tom puffed out as he leaned on the wall, jaw clenched and eyes squeezed shut.

No one offered any sympathy. Ian was certain that he hadn’t been expecting it.

Internally Ian was buzzing, but he tried to maintain a calm, professional demeanor. He finished setting up the bed. Extra-large and fortified for the substantial weight it was being tasked with supporting. Tom and his litter of babies.

“When does he go into surgery?” Penelope asked. The son was sitting outside, in the waiting room. It seemed he wanted to know as little about the details as possible.

“It will be a natural birth,” Ian informed.

Tom and Penelope froze.

“What?” said Tom.

“How is that even possible?” said Penelope.

“It’s the only way. This condition is too new, the construct of the womb and blood vessels lining it too delicate and unique to properly map. Surgery would not be wise or safe. Tom, your body has adapted to facilitate natural birth. So the pregnancy will…end the way it started, so to speak.”

Tom looked appalled, his hands clutching at the massive mound heaving on his torso. “You have to be fucking kiddinnngghhhh…!” He groaned through another contraction.

“Tom, why don’t you have a seat?” Ian suggested, going to Tom’s side to usher him towards the bed. Penelope hurried to aid as well. At first Tom couldn’t sit, he just gripped the headboard as he grunted out, belly pressing into the mattress. The custom sized hospital gown could barely contain him, his belly on the cusp of pushing free from the hem. The same could be said about his round ass in the back; it was just so plump now.

Finally, the contraction winded down. Tom gasped for breath. Ian and Penelope helped him to shift onto the bed, though he twisted his face. Like it felt odd to be seated. Understandable.

“You didn’t bother to ask?” Penelope chastised Tom.

“I just didn’t want to think about any of it,” Tom retorted, rubbing circles on either side of his belly. What he could reach of it, at least. “God, this baby is so active.”

For the most fleeting instant, Ian and Penelope exchanged a look, which was odd for strangers. But they had a common understanding. And Tom was still in clear denial that he was carrying multiples. Of course, Ian had been intentionally vague on that matter. He hadn’t wanted to spoil the surprise.

“Stretch out your arm,” Ian instructed, as he rolled the IV stand over. “We want to keep you hydrated.”

Tom did as instructed, extending his arm and closing his eyes, his face tight and miserable. He didn’t know that the IV bag wasn’t just for hydration, but to pack Tom with even more growth hormone, appetite enhancers, and other things.

“Try to get comfortable,” said Ian.

Tom scoffed. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Thank you Dr. Anderson,” said Penelope.

“Yes, thank you…Doctor,” Tom said awkwardly. After all, Ian was just a physician in this setting. Not the father of the children Tom was about to bear.

Tom offered a controlled smile. “My pleasure,” he said.

Ian went in and out as Tom endured labor, sometimes hiding away in his office because he couldn’t stand the way Penelope coddled her husband. Other times he took notes. This was the biggest project of his young career, after all. He had seen Tom through a successful male pregnancy. As long as things went well with the birth, he would be the greatest innovator in centuries. And to think, it had all started with a middle-aged, less than enthused subject, who still seemed to have no idea how profoundly the world was about to change.

Ian returned to the hospital room to watch Tom writhe. It was fascinating to see his progression. Check his dilation. Watch the way his bump heaved and contorted on his torso. It must have been a strenuous process, his body going into overdrive as it arduously shifted fetuses, trying to relinquish the one that was most ripe. Tom was red and panting, looking close to tears by then.

Ian knew Tom wanted to kill him. Tom hadn’t anticipated the pain and indignity of a natural birth. Ian suppose there was an upside to just being “Dr. Anderson” in this vicinity. He checked Tom’s latest vitals with professional aloofness. “Hm…”

“Is everything okay?” Penelope asked as Tom just panted, beyond sweat-drenched by then.

It had already been a few hours. Ian hesitated, then said, “It still looks as though he’s a while off from pushing. You should go home and rest. I can call you if anything changes,” he told the wife.

Penelope looked stricken. “It doesn’t seem right to leave him…”

“I’ll take good care of him,” said Ian a bit sinisterly. “And it looks like you live fairly close to the hospital.” He threw a perfunctory glance at the chart in his hands.

Penelope threw a glance at her husband.

Tom gave a jerky nod. “He’s right. Go,” he huffed out.

Penelope bit her lip. “Promise to call me the minute anything changes.”

“Of course,” said Ian.

Penelope went over to the bed and kissed Tom’s forehead. “I’m just going to take Sid home to sleep and make sure Kim’s alright. A quick shower, then I’m back.”

“It’s fine,” Tom managed. “Have a rest. Take—take your time.”

Then, finally, she left. Ian and Tom were alone. Tom heaved a sigh and slumped back in the bed. He was constantly fidgeting, trying to shift positions, find something that was slightly less excruciating than the last one. “I c-can’t be on my back right now. Help me,” he pleaded.

Ian helped Tom slowly shift upright, onto his knees, thighs spread out. His huge belly was perched on the mattress before him. Now Ian could see his backside, and it seemed to have swollen even larger. It was just huge. Ian had never seen anything like it before. Ian slowly got onto the bed behind Tom. “There must be something that can trigger you…” He muttered in a would-be thoughtful way.

“Oh god,” Tom moaned, leaning back into him, his huge breasts jiggling with his thin breaths.

Ian wrapped his arms to cup Tom’s flanks, rubbing into the plump flesh there, which outspanned Tom by then. The mass was so big and plump, so full against Ian’s hands, and heavy. He still couldn’t believe that Tom could tote it around. Ian’s hand slid down. He found that Tom’s dick was hard and weeping, where it was buried under his mound. It must’ve been the hormones; the pressure on Tom’s prostate. Ian couldn’t believe how turned on he was.

“Let me?” Ian murmured into the crook of Tom’s neck.

“God, just fu-fuck me!”

Ian took it slow. He was careful. It took an absurd amount of control not to just pump with wild abandon. Tom was just so full, so tight, Ian could barely hold himself together. Tom was a dream come true, sexually and scientifically. He was the perfect being. Ian couldn’t believe they were doing this, right here, right now. He released with a groan.

Tom’s belly rolled. “Ngrrrhhhhh!” He arched as his belly pushed outward, swelling, looking like it might explode. The hospital gown slid upward, his huge mass pushing out at the bottom. His breasts wiggled as they were shoved higher by the mound. It was just getting massive. Tom screamed.

Ian clutched him through it, a bit gobsmacked, his mind still hazy from the potency of the orgasm. He felt Tom’s body finally start to relax, tears rolling down Tom’s cheeks as he sniffed and choked helplessly, “fuck, it’s coming! It’s coming, Ian!”

“Good. It’s okay. You’re so beautiful.” He kissed Tom’s shoulder. “Everything’s okay.”

Tom released another roar of pain, his hands gripping at his tremoring mass. “Oh fuck, oh god. You have to call Penny!”


The wife seemed to practically teleport there just after Ian called. When she stepped in the room, she looked astonished, her eyes wide as she regarded her flushed spouse in all his massiveness as he strained on the bed. After she got over her shock, she hurried over, not even inquiring about the growth spurt. Maybe she had gotten used to them by now. “It’s okay honey, I’m here!”

“Errrggghh—gonna—burst!” Tom cried, just before his belly gave another powerful spasm that left him gritting his teeth, a vein bulging on his sweaty forehead. It was practically bouncing with activity, and he was gripping it as tight as he could, cursing and grunting, and kind of pleading with their offspring at times. “Don’t—nrrghhh—easy!” It was only once Penelope was right beside him, taking hold of one of his tense hands, that he started pushing with real ambition. “Mmgghhhhh!”

When the contraction ended, Tom just gasped for breath. He looked absolutely terrified, the panic on his face complementing the pain. “Oh god, oh god,” he puffed, eyes darting about, as though he was seeking escape. His hands continued to rub desperately against his mass, as though trying to pacify it, fearing the next contraction. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him. Ian could hardly believe it either. “Make it stop,” Tom pleaded hoarsely. “I c-can’t do this. How the fuck did this happen to me? Just keep them in there, I don’t want to-mmhh…fuhhh…AHHHHHHH!” Instinctively he arched, shoving the throbbing orb outward.

The wife rushed back his hair, trying to comfort. “It’s okay, Tom. Everything will be okay.”

Ian tried to ignore these interactions. There were too many conflicting emotions reeling around in his head. He managed to submerge himself in his professional role, checking Tom’s position, his vitals, the dilation level again. Ian was certain this should have been the best day of his life. Not only was he about to become a father, but his greatest experiment had been a success. His theories, that had been laughed at by the most respected scientists in the industry, were coming to fruition. And to top things off, the love of his life was accomplishing all of this for him, going through the pain of childbirth, solidifying their connection in a familial bond. Tom was perfect. Tom was beautiful. And now Tom would be family.

But then there was the wife.

Tom was squeezing her hand like a lifetime. It looked so painful. Ian hadn’t wanted to risk an epidural, this process just being so new.

Ian walked over to Tom’s other side. He helped to adjust one of Tom’s rigid thighs. “Mr. Duval, I need you to breathe. Deep breaths, you need to breathe between the contractions, or it’ll only get harder.”

“Ian,” Tom moaned, just sobbing by then, like a child. He was shaking almost violently, belly heaving and quaking. It was simply immense.

Ian couldn’t help his natural instinct to comfort. This was his lover. These were his babies. His hand rested on Tom’s sweaty swell, absently rubbing into the squirming movements. Their babies really were active, urging their sibling along. He could feel the wife watching them, but he couldn’t help it. “It’s okay. You’re almost there. You almost have your baby. Look how amazing you are. You’re bringing life.”

Ian had never seen Tom so vulnerable. It made his heart clenched. It took Ian an incredible amount of effort to pull away, even as Tom tried to reach for his wrist.

The baby was crowning.

“It’s too…big. I can’t!” Tom cried.

“Almost there…” said Ian. “One more. One nice push.”

“IAN!” Tom’s nipples sprayed. His latest scream ended with a hoarse, whimpering laugh, indicative of hysteria and perhaps defeat. He slumped back, eyes unfocused.

There was a squalling cry.

Tom passed out.


Tom awoke slowly. His whole body was aching. He had been expecting relief from the heaviness and tension, but when he opened his eyes and looked down at his body, he was astonished to find that he was still entirely pregnant. “What…” He trailed off.

There was no way he could have imagined the whole thing. His body felt as though it had been run over by a bulldozer. He was completely baffled and horrified. Then he heard the familiar cries of a newborn baby. Ian walked over with a soft, pink bundle, and eased it into Tom’s arms. Tom felt his eyes mist over. “Ian, what’s going on?” he croaked. “Why am I still — where’s Penny?”

“She figured it out,” said Ian quietly.

“What?” said Tom. It took him a moment for his brain to process it. “No…fuck…no…” He looked back down at his new baby, his feelings of love and compassion being corrupted by anxiety as his throat narrowed.

There was a lurching sensation. Inside of him. Tom looked at his mountainous abdomen in horror, as it visibly trembled with movement. “I’m still…pregnant,” he choked out, this would-be happy occasion transforming into an absolute nightmare. “H-how?” he croaked.

“The…younger fetuses,” Ian explained. “They’re all at…different gestational ages. It’s called superfetation. Usually it only occurs in certain animal species’. It’s actually a miracle that you can —”

“Where’s Penny?” Tom demanded, feeling utterly devastated. He suddenly wanted to be as far away from Ian as possible. He wanted to be around someone he could actually trust. Not this scientist, who took whatever liberties he wanted with Tom’s body.

“She left.”

And this time, Tom knew she wasn’t coming back.


Tom B.

As someone who never, and I mean never enjoys mpreg, this story has been a surprising joyride that I will happily call a guilty pleasure. If you ask me, this should be a prime candidate for a future gender-swap.