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Summary: Rachel has a remote control that can influence the body of Lisa, a high school bully. She can add babies to Lisa's womb, change Lisa's breast-size and their contents, completely alter the weight and shape of Lisa's body, among other, stranger, things.. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

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Lisa tried to be as poised and composed as ever at school, but Rachel could tell she was exhausted. Lisa was no longer in the cheerleading squad, and in consequence, no longer particularly close to the cheerleaders, but Rachel could hear them exchanging catty remarks from time to time.

“Who did your boobs?” Kitty Kramer asked Lisa in the back of math class one morning.

“Hm, well, nature,” Lisa drawled back, sparing Kitty a mere glance as she wrote something down in her notebook.

“You’re kidding,” Kitty smacked her lips as she chewed gum. She pulled a large wad of it out of her mouth and stuck it under her desk. “So that’s the story you’re sticking with?”

Lisa rolled her eyes.

“Okay, fun bags.”

Lisa threw a glance back, as though she could actually feel Rachel watching. Rachel quickly ducked her head and pretended to be immersed in her notes.

It was nice to see that things were getting back to normal…relatively speaking. Lisa had not lost her wit and confidence. She had overcome her recent ordeal, as she did every obstacle.

“Who would like to complete the next equation?” Mr. Kent nodded to the chalkboard as he adjusted his spectacles.

Even Rachel was surprised when Lisa raised her hand. She thought Lisa might have wanted to eschew any unnecessary attention. And math obviously wasn’t Lisa’s forte.

There were some heckles as Lisa stood, one student giving a wolf whistle. Lisa took it in stride, swiveling her hips seductively she walked up to the chalkboard, causing the other students to giggle and cheer.

“Hey, hey, quiet down,” Mr. Kent discouraged the class.

As Lisa started scribbling numbers, Rachel noticed that her breasts outspanned her torso, as Rachel could see the sides of them from behind Lisa, when Lisa’s arms were raised as they were at that moment. Her boobs were so huge, they were just disproportionate. There was nothing to balance them. Maybe if she had bigger hips or a bigger butt, it would look more natural… Rachel cut off that line of thought.

Lisa finished the equation. She turned to face the class, looking quite pleased with herself. There was a little bit of chalk on her chest, which she had yet to notice. When Lisa was facing forward, it was easy to see how heavily she was breathing, breasts heaving gently. It must have taken a lot of resources to carry all that weight, and milk, all the time. One of Lisa’s hands went to rest on her back, as though to support some tension there.

As Mr. Kent began to scan the equation for errors, Lisa’s eyebrows furrowed. Her lips twisted, and then it happened. The front of her blouse began to dampen, moisture seeping through, making the material mold to her skin as it got wetter and wetter, until it was actually dripping, and everyone could see the prominent outline of Lisa’s huge bulging nipples sticking out at them. Lisa’s breathing went thin and her face turned pink.

“Oh my gawd!” Kitty cried, as a commotion started up.

Students tittered, cheered, or just gawked. Lisa squirmed, her hands rising up, as though to make contact with her breasts, but she stopped herself short.

Mr. Kent finally seemed to register what was going on. He opened and closed his mouth several times, looking utterly mortified.

Then, to Rachel’s utter astonishment, Lisa’s horrified expression gave way to a smile. “Sorry guys. There’s a little something I have to take care of.” She gave a sarcastic wink and walked off, just like that. The room went silent. Rachel’s hands were gripping her thighs.

“God damn,” muttered Peter Finkel, then the room burst into chatter and giggles.

“That girl is crazy.”

“She gives zero fucks.”

Rachel released the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. She sagged in her seat, groin hot and tingling. Only Lisa could pull off the teen mom thing with so much…style.

Things seemed to calm down as days passed. Lisa always seemed prepared with a snarky retort to any mocking. One day she even showed up to school with her newborn strapped to her torso. Apparently her parents had had a work emergency and hadn’t been able to babysit. Lisa simply gave a sarcastic smile to anyone who goggled.

“My day to watch the twerp.”

God, she was just so cool.

And reliably, everyone started to love her again. She was just as popular, and Rachel still couldn’t understand it. It was all in the attitude, she supposed. The cool confidence Lisa always exuded, which seemed well beyond that of your typical ambivalent highschooler. Despite her snark and shenanigans, there was a maturity there. Rachel couldn’t help but being awed and envious simultaneously.

And through all, Lisa continued to be gorgeous. Her beauty never wavered in the least. If anything, motherhood just made Lisa more lovely. Softer; more patient and kind, in the subtle ways. Lisa fit the role perfectly. Despite giving her baby a plethora of goofy nicknames, Lisa was so sweet with him. It melted Rachel’s heart to see them together.

Oddly, the more Rachel looked at the baby, the more she began to realize how much he resembled…Eric. Which didn’t make sense. It was just a bizarre concept. There was no way Eric and the child could be related. Then again, who was the baby related to? Besides Lisa, that was. A baby needed the genetic material of two parents — that was basic biology. If somehow the baby was all Lisa, it would have simply been a clone of her, not that asexual reproduction was even a thing in humans. Then again, the advent of the remote had introduced a lot of supposed impossibilities.

Still…Rachel could not dismiss the niggling feeling that the infant inexplicably looked just like her brother. She began to wonder if it was possible that…that the baby somehow had inherited Eric’s genetic material from Eric’s operation of the remote during Lisa’s freak pregnancy.

But how would that even work? Eric was just a kid. He wasn’t old enough to sire anything. It could have easily been Rachel who had been handling the remote when the pregnancy had occurred. In fact, Rachel actually had used the remote to make Lisa swell with child previously, though it hadn’t actually come to a birth that time. So according to the hypothesis that the wielder of the remote was also the parent in Lisa’s pregnancies, that meant that Lisa could birth a child that had two parents of the same gender. Which was an impossibility, and yet…no way…

It was just bizarre. This whole thing, actually. And the implications were driving Rachel crazy. She tried not to think about it. It was over, after all. She didn’t care about the scientific, or even magical, connotations. The remote had caused harm, and it…just didn’t matter anymore. The world was better without this type of technology. Rachel didn’t even know where it had come from in the first place.

Rachel’s parents were delightfully awkward the first day Lisa came back for tutoring.

“Lisa, glad to have you back! How are things going with the, erm, motherhood?”

“Oh, it’s all gumdrops and rainbows,” Lisa responded, but Rachel’s parents were either oblivious or immune to the sarcasm.

Eric was creepily lurking in the hall, one of his eyes occasionally peeking out to stare at them, before he quickly retreated and disappeared again. He had been skittish and spooked ever since Lisa’s delivery. Rachel’s parents thought it was just boy stuff, or puberty. They were conveniently dismissive about stuff like that.

“Oh, that reminds me, I was looking for somewhere to donate Eric’s old baby clothes.”

“Mom, Lisa doesn’t want that junk,” Rachel protested, rubbing her temple and wishing her parents would just leave them alone to study. She and Lisa hadn’t been alone together for a while and Rachel was craving it madly.

“Oh hush. This will only take two minutes. Troy!” She exclaimed, summoning Rachel’s dad.

Rachel shook her head in exasperation. “Sorry,” she mumbled to Lisa, who was sitting opposite her at the small kitchen table.

But Lisa had the tiniest of smiles on her face. She was charmed, or at least amused, by Rachel’s parents’ shenanigans.

Dad emerged from the garage, covered in grease stains. He must have been tinkering with his old sedan again, the one he kept from college and refused to trash.

“Can you bring down Eric’s old baby clothes?”

Dad gave a thumbs-up. He noticed Lisa, flashed an awkward smile, and headed upstairs. It wasn’t three minutes later before he was stomping back down, the big old trunk clutched against his chest. As he dumped it on the kitchen floor, the hood popped open, a couple of onesies tumbling to the ground.

“Can we get to studying now?” Rachel groaned. “Mom, weren’t you supposed to be going to the store or something?”

“Well, this stuff is great,” said Lisa, already knelt down beside the trunk, and Rachel couldn’t tell whether or not she was being sarcastic again. Lisa lifted a couple of items of baby clothes, examining them one by one. She frowned down at something, then lifted a rectangular white item into her hand. “What’s this?”

Rachel’s heart jumped into her throat. How could she have forgotten? She quickly snatched the remote from Lisa’s hand. “Oh, that’s nothing. Junk…I mean…it’s for the TV downstairs.”

“Really?” said Dad. “I was looking for that thing—”

“No — I just —”

“Hand it over, kiddo.”

“Shut it, Dad!” Rachel shrieked.

The room went silent, her parents staring at her in shock. Lisa’s mouth had fallen ajar, and even Eric had the gal to fully poke his head into view as he gawked at her.

Rachel must have stammered for a full minute before producing any decipherable words. “S-s-sorry, Dad, I’m s-so sorry. I didn’t mean it. It’s, um, I’m o-on my p-period. Lisa, let’s just go study upstairs.” With that, Rachel fled, not even looking back to see if Lisa was following. Once she got into her bedroom, she leaned back on her door, staring down at the remote, that felt as though it was burning her hand as she gripped it tightly. Why did this keep happening to her?

The door shoved against her back. Rachel quickly moved away, allowing it to open. Lisa snickered as she strolled inside, her math textbook hanging from her hand. “I thought I was the crazy one,” she said. “That was hilarious, Rache. I thought your mom would faint.”

“I didn’t mean to…” Rachel belatedly registered the new nickname. Her face heated. It wasn’t as though several others didn’t call her that from time to time. But she particularly liked it when Lisa said it. “I guess we should get back to studying,” Rachel managed.

“You think I can focus after that?” Lisa dumped her textbook atop a beanbag.

“Then what should we do?”

Lisa grinned. “I’ve been obsessed with that new crime series. Windfall. I have a couple episodes on my phone.”

Rachel shrugged.

Lisa got onto the bed as though she owned it. She was completely comfortable regardless of environment. That was another thing that Rachel liked about her. Rachel hesitated, remembering the remote in her hand. She tucked into her pocket, then joined Lisa on the bed.

It wasn’t the most productive way to view media, but at least it was an excuse to be huddled together close. The eyestrain was well worth it to Rachel. They even shared a single pair of wired headphones, so their heads were together, Lisa giggling from time to time at the heroes’ failings. It was so juvenile, yet so warm and pleasant simultaneously, to be curled on the bed together. Lisa lazily threw one of her long legs over Rachels’. What harm could skipping one study session be? Lisa was obviously doing better at math, judging by that complicated equation she had gotten right the other day.

There was a sensation of wetness. Rachel looked down, and was startled to see a patch of moisture on her shirt, where Lisa’s chest had pressed into her side.

Lisa also noticed. Her eyes widened. “Oh my god, sorry, totally gross I know,” she apologized, pulling away to wipe uselessly at Rachel’s sweatshirt.

“No it’s not,” Rachel rambled. “It’s — it’s natural. Don’t worry about it. I think it’s even kinda…hot.” Rachel’s face was so warm she was sure it was glowing.

Lisa gave her a quizzical look. “You are such a weirdo.” But it was said with a fondness. She snuggled back into Rachel. “I do not feel like pumping.”

“Does it hurt?” Rachel could not restrain her curiosity.

“No, it’s just…feels tight and hot, like strained. It can be really heavy and uncomfortable, but I’m getting used to. Just wish they would stop squirting all the time. Don’t get me started on how big they’re growing.”

Rachel swallowed. “They’re…growing?”

Lisa gave her a sly look. “Don’t tell me your into tits too, you little freak. Yeah, they’re growing. I guess the more I nurse, or whatever. But it’s getting kind of out of control. As I’m sure you’ve noticed.” Lisa returned her attention to the on screen, and Rachel tried to focus on it as well.

But this new detail proved to be a significant distraction. Carefully, and discreetly, Rachel reached down into her pocket. The remote was tucked away on the side of Rachel’s body that wasn’t connected to Lisa, thankfully. Rachel withdrew it, keeping it low, throwing it a glance and scrolling rapidly through the settings.

It was true. Both the CUP and VOL settings were up a couple of intervals from where Rachel had left them two weeks before. Suddenly the remote had Rachel’s rapt attention. She found her thumb stroking the gentle indentations of the buttons.

No, this was wrong.

But what if…what if she just…