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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Sid had a whole buffet set up at his place. It hardly made any sense at all. Carrie trembled at the sight of the massive amounts of food, each metal pan at least five inches deep and overflowing with a different entrée. The aromas were completely intoxicating.

Sid offered a smug smile. “Dig in,” he invited.

Carrie didn’t need to be told twice.

The first thing she went for was the pan offering a mountain of fries. It wasn’t exactly an entrée, but it was an all-time favorite, the smell of the fried potato pieces more than she could handle. Carrie began to stuff them into her mouth by the handful, filling her cheeks, swallowing desperately. And somehow they were absolutely perfect in texture, crispiness, and they were still hot as well. She moaned in euphoria. This was the best thing ever.

She was halfway through the pan, the tension in her backside building, but she could hardly care. All that mattered was getting every fry in sight down her throat. She filled her mouth till it was hard to chew, but then just forced more food in, positively packing it. She moaned helplessly as she munched the compacted oil and starch. When she finally finished the pan, it was almost mournful. But she didn’t have much time to mope, as her attention immediately shifted to a massive lasagna practically suffocated by a thick layer of mozzarella cheese.

There was no restraint. As long as there was food in front of her, Carrie was eating it. She fed herself continuously and methodically, the fork in her hand hardly seeming sufficient. She switched to a spoon, a large one, finding this utensil more efficient in getting more food inside of her. She tried using her left hand to feed herself with an additional spoon, but it was too clumsy. She was trembling from desire and need, but also from the intense fullness, her backside tense and pulsing.

The lasagna was so heavy, but she kept eating. It was just so good. She barely took the time to appreciate the individual ingredients and flavors, because this was soft, and didn’t necessitate that much chewing. It slid down her throat, soft and easy.

The moment she thought it though, Carrie choked. But rather than trying to cough the food up, she just tried to gulp it down, because she needed it inside of her. Someone patted her back lightly with their hand. She barely gave Sid an acknowledging glance. She gripped the counter edge, still struggling with the food in her throat, while her cheeks continued to bulge with the food that wanted to follow. Finally she managed to force it down, then was left gasping for breath. This was insane! She should stop, she should breathe and drink water and appreciate the fact that she hadn’t just managed to choke herself to death.

But instead, Carrie’s quavering hands went back into the pan for more food.

She finished the lasagna and found herself by the desserts. This seemed premature, but the sweet scent of sugar served as an allure, and she could always go back towards the more savory foods after. There were still too many choices. One tray held about two dozen large cupcakes with thick icing and sprinkles, and another had a massive banana cream pudding layered with wafers. There was a large strawberry cheesecake dripping syrup, as well as a gooey chocolate lava cake, a tray of cannolis, a pile of soft chocolate chip cookies, and so much more.

Carrie knew what she had to do. She went straight for the cookies, shoveling them into her mouth with both hands. This seemed the easiest and most efficient way to stuff herself, cookies being just butter and sugar after all. Then again, wasn’t each treat equally as fattening and decadent. Carrie finished the cookies in no time. There had to have been at least fifty of them. She quickly realized that the desserts were easier to get down, so soft and starchy, sugar just melting in her mouth. Her attention shifted to the cupcakes, as she grabbed them up with both hands, squishing them down, stuffing them between her lips. The icing was heavenly and her hunger only swelled. She whimpered as she ate, tears rolling down her cheeks. She needed more. It wasn’t nearly enough.

Carrie didn’t know how long she stood there stuffing herself. It must’ve been hours. At one point her legs grew weary, and Sid brought a soft squishy seat for her to plop down against, then he began to deliver her meals directly to her with a wheeled table.

Eventually, she had somehow finished everything. Every bite. She gave a pleasured moaned and slumped back, but then tensed up, whining at the growing tension. But it wasn’t just her backside that was causing her discomfort. It was her stomach as well.

Carrie looked down at herself, worried.




What a cliffhanger!