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Note: This is a story-prompt for Daniel Craft.

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Anne entered the cave.

Though only in her early twenties, Anne was a veteran camper. She had been hiking to higher grounds to set up her tent, but the sight of the old cave had been irresistible to her. Anne found herself venturing through, her flashlight passing over atypical rock formations, and then some strange markings that covered the walls. It was a language she did not recognize which only excited her more. Anne turned back towards the cave entrance, intending to retrieve her camera, but was surprised to see that the opening was blocked by thick vines that had not been there a moment before. Puzzled, Anne began to approach it.

“You won’t find any luck that way,” said a hoarse voice.

Anne’s heart jumped. She turned to see an old woman with a roughly made wooden cane standing across from her. The woman bronze skin and striking eyes.

“Where did you come from?” Anne stammered, a bit shaken by the back to back unanticipated events.

“You have some nerve, entering this sacred ground.” The old woman chastised. “But what more should I expect from your kind? Now it is your turn to pay. You will repay the debt of your ancestors.”

Anne felt a sudden sensation of tension in her abdomen. At first she thought it was indigestion, but the feeling only grew to an uncomfortable strain. Soon it wasn’t only a sensation, her belly was visibly expanding, pushing out. Anne gasped and staggered back, her back hitting the wall, all the while her belly continuing to swell. In no time she looked as though she was nine months pregnant. In another few moments, she appeared overdue with child!

“You have been chosen by the gods to bring back all of the murdered people indigenous to these lands. You will grow a new baby in your belly every hour. Unless you can give birth to each one before the hour ends, it will restart, and you will keep expanding with children and be stuck in labor.”

This couldn’t be real. It had to be a dream. But now Anne’s belly was clenching and squeezing her, causing her to groan out. Fluid splashed down from between her thighs.

She couldn’t really be in labor!?

“Nrrgghhh…noo…” Anne groaned, gripping her belly. The pain seemed to radiate down her whole lower body, her legs going weak beneath her. She slid down the wall, moaning out as a forceful contraction overlapped the last one.

“Fuhhhh…mmgghhh…” She fidgeted helplessly, gripping at her shirt. It was just so harsh, how so painful. Somehow she ended up sprawled on her side, whining, practically squeezing her massive midsection with her arms, willing this whole thing to undo itself somehow.

But now things were progressing. Anne was gasping for breath, her body hot and pouring sweat. She had no grasp on how much time had passed so far, she was nearly delirious from the pain. Her belly felt so low now, the agony spiking between her legs. “Oh god, it’s…it’s coming!” she cried.

The old woman stood by watching the whole thing, but not aiding.

As much as Anne was in denial of the living nightmare that was transpiring, she could feel the pressure on her groin only increasing, and with that, the pain. Something shifted. Her fingers scrabbled clumsily at her hiking pants, desperately trying to reach past her heaving orb to undo the belt tucked beneath it. But a new contraction left her screaming out, her neck arching, and her arms going flat against the damp earth beneath her. God it fucking hurt!

The contraction began to mitigate, Anne pulling some of her sweaty brown hair out of her face as she struggled to breathe, face burning. She could actually feel it coming, actually — actually beginning to crown! Again she struggled with her buckle, finally managing to unclasp it. Her buttons were next, fingers trembling as they hastily undid her pants. She managed to shove them down just as another contraction hit her.

“Ohhhhh…” Anne moaned, her legs spread wide and shaking as she pushed with all her strength. She could barely reach passed her massive bump, but when she managed, she could feel something coming. Pushing out of her. She groaned as it steadily proceeded, no longer hindered by her clothing.

“Just in time,” the old woman noted, checking something clasped in her hand.

But Anne hardly heard. Her belly rolled with another contraction, the baby proceeding another inch. “Errgghhh…fuhhh…” She managed to sit at least partially upright, supporting the plump, pink child, as it finally escaped her body.

“Onto the next one,” said the old woman.

Anne cried out as a new surge of pressure bloomed in her stomach.


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