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Summary: Derek Carter, CorpaCorp's Chief Executive Vice President, gets knocked up…by the janitor. And subsequently blackmailed by said janitor into carrying the baby (babies?) to term. And further blackmailed into doing various other disturbing things that exacerbate his expanding condition. All while fruitlessly battling an unwanted addiction to the aforementioned janitor's...impressive portfolio. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, stuffing, weight gain, but expansion, pregnancy.


It was Derek’s first annual physical in a couple of years. He had only bothered because he was certain he’d had the stomach flu for at least a couple of weeks and it wasn’t going away. But as usual, he couldn’t get away from work. “Yes, Jamison is working on the contracts. I need you to follow up tomorrow morning,” he muttered into his earpiece as the doctor examined his neck. With his free hand, Derek turned on his phone and scrolled through his emails. He still hadn’t heard back from Mr. Meadows, a potential new client. He’d thought the presentation had gone well…

The doctor lowered his arms and cleared his throat. “Can I trouble you for a moment of your time?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm.

“Peter, I’m going to have to call you back,” said Derek as he turned off his earpiece. Removing it, he shoved it into his pocket and finally directed his attention to the physician.

Dr. Linbrook was not impressed. “All seems to be well. Though some of your blood levels are rather unusual. And you have gained fifteen pounds since we last saw you.”

“Who hasn’t,” said Derek dismissively, wrinkling his nose with the thought that everyone seemed to be getting fatter. But he was different. “It’s just holiday weight. A couple of days at the gym will take care of it.” Then again, when would he find time? Things at the office had been crazy lately. Derek absently rubbed his chest. The doctor gave him a scrutinizing look.

“I’d like to run one more test,” Linbrook said.

“How long is this going to take?” Derek asked, glancing back down at his phone.

Derek was made to sit in the waiting room for an additional hour. By the time he was called back in, he was on a three way call and the doctor had some intriguing news.

“You’re pregnant.”

Derek hung up on both calls. One had been Mr. Meadows. “Excuse me?”

“You are pregnant.”

For a moment, Derek just gave him a blank look. “Who put you up to this? Someone at my firm?”

Linbrook appeared puzzled.

“I guess it amusing. But I don’t exactly have time for pranks—”

“Derek, I’m being entirely serious.”

Derek lightly shook his head, now removing his earpiece again as he gave the doctor a quizzical look. “Dr. Linbrook, I’m a man.”

Linbrook raised an eyebrow. “Were you not aware that men could carry children?”

“Of course they can’t. I mean, I saw that one hoax in the news. But that was a couple of years ago.”

“I am not sure which incidence you’re referring to, but it has become increasingly common in the past two decades or so. We are now considering it part of our erm, natural, evolutionary process. You are very unique Mr. Carter. Only the 43rd documented case globally. But rest assured, science has really progressed in its understanding, and it is completely safe to carry to term. We have a medical center right here in the city equipped to handle –”

It was up to this point that Derek still suspected this was a joke, but now Linbrook was recommending facilities and specialists. He was being serious.

“— And I would recommend that you schedule an appointment as soon as possible. In the meantime, you should start considering –”

“I need you to remove it,” Derek cut him off.

Linbrook paused. “I know this is a shock –”

“It is. And I would like you to remove it.”

The doctor frowned. “We are not equipped to do that here. Again, I would have to refer you to the specialty clinic.”


Derek was abruptly feeling very self-conscious. He made an appointment at the specialty clinic as soon as he got home, but they wouldn’t be able to see him until the following week. Derek was also suddenly very aware of how his clothes fit him, and wondered if it wasn’t more awkward than it had been before, curving in places where they shouldn’t have been. But maybe he was just imagining it. This was hardly real, more like a concept. She wouldn’t allow it to be real. This was a joke. It was ridiculous. Just an awkward growth that he would have removed. Just one of those medical things that could be taken care of in the span of an afternoon.

It was getting difficult to focus at the office. He was preoccupied. All he could think about was that misplaced thing inside of him. Why him? What a nightmare. But he was blowing this out of proportion, as it was no big deal, and it would be rectified. Everything would be fine.

Derek went to the minibar in the corner of his office. It was there specifically to entertain clients, but from time to time, he did find himself indulging. He poured himself a scotch, enjoying the earthy aroma. But just before he could down it, he paused, his lips pressing into a frown. He put the drink down, cursing internally.

Sometimes Derek could see the janitor watching him, as he swept or mopped around the building. The man never smiled, always looking dour. He hardly talked either. And he didn’t respond to others. When Derek saw his colleagues directing the janitor to a task, the janitor would respond with only a long, blank stare. He made everyone uncomfortable. Derek theorized that he was only kept around because no one was brave enough to fire him. The man was rugged, muscled, and uncomfortably watchful. Sometimes he even scared Derek a little.

But it was easy enough to ignore the janitor. In fact, Derek found great pleasure in doing so, that week particularly.

On the night of his appointment, Derek lifted his briefcase. It was finally time. He was going to the clinic directly from work and straighten this whole thing out. He was the Chief Executive Vice President; he couldn’t be involved in this sort of nonsense. Derek threw his blazer over his arm as he stood and walked to the door. He swung it open, and startled.

It was the janitor.

Derek glared. “Get out of my way.”

“Something wrong?” said the janitor huskily. He didn’t seem concerned, just curious, maybe even a little… taunting.

“I don’t have time for this.”

“Time for what?” As Derek tried to pass, the janitor caught his arm in a tight grip. He roughly jerked Derek, so that they were closer, so that they were bodies were pressing together. Derek’s breathing grew shallow.

“Fuck,” Derek breathed, feeling doomed as he stared into the janitor’s leering eyes. “I have to go.” But he had already lost, the janitor pulling him deeper into the office. The other man’s hands were already down Derek’s trousers, gripping roughly at flesh. Derek’s breath caught in his throat, his eyes fluttering, and his face heating up.

“You’re not going anywhere.”


“Get down.”

Derek managed to resist, if just for a moment, as he trembled with need. Then he slowly sank to his knees, the janitor running his fingers through Derek’s hair, pulling gently, then releasing. The janitor walked around, getting behind him, pushing Derek down to all fours on the rug. And somehow Derek caved like he always did. Derek was helpless to the other man. The janitor always had his way.


“Sorry, I’m running about an hour late,” said Derek as he hastily buttoned up his shirt, still sweaty from his vigorous session not moments earlier. “What? No I can – but isn’t there—okay then… Can I reschedule? Next Thursday? That’s the soonest you can… Okay, I’ll take it,” he said in defeat.

Derek’s efforts to finish buttoning his shirt were disrupted. The janitor had come behind him, wrapping his arms around him. The janitor’s hands went to Derek’s stomach, where they spread out, cupping the flesh. Derek grimaced and shoved the other man off him. “We can’t keep doing this. I’m an executive – you’re fucking maintenance.” Derek grimaced as he said it.

Yet the janitor did not seem offended. He just leered at Derek, drinking him in. And it’s made Derek’s stomach stir in curious ways.

Derek jerked on his pants. “Clean up in here, will you? This place is a damn mess.” With that, he stormed off, despising himself like he usually did. She could never seem to end things with the janitor, the man was just…addictive. And much as Derek resented it, he always crumbled whenever the janitor threw him so much as a glance. Derek couldn’t resist him.

God, he could really use a drink.


In the days that followed, Derek could practically feel himself getting fatter. His clothing was getting tighter. He spent the whole week and a half in a state of anxious distraction. He felt as though he had a tumor growing inside of him. He couldn’t get rid of it quick enough.

When the day of his new appointment finally came up, he made sure to leave work an hour early, even if it pissed off the grunts and landed him in hot water with some of the investors. He would have to delay some meetings to the following day. He just couldn’t allow himself to be caught off guard again.

Derek soon found himself sitting stiffly in a waiting room of a hospital clinic, a bunch of pregnant women perched about, waiting as well. A couple of men accompanied them. Derek clutched his briefcase firmly to his torso, even though she knew there was little to hide. Nothing readily visible. Hardly anything.

Still, the other people in the room would throw him glances; curious looks. Wondering why he was there, wondering why he wasn’t accompanying anyone. God, this was embarrassing. What if someone realized… In any case, he would have preferred something a little more discreet. Derek didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he was called in.

He followed a nurse into a medical room, where he was made to sit and she took his vitals.



“Any allergies?”


Then several embarrassing questions followed. “Date of last sexual intercourse?” “Nausea or vomiting?” “Recent weight gain?” “Any nipple sensitivity?” Then the nurse left, and he was alone. After what seemed like hours, the door swung open again, and the doctor entered the room. He did not bother to introduce himself but his name tag read Dr. Porter.

“I thought this was a clinic for men,” Derek groused as Porter got on the computer console.

“Well yes, we are equipped. But we don’t focus exclusively on male pregnancy. Yours is only the twenty-second case in the country.”

Derek felt sick. He swallowed. “I thought I was the fort—”

“You might be thinking of the global numbers. That would make you the forty-sixth. Though there are likely more. Some countries hesitate to report this sort of thing, other countries outright deny its existence. There are even men who hide their conditions.”

It made sense. Why would someone want to go public, let alone document something like this?

“The world is changing,” said Porter in a rather perfunctory manner. “It’s truly a miraculous thing. Historical, really. Now, I see that Linbrook sent me your bloodwork results, but I’d like to get started with a full exam and—”

“What? No. I’m here for an abortion,” said Derek.

The doctor finally raised his gaze from his console to give Derek a look, then, curiously, the odd glance shifted to Derek’s torso. “I see,” he said carefully. “If this is a consult for an abortion, I still need to do a full exam. Especially in your case. As I said, your condition is extremely rare. Just have to dot all our I’s, cross all our T’s. I’m sure you understand.”

“Right,” said Derek stiffly as the doctor pulled on a pair of latex gloves.

“Take off your shirt and unbutton your pants, then lie back.”

Derek did as instructed. He grimaced as Dr. Porter laid his hand on his abdomen, cupping the small but firm bulge that had begun to emerge there. He still couldn’t believe that male pregnancy was actually a thing now. And the fact that he’d allowed the janitor at work to knock him up was the most disturbing thing imaginable.

Porter’s exam moved to his chest, and Derek found himself shivering, startled by the sensitivity.

“Sorry,” said Porter as he finished up. “I’d like to run a sonogram — this is also medically necessary to proceed,” he added before Derek could protest.

Derek squeezed his eyes shut and held his temples with one hand. “Fine,” he said, just wanting to get this over with.

“It’ll just be a moment.” Porter went to the phone on the wall and called in a nurse to assist.