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Cow Girl on DeviantArt


Months had passed and Cona was adjusting to the new “normal.” She stood staring at the backyard fence that concealed the yard from view. Her four cantaloupe-sized breasts bulged in two strapless bras that struggled to contain them. Her stomach had flattened out by then – no doubt because of the calorie-loss from the constant lactation. Her udder was round, plump as a basketball. It protruded in the front of the tight leggings she was wearing. Her hips were full, bottom plump, and legs, quite shapely. Cona looked uncomfortable in her own skin, but to Webber, she was gorgeous. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

Turning away from the fence, she looked down into the pool. Webber approached. He handed her a cool glass – one of the milkshakes he often gave her. It helped her stay hydrated, he’d told her. And it helped keep the children well fed. Cona forced a smile of appreciation, raising the glass slightly. Webber leaned down and kissed her exposed shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

Cona looked up at him. “Nothing, it’s just…” She trailed off as she heard one of the babies begin to cry. She groaned and cradled her udder with her free hand as it started to bulge more heavily out over her waistband. Cona took a few gasps of air. “I should…” She handed the shake back to Webber before turning around and heading back into the house. Webber followed.

Once they were in front of the childrens’ room, Cona had to pause and hold onto the wall, her five mounds seeming to throb. Her lower left nipple began to seep milk into her stretching bra, and Webber knew that she was completely engorged. She wouldn’t be able to hold it in much longer.

Finally, Cona opened the door and walked inside, where she was swarmed by nine crawling half-human, half-cow babies. She carefully crouched down, lowering herself to the floor so that each one of them had access to her. Eight hungry mouths latched to her breasts and teats. As usual, the ninth was left struggling for their share, looking for their nub, but there was nothing Cona could do about it, occupied as she was. Cona frowned at her one female child. Lucy was less assertive than her brothers. She was always the last to be fed.

Webber approached and lifted Lucy. He tried to pacify her but she started to wail.


Later that evening, Cona sat in the kitchen. She’d just finished feeding Lucy, who had fallen asleep against her chest. Webber walked in and went to the fridge, where he pulled out the milkshake from earlier. “Try to stay hydrated,” he encouraged as he placed it in front of Cona. He then looked down at her thoughtfully for a while. “How are you doing?”

Cona shrugged. “You know…fine.” She was not very convincing.

Webber leaned down and lifted the sleeping baby from her arms. “I know it can be overwhelming. But they’re growing fast. Soon they won’t be reliant on your milk.”

That was true. Cona stared off and mused on the concept of her mounds not being engorged anymore. Maybe they would even get smaller. And if she lost some weight, that would help. Maybe if she worked – really worked hard – she could get them down some sizes, and bound them, and start going outside again.

“That’s true.” Cona looked up, finally wearing an authentic smile. She lifted the shake and took a sip.

Cona was peacefully unaware that the shakes were loaded with bovine hormone and fertility drugs that would be sure to devastate her efforts to recover her former body. Webber was highly interested in increasing their family.

It was only a matter of weeks before Cona was sporting a new beer belly. She was surprised and frustrated when the pregnancy test came back positive. Webber was ecstatic.

So Cona forced a smile and assured herself, continuously, that this was just a set-back. She would be back to herself again in just another…good couple of months.

She remembered to feel appreciative towards Webber. He didn’t have to take care of her. She would have never been able to take care of her nine children without him. Let alone support the new lives growing inside her. And he was excited that he would finally have children of his own.

Every day Webber made her elaborate meals of several courses. He supplied her with chocolates, cupcakes, and other decadent treats throughout the day. In fact, there wasn’t a moment that Cona didn’t have a snack on hand. And try as she might, she didn’t have the discipline to resist any of it. Not when she was pregnant, and utterly ravenous.

Day by day, her body transformed. Soon she looked at term with child, and then overdue. At least she knew what was going on with her body this time around. It wasn’t long before she looked overdue with twins, then triplets, and then quads, but she just kept growing.

Cona leaned heavily on the counter, deeply breathing. Her breasts were round and full, her four nipples large, painfully erect, each leaking a steady stream of milk that soaked through her apron and trailed down her round, heaving belly. Her four teats spurted milk arbitrarily as her body heaved and rocked. A few feet behind her, the nine children were set up in an assortment of high chairs around the kitchen table, and each one of them was wailing. Cona was not sure how much more her body could take. She squeezed her eyes shut as her mounds ached and leaked more.

“Cona.” Webber placed his hand on her lower back. He leaned down so his face was level with hers. “Are you alright? Why don’t you let me handle this?”

“No,” Cona resisted. She opened her eyes, and straightened somewhat – the best she could. One thing that she truly feared was the helplessness that had accompanied her last pregnancy. She could feel it encroaching upon her the more she grew. “It’s okay. I’m fine,” she said weakly, her back straining as she waddled her way to the fridge, her beachball-sized belly preceding her. She felt that she had grown so big, and so fast. Had it been this fast the last time? Cona paused and grunted, her golf ball-sized belly button throbbing – contorting. “Nnghhrrghh…” Cona groaned in discomfort, as her belly button bulged out, as though something was pushing at it from the inside. Squirming movements suddenly littered her insides. She nearly collapsed, when she felt Webber against her back, his arms wrapping around to support her. His hands linked above her belly, beneath her breasts. They stayed in that position until her stomach calmed down.


“Honey, I’m back,” Webber called as he walked into the house several weeks later. “And I brought you something.” He walked into the bedroom and smiled broadly as Cona.

She was sprawled on the bed, her legs spread wide to make way for her boulder of a belly that was perched against the mattress before her. Her bottom was raised slightly, struggling to make room for her massive udder. Silent tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“Oh honey.” Webber lowered the bag he was carrying and approached Cona, helping to shift her onto her side, to possibly a more comfortable position. Moving Cona was a strain on his back. He couldn’t imagine what kind of strain it was on her.

“Mmmm…” she attempted. Perhaps she wanted to thank him. Her face was flushed, her body heaving, her belly button throbbing from the size of a tennis ball to a baseball, then back again. Her breasts and udders were heavily engorged, but none of the pumps could seem to fit her anymore. Webber idly reached down and took to squeezing one of her nipples, extracting large thick spurts of milk as Cona trembled and groaned.

Still a couple of months to go.

“Mmmm…mmoooo…” Cona again struggled. She looked miserable. She was carrying quite a few. “Mmm…onnn…purpose…?” she managed. “Mmmmooo…?”

Had he done this to her on purpose? Webber stroked her hair. “Indeed.” He walked back to the shopping bag and lifted out the gift he had gotten her. A collar. He walked over to Cona and carefully latched it around her neck.




think you could write a continuation about her birth?