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Note: This is a story-prompt for Phat94.

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When Jessica came to, she found herself in an unfamiliar bedroom, lying  back in a large bed. The last thing she remembered was arriving at  Victor's… Victor? The man in question was standing over her. Jessica saw  that she was still naked, though she was doubtful that there was any  clothing in existence that could have accommodated her. She had grown  exponentially, and found herself staring in shock down at her form. Her  belly was bigger than she was. She squirmed in panic, but found herself  pinned against the mattress, unable to move. She was simply massive,  like she had a bolder atop her. She could see her flesh bulging out in  places, her innards squirming with — with young, all of them yearning to  be free.

"God, you did a number on yourself," said Victor snidely. "Why don't I  help things along." He was holding a large box of donuts under his arm.

Jessica shifted her gaze and saw a whole stack of doughnut boxes sitting on the dresser against the wall.

Victor walked to the side of the bed, so that he was standing right by  her head. She was propped up somewhat on a couple of pillows, but  entirely stuck in place, the weight of her belly nearly crushing against  her. She heaved in thin breaths, her mass heaving up and down, and at  times quavering.

"You look famished," said Victor wryly, and with that he began to stuff  donuts into her mouth. Jessica released a muffled noise of protest, yet  her body disagreed. Her mouth opened wide, allowing entrance for the  pastries. She sucked them in greedily, biting down and welcoming the  custards and icings that oozed onto her tongue. She tried to turn her  head away, but the effort was short-lived. Her body was on autopilot,  her stomach grumbling and her insides squirming. She wouldn't have been  able to refuse food if her life depended on it.

She couldn't stop consuming, couldn't stop filling her belly. Her four  swollen nipples were gushing hot milk that sluiced down her body,  soaking the bed. When she finished off two boxes of doughnuts, Victor  paused in feeding her pastries to gaze down at her quartet of massive  breasts. Jessica squeaked as he leaned down to plant his lips against  one of her nipples, taking a long draw that made her eyelids flutter.  The sensation overwhelmed her. She felt herself reach up to grab his  head and pull him closer against her heated flesh.

“Mmm…” Victor pulled off with a wet pop, causing her to tremble. He  briefly left her side to recover another two boxes of donuts. Without  warning, he went back to feeding her, shoving pastries of every flavor  between her lips, then stuffing more before she even had the chance to  swallow. Her cheeks bulged. She struggled to get the donuts down before  she choked, all the while moaning in pleasure as her stomach churned, as  though in pleasure.

Suddenly Victor was leaning down again, planting his lips against a different nipple this time and enjoying a snack.

Somehow it was simultaneously pleasure and torture. She gave a muffled moan, cheeks warm and eyelids heavy.

After she had finished off another two boxes, she was given a momentary  reprieve as Victor lifted a large, aged text off the bottom edge of the  bed that she had not noticed before that moment. He flipped through  pages as she groaned and lightly ghosted her fingers over her throbbing  belly. It was flushed and sweaty, the movements within it getting  progressively stronger, as though urging her to feed more. Jessica  moaned, closed her eyes, and arched her throat.

She felt something touch her navel. A finger, rubbing against her taut  skin. Jessica groggily looked up to see Victor closely examining her as  he held his book in the crook of his elbow. He then went back to  fervently flipping through pages, eyes darting between the text and her  belly.

He had a small paintbrush protruding from the corner of his mouth. He plucked it away, reaching down with it.

Jessica's gaze followed his hand to a small ink bottle sitting on the  night table. He dipped the paintbrush in, withdrawing it to reveal the  bristles now coated with a thick, iridescent liquid.

He began to paint on the face of her belly, adding to the glowing curse  mark, that seemed tiny now relative to her massive growth. Then he took a  step so he was closer to her chest. He began to draw similar circles  around each of her four nipples, watching her breasts grow progressively  pumper, as Jessica grunted out in surprise at the sharp increase in  sensitivity. Her four nipples started to squirt.

"Victor, what is this? What's going on?" Jessica wanted answers.

But Victor was back to busily using his text. After all, he had to concentrate and ensure that things went well with the birth.


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