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Summary: Rachel has a remote control that can influence the body of Lisa, a high school bully. She can add babies to Lisa's womb, change Lisa's breast-size and their contents, completely alter the weight and shape of Lisa's body, among other, stranger, things.. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

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The more Rachel pressed the up arrow, the larger Lisa's breasts seemed to grow. But it wasn't just that, they were getting rounder, fuller, and more bloated, rather than just growing. The CUP value on the remote was steadily inching on its own, at a slower pace than Rachel was pressing the button, even though that wasn't the setting she was increasing. The CUP setting increase appeared to be incidental to the VOL setting increase. But Rachel still wasn't certain about what that setting was doing, even as she pressed it.

Then the fabric of Lisa's top started changing as well, thinning…dampening. Lisa's nipples were…seeping. Leaking into her shirt, making it wet. She was lactating.

Lisa looked down at herself in shock, arms held out, face contorted in horror. Slowly, her gaze turned to Rachel, who realized that she was not breathing.

Rachel stood frozen for a moment longer, then she grabbed her things and ran out.

At home that evening, Rachel could hardly eat a thing. She was too wired from the adrenaline. All of this was just so exciting. Yet she had to get a hold of herself. What if she was pushing things too far?

Rachel was surprised when her mother called her down to the living room around 8 o'clock. "Rachel, your friend’s here!"

It was Lisa. Rachel had thought their tutoring sessions were over after the hopelessness of their session the night before.

Rachel was seated on the living room couch, glaring at the TV as she petulantly gripped her math textbook against her.

Mom was throwing Lisa incredulous glances now and then. "People are getting surgery younger and younger," she whispered disapprovingly to Rachel as she walked out of the room. "Good luck with your studying, ladies," Mom said at a louder volume as she headed for the stairs. "Wrap it up by eleven. It's a school night."

Then they were alone.

"Well, your…back," Rachel said after both girls had been awkwardly silent for a few moments, the television playing a space-western her brother had been watching earlier.

Lisa finally turned her gaze away from the TV to meet Rachel's eyes. "What we do for good grades," she said snidely.

Rachel barely stop herself from rolling her eyes. Besides banging the teachers, she thought sarcastically.

"Unless your opposed to having freaks in your house. Excluding yourself, of course," Lisa added bitterly.

Rachel managed to ignore the latter half of the remark. She sat down on the couch opposite Lisa. "You're not a freak," she said quietly. Rachel was beginning to think that she was the freak between the two of them.

Rachel couldn't help running her eyes over Lisa's form, the other teen’s big butt and fat breasts on display in the sweater dress Lisa had on, that barely covered her ass. After a moment of glaring, Lisa fidgeted then cursed under her breath. She arched her neck and groaned, and Rachel's eyes shot down to Lisa's breasts, which looked uncomfortably rounds, sort of inflated. Then there was the steady appearance of moisture, forming growing patches against the cotton dress. She so was lactating again.

Her breasts had to be E-cups by then. They looked beautiful, even covered up. Everything about Lisa looked good. As much as Rachel despised the other girl, she couldn't deny it. Voluptuous or skinny, dressed in sweats or her cheerleading uniform, Lisa always looked amazing.

"Fuck, why is this happening?" Lisa grumbled for the upteenth time. "I am fricken disgusting."

"I think you look alright," Rachel heard herself say.

Lisa looked at her as though she was insane.

Then Rachel acted on impulse, launching forward before she could stop herself. Something took over her, because she was suddenly pressing her lips against Lisa's, her belly, her enemy, the bane of her existence. Rachel abruptly pulled back, feeling astonished, as her heart raced and breathing thins.

Lisa looked equally shocked; like she had just been slapped in the face. Her lips were ajar, an appalled expression across her face. "What the hell was that!?"

Rachel opened and closed her mouth, completely mortified. She didn't know what to say for herself. Even she didn't know what had come over her.

And then all of the world went utterly mad, because Lisa took hold of either side of Rachel's shirt, leaned in, and brought their lips together for a second kiss.
And they couldn't stop kissing. Lisa was sweet, but warm and tangy. Rachel felt her arms wrap around her, wanting to touch all the curves that she had molded there.

Suddenly Lisa pulled back. "Phlegm, your parents," she warned.

Rachel nodded distractedly. She stood. "Come on, we can go to my room." She grabbed Lisa's hand, and before she knew it, was dragging the other 18-year-old upstairs.

They dropped to the bed in Rachel's room, two hormonal ridden woman desperately exploring each other's bodies. Lisa wrapped her leg around Rachel's hips. Rachel indulgently sunk her fingers into the plump softness of Lisa's backside.

"You look so, so good," Rachel rambled.

Lisa laughed at that. "I never knew you were such a little freak, phlegm."

"Don't call me that," Rachel entreated.

Lisa paused where her lips were pressed to Rachel's shoulder, the skin exposed where Rachel's shirt had been tugged down from her collar. "Okay, fine. I'll call you…Rachel."

Rachel's heart swelled.

They made out all night, or at least until they fell asleep.

When Rachel awoke, her shirt was damp and warm, in fact, her whole body was warm. She was filled with a pleasant feeling and a certainty that the whole thing had just been some crazy dream.

But when she opened her eyes, Lisa was still present, her face buried in Rachel's nape, her warm breaths tickling Rachel's throat.

Lisa was lying on her stomach, her huge backside exposed in the thong she had on. But normal underwear probably didn't fit her anymore. Which was good for Rachel, because it looked amazing, her flesh swollen round and plump, not a blemish in sight. Rachel wanted to touch it more, to grab onto it and bite it, but she didn't dare move. Because the sensation of Lisa sleeping against her was just too perfect.

Lisa's dress had been dragged up as high as her belly button, but not over her breasts, unfortunately. But maybe next time. Would there be a next time? Rachel's mind reeled. This had all been so sudden and so random. It was probably a one-off. Rachel would savor it, though.

Lisa stirred. With a yawn, she sat up, shaking her long hair out of her face. "Damn phlegm." As Rachel's face fell, Lisa quickly corrected herself, "I mean — Rachel. That's going to take a while to get used to."

"Get used to?" Rachel sat up, intrigued by the implications.

"Yes, Rachel. I have a lot of new things to get used to since last night." Lisa brought their lips together in a soft, luxurious kiss. She smiled as she pulled back. "I didn't know you were into ladies."

"I, um, I didn't know either, I mean –" Rachel blushed violet. "I didn't know that you…"

Lisa rolled her eyes. "How can I discriminate with pussy this good?" She got up and started to fix her clothing, Rachel watching her mounds jiggle as she did. Rachel quickly realized why her own shirt was damp.

"God, they're sore." Lisa cupped the undersides of her bloated breasts, her shirt completely soaked in milk. She was still lactating, lactating a lot.

Rachel discreetly reached under her pillow for the remote, idly increasing REAR size a little more. She watched Lisa's butt bounce as it grew and Lisa gasped. Now her butt was sticking out beneath the sweater dress, not properly concealed. Lisa huffed, craning her neck to peer down at it. She shook her head resignedly then leaned down to pull up her knee socks, before jamming her feet into her tennis shoes. "Gotta go."

Rachel let go of the remote, bringing her hands to her lap. "Right, er… See you at school?"

Lisa blew a kiss, but hesitated as she turned to exit. "Are your parents gonna freak?" She tentatively opened the bedroom door, backside bobbling gently behind her.

Rachel shook her head. "They don't even know that I'm…er… I'll just say that we fell asleep studying.”

"Cool." Then Lisa was gone.

Rachel's head was not in the breakfast conversation. She was still replaying the night before over and over again in her head, trying to make sense of it and relive it all at once.

She didn't even notice that she had the remote in hand, twisting it around between her fingers obsessively. It had rapidly become her favorite toy.

Then it was snatched away.

Rachel snapped out of her reverie. She blinked at her brother in alarm. "Eric –"

"What is this even for?" Eric said through his mouthful of eggs. "You're always carrying it around."

"Give it back," Rachel warned.

But Eric was perusing it now, pressing random buttons.

Rachel made a swipe for it, but Eric dodged, always so small and agile.

"I swear to God, you little troll —"

"Rachel!" Mom scolded.

Rachel only then recalled the presence of her parents on the opposite side of the kitchen table.

"Tell him to give it back," Rachel demanded, feeling her face grow hot.

"Give back what?" Mom peered at them as dad calmly sipped his coffee. "Is that the remote you found in your room? Isn't it for the TV downstairs?"

There was a flash of orange in the window, the roar of an engine decreasing to a low hum as tires squealed to a stop on the street corner.

"Crap, my bus is here," said Eric. The 14-year-old downed his orange juice as he stood, before lowering the empty cup to the table and racing for the door, slinging his backpack over one shoulder in the process.

"Eric!" Rachel stood and started after him.

"Rachel!" Mom snapped again.

Rachel froze. The door slammed shut behind Eric.

"What's gotten into you? Sit down!"

Rachel could already hear the bus driving off. She slowly lowered herself back to her seat.

"What's going on with this remote, thing?" Dad asked, seeming only vaguely interested.

"It's nothing," said Rachel. "I just, um, wanted to put in some new batteries."

Her parents exchanged dubious looks.

"Sorry, I better head out too." Rachel stood, but more calmly this time. She made a stop in her room to pick up her keys and some books.

Though she and her brother went to the same high school, there were very few opportunities for Rachel to see him. Freshmen and seniors had different lunch periods. She scarcely even passed him in the hallways, and when she did, he was always shrouded in his twerpy little posse of friends.

Besides that, Rachel's attention was divided.

Lisa's skin had taken on a purple hue, and her lips looked plumper, intriguingly enough. By third-period, Lisa's skin color had deepened into the shade of lavender, and the belly bulge had returned, pushing out and making her look as though she was five months pregnant. Her nipples also looked…larger, more distended, bulging hard in the tight top she had on. Lisa looked terribly uneasy and embarrassed. At times she would meet Rachel's eyes but then avert her gaze, lips always pressed into a firm line. People would stare at Lisa, almost fearfully. Even her cheerleader girlfriends were avoiding her.

God, this was a disaster. Rachel had to get the remote back from Eric.

Rachel finally managed to corner him by his locker at the end of the school day. She was so desperate by then, she could hardly care who saw their squabble. "Give it back you turd!"

"What the hell!" Eric groused as she grabbed his backpack and began to unceremoniously dump his belongings. Surrounding students pointed and laughed at them. Eric tried to tear his backpack away from her, when Rachel heard something clatter to the floor amongst the books and papers. Her eyes shot down to see the remote, but Eric was too fast.

He quickly snatched it, holding it up to grin her. "Looking for this?"

Rachel made a grab for it, but she was just as small as Eric was, and he held it out of her reach. The remote had no value to Eric, he just wanted it because she wanted it. He enjoyed the power; the ability to taunt and torment her. At that moment, she wanted to strangle him.

"Never seen you this bothered before, Rache. Tell me what it's for and I'll give it back." Eric's grin widened.

The volume of the laughter was increasing, as was the number of students surrounding them. Rachel made another swipe for the remote, but Eric pulled it away at the last moment.

"Come on, tell me." He randomly pressed some of the buttons with his thumb, not even looking at the display.

There was a long groan. Rachel turned around, and only then noticed Lisa standing amongst the spectating crowd. At present Lisa was grunting out, people's attention shifting her way. Lisa gripped her stomach and hunched over as her belly visibly advanced, rolling forward in her shirt. Students gasped and stumbled away from her, one teen falling on his ass.

"With the fuck?" said Eric as he stared. He blinked hard a few times.

Rachel tackled him, both of them crashing to the floor.

"What's going on here!?" shouted the vice principal's voice. More students began to disburse. Eric managed to scramble away from Rachel and flee around the corner.

With the remote.



Very clever to have her lose the remote as she starts to lose motivation to use the crazy settings. Amazing story. Give it back you twerp!

Joshua S

Certainly hope she gets it back before Eric blows Lisa apart.


Became a patron again for this one!