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King Bee on DeviantArt (Male Version)

Note: This is the female version of King Bee.

Summary: Cona gets stung by a radioactive bee. Contains: Female: bee creature pregnancy, belly expansion, egg laying, breast expansion, lactation, stuffing.


Cona worked as an entomologist, her latest studies pertaining to bees. As her fellow scientists carried out studies of tarantulas and mosquitoes, Cona couldn't help being fascinated with bees, the complexity of the hive, and the dominance of the queen.

Plucking a worker bee from the hive despite its wriggling and struggles, Cona carried out several experiments on it. Using microscopes and thread-thin razors, Cona altered its reproductive system, rerouting its eggs to collect in a benign sac within its body. With a tiny needle, Cona infected the abdomen with bug-specific virus that would not only prompt the bee’s body to produce frequent eggs, but also trick the eggs into thinking they were fertilized, which would cause them to develop replicative genetic material. The virus was highly contagious and would infect any present or future eggs the bee developed, causing said eggs to collect in the bee’s abdomen, where they would theoretically, be self-fertilized.

The bee recovered from its surgeries alive. Cona hoped the radiation didn't reverse this small feat. It was a simple enough experiment, if just to address the falling bee populations.

It was a ludicrous idea but it kept Cona busy as she contemplated other methods of saving the bees. Dabbing a spot of bright purple paint on the worker bee's back, Cona released it back into the hive.

She studied it in the following days. The bee continued with its worker duties--collecting pollen, feeding the queen, attending to the eggs, and developing honey.

Strangely enough, as time passed, the worker began to develop queen-like attributes. Its abdomen began to distend and swell on its lower body, possibly from the artificial sperm sac, and its lack of relief. The other bees seemed to notice the worker's changes, but left it alone. The worker, too, carried on, but with increasing difficulty and sluggishness as its body continued to expand. Soon enough, it was bigger than the queen! One day, it laid an egg.

Cona was astounded by the scientific ramifications of this. She had turned a worker bee into an asexually reproductive queen!

Gathering her journals and furious scribbling things down, Cona hurried off, paying the worker bee little mind as it continued to lay eggs regularly, faster than the queen, its brood larger, and at greater numbers than the queen's. Though the bee tried to continue its worker duties despite its increasing girth and frequent births, the other bees began to notice its potency, and bring food to it, rather than to the queen. They gathered around it, attended to it, and even began to treat it as a queen. Soon the worker was twice the size of the true queen, could no longer fly around, and had difficulty moving. It took to laying eggs continuously. The real queen was left ignored, and began to weaken and die.

When Cona returned the next morning, she no longer needed the purple paint to spot the worker. She was shocked to see that its lower half was massive, bulging – the size of a ping-pong ball! Why had it not ruptured?

Cona brought some of her co-workers over, and they were equally amazed. The developments proved that asexual reproduction was actually possible in some species unknown for the trade. There were still some kinks to be worked out – particularly the seeming lack of a limit on the worker bee's abundance – but it was definitely the start of something revolutionary. Together, the scientists decided to

isolate this worker – this new queen bee, to further study it. Cona put on her beekeeper garb, but unfortunately did not notice how the worker's stinger had distended alongside its abdomen.


Cona drew back her hand and quickly exited the hive's containment room. She pulled off her mask and stared down at her hand, where a stinger five-times the size

of a normal bee's had managed to puncture her glove.

"What happened?" asked John, one of her co-workers.

"It stung me," said Cona, pulling off the glove and observing a small puncture wound on her hand. She looked back into the glass room that housed the hive. "No..."

The other bees were beginning to withdraw from the worker and fly around, restless but purposeless. Its stinger had broken off. The worker was dead.

"Well, we knew it would happen eventually," said Terry, another of Cona's coworkers. He patted Cona’s shoulder. "You did a good job. I've never seen anything like it. I think we should all turn our focus to bees."

As the other scientists walked off, murmuring excitedly amongst themselves, John lingered by the glass with Cona. "You should get that hand cleaned."

It was nothing, really.

But by the time Cona got home that evening, her hand was swollen. "Damn." She hadn't realized how powerful the worker bee had become. She cleaned and disinfected her hand before dropping to her bed, feeling strangely exhausted.

She felt a little weird as she fell asleep, unaware of how her body was rearranging itself. Her metabolism went into overdrive, her stomach transforming, fusing with her womb over the course of the night. Beneath it, several cells clumped together, becoming a sac.

When Cona awoke the next morning, her hand looked a lot better. "Hm..." Odd. Undressing and climbing into the shower, she felt aroused when the warm water touched her skin. She reached down and began to stroke her groin, but she could not seem to find the relief she sought.

After a few moments of playing with herself, Cona was abruptly hit by an unexpected and powerful orgasm that left her weak in the knees. She leaned heavily on the wall as her body shuddered, and she tried to figure out what had gotten into her. She felt a strange tension in her lower abdomen.

After climbing out of the shower, Cona got dressed. She noticed a growing sensation of pressure on her pubic region. Dismissing it as gas, she slid behind her desk to check her email. Eggs were quickly developing in her newly formed sac. The sac placed an unnatural pressure on her sex organs, stimulating further arousal, and egg-development, just as it was designed to. Within the hour, Cona was hurrying back into the bathroom. She sat on the toilet, squirming and panting as fluids seeped from between her legs.

What was wrong with her that day?

Grunting, Cona slid her hand down and gently rubbed her vaginal lips, but this only seemed to make matters worse. "Fuck…" she wheezed, trying to stand, but instead sinking to the floor. Not knowing why, Cona lowered herself to her back and hefted her pelvis into the air.

"OOhhhhh," she moaned, as her body was overrun with a magnificent orgasm, to be overlapped with another. She rocked her hips, gasping as she did. “Ohh….goooddd…”

Cona opened her eyes, slowly coming over her mind-melting euphoria. It had been

the best orgasm she'd had in years. She climbed off the ground, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. Her hand moved to her pubic region, and the increasing tenderness there. She groaned in discomfort. Little did she know, her sac was quickly filling up.

Hastily getting dressed, Cona went to work and consulted her coworkers about the day's tasks. They were going to try to repeat her worker bee experiment, and pray on dumb luck it would yield similar results.

Agreeing so supervise, Cona slid behind her desk. Her internal sac plopped unceremoniously on her sex organs, sending a jolt through her body. Her eyes widened and she struggled to contain her groans.

Cona was just getting increasingly uncomfortable and increasingly aroused as time passed. Something was wrong with her. She needed to see a doctor.

During lunch break, Cona sat slowly, and didn't move thereafter. She refrained from clutching her groin to the best of her ability. She'd had so many orgasms that day, she was exhausted. She was shaky, jittery and could barely focus. She didn't want to trigger another.

She didn't notice the way the sac bulged just the slightest in her pubic region. She was almost ready.

Cona's sac was full to the brim and bursting with potential life, stored safely within her hot human temperatures, and squirming for somewhere to disperse and thrive. It was as Cona slowly stood that day following lunch, that the taut sac jiggled, and several eggs found the momentum to splash into her virus-ridden womb.

And thus, she was self-fertilized.

Below the sac, her ovaries contracted, replacing the missing eggs with yet more. Cona grunted as she felt it, her body shuddering, and worsening the matter.

Excusing herself from work, Cona went home "sick," trembling throughout a car ride home, her sac expanding and tightening, new eggs gushing in below and splashing up above. By the time she got back to her apartment, she was out of her mind with arousal. She needed to relieve it, badly. She couldn't get her clothes off fast enough.

Soon Cona was sprawled on her bed in her blouse and panties, her pelvis raised and hips bucking as more gushes of sweet relief flowed through her, to be interminably

followed by more of that unbearably tightness in her pelvis. Clutching her groin, her hands slid up to her sore pubic area where she felt a swelling.

"Oh...god..." she grunted as she orgasmed, and felt it bloat up. What was happening to her?

Cona staggered out of bed and into the kitchen, shakily sitting down and grabbing the portable. Attempting to phone her doctor, she input several digits, the final of which was interrupted as her vision blurred. Seconds later, she felt her head connect with the tabletop.

When Cona came to, hours later in the middle of the night, she whimpered, feeling increasingly awkward. That tightness. She slid her hand to the gentle swelling on her pubic region. No, that wasn't it. She slid her hand higher, to her abdomen. Her eyes opened wide.

There was a rounded mass within it. Jerking back in her seat, Cona pulled up her shirt. As her vision had not yet adjusted to the darkness, she felt around her stomach. It felt bloated – distended, as though she'd swallowed a grapefruit! What was going on!?

Next Chapter



This... is... BRILLIANT!


:) Are you gonna drop the rest soon?