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Summary: Rachel has a remote control that can influence the body of Lisa, a high school bully. She can add babies to Lisa's womb, change Lisa's breast-size and their contents, completely alter the weight and shape of Lisa's body, among other, stranger, things.. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

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The weird remote was proving to be a good luck charm, at least in the way it had corresponded with Lisa's embarrassing episodes and consequently lifted Rachel's mood.

Rachel usually ate lunch by herself in the back of the cafeteria and spent the time getting some extra studying in. Today she couldn't focus on text books or equations. Instead she examined the remote as she ate, allowing her fingers to glide over the different buttons.

She threw a glance towards the front of the cafeteria. As usual, Lisa sat at a long table surrounded by friends. There were even those who could not fit on the benches so they stood around the table laughing and listening, just wanting to be in Lisa's purview.

Sometimes Rachel hated the way she resented the other teen but she hardly knew how to control it. The remote had helped. Her mood was lighter and easier that day. Lisa even still looked bloated in the belly, but she seemed to have recovered her confidence and was proceeding like normal. Her friends politely pretended not to notice the change whereas they would have instantly started mocking a less popular classmate on that sort of weight gain.

Still, none of this could seem to dampen Rachel's mood. She knew that the random remote had nothing to do with Lisa's recent changes, yet she pressed a button, secretly curious whether there would be another odd corresponding event.

Something did occur but nothing as blatant as the belches during study group on Saturday. Lisa blinked, grimaced, and then fidgeted somewhat in her seat. She reached her hand down, presumably to adjust her clothes. Rachel belatedly looked down at the remote to see what mode it was on.

Rear, read the LCD screen. Rachel had turned the level up from 1 to 2. Watching Lisa closely, Rachel pressed the up arrow again.

Lisa stopped mid-conversation with one of her cheerleader friends. Her eyebrows shot up and she started to positively squirm.

"You okay?" inquired one of the hoovering sycophants, or that was at least what it seemed like he was asking from Rachel's view ten feet away.

Lisa nodded and brushed him off but her face still looked perturbed. She again reached down to discreetly tug at her skirt.

Rachel didn't know what any of it meant but her eyes were glued to the scene, her lunch cold and forgotten. It wasn't even discrete, but Lisa had a whole horde of followers to distract her from any other potential spectators.

The warning bell rang. Lunch was coming to a close. This snapped Rachel out of her reverie. She grabbed her backpack. Lisa's entourage started getting up, collecting their own items.

Lisa was the last to rise, and Rachel only noticed the change as Lisa turned sideways.

Lisa's butt was bigger. Of this Rachel was certain. Lisa had always been slim so the growth of her backside now stretching out her school uniform was extremely evident, particularly under the level of scrutiny Rachel was directing Lisa's way.

This is crazy. Rachel almost thought she was going mad. But she needed to know if all Lisa's changes really had something to do with the remote. So Rachel pressed the up arrow again, increasing the level to 4, then watched to see what would happen.

The impossible occurred. Rachel actually grew, her face contorting as she did. Her butt inched forward so discreetly that no one would have noticed unless they were paying attention as Rachel was. The strain on the skirt intensified as a wedgie developed at Lisa's crack. Lisa feebly tugged down her now-extremely tight skirt some more.

One of Lisa's friends gave her a considering glance, finally seeming to take notice of what Rachel half thought she was imagining: Lisa's enlarged posterior. Another person began to stare. Lisa helplessly held her large purse by her hip though it didn't really serve to conceal her. And she appeared as confused as everyone else.

Just insane. Rachel left the cafeteria in a daze. She tuned out the rest of her classes for the day, just blankly staring at her teachers, her mind reeling in the meantime.

Somehow the remote was controlling Lisa’s body. And Rachel didn't know what to do with this knowledge. She could try telling someone but she might as well just check herself into an asylum.


Rachel slept on it and by morning she had herself half-convinced that she had dreamed the whole thing.

She smiled awkwardly during breakfast when her mother asked her if she had ever figured out what the remote was for, and took in another mouthful of cereal in lieu of answering.

At school, Lisa’s butt was still large, considerably larger than her norm. News had spread and now everybody was looking at the way Lisa’s backside was stretching out her too-small skirt. People pointed, whispered, and even giggled at times. It was hot gossip after all. Lisa's friends and followers continued to parade around as her entourage but Rachel would see when they could throw each other grins behind Lisa’s back. Rachel hadn't just dreamt it or had a mental breakdown. The growth was real and everyone could see it.

During her free period that day, Rachel found a study booth at the back of the library. She hunched over the desk and examined the remote in her shaking hands. She cycled through the modes, trying to figure out what each of them meant. Some of them were just odd. Well, everything was odd about this situation.

Rachel still couldn't figure out what Litter meant, but she guessed that Rear meant butt, Lisa's butt specifically. The different levels corresponded with the different increments that Lisa's butt could be made to...grow or shrink? Just bizarre.

There were also modes for Thighs and Cup, both of which seemed self-explanatory. Color was unclear as was Npls. And there were still several others.


Rachel startled at the sound of another's voice in the usually isolated section of the library. Stuffing the remote away, she looked up to see none other than Lisa, who was uncharacteristically by herself.

"What are you doing here, phlegm?" Lisa drawled. "Looking for somewhere to burrow for the winter? The woods are actually southwest of the school."

Rachel frowned. She could see that Lisa was holding a calculus textbook. Maybe she was doing worse at the subject than she had let on at study group.

"Try not to chew too much on the mahogany," Lisa added as she moved along, finding a booth a few paces down.

And Lisa made it so hard to resist. Rachel pulled the remote back out and selected a mode at random, pressing the up arrow 3 times in quick succession.

"Ohhhh," Lisa groaned out, her body contorting as her textbook dropped to the ground. She twisted and arched in her seat, Rachel watching in morbid fascination as Lisa's blouse tightened, her belly seeming to roll forward. It swelled more and more as her shirt strained against it, diamonds of flesh becoming visible between the buttons. In a matter of moments Lisa was slumped and gasping, the prominent swell of her belly making her look as though she was six months pregnant. "What the fuck?" Lisa cried, clutching her belly as though she wanted to push it back in. She stared down at herself in silent horror. Then, as though she could feel Rachel's gaze, she turned her head toward the other teen.

Rachel quickly ducked her head back into her booth. Her heart was racing. She truly had control over Lisa's body. Oh my God, was all she could think. She looked down at the remote to see that the mode was on Litter again.

Rachel gathered her things, got up, and left the library as quickly as she could without actually running. Now that she knew what she could do and what she had done, she suspected that she ought to have been ashamed. Weirdly, all she felt was a sense of thrill. Lisa was constantly making fun of Rachel for her large front teeth and meek manner. It was nice to see that Lisa wasn't so perfect for once. And when everyone else saw how round she was getting, maybe for once Lisa would get a taste of what she put Rachel through on a daily basis.


When Lisa showed up to school the following day, she was wearing a different uniform. A larger one. She mumbled something about having a medical condition but no one could seem to get past the large swell of her midsection, and the gossip proliferated.

"Is she pregnant?" some asked.

"How could it be so fast? She just blew up!"

"It seems like some weird growth spurt."

"Yah, my mom calls that fatness."

The posse was dwindling. Some of the other cheerleaders went from flanking Lisa to pointing and sniggering. Rachel was astonished that Lisa could continue to walk around the school with her head held high even as everyone mocked her, some more discreetly than others. Rachel almost felt guilty, but she couldn't quite. There was just something about Lisa that begged for contempt. She was nasty through-and-through, and she was consistent in her cruelty.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

Rachel had been caught staring yet again. Belatedly she looked away as Lisa walked towards her way in the hallway.

"Watch yourself, phlegm," Lisa grumbled irritably as she went to her locker and shoved some books inside. She really did look a cross between pregnant and chubby. The swell of her gut could almost have been cute if this wasn't a high school and all the students weren't wolves eager to sink their teeth into something as plump and juicy as the head cheerleader fattening up.

“You’re trash, phlegm,” Lisa called, not even looking up from what she was doing. “Don't ever forget it.”

Rachel's face heated. The insults were so casual and unnecessary. “It’s Pilgrim,” she managed, surprising even herself by talking back. “Why do you hate me so much?”

Lisa lifted a brow as she shut her locker. “I don't hate you,” she said indifferently, then walked off.

Rachel's jaw clenched as she realized that what Lisa had said had been true. Lisa didn't hate anyone in particular. Insulting people was just part of her nature. It made her feel good. Superior. Powerful. Lisa found someone who was weak and kept them in their place. That was just everyday life for her.

As Lisa turned the corner Rachel pulled out the remote and made sure the mode was still on Litter. She pressed the up arrow several times with force. From around the corner she heard a long wail accompanied by gasps, swears, and yammering voices. Rachel didn't even go to see the effects. Drawing in a deep breath, she raised her chin and walked off to her next class.


Rachel didn't see Lisa again until three days later in homeroom after Lisa had taken a leave of absence. Rachel wondered if she had overdone things.

Lisa was huge. She was no longer wearing a school uniform, but a large sweater dress that still hugged into her form, particularly the massive swell of Lisa's belly. The mound was visibly heaving and Lisa herself was breathless as she cradled it with her hands. She looked overdue with child, maybe twins. Her belly button jutted out against the material. Her backside was a plump curve behind her and all the growth just looked ridiculous on her otherwise slim body. Lisa was flushed and waddling and everyone could only gawk at the abrupt transformation. Over the span of a week she had gone from a skinny cheerleader to this massively pregnant woman.

Lisa looked mortified and miserable. She couldn't fit behind a student desk so had to stand in the front of the classroom awkwardly waiting as their teacher had some students bring in a small table that she would be able to sit at in the back.

And when she sat, it was gingerly, her hand cradling the underside of the mound. It was just so huge and spherical, and Rachel could swear she saw a shiver of movement on the surface, Lisa's face twisting.

“Lisa, what the hell?” Tammy whispered over to the other cheerleader, and Rachel hated that she was in earshot, but the back of the classroom was typically her domain.

“I don't know,” said Lisa, trying to come off casual but sounding weak at the edges. “I’ve just been blowing up. My mom's taking me to see a specialist tomorrow.”

“Well, whose is it?”

“Tam, I'm not fucking pregnant.”

Rachel tried her best to tune the rest out.

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