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Summary: Tom is in his mid-forties. Comfortably married in suburbia  with his wife, office job, and his 2.5 kids getting ready for college, Jim finds himself immersed in an affair with a fit young biogeneticist. Jim  has no idea why he's gaining so much weight, and his wife has started making remarks about it. Little does he know, his secret boyfriend is not only experimenting on him but breeding him. Worse, Jim can apparently get pregnant additional times while already pregnant, and end up carrying multiple babies of different gestational ages. Its only a matter of time before his secret affair comes to light. That, in addition to other things. Contains: Male: pregnancy, breast expansion, belly expansion, butt expansion, stuffing, weight gain.

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Tom admitted to the affair. He confessed that he had been avoiding Penny and the rest of the family. He told his wife everything short of the fact that his relationship with Ian was actually...ongoing as of that moment.

But Tom was through with the demented scientist. Ian had used Tom—his body, and it was the ultimate violation of trust. Tom knew that he and Ian had never exactly been serious, but he wondered if he had ever been anything more than a candidate for Ian's sick experiments. Tom suspected that he had never been anything more than an object to Ian, and the cold nature of their dynamic became more blatant to him than ever before when Penny, of all things, forgave him.

Tom went home.

He didn't think there was anything he could do to earn this second chance after his epical screw-up, but he did his best. They tried to work things out.

In a week, Sid was out of the hospital and on strict orders of bed rest. At first the poor kid thought he was hallucinating. Tom explained his mortifying predicament several times, Even then, Sid didn't seem to believe his own eyes.

But Sid was getting stronger every day. Sometimes Kim sat at his bed side, speaking to him in quiet tones. With time, Sid's face firmed with comprehension, uncertainty, and ultimately, the same resentment Kim donned on the occasions that she met Tom's eyes.

Dysfunctional didn't come close to describing Tom's home life. As much as he and Penny wanted to try to be a family again, his condition was just so obstructive.

Consideration of his belly preceded every move, every action, and every decision. He was constantly reminding them of his infidelity and the freak he had become in consequence. Not that it wasn't already in their faces.

Tom was huge. He looked due with child, maybe a little beyond it. He hadn't spoken to Ian since Sid's accident. He knew he would have to eventually. He just couldn't face the other man. It would be too much.

Tom waddled around the house in huge t-shirts that stretched over his mass. There was no hiding it. Inclined as he was to loaf around on the couch and spend his days watching sitcoms, he felt too ashamed. Penny would come home in the evenings completely exhausted from work. Kim would get back from school looking utterly disgusted with him. Truth was, Tom was exhausted himself. But he could hardly say that he needed rest or to cater to a baby that wasn't supposed to be inside of him in the first place. Not after he had abandoned the family for months on end in an efffort to hide the monumental screw up. So Tom tried to look occupied. He would go over the bills and finances, strained as they were now that Penny was the only full time worker in the household. This just exacerbated his guilt.

He tried to change Penny's car oil one day, knowing that he looked ridiculous, one hand on the hood as the other supported his bump while he awkwardly leaned over trying to measure the amount in the oil tank. He was fruitlessly trying to appear as a contributor when he just wanted to be lying down.

His nipples ached and his breasts were bloated. Humiliatingly enough, Penny had gone bra shopping for him. She had picked up a few that were soft and gentle and still had some room for growth. God he hoped they didn't grow. They were full C-cups. Plump, round, and uniform. They would have been the perfect breasts on a woman. He was confident that some women would happily pay for breasts as perky as these ones were.

His nipples were getting so swollen. His belly was only expanding. He had to be ready to drop this baby. And as deeply as he didn't want to, Tom made a call to Ian.

"Tom," said Ian immediately upon answering the phone. "I'm so glad you called. How—how are things?"

"I'm...huge," Tom responded feeling his skin flush in both frustration and humiliation.

"Right," said Ian awkwardly. "Tom, I need to see you."

Tom's body went stiff.

As though he could sense the animosity, Ian quickly continued. "To conduct an exam. This is important. When can you come over?"

Tom swallowed hard, his hand moving to cup the side of his belly where the baby was hammering away under his ribs. "Tomorrow. Afternoon," he said curtly. The kids would be at school, Penny at work.

"Okay. Tomorrow then. Thank you Tom."

Tom hung up.


Tom expected for things to be cold and professional. He expected an exam and a laconic conversation regarding the birth of their child.

What he hadn't expected was the undeniable heat that filled him as Ian cupped the swell, sliding his hand along it until he placed a stethoscope against it. Then Ian moved on to Tom's chest, Measuring Tom's own heart beat. Tom's flesh tingled from the unfamiliar sensation of another's contact with his breasts.

"When can we get this thing out of me?" Tom demanded, determined to distract himself.

"You're not even due yet," Ian responded.

"You've gotta be kidding. I'm huge!"

"You have a little ways to go." Ian's hand was resting on Tom's belly again and Tom couldn't tell whether it was part of the exam or not. He just focused on breathing and averted his eyes, trying in vain to get his body to calm down.

He and Penny had made a few attempts at physical intimacy and it had been nothing short of humiliating. Both had been so determined to take another shot at the being a normal couple within a normal family that they had tried to push past the mutual uneasiness. Tom had been utterly disgusted with himself as Penny looked upon what had become of his body. At the plump breasts on his chest, swollen and larger than hers were. At the tremendous curve of his abdomen. He knew he looked due by now. Beyond it.

The attempt had failed and their night together had cumulated with him just ranting, getting a little teary as he griped about how Ian had ruined his life. Penny had consoled him, of all things. After everything he had done to her and the family, she was still willing to offer him sympathy.

Eventually both to had fallen asleep turned away from each other in the bed, Tom fully covered, and still feeling the shame of her uneasy gaze on him. In his swollen and gross state, he had decided it was the end of any attempts at sexual engagement. He had started off the pregnancy with a strong libido but by now in his discomfort, self-disgust, and general self-consciousness, it had decidedly fizzled.

Or so he had thought.

Tom was flustered. He hadn't felt this in a while, this need. And the way Ian was looking at him—looking at his belly so rapt and longing—Tom didn't feel like a freak if just for that moment. He felt terribly wanted.

Ian rubbed his hand along the swell some more. "Tom..." he said, slowly lifting his gaze to meet Tom's eyes.

Tom fell into the kiss. Ian initiated it but Tom accepted hungrily. Tom was overcome by hormones he hadn't even known were still active. He needed to be felt and filled. His self-consciousness disintegrated as Ian pulled him close and proceeded to worship every inch of his body.

God, it was good. Tom had forgotten how amazing it felt to be thoroughly fucked even in his massive state. Ian never ran out of things to touch and nip. He leaned up to Tom's chest, deriving a hoarse groan from the pregnant man as he wrapped his lips around a swollen nipple and took a deep suck.

"Fuuuhhk..." Tom moaned.

It wasn't bad. It was the opposite extreme.

"They're engorged," Ian murmured against the soft flesh. "Must be so uncomfortable, so full." He took another long draw, causing Tom to arch and shudder.

Ian kept the licking and sucking as Tom mumbled indecipherably, twisting his fingers through the younger man's hair. Tom gasped at a burning sensation.

"There we go," said Ian pleasantly, pulling back a bit.

As Tom looked down he saw what Ian had achieved. There was fluid running along the underside of both breasts. And it wasn't just sweat for saliva. It was pale white; a consistent flow. It was leaking from Tom's...nipples. He was lactating.

"Fuck," Tom hissed, jerking back.

"Easy," Ian warned.

Tom absently cradled his belly as he gaped down at himself. His tits were leaking. He was fucking lactating, as if he didn't have enough problems as it was.

"Doesn't that feel better?" said Ian.

"God, you always fuck everything up."

"It was going to happen eventually. Stop being so stubborn. Tom, this is happening."

He closed in again and Tom allowed himself to be swallowed by Ian's warmth because this was admittedly the best he'd felt in a while and he was too weak to resist anymore.

Ian bowed back down to his chest and Tom didn't resist it. He just closed his eyes, leaned back, and enjoyed the odd and pleasant sensation of Ian drawing milk from his nipples.

"It feels good doesn't it? All of it? Some scientists believe that pregnant woman can reach pleasure heights unimaginable to the rest of the population."

God but he was just so huge. How could he possibly be finding pleasure in this? "Fuck, I miss you," Tom groaned before he could stop himself. He missed being filled. He missed Ian inside of him.

"I missed you too," said Ian quietly.

When they fucked, it felt as though Tom was being filled more. Tom grunted and clutched his belly as it tensed in his hold, feeling as though it was expanding at that very moment. He came with a cry, come splattering against the underside of his mound.

"God," Tom was sweaty and boneless but feeling utterly amazing.

"Yeah." Ian leaned down to kiss his nape. "I know this is wrong. But I can't get enough of you, Tom."


When Tom was at home his feelings of guilt were now being corrupted by the days of euphoria that followed just one evening with Ian. Even despite the stress, discomfort, and heaviness of his body, in addition to the general contempt he got from the kids, he somehow felt good again. He knew he should not have, after everything he had done. But Ian just had that effect on him.

Ian now sucked Tom's tits whenever they were together. And Tom seemed to be suffering side-effects. They were swelling, growing larger, and leaking a lot more.

"It's a bit premature," said Penny awkwardly the first time she noticed the appearance of damp spots on his shirt.

"Fuck, I uh...yeah, that's...yeah," Tom rambled. His face was hot. "God, I'm disgusting."

"No, Tom, it-it's normal. I think."

Honestly, the only times Tom felt normal was when he was at Ian's apartment. He felt awkward and out of place at home, even more so when Penny tried to accommodate him by bringing him tea or a blanket, or sometimes cooking his favorite meals when he was getting particularly fidgety from the aches. Her capacity for kindness was insane. She was comforting him, doing her best to help him through the pregnancy when she should have hated him the way he hated himself sometimes.

Tom was still putting on weight. A lot of it. He was just getting massive.

"You sure there's only one in there?" Penny queried jokingly as Tom strained to heave himself up from the couch one evening, one hand on his back.

Kim wrinkled her nose as she passed through the living room, not even looking at him. Sid had taken to pretending that Tom did not exist.

Tom took a moment to catch his breath. "Don't even joke about that," he deadpanned, as Penny lifted his emptied dinner plate off the coffee table. "Of course there's only one."

Though lately he was starting to look as though he was about to drop twins, to be honest.


Ian couldn't help feeling just a tiny bit smug as he watched Tom waddle into his apartment one afternoon. Tom was clearly struggling to find clothes that still accommodated him. He had outgrown his jacket, the material wrapping tightly against his body, while several inches of his gut bulged out beneath it. His sweat pants were snug at his rear, the cotton hugging into his plump ass. Despite his struggles to fit into the clothes, he seemed eager to get out of them. "I can't believe how fast this thing is growing," Tom said as he shoved the jacket off. "Penny says a fetus grows the most in the last trimester, right?" he added uncertainly, looking at Ian.

"Right," said Ian as he closed the door, turning his head slightly to hide the upward curve of his mouth.

Tom had no idea what he was in for.

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