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Multiple Mammaries on DeviantArt (Male Version)

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Cona was in need of some bigger clothes.

The button-down she was wearing was plastered to her, the thin white material stretched to capacity to accommodate her girth. The girdle had gotten so tight on her, she hadn’t bothered wearing it that day. In just the shirt and a blazer that her belly bulged completely out of, Cona clutched her abdomen as she walked into her office at work. She slowly sat down behind her desk, observing the large diamonds of skin that appeared between her buttons.

Cona’s coworker, Kurt, strolled inside. “Hey Cona, just wanted to congratulate you on getting the Snyder account.” He offered his hand.

“Thanks, Kurt.” Cona heavily stood and reached out to shake Kurt’s hand, not noticing as her large belly-nipple popped out through one of the gaps between her buttons. By then it was the size of a D-battery when it wasn’t puffed and erect. But as it was, it was quite the sight of marvel. Kurt stared.

Cona followed Kurt’s gaze to her belly, and gasped. “Oh god.” Cona quickly covered up her belly-nipple, her face turning red. She didn’t know what to say.

“I…uh…I should go,” said Kurt, hurrying off.

Cona slowly sat back down and put her head in her hands.


Throughout the work day, Cona shifted about in her seat, her bottom sore and uncomfortable for some reason. And all her skirts had gotten so tight on her. In the bathroom mirror after a pumping session, she noticed how much her backside was sticking out, her skirt stretched over the soft, plumpening cheeks.

That evening, as Cona showered, she felt an unfamiliar mole on the center of her right butt cheek. Strange.

There was a hard knocking on the door. Cona ignored it at first, but then her doorbell began to ring repetitively, almost with a sense of urgency.

Cona climbed out of the shower and dried herself off quickly. She struggled into sweatpants and a formfitting white tanktop. Her round breasts bulged against the neckline, full and fat, pressed together on her chest, plump GG-cups that needed no support of a bra. Beneath, the top could only conceal the upper three quarters of her plump belly. Cona noticed, with unease, that it was starting to get wider than she was.

The ringing continued in an endless barrage that was starting to give Cona a headache. Clutching her belly, Cona hurried to the door. She opened it just slightly to see that her visitor was her sister.

“Julie, I’m busy right now-” Cona paused when she noticed that her sister’s face was tear-streaked. She couldn’t help but allow her to push her way inside. She embraced Julie, though most of her contact was with Cona’s abdomen.

The two sat down on the couch. Julie assured Cona that baby Eric was safe with their parents. When Cona inquired as to why she was so upset, Julie refused to disclose anything. She simply thanked her for being there for her.

“Of course,” said Cona awkwardly, not willing to admit that she’d had no intention of letting Julie inside.

Cona shifted about uncomfortably in her seat, breathing heavily, causing her breasts to jiggle. Her huge mammaries were perched on her massive belly breast which, in turn, was perched on her lap. She wanted to get away to find a sweater or something – anything – to cover herself up, but found herself glued to her spot as Julie continued to sob. She was sure that Julie could see the abnormal way her belly button protruded, its swollen, distended shape and pinkish hue perceptible under the tight white material of her tank top.

Julie wiped her tears, finally inquiring, “Cona, what’s going on with you?”

Cona simply shook her head.

But this didn’t satisfy Julie. She reached out to her, as though to touch her abdomen, but Cona caught her hand. She gave her an apologetic expression and forced a smile, but it was strained and uncomfortable. “Sis…you don’t even want to know.”


That weekend, Cona was roped into going on a boat ride another staff member had backed out of. She and Ted were treating their top clients on an overnight tour of the harbor. Things were just about…tolerable. Cona made sure to step out every hour to pump herself just enough to get through another hour, but she could sense that Ted was starting to get annoyed with all her bathroom breaks.

Everyone was enjoying beers and cocktails, but whenever Cona was offered one, she remembered that she was saving some of her milk for Eric, and declined, instead sipping on shakes.

“What are you, pregnant?” said Mr. Li after the third time Cona turned down a beer.

Cona reddened. “No, I erm, have a medical condition,” she said, looking down at her belly and noting that she really did look pregnant. At term, at least.

Ted raised her eyebrows at Cona’s response. He was certain that macromastia’s symptoms were limited to breast expansion, but that didn’t explain the weight gain centered at Cona’s stomach.

The boat suddenly rocked, throwing everyone off balance, Cona especially. As they were splashed with water, Cona nearly fell down, but Ted grabbed hold of her, Cona’s rounded belly pressing against Ted’s lean one. Ted’s right hand had sunk into the side of the mound, and now his face was alight with curiosity.

Cona became warm, tingling sensations pulsing through her belly-breast. Though not realizing it, Ted was essentially groping Cona. Cona felt her belly button begin distending against her will, and quickly pulled away from Ted, looking at her soaked clothes, and how blatant the shape of her belly was against them.

“I’m going to change,” Cona said awkwardly, as the others stared. She turned and began to waddle off.

“I think we should all probably call it a night,” Cona heard Ted say.

Cona hurried back to her cabin and peeled her wet shirt off her body. She stood there and clutched her belly with both hands for a while, still tingling from the sensation of it being groped moments earlier. She then pulled on a T-shirt that was pleasantly loose, and some sweat shirts that were getting quite tight at the backside. Cona placed her hands against her plumpened ass cheeks and sighed. Now her fingers could sink an inch or two into the flesh. She didn’t know what was going on but things were getting out of control.

The door opened behind her. Cona jumped, her mounds jiggling as she turned around in shock.

It was Ted. He wore an apologetic smile. “Sorry Cona, I forgot to mention we were sharing a cabin. Jim backed out last minute and the boat was booked full by the time we got you on board for this.”

“No problem,” Cona weakly responded. This was horrible.

“By the way,” said Ted, lowering his briefcase to a small table in the common area. “Can we go over the terms of the Snyder contract again? We need it prepped by tomorrow. I noticed a few contradictions throughout it – I think Jones let the interns handle it for some reason.”

“Not a problem,” Cona repeated, though all she wanted to do was rest her aching back. She didn’t know what she was going to do about pumping that night. Lately, her belly had been taking such a long time, she simply attached the pump to herself and dozed off in bed, waking up a few hours later to the discomfort of the pump drawing on her empty abdomen.

Cona grabbed a sweater off the chair, pulled it on, then sat down at the table opposite Ted. Together, the two pored over the Snyder contract. There were more errors than Cona had imagined there would be. As Cona weeded them out, Ted sat behind his laptop, busily typing up the new contract. One hour, turned to two, and Cona was getting rather uncomfortable.

“I’m going to head to the bathroom,” said Cona, beginning to stand.

“You’re not serious?” said Ted, looking up from his computer. He wearily rubbed the bridge of his nose. “It can’t wait an hour, Cona? I just want to get this done.”

Biting her lip, Cona sat back down. Her belly was hot and full, and perched heavily against her lap. Her upper breasts were tight and ached to be milked.

Cona continued to work, stopping occasionally as her breasts tightened, and belly trembled. Red in the face, she grunted in discomfort. She just had to hold out for a little longer. Her pen shaking, she corrected another error.

“You alright?” asked Ted, peering at her.

“F-fine,” said Cona.

Her belly pressed against the table, beneath which her belly-nipple was bulging out considerably, swelling, and throbbing. Cona couldn’t wait. She pushed her chair back. Unfortunately, this gave her boss the sight of her bulging navel.

“Jesus, Cona, what is that?” Ted said, shedding all appearances of politeness.

“Nothing boss, it’s…n-noth…” Cona grunted as her body continued to tighten. Her sweater was stretched at its seams, and finally beginning to tear apart, no longer willing to accommodate her engorged physique. It allowed her belly to push through it as Ted continued to stare. Cona desperately tried to hold her T-shirt down against her belly-breast, but the mound seemed determined to push out from beneath it. Ted stood and grabbed Cona’s hand, pulling it away from her shirt. Cona couldn’t conceal herself any longer. Ted watched as Cona’s T-shirt slid upwards, Cona red in the face as she grunted in discomfort, her massive nipple bobbing as she squirmed.

“What…is this?” Ted reached out, as though to graze the nipple with his finger.

“Don’t!” Cona said, but just the thought of the contact caused her areola to puff out as her button-nipple swelled to the size of a tennis ball. Cona was gasping for breath. “I can’t…hold it in…any longer!” her back arched.


The dam broke. Ted was sprayed in the face as milk forcefully spurted out of Cona’s navel. Ted simply gawked in shock as Cona panted, the two falling into a stunned silence, milk continuing to spurt irregularly, now splattering against Ted’s chest.

“I am so, so sorry,” Cona moaned after she had gained back some of her composure. She covered her enlarged nipple with her hand, feeling mortified. She tried to stand, but Ted grabbed her shoulder, holding her in place. “I have to go,” Cona whimpered as a new spurt of milk shot out of her belly-nipple every few seconds. By now, both of her upper nipples were leaking as well, both swollen to the size of golf balls and protruding against the soaked T-shirt she was wearing. The mounds bulged heavily from the top of her bra and threatened to pop out of it at any moment.

“But we have work to do,” said Ted.

Cona was close to tears. “Boss-” Cona gasped as Ted reached down, experimentally grazing Cona’s belly-nipple with his fingers. Cona’s areola puffed out more, and another flood of milk sprayed into the air. She was producing it faster than she could get rid of it. “Oh!” Cona grunted, her eyes squeezed shut. “I can’t…take on…any…m-more.”

Ted looked up at her. “Any more…?”

“Milk,” said Cona, her eyes stinging with tears.

Ted blankly stared at Cona’s belly for a moment. Suddenly he leaned down and planted her lips against the top of the large nipple.

“Ohhhh!” Cona groaned, as Ted sucked. Cona’s loins became hot and tingled as her upper breasts popped completely out of her bra and began to pour milk onto her stomach. “Oh god, what are you…ahhhhhhh!” Cona threw her head back as Ted took another long draw. Cona struggled to breathe. “I thought…errghh…thought you were vegan,” she cried and laughed.

Chuckling lightly, Ted pulled away from the nipple. He looked up at Cona. “God, it’s so…thick. Like cream.”

“I know,” said Cona wearily.

Holding either side of Cona’s belly, Ted leaned down and took several more sucks, relieving some of the pressure as Cona struggled to breathe. After a few more moments, Ted stood. He took Cona’s hand, helped her stand, then guided her to the couch. Before Cona could sit down, Ted slid behind her, reaching around her hips to untie her waistband.

“Ted…” said Cona uncertainly, still breathless.

Ted’s hands slid up, and he was suddenly massaging Cona’s plump abdomen, causing Cona to groan. Ted guided Cona down on the couch, Conas button-nipple arousingly rubbing against the cushions. Soon Cona’s pants were being pushed down from her plump bottom, and before she knew it, Cona could feel the tip of her boss’ penis rubbing against her throbbing lips.

“Ted…” said Cona. “Ohhhh…” Ted entered her, slowly, pushing more and more of his member inside as Cona grunted. Soon Ted was riding her, pumping in and out, as Cona’s mounds heaved and jiggled.

Cona gasped for breath, Ted continuing to clutch either side of her girth as it wiggled beneath them. Ted rubbed, massaged, and squeezed the mass, spraying milk all over the fabric of the couch, yet for Cona, the pressure only seemed to build. Cona’s abdomen had popped completely out of her T-shirt by then. She whimpered in a mixture of discomfort and pleasure as she felt herself tighten and grow.

Ted pushed Cona down harder, pressing her belly into the couch, causing Cona to yelp with each thrust. Almost apologetically, Ted pulled Cona back, against him, and into his lap, pumping into her despite Cona’s considerable weight. Cona grunted as her breasts bobbed, nipples wiggled, and belly heaved up and down with each of Ted’s thrusts.

Cona felt Ted tense up, and just before he came, Ted pressed her back down against the couch cushions so Cona felt like her belly would burst. Cona groaned as she felt herself flooded with Ted’s seed.

Finally, Ted sank against her, causing Cona to release a strangled cry, which prompted Ted to quickly climb off. Cona clutched her belly, her face flushed in discomfort. She allowed Ted to pull her back into his lap, where Ted continued to rub, massage, and fondle her belly, as it seeped a thick stream, and Cona struggled to breathe through it. Her belly-nipple seemed to be pulsating by then.

The mass was flushed and bloated, looking overdue with child by then. Cona grunted as the nipple suddenly distended, then started spurting relentlessly. Her boss continued to idly massage and kneed the flesh, Cona panting as it tingled and the pressure grew. “Oh god, oh god…” was all Cona could say, her body conflicted between pleasure and discomfort. She twisted about in Ted’s hold. She grunted as her belly swelled out an inch more, her belly-nipple distending more than she thought possible. She didn’t see the look of excitement in Ted’s eyes as all this occurred.

They remained in this position for a while, Ted’s hands taking to lightly stroking her by then. Eventually, Ted dozed off, and Cona would have as well, but every time she allowed her body to sag, she was jerked back into consciousness from the tightness of her belly. It was pressurized, tingling, the areola puffed out, and nipple aching for release. As Cona twisted and squirmed, she produced the occasional spurt of milk. On the times she tried to get up, Ted’s arms seemed to clamp around her. Panting, flushed, and red, Cona eventually fell unconscious from sheer exhaustion.


“Oh god,” Cona panted the next morning as she surveyed herself. Face flushed red, she climbed to her feet, took several steps, then sunk to her knees by her suitcase, breathless as she fumbled to pull out her breast pump. As she shifted to all fours in her effort to stand, her belly pressed the ground. Groaning in discomfort, Cona shifted onto her plump ass. Her eyes teared. She was so tight… she was positively huge. “Dammit…unnnghh…” Her abdomen shuddered. She struggled to attach the breast pump. The suction attachment could barely adhere to her massive nipple, but it just managed. Cona breathed a sigh of relief as she finally got the pump started. She then flopped down onto her back, staring as her massive mound rose and fell with her breathing.

Ted silently watched her from the couch, but Cona could hardly pay it any mind. She panted as she felt her loins seeped. “Ohhhhhh…” she came, an uncontrolled orgasm that left her even more drained. The sensation of having her super-engorged mass pumped was just too much for her to handle at the moment. Cona came again, though she didn’t want to. She groaned as her body tensed and her back arched. She then relaxed and gasped for breath, wanting to stop the machine, but knowing she couldn’t. She felt her loins tingle again, lips swollen plump between her legs. “Oh god,” she groaned, holding out for just a minute, before having another.

By the time Cona was finished being pumped, the 10-cup container had made a wide wet patch on the floor from the large amount it had overflowed, and Cona had lost track of how many times she had come. She stared blankly at the ceiling, zoned out, near delirious, and she could do little more than breathe.


Cona’s night with Ted had done a number on her. Her belly resembled that of a woman’s at term with twins, her round breasts perched atop it, and her shirt plastered to her skin.

Cona couldn’t seem to last two hours without needing to be pumped. Knowing that spending most of the work day in the bathroom would be inadvisable, she planted herself in her seat behind her desk, lifted up the bottom of her shirt, and took to pumping herself there as she breathed and tried to get through some paper work. It was a long process. Occasionally she had to massage the tubing as the pump jammed. By the third time this happened, Cona began to get frustrated. She looked up in surprise as the door to her office opened.

It was her boss. Ted walked inside. He seemed completely aware of what the humming noise coming from beneath Cona’s desk was, and so didn’t address it.

Neither did Cona. “Boss, what can I do for you?” she said, lowering a contract she had been reading over. Normally she would stand when someone entered her office, but on this occasion, she remained where she was. She thought it best to pretend that the boat trip had never happened, and had been treating it as such since the morning she had climbed up from the cabin floor, her body sleek with milk.

Ted did not respond, but began to close the blinds covering the glass walls of Cona’s office, blatantly violating the company’s open-door policy. Cona swallowed, and tried to remain cool.

Ted then walked over to Cona, rolling Cona’s chair back enough to observe the jammed hose attached to her large belly button-nipple. Silently, Ted detached it as Cona quietly protested. Cona remained frozen, not knowing what to do, as Ted climbed down under her desk, leaned into her lap, pressed his lips against her large nipple, and began to suck.

Cona groaned, her back arching, and her panties immediately becoming moist. “Ted…don’t…ohhhhhh…” Cona quietly moaned. She tried to maintain control, and not make another mess all over herself.

Clutching the sides of her belly, Cona gently squeezed, urging more of the milk to flood Ted’s mouth. Ted gulped and gulped, not a drop wasted. He seemed up for the challenge. Cona gasped for breath.

Cona jerked her head up when her door opened again. One of her coworkers entered – Tina Werthers. She gazed oddly from the closed blinds to Cona’s flushed, sweaty face.

Ted just continued to suck.

“Hey Cona…you all right?” said Tina uncertainly.

Cona hurriedly nodded. “Fine,” she forced out. She shifted slightly, making sure Ted was hidden from view under the desk. She wished he would hold off on the sucking, but he just kept at it, even with their audience. “What can I h…help you with?” said Cona.

Tina continued to eye her. “I just wanted to introduce you to Mr. Mallory, since you are the one who will be handling his contract. He’s right in the conference room.”

Cona nodded. “Sure, I’ll be th…there in a few.” She grunted and reddened as Ted himself took to squeezing her belly to flood his mouth with milk.

Tina frowned. “Cona, this is one of our top clients. I don’t think boss would like if we left him waiting. If you want, I can bring him here.”

“No!” said Cona hastily. Tina stared. “I mean, that is n-not necessary. Just give me…a few moments, o-okay?”

“What is so important that you can’t come now?”

Cona didn’t respond, she just gave Tina a hard look, her shoulders trembling as she struggled to control her arousal.

“You’ve been slacking, Cona, and I’m not the only one who’s noticed. I’m going to have a conversation with Ted about this.” Tina turned and walked off.

After the door snapped shut behind her, there was silence for a moment, Cona panting and holding Ted’s head against her belly. Finally, Ted detached, and chuckled slightly. “I’m stuffed.”

Cona breathed. “I…appreciate it,” she said, not really knowing what else to say.

“Any time,” said Ted, licking Cona’s swollen nipple and causing her to grunt. “I mean it. This is incredibly strange, and incredibly…sexy.”

“You have strange tastes.”

“You have a strange body.”

“Touché.” Cona grabbed some tissues and wiped up some droplets of milk that had rolled down the lower half of her belly. She then pushed back her chair, allowing Ted to climb out from under the desk.

Cona held her belly, which was a little less engorged, hopefully enough for her to get through the meeting. Clutching it against herself, she climbed to her feet with some difficulty, Ted smirking as he watched.

“You’re just getting bigger and bigger…” Ted mused.

Cona looked up at him, unable to miss the pleased expression Ted was wearing. Cona tried to shake it off.


“Sorry for my lateness,” Cona said, once she walked into the meeting room where Tina and Mr. Mallory were waiting. Ted following Cona in, both of them wearing straight-laced expressions, though Cona was still rather flushed and sweaty, clutching her rocking breast-belly as she entered the room. “And I’d like to apologize for my appearance. I’m suffering from a…medical issue. I am Cona, I will be handling your account for the time being. This is my boss, the president of the marketing division and chairperson to…” Cona went on as she and Ted sat down, Cona taking over the meeting as the client simply gave her a stunned stare.

Like most of Cona’s other clients, Mallory was too startled to follow much of what was going on. He signed the contracts without issue.

Afterwards, there was a celebratory luncheon in honor of their wealthy new client. Growing increasingly self-conscious under the stares, Cona headed back to her office, unnoticed by Ted or Tina who were busy shaking hands and kissing ass. Cona sat at her desk and buried herself in paperwork for the next few hours.

It got late, and Cona was sure she was the only one left at the office, but the door opened again. Cona looked up to see Ted entering with a stack of large food pans.

“Leftovers.” Ted smiled.

Creamy macaroni and cheese, triple cheese-stuffed pasta shells, a large container of cream of mushroom soup, and several slices of leftover cheesecake for dessert.

It was all very delicious. Cona had a bit of everything, and then a bit more of everything. Her favorite was the macaroni, and she ate most of the two-foot pan of it. Cona ignored the diamonds of skin that developed in her shirt as her belly grew progressively more engorged, or how her upper nipples bulged and seeped in her shirt. She was getting so tired of all the pumping.

Ted simply watched her.

“Oh…” said Cona as her belly-nipple gurgled, and pushed out further than ever. It began to seep a bit of milk. “This is getting ridiculous,” she panted.

“How’s the food?” said Ted, taking Cona’s fork and lifting a small heap of the macaroni. He presented it to Cona’s lips. Cona opened her mouth, allowing Ted to feed it to her.

Cona swallowed. “Good,” she said. “Really good.”

Ted pulled up his seat closer to Cona. He reached down and took to rubbing circles on Cona’s rounded abdomen, causing her to redden and shiver. The diamonds of skin between her buttons got wider as the shirt tightened. Cona swore she looked as though she was due with triplets by then. What a nightmare, she thought, but couldn’t help enjoying the waves of pleasure pulsing through the mass.

“I made it,” said Ted.

“What?” said Cona distractedly.

“I made the macaroni. Brought it in,” said Ted.

“Oh,” said Cona. Her eyelids lowered. “You’re a good cook.”

“I made it from your milk.”

Cona’s eyes snapped up again. “What?”

“The container of milk you left in the cabin after the boat trip-”

Cona pushed her chair back to get away from Ted’s hands. “Jesus,” she hissed, looking down at her round belly as it trembled and seeped. Planting her hands on the arms of her seat, she struggled to stand, only succeeding after a good amount of effort. She grunted in discomfort as her belly-nipple began to spray milk against the inside of her shirt, yet her top only seemed to tighten, buttons popping off one by one as more and more of her abdomen pushed through. The milk sprayed all over the floor.

Ted stood. “Cona, I can help you with that.”

“No,” grunted Cona, stopping Ted in his tracks. “I…” she gasped. “I should…go.” Grabbing her purse, Cona staggered out of the room.

Cona could barely focus on driving, zoning in and out between discomfort and euphoria as her spurting milk made a mess in her car. Once she parked, Cona struggled out of her vehicle, clutching her belly-nipple as she made her way back to her apartment.

She was too dazed to notice who saw her, or what their reactions were. By the time she got to her apartment, she was gasping for breath, and her back was aching. She headed straight to the bathroom, climbed into the tub, and turned on the water. Her belly uncomfortably pressed against either side of the tub walls. Cona simply sat there, taking deep breaths as her milk continued to spurt. She rested her hand on the top of her belly. The last time she had ingested her own milk, she had suffered a considerable growth spurt. She didn’t imagine this would turn out well.

“Erghh…” Cona’s body curled slightly as the mass tightened. She needed to be milked or it was just going to get worse. The pumps weren’t cutting it. She should have called Ted. No. Cona lightly shook her head. Ted was the last person she needed right then.

There was another spurt, then seeping, her milk pouring into the rising bath water. Cona touched her nipple, collecting some of the milk on her pointer finger. It was thick like heavy cream – no, thicker. It was a wonder her pump worked at all. Cona grunted as her belly-nipple released another spurt.

With difficulty, Cona climbed to her feet, holding onto the shower wall for support and balance. “Nrrgghhh…” she grunted. She was so…full. She turned on the shower head and rinsed herself off the best she could, having to pause as the sensation of her hands rubbing her butt cheeks made her aroused. Slowly, she ran her fingers along each plump mass, gasping when she encountered what she had thought to be moles, but now felt enlarged, and seemed to swell at her touch.

Cona released a shuddering breath. Climbing out of the shower, she stood in her full-length mirror, turned away from it, then twisted her neck to look back at her butt cheeks.

Both were round and plump, pressing together, and bulging away from her body extraordinarily. And upon each one was a familiar pink ring of skin that bulged out slightly from her flesh, each topped with what she had originally thought to be moles, but now it was apparent they were…nipples.

Next Chapter



i really love this.. and i want to see more of these stories.

Night Akula

I hope you will consider doing commissions again in the future, and please post anything you've written for me in the past on here for everyone to enjoy as well!


I hope to open commissions again soon. Have I done stories for you? What is your devArt penname?

Night Akula

It's Whitechimera, the multiple mammeries story was one of mine, as well as 1 or 2 other ^.^


Oh hey, I had no idea you were WhiteChimera :) I'll look into what other commissions of yours I can post here as well.

Night Akula

Please do! But I get to be first in like when you open commissions again ^.~


Aw geez, wish you could, but there are already a couple of other people gunning for that spot, so I'll have to figure that out D: As for posting your stories on patreon - maybe I'll gender-bend Clause II & III next. :)


Just commenting to let you know how much I love this; it's a great concept I can finally enjoy to the full. Really hoping to see it concluded with Cona!