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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ani.

$20 Patreon Directory


Life was good for Daniel Chambers.

He was finishing off his first year as CEO of a fairly young company, and profits had surged to the point that they were beating out all their competitors.

He was on the cover of every business magazine. There had been a plethora of interviews. People wanted to know how someone so fresh and young could be so brilliant as to land at the top of the industry.

That evening Daniel was at a party chumming it up with potential investors. He spotted the COO of his company's biggest rival and couldn't help walking over, a smug look plastered to Daniel's face. "Shephard, how's it going?"

Max Shephard turned and raised a brow at Dean. He was dark, sleek, and composed as ever, but Daniel knew he had to be fuming under his cool air.

"Chambers." Max nodded when Daniel didn't accept his offered handshake. "Business is going well, I hear."

"That's a bit of an understatement, " said Daniel. "Growth is skyrocketing. We might end up absorbing some smaller competing companies. Yours if you’re lucky."

"Hm." Max took a sip from his wine glass. Then he looked at Daniel, Max’s eyes ice blue, and always so penetrating. "Do you want to fuck?"

The non-sequitur should have been baffling, but it suddenly seemed like the best idea in the world.

"We should fuck," Daniel heard himself respond.

Max offered a controlled smile. "I'll send for my driver."


The following morning, Daniel adjusted his sunglasses, feeling tired and sore in all the right places.

He couldn't believe he'd done that.

It wasn't as though he didn't find Max attractive. And it wasn't as though he hadn't thoughtabout doing it several times in the past. But it had just been so random. Like he'd been possessed or something. It must have been all the free champagne at the party. And god, the sex had been good. Great, actually. But if word got out that he'd actually bent down for Max Shephard, he was certain his life would be over.

"That will be $3.25," said the barista as she handed over his expresso.

"I've got it," said someone behind him. Daniel turned, and to his shock, spotted Max. He speechlessly watched as Max paid for both of their coffee orders. "You left early this morning," Max said more quietly.

On his face was a certain smugness, the smug look that Daniel had donned until the events of the previous night.

"Shut up," Daniel grumbled under his breath as they both walked towards the cafe's exit. Daniel froze when he spotted one of his clients. He quickly removed his sunglasses. "Mr. Archburger—"

"Shephard. Daniel. Good to see you boys again. Wow, you make a lovely couple. So glad you found each other." Archburger patted each of their shoulders before moving on to the register.

Daniel blinked hard. Why on earth would Archburger think he and Shephard were a couple? He looked at Max, who seemed completely undisturbed by the mixup. Shaking his head, Daniel exited the cafe and headed for his car.


Over the next few weeks, Daniel kept bumping into Max for some reason. He kept fucking him too, which was even more baffling. And though they kept it discreet, all their clients and colleagues assumed they were in a relationship, and Daniel was oblivious as to why. It wasn't like they were ever seen together.

Getting dressed that day, Daniel strained to button his pants then frowned down at his gut. The weight gain wasn't like him. He was usually so fit and athletic, but lately his gut was blowing up like a balloon.

His belly was firm, round, and really sticking out. It didn't look natural. It just looked off, the way his shirts strained against it, and how the waistbands of his pants were jammed below it.

As the days flew by, Daniel continued to grow. Max loved to stroke Daniel's belly when they were together. Kiss it too. It turned him on; how fat Daniel was getting. Mortifyingly, Daniel was growing little manboobs as well.

Daniel bumped into Max at the bar of another party. They, of course, had not arrived together. Daniel was about to order a drink when Max cut in: "He'll have a coconut water. I'll take a scotch on the rocks."

Daniel gave Max a look of shocked outrage.

"You two are the picture of marital bliss," someone said.

Daniel turned to see some of the investors standing around them. Mrs. Maroon was the one who had spoken. "How it the baby?" she nodded to Daniel's swollen midsection.

Daniel furrowed his eyebrows. What marriage? What baby? Did they think that he was—but he was a man! He sputtered, "I'm not—we're not—"

Max's arm crept around his waist and cupped the swell.

"Everything's going great," said Max, and Daniel felt a strange sensation in his stomach.


He looked down, and suddenly his belly looked bigger than ever, huge, like he had a basketball stuffed into shirt. And god, it was heavy. 'the fuck? He cupped the tight swell and felt a distinct kick. He was stunned.

He looked into Max's piecing blue eyes and didn't know what to say. He was speechless.

"Any day now," Max said as the investors continued to fuss over them. Daniel felt a strange clench in his gut, as Max added, "Soon, I think."


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