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Note: This is a female version of Medication.

Summary: All her life, Tris’s mother forced her to take a daily medication, but  never really told her why. After Tris goes off to college, she starts  skipping doses, and finally realizes just what the medication is for.  Monthly expansion. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, and more.

Previous Chapter


Adam showed Tris to her luggage, which sat whole and unruffled in an expansive closet off one of the halls. One of the maids helped dig out a change of clothes, and Tris went into the bathroom where she carefully eased her body into a tank top and pair of pajama shorts that thankfully still fit.

When Tris walked out into the living room, the magician was waiting. Adam examined her.

Suddenly the material of Tris’s top seemed to thin, becoming so formfitting, that it was molded to Tris’s skin. She watched her belly button and nipples become so defined in the tight material that she might as well have been naked. Inches of her belly pushed out, becoming exposed beneath her shirt. Tris felt her pants becoming snug around her plump ass. She reddened and glared at Adam, knowing that she’d been subjected to another growth spurt.

Adam smiled in return. “Shall we?”

Scowling, Tris started forward. “Ohhh…” she swayed slightly struggling with her balance.

In an instant, Adam was beside her, ushering her along.

Tris was led to a bedroom so expansive it was probably the size of her mother’s house. In it was elegant furniture, a wardrobe, and a large bed with satin sheets. Tris swallowed as Adam closed the door behind them. Tris didn’t know what Adam’s expectations were for her. Despite going through several pregnancies, Tris was completely lacking in experience, though she had no intention of amending that any time soon.

Despite her reservations, Tris made her way to the bed, desperate to get off her feet. She lay back with a groan, and was surprised by how comfortable the mattress was, even despite her condition. It melded against her bones, cradling her perfectly, while still supporting her belly. The babies squirmed, but in a contented manner. Tris felt Adam settle down beside her. She felt Adam’s careful fingers stroke along her massive bump, and in such a comforting way.

Tris didn’t remember falling asleep.


A few days later, Tris was in labor.

She was perched on the bed in just a tank top, which had slid halfway up her flushed, swollen belly. She was sweat-drenched and sobbing, as she suffered her most difficult labor yet. Even worse than the ones in the forest. She alternated between gripping her face and clutching her contracting orb. She was urged to change positions constantly, as attendants fretted over her, and Adam stood by, watching blankly. The whole thing was mortifying.

“They’re—too big,” Tris puffed out breathlessly. She paused to release a long, hoarse groan, throwing her head back and arching, thrusting her belly outward, the mound feeling as though it was about to burst. The attendants tried to get her back into the “right” position, urged her to breathe, but it was all pointless to Tris. She had gone through this several times before, and this was just impossible. She was a fucking blimp.

Tris felt herself start to cry again, shaking with sobs. She didn’t want to do this. She wanted her mother.

“Almost there,” murmured one of the nurses. Her pelvis ached and her groin burned.

She had a girl and two boys. Three large, but healthy, babies. When it was over, she scowled sleepily at Adam. Begged for the pills.

“Hm,” Adam responded as he sat down beside her, idly stroking her hair.

Tris glared until she fell asleep.


Over the next several days, most of Tris’s time was spent wearily nursing. She was already getting morning sickness. As much as she dreaded the progression of the new pregnancy, she was so used to it by then, it was just a part of her life at that point.

A third into the month, she was already getting visibly swollen. Really swollen. That was the day Adam kissed her.

Tris had awoken early one morning, not sure if she was going to be sick again. She had been struggling to an upright position in bed when cool lips connected with hers, as though she had accidentally crashed into them.

Of course, there was nothing unintentional about a kiss.

If there had been any nausea, it was rapidly forgotten. Tris was frozen; stunned. Adam pulled back and looked at her thoughtfully. His eyes were cool, narrowed, observant. He seemed completely disinterested in the world and yet he tilted Tris’s chin and leaned in again.

That was Tris’s cue to shout and pull away, to cuff Adam across the face and possibly sneer in disgust even as the risk of punishment.

Instead, Tris found herself allowing it, more intrigued than anything else. Adam slowly slid his hand to the side of Tris’s throat, and pulled her deeper into the contact.


Being with Adam wasn’t horrible. The magician was even gentle and kind most of the time, notwithstanding his indifferent demeanor and the whole set-up—Tris being cursed to perpetually produce their offspring. But as Tris had noted, being pregnant had become normal for her.

Adam was laconic yet commanding in his bearing. When Adam pressed Tris back into the mattress and leaned over her, Tris held her breath, hesitating.

As sordid as this whole thing was, she’d had almost a dozen babies, without the fun part of the process of making them. She deserved this at least. So Tris gave in.


A few weeks later, Tris was allowed to visit her mother. She was wearing a dress that was framed to her form, the material about to tear apart by then. Her belly was a massive globe on her hips, much wider than she was as it heaved and shivered. It was a strain to keep balanced, to simply walk against the weight of it, so she clung hard to Adam. Tris looked as though she was about to burst. She felt like it too.

The round FF-cups on her chest sat high and bloated, nipples swollen to the size of coke caps, hot and throbbing in threat of leaking at any moment. She couldn’t bear to wear a bra, sensitive and engorged as they were. Instead they pushed freely into her straining dress.

“Oh my!” said her mother at seeing her. She stared in shock at Tris’s belly.

“A—chair,” Tris wheezed out.

Her mother hurriedly provided one.

Adam helped sit her down, Tris grunting as her belly eased against her lap. She spread her legs to cradle the huge mass, arching as her belly gave a powerful shudder that left her groaning. She felt cramped in her clothes, which were truly straining to contain her. She felt the pressure of the unborn babies heavy on her pelvis. “Yes, we’re having q-q-quints,” Tris managed, knowing that she was flushed and sweaty. She feebly cupped the underside of her belly, feeling as though it might spill away from her. Her breasts ached for relief, but she tried to contain it. Almost all of her focus was concentrated on keeping things from spilling out of her. She hummed as her belly heaved and jerked. She rubbed it desperately, breathless, her heart racing.

Adam was looking rather smug.

“I-I’m actually a b-bit overdue,” Tris managed, exchanging a look with the magician.

Her mother was momentarily at a loss for words. “That’s…never happened before,” she managed.

“Well it happens now,” said Tris weakly. She grimaced against another jerk of her belly. “Is this f-for us?” she nodded forward to the meal prepared on the table, three plates set up.

“Oh. Yes,” said her mother.

“Great,” said Tris. Through the quakes and discomfort, she somehow managed to lift her fork. She began to dig in enthusiastically, knowing that Adam was watching. Adam would be pleased to see her indulging, filling herself. Tris ignored the strain, she just continued to eat.

“Oh, Tris,” said her mother, her face crumbling, but she contained her tears. “I’m so—” Her eyes flicked up to Adam’s wary face. “H-happy for you.” But in her eyes, there was only pity.

Tris managed to swallow her latest mouthful of food. “It’s okay.” she lowered her fork to take her mother’s hand. “I’m happy, mum. And believe it or not, I—I think I actually want more babies.” Her smile was genuine, even against the strain and discomfort.

Adam wrapped his arms around her from behind, rubbing Tris’s flanks, allowing his hands to circle all over the belly as the mound rose and fell, and it felt heavenly. Tris groaned. Only Adam’s hands could seem to placate them.

Tris felt a growing warmth, and braced herself as her insides tightened and tensed, until her belly began to rise like dough on her lap, shuddering forward. A tear actually formed at her navel, her golf ball-sized belly button bulging out into the open. Tris grunted and twisted, pleasured tears streaming down her face. Her milk poured into her thin dress, rendering her all but naked. Adam had promised he would not do this in front of her mother, but it appeared he had lied.

When the growth spurt ended, Tris was red and gasping for breath, belly flushed as she slumped back, deeply wanting to lie down, but as long as Adam kept rubbing her, she thought she could manage.

It took Tris a while to catch her breath. The babies felt cramped, shifting lethargically inside her. Soon, she promised them, even though she wasn’t sure when she would actually be giving birth to them. When Tris finally opened her eyes, she saw that her mother looked completely disconcerted.

“As—as long as you’re happy,” Tris’s mother stammered as Adam offered a lazy smile.

“I am. I promise,” Tris nodded. And somehow she lifted her fork and took another bite of food.

The End



Adam is very lucky :)