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Note: This is a male version of Cow Girl II.

Summary: At eighteen, Lucas begins to experience certain physical changes. Contains: Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, multiple breasts, udders, gender transition, and more.

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He was having trouble fitting behind the family dinner table, even with the big chair he had been set up with. His belly was a large round ball, getting wider than the rest of him. Clutching it, Lucas slowly eased himself down, his teeth grit and face red as the individual weights of his mounds were pushed against each other. His belly was pressing the table and his udder was getting uncomfortably squashed. Groaning, Lucas leaned back as much as he could. His udder was round, taut, and aching, and it just didn’t feel right. The mound plopped out of his shorts and directly onto his lap, teats pointing outwards, as the mound as a whole continued to be pressurized by the mass of his belly.

Lucas shifted about uncomfortably but he could not find much relief. If anything, he just made his breasts wiggle and his babies squirm. His face red, he panted and groaned in discomfort and anxiety.

Cona was quickly by his side, feeling his forehead. “Honey, you look feverish.”

Lucas feebly shook his head. He was hot and sweaty. His T-shirt only pulled down as far as his four breasts, leaving his belly to openly protrude. A too-small pair of basketball shorts accommodated his lower half, several inches of his round backside protruding over the waistband in the back.

“He seems so uncomfortable,” said Lucas’s brother, Tim, as he peered at Lucas in fascination.

“Hush,” said Cona, who took to dabbing Lucas’s forehead with a handkerchief.

Lucas just breathed. The little clothes that he had on felt so tight on him. His top seemed to be shrinking against his four breasts. The mounds were very round, his large nipples protruding evidently, and growing.

Lucas trembled and whimpered as his shirt tightened more. He just reminded himself to breathe in and out. Get a hold of himself. He squeezed his eyes shut as his udder throbbed.

“Webber, will you help me take Lucas back to his room?”

“I’m fine mom,” Lucas managed to say. He groaned as Cona rubbed his shoulder. “Stop…it.”

“Lucas, you can’t keep holding it in,” Cona murmured.

Why was his mother always right? A sharp gasp escaped Lucas’s lips as the pressure within him peaked. He grunted as his nipples burned, his breasts bloated, and all four of his nipples began to leak milk, dampening his shirt. Lucas gasped for breath, causing his mounds to wiggle as the pressure mercifully eased and more milk seeped into his shirt until the material was soaked and stretching against him, becoming transparent as it was pasted to his skin. Every contour of his plump breasts, erect nipples, and puffy areola became apparent as Lucas breathed and helplessly lactated. He hated this. Things were just getting worse and worse. But did it mean that the babies would be coming soon? Running his hand down his face, Lucas shook his head in disbelief of his predicament.

“Shhhh, Lucas. It’s completely natural,” said Cona, now rubbing his back. “I’m sure that feels a lot better.”

“Mm-mom,” said Lucas, his eyes widening as his teats also began to burn. Lowering his hands, Lucas’s face reddened, and he fidgeted uncomfortably, desperately trying to shift some of his weight off his udder. He felt the teats plumpen and distend. “Nnnghhh…oohhhhhh…” The four nubs began to spray, milk splattering against the underside of his belly, as Lucas gasped, and the mound mercifully softened. He slumped back in dizziness and fatigue. The babies began to wriggle and squirm, but there was little he could do about it than clutch the mound, his face contorting every so often when one of the babies gave a more powerful movement.

Lucas stared off into space, his mother murmuring soothingly into his ear. His brothers silently cleared the room, their faces ranging from stunned to concerned, while at least two looked none too happy about dinner being postponed.

Lucas weakly rubbed his heaving belly. He watched as milk continued to drip off his body and onto the kitchen floor. “S-sorry mom. I’m mmmaking a mmess.”

“Oh Lucas, you know that’s nothing.” Cona leaned down to kiss the top of his head. “You know I’m proud of you.”

Lucas nodded numbly, and the two remained there for a while, waiting for things to wind down. Lucas rubbed large circles on his belly until the babies became calm. Finally, he looked at his mother and nodded again.

Cona took his arm. “Ready?”

Lucas groaned as he was helped up to his feet. Feeling the weight of his udder wiggling freely outside of his shorts, he instinctively reached down to stabilize it, but could barely reach it. Lucas blushed as his mother crouched down and gently lifted the dripping mound back into Lucas’s waistband. Cona then returned to Lucas’s side and helped him waddle to his bedroom.

“It’s your choice,” Cona said, once Lucas was back in bed, laying against his pile of pillows. The lactation had finally stopped for the time being. “If you use a pump, you’ll have relief, but your milk production will continue to increase. If you don’t, things will stay relatively consistent, though it may be uncomfortable for you. You will be engorged until the babies arrive.”

Lucas stared at the ceiling for a while, then met his mother’s eyes again. “I’ll leave it as is. I don’t want to pump,” he mumbled. This was the one thing he had control over and he wanted to minimize any more growth, at least as long as he could.

“Okay Lucas,” said Cona, giving him a supportive smile.

The door opened, and Lucas’s brother, Dean, walked in with a large pan – a whole lasagna just for Lucas. Dean was followed by Jack, who was carrying a massive bowl filled with mashed potatoes. Webber was taking up the rear, and he was carrying something too.

“Dinner in bed,” said Lucas wryly. He hoped this didn’t become routine.


He must have worked up a big appetite. After he stuffed his four stomachs with chicken lasagna, potatoes and gravy, turkey legs, and butter-dripping garlic bread, he briefly stared at his painfully bloated belly, which looked like it had taken on a whole additional baby. And then he promptly fell asleep feeling safe and satisfied despite all that had transpired.

He awoke in the middle of the night to aches and tingles, and realized that he was lactating again. Lucas breathed through it, appreciating how some of the pressure was eased from his four breasts and udder, but irritated as his clothing was again soaked with milk.

It took an hour before it stopped again. Lucas slowly started to get up to change, his upper breasts pressing into his chin as he struggled to get himself upright. After he had worked his way to the edge of the bed, Lucas took a short break to catch his breath and watched as his teats and nipples released a few more droplets of milk. He hoped he had not awoken any of the babies, but they were still. Lucas gently rubbed his mound. He marveled at how large he was getting. He could have been due with sextuplets, big as he was.

Lucas slowly eased his wet clothes off. He replaced them with a massive night shirt his mother had altered for him only recently. Lucas pulled it down over his head. His upper breasts bulged against the neck line. Though it fit him loosely, at the rate he was growing, Lucas feared that it would not last him very long.

Lucas slid on a pair of large briefs. These had also been adjusted by Cona to firmly contain his udder. Some basketball shorts followed.

Once he was finished getting dressed, Lucas leaned on his dresser, catching his breath for a while.

He looked at himself in the mirror, at his dramatically swollen state. He rubbed what he could reach of his sore back as he wondered, for the umpteenth time, how all this had happened. The more he thought about it, the less any of it made sense. His changes had begun long before he and Ralph had gotten physically intimate. He knew this because he could remember all the occasions in which he had been scared of letting Ralph get too close – to see and feel Lucas’ growing body. If Lucas wasn’t mistaken, this had started before he and Ralph had even begun dating.

It took Lucas a while to get his shoes on. Combined with his decreased visibility because of the expanse of his belly, his ankles had gotten somewhat swollen in recent weeks, and only his largest pair of sneakers would fit.

Afterwards, Lucas took another long break on the edge of his bed, breathing and hoping the babies remained calm. His back was tense and he felt entirely exhausted, but he knew he had to do this.

Finally, he heaved himself up and grabbed his jacket off the hook on his door.

Lucas didn’t know if he could handle one more solo outing before this thing dropped. But he knew he had to.

It was time to get answers.



“It’s completely natural” That line feels out of place in an mpreg version of this story lol.