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Summary: Tori is transformed into a snake from the hips down. Contains: Female: stuffing, weight gain, pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, transformation, and more.

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Tori was growing and growing. Her body was so uncomfortably tight yet she couldn't seem to stop eating. And she was huge.

Food seemed to be all she thought about lately. Her frequent bouts of hunger were accompanied by a persistent obsession with filling her mouth and stomach.

Her massive stomach. She looked abnormal. As though she was heavily pregnant. But then, there was little that was normal about Tori these days. She was half-snake, after all.

Tori's latest venture onto the lawns brought her to the barn. She slid quietly inside where she found the mother pig there sleeping noisily.

The sow was alone now. Over time, Tori had picked off her babies, and each had been succulent. The mother was all that was left, still massively fat and sedentary, as pigs were wont to being.

Tori lingered there and watched her for a while, perhaps out of boredom. In the back of her mind, she thought of the other food options on the lawns. She thought of the eggs she could snack on and the chickens she might indulge herself with, yet her focus remained on the pig.

Tori slid closer to the animal. She felt as though her body was moving almost out of her control. It was a rare instance in which she knew what was coming. She could feel what the instincts were urging before she acted on them. She tried to fight it. It's too big, she told herself. I'll injure myself. Rupture something. It just. Can't. Fit.

But she was closing in, swooping down, and there was little she could do to stop it. She opened her mouth near the pig's plump head. It felt as though her jaw was somehow unlocking.

No, no, no... she protested her own actions.

But her lips had already made contact with the pig's head, and were continuing to stretch wider, trying to meet its width.

The sow startled awake and began to scramble, but Tori was fast.

She wrapped her arms around the large animal, her swollen belly pressing into its plump pink flesh. Her tail swung forward to wrap around the creature, and Tori found herself on the muddy ground with the pig in a tight full-body wrap. The sow was strong, twitching and scrambling for freedom. But Tori was stronger.

She leaned forward and took more of the pig in.

Half of its head was in Tori’s stretched mouth. She was sure it was a grotesque sight. She didn't even know how it was possible. Tori leaned forward, shoving the rest of the head in, where it began to hit her throat. She moaned as her discomfort began to turn to pain. She was horrified and disgusted with herself. She wanted to stop; to spit the thing out.

Yet she pushed forward, grunting, eyes stinging with tears. She took the odd gasp of air when she could manage as she forced the pig into herself, her mouth and throat stretching more than ever before.

Tori was certain that several weeks ago, before her belly-growth, she would have considered the pig larger than shewas. It was implausible that she would eat it whole. She thought she'd start retching at any moment, but now her muscles were working, pumping forcefully, her abdomen as well as the tail facilitating this process somehow.

She could feel the head of the sow start to push into her stomach while the rear was still entering her mouth. She was under too much strain to even grunt. She wondered what sort of image she made, mouth and body contorted, jaw stretched to extremes, chest puffed out. She felt inflexible, like her back was unnaturally erect, forced to the shape of the pig compressed like one great sausage and being forced into her.

More of it inched into her stomach, accompanied by unbelievable strain, and the frightening sensation of her belly's present contents being shoved aside and outward to make way for the pig.

Tori’s jaw progressively closed as the remainder of the pig entered her throat. Her whole face was aching, her chest heavy and stretched as her abdomen and tail continued their forceful spasms, forcing the pig down as the rest of her quavered.

It was relieving to feel the pig push down her throat and out of her chest yet stressful to feel more of it being forced into her stomach.

What did I do? Tori wondered, sprawled on her side, face flushed, belly red and shuddering. It looked as though it was inflating, like it might pop. She was painfully arched and afraid to move. Her swollen mound was hot, sweaty, and protruding fully out from under her top.

She groaned and twitched as she grew yet tighter and heavier, the rear of the pig still painstakingly shoving its way into her stomach. "Oh god," she gasped, tears springing from her eyes and rolling across her cheeks. She croaked out as her belly gave a forceful heave that left her unable to breathe and made her fear that she was splitting apart.

Then the thing was fully inside her gut, and Tori was left too afraid to move. Not sure if she even could.

She couldn't believe how huge she was, her belly laying in the filth, protruding from her form, sleek, red, and visibly pulsating.

She was still crying. Her whole body was sore and aching. Her abdomen felt like it was generating heat. Her nipples stung for some reason.

Another shudder ran through her. Tori grunted and clasped her belly, gingerly. She didn't know how long she lay there on the barn floor, grunting, moaning, crying, and fidgeting. It was dark when she heard the sound of feet padding her way. Heels clicked against the hay-strewn floor and someone hoovered over her.

"Oh, you poor thing," Valerie said in a tone Tori couldn't discern to be sincere or mocking. It was Valerie, after all.

Tori just took several gasps and hummed not to groan out. Valerie was serious about encouraging her independence, and tended not to go looking for her. Again Tori wondered how long she had been sprawled there. Hours, probably. Her belly gave another forceful heave, still trying to digest her massive meal. Trying to just accommodate it, really.

"Too big," Tori gasped out, indicating her stomach. "I shouldn't have...nrrgghhg...get it out." She panted.

Valerie gave her a quizzical look, one of her brows rising. "Shame on you, Tori. You overindulged and don't want to face the consequences? What do you want me to do? Cut you open?"

Tori unintentionally flinched, the image of her being experimented on and dissected hitting a little too close to home. Her hands cradled her mound, at least what they could reach of it. Her stomach was so large her arms could not encircle it. Not nearly.

"No. You'll just have to deal with this on your own." Valerie crouched down to stroke her head. She studied Tori for a few moments. Then Valerie straightened.

The scientist began to walk towards the door, and Tori couldn't believe Valerie would leave her like this, lying on the dirty floor, unable to move.

"Wait," Tori rasped.

She could see Valerie pause in the entryway, back turned.

"God," Tori breathed. Her vision blurred. Then everything slowly went black despite her effort to fight it. But maybe she was better off that way.


As Tori awoke, some sweet, bitter liquid was being tipped down her throat. She instinctively gulped and was shushed as she moaned. She was so exhausted she could barely move an inch.

She didn't think she managed to peel her eyes open before she was sinking back into unconsciousness. But she sensed the offering of more fluid, and took it in.

When Tori awoke a second time, she registered that the strain was not as bad as it had been before. It was still considerable, but no longer suffocating and painful. She felt heavy and lethargic, and heard herself hissing when someone stroked her head. The hand slid down to explore the growths on her chest, the recent softness there. She whimpered because it felt unspeakably nice, but also frightening. Finally, Tori managed to open her eyes.

"Tori," said Valerie, beaming. It was hardly a surprise that she was the one hoovering over her, doing as she pleased.

Tori blinked until her vision was no longer blurry. Her back was stiff and achy. She was somehow still on the barn floor.

"Sorry, dear," Valerie supplied. "Not safe to move you right now. Not in your condition."

Tori wondered what condition Valerie was referring to. The scientists had never had any qualms with doing as they pleased to her, moving her among those things. Secondly, Tori wondered how long she had been there. She could see that the sun was out through the slats of the barn.

Tori decided that she would get up on her own, soon. She just had to gather the strength. Her hand shook slightly as it reached down and made contact with her hot, tight drum of a belly. It seemed to extend so far out. It was so huge, it was daunting.

"Here, eat this," said Valerie.

Tori caught a glimpse of a particular plump mouse clutched in Valerie’s hands.

"What? Nn-no. I-I can't," Tori stammered, wishing she could scramble away as Valerie pressed it to her lips as though to shove it right into Tori’s mouth.

Valerie didn't need to. Tori's lips parted almost of their own accord. She felt herself sucking the mouse into her mouth all while thinking, No, no, no!

Her throat ached, still tender, as the mouse shifted steadily down. She saw that Valerie already had another gripped in her first. In fact, there was a whole squirming canvas bag set beside Valerie, presumably filled with them.

Tori gulped then whined out as the first mouse hit her already over-packed stomach. "Why are you doing this?" she said in a strangled voice.

"You need to eat, dear." Valerie fed her another.

Time proceeded as such, with Tori lying there groaning, Valerie appearing every now and then to stuff a rodent into Tori’s mouth or pour some medicine down Tori’s throat.

There was a variety of medicines, all liquid, sweet, and unpleasant in flavor. Some were more syrupy than others. Tori felt as though she was overflowing. Her chest ached so much. The skin there. Her nipples. Then at some point she looked down to see that they themselves were weeping. Her nipples...were leaking.

White fluid. She was producing…milk.

Tori was startled. There was no logic to the development. Once she took a moment to process it, she supposed that it was not any more disturbing than turning into a reptile from the hips down. Still, it was unusual and quite unexpected.

Tori wearily studied her chest. Her breasts were not large by any means, but they definitely seemed bloated. Between the weight gain in her belly and the growth of her breasts, she did not look anything close to normal on her human parts. The rest of her torso—her shoulders, arms, back—maintained average to slim dimensions. Because of this, Tori had to admit that she looked quite pregnant.

Her breasts were plump and weighty. Tori felt that if it was just fat gain, they would not have been as full and round as they were. These breasts were engorged. They were functional, as though they had young to feed. She was actually lactating. Tori directed her gaze to the ceiling and tried to breathe.

Valerie just smiled. She didn't even attempt to explain how things were proceeding.

Tori's hips felt weird and heavy. Something—her girth no doubt—sat low at where the tail started, cradled by her pelvis.

Tori wheezed out as her belly jerked suddenly, tightening and compressing as though someone had punched her hard in the gut. But it was just her muscles spasming, sort of squeezing her already pressurized midsection. It took her a while to recover, at which point she asked, "What's happening?" with her gasping breaths.

Valerie was again crouched beside her. She laid her palm on Tori’s navel as she gave it a contemplative look. "Everything's going to be fine, Tori," Valerie assured, not taking her eyes off the mass.



Fucking Valerie... The hell do you think you're doing!?!