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Summary: A young woman is injected with a serum by her vindictive ex who works in genetic engineering. Over time the woman begins to bloat up, her petite breasts becoming full and large, and strange developments beginning on her scalp, above her rear, and beneath her arms. Eventually she is forced to hide as she develops antennae, two more sets of arms, two more sets of breasts, and a large insect abdomen to supplement her bloated stomach. She begins to lay over a hundred eggs, but soon realizes her last coupling resulted in her becoming fertilized for life, and will lay more eggs every few months/weeks. Soon she is struggling to raise a horde of bug girls supported by the state, each clamoring for her milk. Plot Summary submitted by Fox Face.
Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, multiple breasts, egg laying, transformation, and more.

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After the weekend, Lana could not bring herself to return to work.

Her second arms—they had fully developed, and now fully resembled the original pair.

Lana stared at them. She watched them move with her original arms, following the same motions. When she scrunched her face and really focused, she found that she could move them independently of the original pair. She watched her four arms twist around in a strange and exhilarating dance.

She was sure there were benefits to having two sets of arms. It could possibly double her productivity if she learned how to really operate the second pair.

Despite the uniqueness, and definite benefits, it didn’t change that fact that she had become a four-armed freak, and that was all anyone would ever see about her extra arms, were she to stop hiding them.

Lana’s stomach gurgled. She gingerly ran her lower pair of hands down along her bloated abdomen, the original pair remaining suspended. “What’s happening to me?” she wondered aloud, not for the first time.

The antenna twitched and wobbled, more active than ever where they protruded from her head. Her eyes were large and dark, not in a way that Lana found to be unattractive. Only that morning, she had discovered what appeared to be—extra—nipples—on her chest, protruding from the heated mounds of fat that had developed beneath her breasts. She seemed to have developed a growing second pair of breasts to accompany the secondary arms. And that wasn’t even the extent of her changes. In fact, she was continuing to change.

Her upper breasts felt heavy and bloated, nipples continuously erect. The mounds had swelled to E-cups, and at least hid the two smaller ones perched beneath them. The growth at her tailbone was continuing to distend and thicken, getting fatter while gently sagging, succumbing to gravity. It was an odd weight against her backside. Every day it seemed to be fattening and descending lower. Jamming it into her pants had become a lost cause. Instead she was forced to wear loose skirts and simply allow the mass to protrude over the waistbands of her clothing.

Her belly was starting to make her look as though she was pregnant, though she was certain she wasn’t. And even if she somehow was with child, one didn’t develop a pregnancy bump of this size in only a matter of days.

At home, Lana had started cutting holes in her older shirts to accommodate her two extra arms, but the fabrics still stretched around her stomach, buttons refusing to meet. She swore, she looked as though she was seven months along with child.

She didn’t know what was happening to her, but fascination had come to accompany the fear that had consumed her when it had first become evident that something very strange was going on with her body. Now Lana often just found herself marveling at herself in the mirror, wondering what the outcome of this would be. More often than not, she found her four hands trailing over her distended stomach by compulsion and rather gently.

She couldn’t sleep on her back anymore. The growth descending from her tailbone was just too sensitive to lay the pressure of her body against it.

Sometimes she reached behind her with her hands and explored the mass in the same tender manner as she touched her belly.

She had taken a leave of absence from work, and fortunately enough, she had earned the time off. Lana could sense that her boss was not pleased by the tone of his emails. As it was so abrupt, they were struggling to have someone vetted to replace her. In addition to that, it undoubtedly looked as though her taking leave was a direct rebuttal to her reprimand from Werthers on violating the dress code.

Now Lana spent her days at home, feeling restless, and yet doing little more than being sprawled on her couch watching sitcoms all day. And eating. There was a lot of eating. Suddenly, she had become a bottomless pit, and could hardly get her fill no matter how much she consumed.

It was a decadent cycle of eating, fattening, becoming more sedentary, and feeling restless. Not specifically because of the changes or all the weight gain. She felt as though it was something else. She continued to compulsively run her fingers along her growing mass, and she absorbed herself in the television, because she found herself unwilling to think about how strange her life had become.

She knew that this thing was bigger than she was. The only person who seemed to have an inkling of what was going on was, ironically, the last person she wanted to talk it.

Despite it, Lana found herself returning one of David’s many calls. “Hi,” she said breathlessly, cutting off his typical rambling. “Some really weird stuff is going on. Can…can you come over?”

David arrived in ten minutes.

When she let him through her door, he was disheveled and overly-eager, his face bright. Lana stood there in her living room, a thick blanket draped over her shoulders. Her antenna were fully visible. They wobbled awkwardly in her insecurity, and David was completely rapt.

“I’ve…changed,” Lana warned. “I’ve had some strange growths. I was hoping you could help me figure out what is wrong with me,” she said weakly.

David nodded. “Yes—of course. I’m sure we can work through this.”

Lana gulped, only managing to hold the blanket more tightly around herself. “You—you seemed to have some idea. Last time we spoke.”

“I…um…I have some theories,” said David weakly. She couldn’t tell whether he was excited or terrified.

Lana drew a deep breath, and allowed the blanket to drop around her feet, revealing how her previously athletic body had been completely transformed. The stretched tank top she was wearing even showed up the budding secondary breasts beneath the first pair, steadily heaving the other ones up. They were full C-cups and getting larger every day.

David was the only person she had revealed her changes to, and she stood there, allowing him to gawk at her for a full minute.

His face broke in awe. “You’re magnificent.”

“I’m a freak,” Lana argued.

“Look at your antenna. They marvelous. Look at those flagellum

Lana didn’t know what flagellum were but her antenna wobbled, seemingly in appreciation.

“And your new arms. They are perfect. Sprouting right out of your spine, look at that. Did you by any chance measure the rate of growth? Nevermind. It’s fine. I’m seeing enlarged pupils, the development of additional breasts, if I’m not mistaken? And goodness, your stomach.”

David was closing in. She tried not to shudder. He was always too keen. Well-meaning, but creepy in his clinical enthusiasm. He laid his hand on the bloated swell of her belly with such reverence that her skin warmed in a strange and pleasant way. “I didn’t even know.” David was getting teary.

“Didn’t…know what?” he managed.

“You’re pregnant. It’s obvious. We’re having little bug babies.”

“Bug—what are you talking about?” said Lana, shoving him off. She was unaware of the unconscious way she started cradling her belly. “What are you talking about? And what do you mean by bugs?”

“Lana,” said David soothingly. “I know this is a lot to take in. But you must have been accidentally exposed to the serum I’ve been working on at the lab. We were trying to alter insect DNA. And it’s—well, it’s changed you.”

He said this all very quickly. Lana stared at him, aghast.

“It could have been on my clothes, or my shoes, or—well, anywhere, really,” David rambled on, sweating slightly. “But none of that really matters. I think you’re perfect, you’re—astounding, really. You’re going to be famous, Lana. Every scientist on the globe is going to want to interview you. And me. And the medical journals, the breakthroughs on splicing—”

“You did this on purpose,” Lana cut him off.

She made the accusation as an experiment, but by the look of guilt and horror in his eyes, she knew it was true.

“Get out,” said Lana in a low voice, her four arms twitching at her sides. “Get out!”

David staggered back.

Yet as frustrated as Lana felt, as much as she tried to show it, she just couldn’t seem to summon the anger.

“I’m so, so sorry Lana,” David stammered, backing into the door. “I was out of my mind with grief. I was being impulsive. But we’re in this together now, whether you like it or not. After all, we’re going to be parents soon.” His eyes flicked to her belly, then back to her face. “I’ll give you a bit of time to cool down.” With that, he opened the door and was gone.

Lana leaned on the wall, breathing heavily as she tried to process the new information. Apparently her dickhead of an ex had exposed her to some sort of contagion related to bug DNA. Hence the extra arms, antenna, and other things. She grimaced in disgust.

“’the fuck, David,” she murmured to herself, wondering where she was supposed to go from there. She knew she should have been appalled, outraged, even terrified. For some reason, she only felt mildly annoyed. “God, I’m hungry.”

Lana had stopped leaving her house much. She didn’t think she had actually gone outside since the last time she had been at work.

Now she found herself ordering food constantly; all meals from her favorite restaurants, in addition to grocery deliveries from the local supermarket. She usually just paid by card and had the drivers set bags of food right on her doorstep, even if the practice was potentially unhygienic. Depending on perspective, she reasoned.

That evening, her deliveryman outright refused to leave the food outside.

“Is this some kind of scam?” he said, glancing around in paranoia, even though the prospect was ludicrous. She didn’t know how he could possibly see it as a scam. The food had been paid for.

“I’m not dressed,” Lana insisted as she squinted at him through the peephole, even though she was dressed, but not in anything inconspicuous. Hiding her antenna, additional arms, and extra breasts would necessitate more layers and baggier clothes than she could readily find in her closet. Hiding the—the tail thing would be easier, if she made sure not to turn her back on the young man.

“I’m leaving,” said the deliveryman, backing away while clutching her three grease-soaked bags of burritos protectively against his person.

Lana’s belly gurgled forcefully. It pressed hard against the door. She was certain she looked as though she was eight months pregnant by then. “No, don’t go,” she whimpered, clutching it. “Please.” She grunted as her gut lurched and tightened. She needed the food desperately. She was certain she would die otherwise.

She needed food. Precious sustenance. She needed it more than she needed to hide what she was becoming. Her belly ached and tightened as she groaned and clutched it. She could feel it throbbing, pushing at the stretched tank top she was wearing, her skin flushed, growing moist with sweat. She could feel herself growing, and she needed to eat.

The delivery man—boy, really—was still heading towards his car. “I’m not dropping this off on your porch, lady. Either you take it or—”

Lana opened the door. She knew she was a flushed, sweaty mess, but that wasn’t what the boy was staring at. She staggered towards him, her arms extended—all four of them. He stared at her aghast for a moment, before dropping the bags, releasing a high pitched scream and running off.

Lana hardly noticed. She crumpled to her knees right there on her porch and proceeded to desperately stuff the burritos into her mouth, each wrap bloated with meat, sour cream, and extra cheese. She snorted and snarled, hardly aware of the feral sounds escaping her. She picked crumbs off the ground and licked her fingers clean. Not a drop was wasted. Lana panted heavily, and groaned, hunching over and hugging her gut. She could actually feel it swelling, pushing out in her hands, as her loins throbbed, thighs quavered, and the tail strangely grew hot, tingly, and so sensitive that she distractedly jammed down her waistband so it could pop free into the cool night air. “Hahhhh…hahhhh…” she panted, kneading her belly desperately with her hands. If any of her neighbors saw her hunched there, Lana wouldn’t have noticed. She was already considering her next feast. She wanted something warm, maybe sticky and sweet. With that thought in mind, she heavily climbed up, conscious of the increased weight of her belly on her pelvis, but strangely, not minding.


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