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Note: This is a story-prompt for Iluvfoodbabies. 

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Megan felt herself being unlatched from her binds. Several hands took hold of her, carefully pulling her out of the stall. Numerous hours of being force-fed had left her feeling full, flushed, and groggy. Her skin was hot and dewy, while her stomach ached badly. Her feet nearly buckled beneath her, but the hands that held her were strong. Her insides heaved repetitively, and she retched, but she couldn’t seem to vomit up whatever she had been forced to consume. She was groggy and disoriented, and it took her several moments to think to look for her friends.

They were being unlatched as well. Suddenly, the room lit up. It looked like a cross between a barn and a medical facility. The ground was strewn with clumps of hay and stray, but in the edges of the room stood shining equipment she had never seen before, in addition to medical tools—tongue depressors, syringes, thermometers and stethoscopes. Megan dizzily returned her attention to her peers and captors.

They were easy to distinguish through the mental fog. The villains of this nightmare had pale blue skin and reminded Megan of cartoon characters.

She was more astonished by the state of her friends, who had undergone varying transformations.

Sydney appeared to have put on a considerable amount of weight over the course of the day. Her cheeks were plumper, and shoulders softer. Her face was round, a double chin now present on her previously sharp bone structure. Her breasts were full, fat, and pillowy, as was her ass protruding out behind her. Her pants were strained and tearing against her plump thighs which were now squishing together, and her hips which had grown full and round. Her belly was rounded, protruding outward, and drawing up her tank top, which Sydney fruitlessly tried to tug down. She looked horrified as she regarded herself.

Cait was deeply flushed and panting heavily. She had by far changed the most. She had gotten fat like Sydney, but even moreso, thick and plump, and swollen all over. Unlike Sydney, Cait’s belly was massive. She looked pregnant, as though she was due with multiples. She clutched at the underside of her mound, and stood partially hunched, as though trying to balance it. Her thighs were squished together, knees trembling. The girl looked as though she might collapse.

Ally was all belly, and she was truly straining. The rest of her body had not acquired as much weight as Cait’s had, and she appeared to be dealing with the consequences, as she huffed and puffed, and wobbled precariously. It was completely bizarre. Her belly was massive, throbbing and threatening to topple her.

Megan finally, hesitantly, looked down to regard herself. She breathed a sigh of relief at seeing that she had not changed as profoundly as her friends had. Her breasts had grown to be positively massive, and when she craned her neck, she could see her ass wobbling behind her like two volleyballs. Her stomach was distended, but only slightly. She could feel a new layer of softness coating her already chubby body, but she had not changed to an extreme degree.

“Time to take your weights,” said the blue-skinned man from earlier. Megan remembered that he had called himself Rean.

The girls were prodded towards an industrial scale one by one, Cait in tears as she grunted and shuddered. Megan tried to help her, but she was pulled away by one of three blue-skinned attendants. They were wearing identical white uniforms.

Sydney had put on a shocking fifty pounds, and Cait had put on seventy. Ally had gained almost as much weight as Sydney, and Megan was astonished to learn that she had gained twenty-five pounds herself.

The blue-skinned man gave an impressed hum once he finished with Sydney’s weight. He went over to his somewhat smaller attendants and began speaking to them quietly as Megan and her friends stood around fidgeting and waiting. Cait was gasping for breath when she wasn’t quietly whining and gripping her flanks. There was fluid running down from between her legs and Megan felt very concerned.

Rean was talking but Megan could only make out words and phrases: “…extra feedings…the small one…another round of insemination…morning we will…”

Megan took the opportunity to further examine her surroundings. On her first glance around the barn, she had failed to notice the various buckets sitting around, mostly in corners. They were large, and close to overflowing with a gray, lumpy, slimy-looking substance that made her wrinkle her nose.

Rean turned back to the girls. “You will rest for the night. Feel free to snack if you find yourself inclined.” He motioned towards one of the buckets. “In the morning, we will resume.” With that, he walked off, his underlings marching after him.

He stopped at the shoddy wooden wall, which hissed, formed a crack, and slid open mechanically as though it wasn’t wood at all. Once he was gone, the passage closed, the crack melting back into the wall and disappearing. Megan took in a ragged breath and hurried over to her friends. The four descended into a quavering group hug, until Cait staggered back, releasing a wail.

Her face was bright red, a vein standing prominent on her forehead. “Oh god…” she grunted, clutching her very-low stomach. “Fuhhhh…ngghhh…I think it’s coming!”




Can't wait to see what happens to these mommies to be