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Summary: An animal breeder is cursed to start personally giving birth to supply her pet shop with animals. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiple breasts.

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Maggie’s dress felt pasted to her skin by sweat and her own mass, but she focused on getting her panties off. Tom helped, and soon Maggie was strewn back on the bed that had been kept in the office since a few months earlier.

“Hahhhh…hahhhh…” Maggie panted, imagining that every time her belly heaved, it was just getting larger. She couldn’t believe how massive she was. She clutched the mound, groaning, arduously spreading herself with its weight on her thighs. She rubbed it desperately as it continued to heave and shudder, then voiced the thought that kept running through her mind. “Can’t believe…nghhhh…how huge I am.”

“I’d say this is your record,” Tom agreed.

Maggie just huffed and groaned and cursed quietly under her breath. Milk was surging up from all her nipples, even the ones on her belly. The flesh of her third pair of breasts was sore and tingly as the nipples there seeped for the very first time.

“Mmmghhhh…” Maggie moaned. She was so fucking uncomfortable. It wasn’t so much even the pain as it was the weight of it all. No position could really facilitate labor given the immensity of her condition.

Tom was seated beside her, watching her intently, idly cradling her belly with one of his hands. “I’m here Maggie.”

“Hahhhh…hoooo…” Maggie gasped. “Thi…think I have to…”

The newest contraction gripped her forcefully. She felt herself scrunching her face and squeezing her eyes shut. Maggie pushed with it, feeling something thick and heavy shudder lower in her pelvis. She groaned in annoyance when the contraction ended. Tom slid up Maggie’s dress and gently rubbed her flushed skin.

“God,” Maggie grunted out, looking down at herself with a grimace. “I look like a fucking pig,” she wheezed, regarding her stacked breasts and globe of a gut.

“I think you look incredible,” Tom said, and by the gleam in his eyes, Maggie knew she was being honest.

“Shh…shut up,” Maggie panted, before tensing up through the next contraction. She could feel beads of milk pushing out of the nipples that littered her belly. It was an odd sensation. Each contraction seemed to squeeze and push more out. Between that and the milk she was producing from her breasts, she was rapidly producing a small puddle of milk beneath her.

“This is taking longer than usual,” noted Tom. He didn’t even try to hide his erection.

“B-big,” Maggie managed, trying to take advantage of the short reprieve. Tom had turned the air conditioner on, and it felt heavenly on her skin.

“I also think you…put on some weight,” Tom noted.


“Well, moreso than usual. You’re just softer all over. It’s adorable, Maggie. And have you seen your ass lately?”

“If you d-don’t shut up—” Maggie didn’t need to deal with this right now.

She was pushing and pushing, and it was so draining. She wondered if the party was still underway. If the guests were listening. “Aghhhh…” She groaned as she finally felt the familiar pressure on her opening. There was a burning that made her flinch like she had with the ostrich egg. But the mass was malleable, not hard like a shell. Maggie didn’t let up.

“It’s okay…” said Tom. “Almost there.”

Maggie tensed up, and gave one more long grunt, then the pressure released. “Ohhhh…” Something plump had sort of just squished out of her. Maybe she really should have been watching the calories.

There was a beat of silence at her lower end. Tom had mostly disappeared behind the mass of Maggie’s belly. “Finally got things moving,” he eventually said.

“Nngghhhh…” Maggie felt the squeeze of a new contraction, accompanied by the urge to push. One of her hands was pressed against the bed, and the other, holding her belly. “What is it?” she managed weakly.

“Maggie, just focus.”

It was not an auspicious response.

She was so hot, her skin burning. She could feel mass after mass forcing its way out of her with each surge of pressure in her belly. The contractions were now on top of each other. There would be no more breaks.

By then, Maggie could hear the snuffling of animals. She was too preoccupied to really think about that. And the huge swell of her belly significantly intruded on her field of vision. This was taking forever. “Oh god…c’mon…” She shuddered. Before she was even finished, she managed to pass out.

She came to a couple of times to Tom shaking her, or lightly slapping her face. During these brief episodes of wakefulness, she thought she managed to push out some more animal babies. Sturges had appeared, and was rubbing the wand of an ultrasound to Maggie’s gut. Making sure none were forgotten as with the squid dilemma.

“How are you doing, Maggie?” Sturges asked.

Maggie mumbled some nonsensical words then fell unconscious once more.

Maggie didn’t know how long she was out, but it must have been hours. The sun was beaming behind the blinds of her office, yet is seemed rather low in the sky.

All fourteen of her nipples felt rather strange. It wasn’t painful, but it felt as though they were being tugged, compressed, and worked. She thought of small greedy mouths, then remembered how it had been to nurse the puppies. Maggie looked down rather nervously.

And was aghast. They were pink blobs of fat. Piglets. Big ones. And such a great mass of them that several were struggling for their turn at one of her nipples.

“What the fuck,” she wheezed out, and probably would have screamed, had she the energy. She was sprawled on her side, naked, and nursing. Her belly was still massively fat—albeit squishy now—but it still made her look as though she was nine months with child.

“Maggie?” Tom entered. “You’re up.”

“Fuck,” Maggie repeated. She tried to squirm back, and fumbled. Regardless, the piglets just seemed to follow, sucking greedily, snorting, and pressing. She could already see that the flesh beneath her stomach-nipples had gotten yet puffier since she had been out. “I can’t fucking sell these.”

“Maggie…” said Tom consolingly.

“Worthless. Christ! God, this isn’t working.” To her increasing ire, her eyes began to water.

“It’s okay,” said Tom.

“It’s not fucking okay. This is the second batch of worthless stock in a row, I’m becoming my own personal dairy farm, and look at my body. I’m becoming a whale!”

Tom gave her an odd look. “Whale?” he said uneasily.

Maggie felt a shiver run down her spine. “Don’t ever say that again, Tom. Now help me get these things off me.”

“I called our partner at the animal sanctuary. He says she can’t pick them up until the morning.”

Maggie grimaced. “So I have to…”

“Nurse them. You know the drill.”

“Dammit…” Maggie groaned.

“I know you’re upset. We’ll work this out.”

Maggie rubbed her eyes with her fist. With her free hand, she plucked one of the piglets off a belly-nipple, wincing at the sharp suction as it detached. The piglet began to squeak and writhe, but Maggie was looking at her gut, frowning at the damage. “Look what they’re doing to my nipples,” she said. The nubs had gotten larger, redder, and more pronounced, sticking out queasily.


Maggie put the piglet back atop the mound of its siblings, and it quickly scrambled to reattach. Maggie then threw her arm across her eyes and proceeded to ignore Tom’s meaningless platitudes and other efforts to comfort her.

Maggie fell asleep again, which at least was preferable to being up, staring at her transforming body.

She awoke again in the middle of the night, dozed some, but couldn’t really maintain sleep anymore, now that she was no longer exhausted, and was constantly twitching and grunting from the rough nursing of the piglets.

There were a lot of them, but no one had bothered to count. It wasn’t as though it mattered to anyone except to the shelter they were going to.

The piglets fed continuously. They did sleep, but not simultaneously. Half would be sleeping and the other half would be nursing. There was never any reprieve for Maggie. There were just too many for them to all feed from her nipples at the same time.

As much as her predicament disgusted her, Maggie was up most of the night, watching them, and whether she wanted to or not, she started to bond, as she usually did when she found herself nursing a mammalian animal. It wasn’t her fault. Foul as they were, piglets were also kind of endearing. Tenderly, she would help a runt get a turn to drink, or arrange some of the piglets that were fat and full so they wouldn’t get crushed in their sleep by wriggling siblings.

When morning finally came and shelter workers arrived to pick the piglets up, Maggie got teary eyed again, and found herself cursing at herself internally and continuously. Damn hormones. This whole thing was a complete nightmare.

In the hours after their departure, Maggie sat wearily in her office, still flushed, warm, and producing fat droplets of milk from fourteen different places. With a hiss, she slid up her top over the belly-nipples. They had gotten so tender, and even the sensation of the fabric was a bit much.

She cradled her flanks. She really did still look pregnant. She still couldn’t believe she’d gone through that whole pregnancy and labor for nothing. If it happened again, she was not sure they would be able to afford their next bank payment. No stock meant no sales, and this was the first time she’d birthed two useless litters back to back.

Everyone seemed to be tiptoeing around her. It was clear that people were getting uneasy, even frustrated. But Tom was a rock, as always. Besides a few reassurances, he acted as though everything was business as usual.

And Tom’s professional, optimistic attitude must have been contagious, because everyone else took the cue.

“Next time, Maggie,” Simon said that night as Maggie was leaving the shop.

“You’re doing great,” Amelia assured, a synthetic smile plastered to her face. She made sure not to stare too much at the rows of huge nipples protruding in Maggie’s dampened shirt.

Maggie was just glad to go home. She collapsed to bed and didn’t get up, taking an unofficial hiatus from work, while committing herself to being a recluse. Days turned to weeks, and no one pressured her about her absence. Maybe they could tell that she was at her breaking point. Maybe her being out of sight helped them as well. Everyone’s nerves were frayed by then.

Maggie continued to get reassurances and well-wishes through phone calls, texts, and emails. Sturges encouraged her to, “Stay home and rest.” Which wasn’t a problem. Maggie was getting massive.

Maggie wondered if her inactivity had worked to her detriment. Then again, her growth this time was consistent. Each pregnancy she grew bigger than the last.

Sturges came over to do check-ups. He said he didn’t know what Maggie was carrying, but he assured Maggie that it was one single mass. This fact was disheartening but also extremely alarming. Maggie was absolutely huge by then. She knew a lot of it was probably fat, but most of it was the squirming life inside of her.

She was already larger than she had been with the piglets, and showed no signs of dropping. She thought her belly resembled a boulder, and it was constantly squashing her in one way or another. She had to constantly shift positions so her legs wouldn’t go numb beneath it.

It was heavy. She could hardly balance it. Even seated, she arched, so the mound was pointed high, rather than dragging her down to the carpet. Her belly button was a huge, throbbing, tangerine-sized lump. The nipples on her belly were tense and achy from all the pressure, and seemed to be farther spread as her skin stretched farther and farther.

The mound was easily wider than she was. Even attempting to stand entailed a whole lot of scrambling, grunting, and groaning, her six breasts wriggling, then leaking, as her belly jutted and bobbed, belly-nipples dragging on whatever top she had managed to squeeze into, loins tingling, and body as a whole making a substantial mess before she’d even gotten her feet on the floor.

To her complete fury, Maggie had to go through the process one afternoon when the doorbell wouldn’t stop ringing. She figured Tom had forgotten his key. Flushed red and sweat soaked, Maggie managed to lurch her way to the door over the course of ten minutes. Doubtful that she’d be able to make it back to the couch on her own, she unlocked the front door and swung it open. “I can’t believe you would…”

She trailed off at the sight of her parents.

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