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Note: This is a story-prompt for Iluvfoodbabies.

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“Sydney, is that you?” said Ally, trying to swing some of her blonde hair out of her face. As a 5’5 chubby nineteen-year-old, she was used to feeling helpless, to a certain extent, but waking up bent over in what seemed like a cattle stall far bypassed anything she had experienced before. She was locked in, a circle of metal loosely enclosing her neck. It was too narrow for her to pull her head out of. It looked like she would need a key to get out.

“Yeah,” Sydney called back from the stall beside her. Sydney was a 5’8 Filipina, and she was thick. One of Ally’s college classmates, the two had been fast friends on campus. “I think Megan and Cait are here too.”

“Yeah,” Megan called.

“Me too,” Cait squeaked.

Ally was baffled. She had awoken in a cattle stall with three of her college buddies in stalls beside hers. He didn’t think things could get any weirder.


“You’re up.”

A few hours later, Megan groggily looked up at a man. He was young, handsome, and had…blue skin. Trippy.

Megan was a college student of 5’2 with her red hair shaped into a short pixie cut. She was very chubby and had DD-cup breasts she was quite proud of.

The blue-skinned man was brief. “I will be using you women to breed for my most esteemed intergalactic clientele. You will be freed after you have served your purpose. Just cooperate. It will make things easier.”

Megan stared blankly at him. “Is this some sort of joke?” she said, scrambling somewhat in her awkward position. “Listen, if my parents find out that I’m not on campus—”

Megan was cut off as a hose was shoved down her throat. It thrummed, and she nearly gagged on the jet of thick fluid that poured rapidly out of it and heavily into her stomach.


Cait was distracted from the blue man by the shuffling of movement behind her. She tried to crane her neck to see what was going on. “Hey!” she protested, as someone began to pull up her skirt. Her eyes flew wide open as she felt a narrow hose being aligned with her groin, before it was unceremoniously pushed past her lips, and then—deeper. She grimaced. “What—what are you—” She grunted, and cursed a little. She was a blonde of 4’10, fit and athletic, and had little patience for shenanigans.

The hose just went deeper. She twitched and wiggled to detach it. Then there was a hum, and she felt something being pushed inside of her, something thick and warm, a fluid that was rapidly filling her, her opening clenching and contracting, as though sucking it in. She could feel her belly tightening, her eyes going wide as it shuddered forward from the strain.


“Cait, are you okay?” Sydney called.

Cait released a groan. “Something’s inside of me. Like a—tube or something. Th-the pressure…”


Sydney was interrupted as a tube was shoved up her own groin, and another, down her throat, almost simultaneously. She struggled not to choke as she was pumped at both ends. She could feel her belly tightening, stretching, pushing forward, as her body throbbed and the pressure surged. She could feel her clothes tightening, her breasts and belly heaving outwards. Her face was hot, and she knew she was sweating bullets, probably soaked in it by then.


Ally had always been cute and curvy, but she could feel her body swelling, thickening as she was forced to gulp down the sticky concoction from the hose presently jammed in her mouth.

She could feel her belly surging forward, as her breasts rose like dough. Her thighs pressed and rubbed, and began to strain the leggings she was wearing, her ass pushing out behind her as her hips widened at her flanks. She continued to struggle furiously for freedom, but the longer she was fed, the more sleepy she seemed to become.

Groggy by then, she continued to methodically gulp.

She could just make out Cait beside her, who looked weirdly distorted, her belly large and inflated-looking, like she was pregnant or something. It pushed out farther and farther, Cait fumbling and whining in her stall. Finally her bare belly tore through the buttons of her shirt, popping out visibly, smooth and round, and continuing to inch out. Cait was gasping for breath, a string of spittle hanging down her chin. Her mouth was gaping, eyes were wide, and her hands were feebly clasping at her belly as it continued to swell in throbs of growth, until she looked due, then overdue, then overdue with multiples, and still was groaning. Cait released a long whine, thighs quavering. There was a splash of liquid, and Cait arched, releasing a wail, her belly heaving almost violently.

Ally averted her gaze in her panic. She continued to silently gulp.



Excited to see what happens to the cattle breeders 😀❤