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Note: This is a female version of Clause II.

Summary: To meet the requirements of a will and inherit her family fortune, a train-wreck of a woman is forced to become a pregnant BBW with the help of a quirky doctor. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, weight gain.

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Diana arrived to her 20-week appointment, winded as usual. As much as she tried to incorporate more and more calories into her daily meal plan, she was still having difficulty getting it all down. Her stuffing sessions were exhausting, and her weight-gain disturbed her to no end, but it still, apparently, was not enough.

Reed took her weight, as usual. “14 pounds for the month,” she said, with none of the optimism that usual adorned her voice. “You’re up to 169.”

Over the past two months, Diana had quickly progressed to DDD-cup breasts. They were immense—bigger than any natural tits she had seen on a woman. They were fat, round, and perk, and they scared her a little. Only a week before, she had finally resorted to getting some new bras, but now her breast flesh was bulging out of them.

“You have to do better with your weight,” Reed was saying. “We have to catch up.”

She resented Reed’s usage of “we,” as though she shared any part in Diana’s ongoing torture.

“Catch up?” said Diana weakly, looking down at her belly. She looked due with one baby, and she was only five months along. She was getting so big, and so quickly. It was unnerving. “Can I—can I use the bathroom?”

“Sure, right there.” Reed gestured to a door. She offered her a hand, but Diana refused her assistance as she eased herself off the exam table.

Diana locked herself inside and leaned heavily on the wall. She missed partying, drinking, and sleeping around. Now she was just becoming fat and matronly, and it was all quite horrifying. She couldn’t believe she was over 150 pounds!

Diana sucked in a long breath and went over to the full-length mirror. Besides her breasts and her belly, her ass was sticking out prominently behind her. She had resorted to wearing leggings most of the time, but even those were getting too fucking tight, more of her ass crack seeming to bulge over the back waistband every month she progressed.

Her hips had gotten wider too, framing her belly. Her arms were slightly softer, thighs, a bit thicker. She was packing on the pounds, and everything about her was just…changing.


At six months, Diana had to visit the estate again for another check in. The hardest part about it was finding fifteen inches of clothing to accommodate her girth.

She was up to 183 pounds, and it was hell on her small frame.

Between her gluttonous diet and daily massaging, her breasts had surged up to EE-cups. A half hour of every day was spent sprawled in bed, rubbing the mounds, as she grunted and tried to keep herself in control. She could practically feel the mounds pressing harder into the palms of her hand. And as much as she resented what she was doing, she wasn’t going to let it be in vain. Though she wanted her breasts to be anthill-As, she complied with Reed’s instructions to massage them with oils and creams to get them to swell up as much as possible.

Her bras had no hopes of fitting her anymore. In fact, there was little that still fit her at all. The thought of finding 15-inches of apparel to accommodate her was laughable.

In her vast shortage of options, Diana settled on one of her strapless DDD-cups bras, that were uncomfortably tight, and left her breasts bulging heavily out from all sides. Aside from concealing her nipples and areola, the bra did little else. Her round breasts were left shelved on her belly, looking almost unnatural in their plumpness by then. Her nipples were protruding considerably against the fabric, continuously erect and large as coke caps.

Diana could no longer find underwear that could accommodate her unnaturally round ass, so pulled on a large thong, atop which she put on a spandex miniskirt. She was short on options, and nothing else seemed to fit her, certainly nothing that was fifteen inches or less. By then, it seemed painfully clear to Diana that her deceased aunt really was a sicko.

Wrapping a sheet around herself, Diana headed outside. It took a great amount of effort for her just to get into her car and adjust herself so her belly wasn’t pressing the steering wheel.

She sped off to her aunt’s estate, arriving there within minutes. She struggled to walk properly, not with a wobble or waddle, or whatever else hugely pregnant people did. She pushed open the doors, to find several dozen stares directed towards her. She threw the sheet off from around her shoulders.

Diana’s face was flushed, her body sweaty from the mere exertion of the trip. Her bare belly was large enough that she looked overdue with child, maybe twins. Her bellybutton protruded considerably.

Her breasts strained against the too-small bra she was wearing. They looked ready to burst free at any moment. Her skirt looked ready to tear apart against her rounded hips and swollen ass. Diana’s surrounding cousins looked speechless, as did Mr. Maroon.

“Fifteen inches,” said Diana snidely. Her voice cracked a bit, but she continued, “You didn’t think I’d get this far, did you? In only another couple of months-” Diana swallowed. “I’ll have my inheritance. All this suffering will pay off. And then you fools can go back to whatever holes you crawled out of, because you’re not getting—” Diana panted. “—not getting a—dime.” She hadn’t realized her growing hostility and now it was all spilling out of her at once. Between her physical changes, and her cousins’ gaping, a dam of frustration had broken.

“Not a dime,” Diana repeated, chuckling breathlessly. Her nipples were bulging more prominently, almost painfully in her excitement, her areola puffing out, and becoming more evident against the tightly-stretched bra.

Far from noticing, Diana forced out another chuckle, but then a hiccup escaped her, and she covered her mouth. Feeling rather winded, she uneasily made her way over to a chair. She eased herself into it, ignoring the continued stares. Diana panted for a while, noticing Penny approach. Like the others, she seemed completely shocked by the extent of Diana’s transformation.

“Are you okay?” said Penny meekly.

“Yeah,” said Diana sarcastically. “Why wouldn’t I—oh!” She clutched her navel. “Oh god,” she hissed, rubbing it.

“What is it?” said Penny worriedly.

Something was—moving. Something was wiggling, and moving inside of her!

“I…eugh…I have to go,” Diana managed, struggling to stand. It took her a bit of time, but soon enough, she was out the door, then in her car, the wiggling persisting.

She tried her best to ignore it as she drove off.


At seven months pregnant, Diana had looked as though she was overdue with triplets.

Now that she was eight, she simply looked like she was an accessory to a large, pregnant belly.

“You’re up to 225!” said Dr. Reed, distracting Diana from her thoughts.

Oh god, Diana thought. She was 225, almost her goal of 240 pounds. Reed was celebrating, but Diana felt mostly disgusted with herself.

“You’ve more than met your needs for the month, Diana. I’m proud of you. You should be proud of yourself. And with a month left, the next 15 pounds should be a piece of cake.”

Just the mention of cake made Diana’s stomach growl, loudly. She reddened as Reed smiled.

At first she had been trying to “catch up,” put on weight so she could meet Clause 2’s stipulations. But at some strange point in her pregnancy, she had become accustomed to stuffing herself over capacity with food. She soon found she was constantly eating, more for sport than purpose. And she constantly wanted to, her hunger insatiable. Just that morning, she had polished down a pepperoni pizza as a post-breakfast snack. At present, she was sucking down one of the thick buttery, sweet smoothies Reed often provided her with during the appointments. They were loaded with hormones, fatteners, and other things that would encourage breast growth. She should have been revolted by it, yet she continued drink.

Diana threw a glance down at the GG-cups shelved atop her belly. They were practically popping out of the tank top she was wearing. They were round as honeydews, their mass strangely pressurized. It was new, but Diana was too preoccupied with other things to pay it much mind.

Her ass growth thankfully seemed to have slowed down, whereas her belly growth had done the opposite, the mass filling her lap, pressing her breasts higher. Her belly was poking completely out from beneath her top. There were few things that could accommodate it anymore. The babies squirmed sluggishly, a result of their size. But they were healthy. And happy, if judging by the way they wiggled when Diana consumed.

Besides that, Diana’s face was rounder, shoulders, hips, thighs, all coated in a layer of fat. Even her lips seemed plumper. She had become obscenely feminine. On the scarce occasions she wasn’t indoors, or in her car, people seemed drawn to her femininity, as though she was giving off pheromones or something. Men continued to hit on her despite that she was practically bursting with babies. It was all just very unsettling to her.


Diana was nine months pregnant, and had overdone it a bit. She had surpassed her weight goal. She was up to 250. But as much as she mourned those stray ten pounds, she couldn’t help feeling relieved that she had reached her goal.

She was at term with child, and had doubled her original body weight. She had done her check-ins at the estate wearing no more than fifteen inches of apparel, and she had fulfilled all these stipulations within the time limit stated on her aunt’s will.

There was just one final thing.

“Diana must meet on my estate with the will executor one final time, not less than two weeks following the completion of the third trimester. Diana must achieve all of these things prior to the natural birth of her child or children.”

She didn’t think she could be pushed much further, but she knew she had to do it. She just had to hold out for two more weeks. Two weeks overdue. Diana rubbed her belly, absently wondering whether her aunt was a sicko or a sadist. Then again, the two things weren’t mutually exclusive.

“Ohh…” she groaned, as one of the babies gave a particularly rough squirm. It was getting rather packed in there.

Reed gave Diana a reassuring smile. “I want to hold off on giving you any labor-delaying drugs. I can only keep you on that for short periods of time. Besides, I think the healthiest option is to use natural methods – relaxation, meditation, massage, etcetera.”

Diana distractedly nodded, still breathing, and rubbing her belly as Reed prattled on.

Her belly had grown to be wider than she was, and it was practically pulsating. She was breathless continuously, and could only stand for short periods before she started shaking and sweating.

She had to spread her legs wide to accommodate her belly when she sat down, and was seen clutching it most of the time. Her arms weren’t close to being able to encircle the mound. It dominated her torso.

Perched atop Diana’s belly were her HHH-cup breasts, which had been heaved up higher and higher, until they were pressing against her chin.

Diana had difficulty getting up, standing, walking, and doing most anything anymore. She hadn’t been able to drive for two months, and Reed mostly had her nurses or assistants take her to and from her appointments.

Just two more weeks, Diana silently reminded herself. Two weeks, and this would all be over.


When Diana hit the two week mark, it was probably the happiest she had ever been in her life. Too overwhelmed and exhausted to make her appointment with Maroon, she agreed to have Dr. Reed do it for her.

“Yes, Mr. Maroon please?” Reed said, giving Diana an excited smile as she spoke into her cell phone. Then Reed paused, her face falling. “Sorry?” Another pause. “He’s where? But how could he- But he has to-” She inhaled. “Right. I understand. Goodbye.”

As Reed hung up the phone, she did not look inspiring. Diana gave her a questioning look.

“He’s…away on business,” said Reed.

Diana felt a rush of anxiety. “What?”

“They said…he’ll be back in…two weeks.”

“Another…two…weeks?” Diana panted. Face flushed, she struggled to catch her breath. She grunted as the babies squirmed.

“Just two weeks,” said Reed, though even she seemed to be having trouble processing this turn of events. She looked at Diana in concern.

“I don’t think…I can last…that long.” Diana was red and huffing in her anxiety, her hair hanging in her round face. “Where…the fuck…is he?”

But wasn’t it obvious? It was a delaying tactic, typical of lawyers. Maroon was hoping to keep the inheritance out of Diana’s hands. Maybe one of the cousins had offered him a lofty cut.

“Try to stay calm Diana,” said Reed. “You don’t want to go into premature-“

“Premature?” said Diana. “I’m…over…due.” She clutched the sides of her massive belly.

She watched her belly rise and fall, rise and fall. She was impossibly large. Easily the largest pregnancy she had ever seen. Worse, she had managed to gain another seventeen pounds over the past two weeks. The babies were getting so big she was concerned about her labor.

“Why is this…happening?” gasped Diana, face flushed, skin sleek with sweat.

“I need you to calm down,” said Reed firmly. “It’s just another two weeks. You can do this Diana.” Reed got behind her, rubbing her shoulders. “Just another two weeks,” Reed repeated soothingly, trying to keep Diana, and the babies, relaxed. “Think about the miracle you’re performing. All the life you’re bringing.” But Diana’s shoulders continued to be tense. “Think about the 1.7 billion.”

“Okay.” Diana deeply inhaled. “Okay.”


Two weeks later, a black minivan pulled up to the Hardington estate. Journalists surrounded the compound. The minivan’s doors slid open. There was a long pause.

Cameras flashed as a large, round mass preceded a young woman’s exit of the back of the minivan. On both sides, she was flanked by a nurse, her expression contorted in discomfort as she was assisted waddling into the mansion, her belly scraping against either side of the doorway. Behind her was Doctor Laura Reed, smiling proudly as she waved at the crowd. The door snapped shut behind them.

“Someone must have leaked the story,” Reed said apologetically to Diana, though she continued to smile.

Diana was too distressed to care. She barely noticed her cousins standing around gawking at her as usual. They fell into whispers. Even Penny seemed at a loss for words.

Diana panted as she tried to gain some semblance of composure. That morning, she had measured 286 pounds. Her round, bloated ass stuck out behind her, reminiscent of the one Nicki Minaj flaunted, though larger. The JJ-cup globes on her chest were now not only fat, but warm, tingly, and pressurized from the inside, her nipples large and throbbing in anticipation.

Besides her plump hips, her thighs and arms had taken on a good layer of fat. Diana could no longer control her eating, and the weight had just kept piling on. She released a small belch that left her quavering and unbalanced, her attendants holding tightly onto her arms. Her belly had gotten simply immense. Diana was a month overdue with quintuplets, and looked ready to pop. She was wearing a massive custom-made dress that hugged her form and spandex leggings that were already shifting down the back of her plump bottom. From one mass to the next, she was quite the sight to behold.

“Come along Diana, let’s keep moving.” Reed directed the two nurses.

Diana was exhausted by the time she got into Maroon’s office. She carefully eased herself into the extra-wide chair that had been specifically acquired for the meeting. It creaked beneath her, the sides uncomfortably hugging her plumpened physique. The young woman groaned as the babies wiggled and squirmed.

Reed stood beside Diana. She placed her hand on her shoulder, hoping to comfort her. Diana was flushed and panting, her temples dotted with sweat. Her huge belly rose and fell as she struggled to catch her breath. She rubbed the top of the mound, massaging her skin beneath where her breasts were perched. She watched Maroon sit down at the desk opposite her, the lawyer’s eyes wide in amazement and alarm.

“As you can see,” said Diana breathlessly. “I have…nn…I’ve met all of the stipulations of…” Diana stopped to grunt. Her belly trembled, her massive dress gently tightening against it. Winded as she was, Diana managed to force out: “All the stipulations in the will. It’s…it’s time for payment.” Diana’s flushed face suddenly reddened more. “Oh god.” She squeezed her eyes shut.

Maroon, who had been gawking, snapped out of his stupor. “Are you all right?” he said nervously.

“She’s fine,” said Reed. “Stop stalling.”

Diana was busily rubbing her plump flesh. She could feel it shifting, tightening, the pressure inside her growing, the hem of her dress subtly sliding up. The babies wanted out, they wanted out so badly. Diana wasn’t sure she could contain them for much longer. She tried her best to remain composed as she was passed a clipboard piled with forms. She awkwardly grasped it and struggled to sign them, one by one, her chest aching, and her nipples swelling out further than she thought possible. She felt like a dam was about to break, and didn’t think she would be able to control it.

The pen trembled in Diana’s fingers just before she could sign the last form. “Ohh…” Her face contorted in discomfort. “Reed,” she groaned. Her doctor responded with soothing rubs against her lower belly. Diana could feel a baby pressing against her birth canal. She could feel her hips tightening, the plump lips of her gender swelling out. Shoulders trembling, Diana managed to sign the final page, and afterwards, she felt so relieved, she thought she could cry. It was over. Finally. After ten terrible months, she could give birth. She could resume life as normal. The thought of being slim, confident, and comfortable again was almost alien to Diana. It filled her with excitement. As she relaxed, her belly reacted to her resignation by pushing outwards three inches. Diana grunted and clutched it, immediately growing tense again.

Something was pushing against her opening. She could feel its largeness. Diana trembled in fear. The babies weren’t waiting any longer. “We have to go,” Diana grunted, trying to stand, but failing, and instead crumpling inwards as she was hit with an overpowering pain through her abdomen. The attending nurses hurried forward, and Diana was helped down to the carpeted floor, her leggings stretching at their seams as her bottom, hips, and gender bloated simultaneously.

“They’re so big,” she groaned. She didn’t know how she’d get them out of her. “Errrggh…” Her belly pushed outwards another two inches, then downwards, then it just shuddered. Diana was frightened. Everything relied on this birth. “Ohhhhh…” Her eyes squeezed shut as another pain shot through her. One of the nurses pulled up her dress so her sweat-sleeked belly protruded into full view.

Again coming out of her reverie, Mr. Maroon stood, awkwardly shuffling papers on his desk. “Well, congratulations young miss. Your money will be transferred to your account promptly after the, um, birth. The deeds and other property documents will also be provided within the next 24 hours. All that’s left for you is to fulfill is Clause 1.”

Diana opened one of her eyes. “Clause…1?” she gasped out.

She could feel her vaginal lips opening, a head pushing out from within her, but it was too big. Her face was hot and sweaty, her shoulders twisting in discomfort. Reed gave her belly soothing rubs, but it was little help. A medical curtain was being set up by one of the nurses as her pants were pulled down. Her hips bulged out wider, causing her to release a pained yelp. Her belly button expanded then relaxed.

“Arrghhh!” Diana felt the baby pushing more forcefully against her opening. She felt like she was going to pop. “What are… nghhh…you talking about…ahhhh…”

Maroon blushed, having again gotten lost in his fascination. He looked away as he said, “The final stipulation, as stated in Clause 1, is that you achieve your peak dimensions throughout your subsequent pregnancies.”

“S-subsequent?” Diana panted.

Reed reached down, feeling the head of a baby. Diana couldn’t see it, but she could feel the baby pushing, pushing hard. She had been told that each baby was, by then, the weight of a one-year-old. Diana grunted and twisted, struggling to breathe. Her nipples squirted, warm white fluid shooting into the air.

“Yes,” said Maroon. “Further, you must give birth every year to keep your fortune over the next 15 years. I think some congratulations are in order. It looks like you have a big family ahead of you.”

“Oh lovely,” said Reed with a little clap, unable to help herself.

Diana was dazed. Her body shifted and throbbed as more and more of her hips were filled with the first of her plump babies. And there were more to come. Many more. Fifteen years worth. It looked like she would be fulfilling her aunt’s will for much longer than she had intended.

“Oh god…” was all Diana could say. “Oh god...oh - nnnnn…nrrggghhh!!”

The End



I think I'm going to do this to my girlfriend just fatten her up and keep her pregnant😍


Love her belching and uncontrollable stuffing. She got far fatter than she had to! I was hoping she'd have to fit pregnancies into her butt or breasts to meet the requirements but this was still lovely.


The contents of my stories are scifi/fantasy. I would not recommend anyone attempting these things in real life.