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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

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Amy decidedly had not passed the final. On top of that, she was mortified. She spent several days locked in her dorm, not leaving except to retrieve food or use the bathroom. There she found herself giving birth almost continuously to increasingly large eggs. The ones she produced vaginally were the size of grapefruits by then, and it was a strain to pass them, her belly heaving and contracting uncomfortably, as she spread her legs, reddened, and bared down, while groaning.

The eggs she produced from her breasts had grown to the size of large grapes, and she was still too stunned to really try to comprehend it. It had brought her condition to the next level of weirdness, and as humiliated as she was by her freakish ailment, things were exacerbating. She had to seek medical attention.

She tried to hold out on birthing as long as she could, through the cab ride to the hospital, and the queue in the waiting room. By the time she had a private room and was able to see a doctor, she was flushed and sweating, loins and nipples throbbing as she strained to contain the things packed within.

“What seems to be the problem?” said a doctor cheerfully as he entered the room. He quickly gave her a once-over, frowning in concern. “How many are you carrying? Are you experiencing contractions, miss? Let me call the attending obstetrician.” He began to reach for the exam room phone.

“No,” Amy blurted out, gasping by then. “I’m not pregnant.”

The doctor gave her a dubious look, his eyebrows furrowing.

“For the past few weeks, I’ve been having theses…nghhhh…these egg things. I—erggghh—I can’t hold them in.”

The doctor looked increasingly concerned. “Miss, we really do need to get you in to see the obstetrician. While we’re doing that, I can arrange a mental health consul—”

But Amy couldn’t hold it in any longer. Her nipples bulged, and she wailed out as it started. Things were pushing, forcing their way free as her breast flesh clenched and contracted in that odd way it did. The things began to crown in a sensation that was on the cusp of being painful. Groaning, she hurriedly pulled down her shirt, not caring as she exposed herself to the doctor. Two eggs were crowned, protruding halfway free of her straining nipples. Amy moaned and gave one more clench, before the eggs broke free, dropping limply against her belly, then rolling onto the floor.

The doctor was gaping, his jaw hanging slack. He looked completely flabbergasted. He blinked hard several times as though to ensure he wasn’t seeing things. Amy groaned as is started up again, this time in her groin, abdomen shuddering. Her thighs twitched open.

The doctor stumbled back, and actually fell to the ground. He scrambled up again, looking sheepish and unnerved. “E-excuse me, I—I’m just going to consult with one of my colleagues.” And he hurried off.

Amy just squeezed her eyes shut and hummed, leaning back as contractions continued to roll through her shuddering gut. She opened her knees more and pushed with the urge, whimpering as the egg started to slowly, painfully stretch her. She gasped out and pushed harder. Doing this repetitively throughout the day, you’d think she’d have gotten used to it by now. But her medical intervention was just exacerbating her already stress-ridden body, and she swore, each egg she produced was just a tiny bit bigger than the last. She grunted as it bulged, almost halfway free, when the door to the exam room opened again to the original doctor now accompanied by two other physicians.

The original doctor was looking hard at his colleagues, scrutinizing their reactions, while the other two, a male and female, looked completely confused, then appalled, then almost fearful.

“What the…” the woman started, scrunching her face, blinking a few times, then beginning to stutter.

Her companion’s eyebrows had risen almost to his hairline.

“Oh godd…” Amy breathed, arching as her breasts began to contract again, two new eggs pushing to exit her nipples, and she wasn’t even finished with the vaginal birth. She whined and cupped one of her breasts. She swore the nipple-eggs were almost the size of golf balls by then. Her massive breasts rocked, releasing a few droplets of milk as her beach ball of a belly heaved beneath them.

The female doctor stammered, “W-w-we’ll be right back. J-just going to consult with one of our c-colleagues!” With that, she hurried off, as though certain she had gone man. The two male doctors hesitated a moment longer, then quickly scrambled out of the room as well, shoving each other in their haste.

“Ffuck,” as all Amy could articulate in response. She shifted and braced herself for a long night of birthing.


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