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Summary: An animal breeder is cursed to start personally giving birth to supply his pet shop with animals. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiple breasts.

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Despite Jack’s insistence that he wanted to be left alone to rest, Tom went to the house to visit him a week following the birth.

Jack answered the door with clear reluctance, as it was five minutes after Tom had started (repetitively) ringing the doorbell. Jack indeed looked weary, as well as annoyed. He was somewhat disheveled in a baggy long-sleeved T-shirt and sweatpants.

As Tom walked in, Jack folded his arms against himself, but he winced, and lowered his arms instead. Tom could see wet spots forming on Jack’s shirt.

“How are you feeling?” said Tom, as he idly looked around, pretending not to notice Jack’s changing form. His breasts were even bigger than before, all four of them probably E-cups by then, sticking out in his shirt. Jack’s nipples looked swollen as well, bulging out rather unnaturally. They had to be sensitive. Really sensitive. Tom met Jack’s eyes and gave him a questioning look.

“Fine,” said Jack curtly. Anguishing as usual. He began to fold his arms again, but thought better, and stopped himself.

Jack’s ass was larger as well. Plump and round. It usually went down after the birth, but not this time. His belly was still somewhat swollen, like he was six months pregnant rather than having just given birth. Tom knew it was softer, not by sight, but as he idly laid a comforting hand on Jack’s waist.

Jack stiffened, his face twitching.

“What’s wrong?” said Tom immediately. “Are you in pain?”

“I’m fine,” said Jack, too quickly; dismissively. “I know I haven’t been in. I’ve been working from home. The last two births weren’t exactly…what we were anticipating. So I’ve just been crunching some numbers.”

It was an irksome turn in the conversation, but Tom couldn’t help getting sucked in. “Let me see.”

Jack got his laptop, and the two went over the inventory and projections, while discussing the vacancies in the traditional pet supply and what to do about it, if anything. It was all about what would be the most cost-effective, while evading long-term effects at the shop, particularly in terms of their customer base.

“Most pet-buyers are one-time customers anyway,” Tom was saying. “We should focus more on pet food and supplies until after we see the next couple of litters.”

Jack’s lip pulled downwards, but he didn’t comment.

He was snacking a lot, at present stuffing handfuls of buttered popcorn into his mouth without really noticing. Which made sense. Sturges had said that the lactation expended a lot of calories, which in turn made him hungry.

Tom noticed that it had been a couple of hours that Jack hadn’t pumped. His four breasts looked undeniably swollen, and he fidgeted somewhat. Jack was sweaty, and his face was flushed, and Tom wondered if Jack had been putting it off for his benefit.

Tom wanted to say something, to suggest that Jack did pump, but he instead found himself reaching out, stroking the side of one of the mounds, causing Jack to shiver, his flush deepening.

“You know you’re supposed to pump them as much as you can stand,” Tom murmured. He couldn’t believe how round they were, how perfect they felt even through the shirt. They were full, perk, and absolutely perfect. God, they had gotten huge. Tom had no clue how Jack would hide them. He wasn’t sure it was possible anymore.

Jack arched against his hand, eyes closing as he took in a shaky breath. “The more I pump them, the more they swell,” he complained breathily. Tom felt himself harden.

Tom palmed Jack’s nipple gently. He noticed that his hand was getting wet, with warm milk as it seeped through Jack’s shirt. Tom felt himself salivating. He cupped the plump flesh, his thumb rubbing against Jack’s protruding nipple. Jack groaned quietly. “This is about more than just your body,” Tom mentioned.

Jack noticeably tensed. Then shifted, eyes opening as a scowl spread across his face. He got up and walked away, Tom watching him. Jack was all breasts, ass, and belly. It looked absurd on the still narrow-framed man.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Tom called, as Jack walked into the kitchen. “Mindy said there’s barely enough supply to feed all of the squids in time.”

“Yeah,” Jack called back. There was a glass clinking. Tom hoped he wasn’t making himself an alcoholic drink.

“You’ve been doing great,” said Tom, leaning back on the couch to stare at the ceiling. “Those numbers you showed me looked good, Jack. You’ll feel better when you’re back at work.”

“Hm,” was the only thing Jack said. He had returned to the living room. Despite Tom’s efforts at encouragement, Jack didn’t look any less frustrated than before. To Jack’s credit, he was trying.

Tom got up and closed their distance, putting Jack’s glass of juice aside for the moment. Jack turned as though to leave the room again, but Tom wrapped his arms around him. He felt Jack shudder in his hold.

“Seriously,” said Tom. “Are you okay?”

Jack hesitated. “My body just feels really sensitive.”

Tom looked at where he had placed his hands. Both were resting on Jack’s rounded abdomen. “Here?” He experimentally rubbed, causing Jack to stiffen again. “Let me see.”

Jack resisted, “I’m just going to rest.”

“What’s going on, Jack?” said Tom, with growing concern. “Let me see your stomach.”

Jack remained still and silent for a moment, before he pulled himself out of Tom’s arms. He stood stiffly for a beat, then, with clear reluctance, he reached down, and pulled his shirt upwards until the hem rested above his stomach and under his breasts.

Tom appraised the bloated flesh. It took him a moment to spot the—spots. Well the pink bumps, that Tom’s mind belatedly registered as nipples, out-of-place though they were. Jack had developed additional nipples. Four…no six of them. They made two parallel lines down his stomach, with a slight puffiness to the flesh beneath them, like a dog following pregnancy. It was all very…animalistic. Jack had nipples trailing his torso. Tom’s mouth fell ajar.

Tom found himself momentarily stunned, his mind going blank, but Jack tended to have that effect on people. He lifted his gaze, and could see the disgust and uncertainty in Jack’s eyes.

So Tom stroked one of the nubs, Jack’s abdominals shuddering under his touch. “It’s alright,” he said.

Jack looked at Tom as though he was insane, but then became resigned.

“We’ll keep an eye on it,” said Tom.

“What difference does that make?” Jack responded.

Tom shrugged, and the two returned to the couch, where Tom touched the nubs experimentally, trying to see how sensitive they were (extremely). Jack flopped back and just let him, until Tom couldn’t help leaning down and kissing them one by one. He sucked and nipped them, unable to help imagining the skin swelling up like the other four, becoming large, seeping breasts.

Jack grunted and twitched beneath him. He came just from the nipple stimulation.

Tom thought he could get used to Jack’s six new nipples.

The two decided to keep the matter quiet for the time being.


Jack was pumping his breasts almost constantly.

The more he pumped, the more milk he produced. The more milk he produced, the bigger his breasts grew. It was a vicious, doomed cycle, in which he came out the loser (aside from the piles of income the squids were going to bring in).

Apparently Dean and Mindy were overwhelmed, currently trying to transition the creatures to other foods. Admittedly, Jack had heard this offhandedly, and wanted to know as little as possible. He decided that he wanted to be hands off with the animals once they were born, particularly when they disturbed him to the degree that the squids did.

Jack remotely monitored sales, permits, and the temp workers hired at the shop. He researched local and national laws on the ownership of rare and endangered species’. Not that Simon or anyone else was aware of whether the squid species was endangered, undiscovered, or simply brand new in existence. Jack was somehow doubtful that he could have produced a new species, but stranger things had happened, as evidenced by the state of his body. It was unnerving though. Simon claimed that Jack had turned the field of marine biology completely off-kilter with the recent births. That decades of progress had occurred in the span of weeks.

But Jack could hardly relate to Simon’s excitement over squids. Simon could even claim discovering them if he wanted that type of publicity. Jack’s pet shop business just had to be careful about the sale, and preferably avoid any association with the squids altogether.

Jack felt some apprehension about what would follow. He could already feel the pressure of something subtly growing within him, his skin warming and belly firming progressively.

Over the past few weeks, the nipples along his torso hadn’t grown breasts beneath them. They were protruding and pink, and had some fleshiness beneath them, but they weren’t additional breasts. Jack supposed that warranted some relief.

He tried to become productive, now that he had a reprieve from being unbalanced, huge, and heavy. But his form didn’t serve him practically in the real world. Just going to the shop entailed a process of sneaking there, by either going in the early hours of the morning when the streets and sidewalks were vacant, or hunching over and draping himself in such large, amorphous attire, people stared at him anyway.

Jack tried to distract himself with paperwork. When he did go into the shop, he holed up in his office, hiding from customers, hiding his form, which was rapidly filling out even more. At times he felt isolated by his condition, stuck doing numbers and paperwork. Tom, Mindy, and even Dean did come by to see him, but it wasn’t the same as taking a walk in the park, or going out for coffee. He was being pushed out, at least in his physical presence. He had become a certifiable freak.

Sturges did a full workup. He didn’t think Jack was pregnant with more aquatic creatures. Mindy seemed to think she could impact what he would produce, often bringing cats and dogs into the office, which just made Jack frown and rub his stomach uneasily.

Everyone was keen and excited, and catering to him constantly. He felt his belly starting to get bigger, and felt each colleague’s eye watching the growth. They were pleased by every inch he put on, pleased when he was breathless, or flustered, or paused and held his gut, face scrunching as his insides twisted unpleasantly. They wanted him bigger and fuller. Simon wanted another aquatic birth, but Dean and Mindy just wanted a large, healthy litter to boost their bonuses.

Jack was just going over the accounts, when his office door creaked open, Dean holding it with his hip. His hands were occupied by two plates, one with sandwiches, another, with pastries and cake slices.

“So I checked out the new café on the corner,” said Dean casually, which was odd, because Jack could not recall having a casual conversation with Dean in his life. Dean was cold and sarcastic. He didn’t check out cute little cafés or buy pastries. “I thought you would like to try some. Would love your opinion.”

Jack’s eye twitched as Dean set the plates down on his desk, on top of his paperwork. He wondered if Tom or Simon had put him up to it, or if Dean was just taking the initiative.

Dean walked around the room, opening the curtains, adjusting a window. “Is it too warm?”

“It’s fine,” said Jack, scribbling his signature to renew an contract. His pen ran out of ink. He began to fidget with it.

“Oh, let me grab a new one. Don’t get up,” said Dean, heading back to the door, nearly crashing into Mindy who was carrying a huge fruit smoothie and a bag of quinoa chips.

“Hey Jack, how are you feeling? Is it chilly in here? I can grab you blanket…” Mindy trailed off at his glare.

The two employees fumbled. “We’ll just…erm…” Mindy rambled as Dean pushed her back towards the door.

“Wait,” said Jack. He hesitated. Reddened. “Leave the chips.”

Smiling, Mindy came to his desk and did just that. Jack snagged the smoothie as well.

When the door closed behind them, he tried to focus again on the paperwork, but that was between handfuls of chips or bites of Danish, and now his tits were tingly, nipples achy, and he knew if he put off milking any longer it was going to be a mess.

He groaned and held his head. By the treatment he got, he might as well have been giving birth to a bag of money.

He sighed and reached into a drawer, shoving his papers aside and pulling out his breast pumps.


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