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Note: This is a female version of Clause II.

Additionally, this story has no prequel (ie, there is no 'Clause I.') The series starts with this story. Apologies for any confusion.

Summary: To meet the requirements of a will and inherit her family fortune, a train-wreck of a woman is forced to become a pregnant BBW with the help of a quirky doctor. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, weight gain.

Previous Chapter


“Clause 2,” Maroon read. “Diana must meet the following dimensions prior to the inheritance of my fortune:

“1. She must develop breasts of at least an HHH-cup size.

“2. She must at least double her original body weight…”

Diana listened to Maroon in stunned silence. Double her body weight? That would bring her up to 240 pounds! As of that moment, she was only 138. Diana unconsciously held her belly.

“Diana must meet on my estate with the will executor at the end of her first and second trimester to have her progress checked,” Maroon continued. “During these meetings, Diana must wear no more than fifteen vertical inches of apparel.”

Diana’s jaw dropped.

“Diana must meet on my estate with the will executor one final time, not less than two weeks following the completion of the third trimester. Diana must achieve all of these things prior to the natural birth of her child or children.” Maroon cleared his throat as he finished. “If you would like a copy of Clause 2, I have several.” Maroon offered the paper to Diana.

Diana took the paper and opened her mouth, but could not figure out what to say. Instead she stormed off, forgetting her condition. She didn’t notice her jacket had been left hanging open, her belly and breasts bulging in the shirt she was wearing, leaving her condition on full display to her gawking cousins. She was still having difficulty processing the new information. She was snapped out of her reverie when someone grabbed her arm.

“So you’re really doing it,” said her third-cousin Denise, staring at Diana’s belly. “You are absolutely shameless.”

Diana looked around the room. Most of her cousins’ expressions were shocked. Rich was busily snapping photos on his camera phone, and only Penny gave her a supportive expression.

Pulling away from Denise, Diana hurried outside.

Once in her car, she sat down and held her belly, just breathing for a while. Trying her best to remain calm, she turned on the engine and sped off.

Diana spent the next two weeks at home, pouring over Clause 2. Occasionally, she reached for her phone, intending to call one of her lawyers, but she always ended up stopping herself, anticipating their amusement at her increasingly ridiculous dilemma.

HHH breasts? She hadn’t even known breasts could get that size!

And she didn’t know how she was supposed to get to 240 pounds either. She had gained a good deal as it was. With normal pregnancies, people were eased into it with slow, gradual growth, whereas she had begun to bloat up within the first month. It was still quite unnerving.

Diana tried to eat a bit more than usual, but felt unmotivated, and hopeless. Her 1.7 billion dollar inheritance seemed further away than ever.

Only a few days before, she had been bent on eliminating four of the five fetuses within her, but now she wasn’t sure. If she was to even attempt to fulfill the stipulations of Clause 2, she would need to put on as much baby weight as possible.

Although Diana hadn’t wanted to see Dr. Reed again following their last encounter, she arrived at her 12-week appointment, a bit late, just to be passive aggressive. Reed seemed relieved that she had shown up. Rather than saying anything to her, Diana simply handed Reed Clause 2, before getting herself up on the exam table, with some difficulty. She sat there on the edge, staring down at herself despairingly.

Her breasts were swollen and round. C-cups, and pretty blatant in anything she wore by then. She was stunned by how fast they were growing. But that was a…good thing…she supposed. They were soft and round, not sagging in the least. And they were incredibly sensitive. The lightest rub of her nipples left her weak in the knees. The pink nubs were sticking out visibly in the t-shirt she was wearing.

Her belly was growing fast as well. She already looked as though she was 7 months along, though she was only three. Diana spaced out a little as she continued to muse on this. Five babies. She was six people in one. That was like – a whole family. No, it was a fucking circus.

“Oh my…” Dr. Reed murmured as she finished reading the document. “These are quite the…stipulations.” She raised her eyes to Diana, staring fondly upon her belly for a moment, before frowning back down at the document. “It’s not impossible. Tricky, but doable. We just have to find ways to plumpen you and the babies up. Diana – come, let’s take your weight.”

“I did it this morning. 142,” said Diana, but she reluctantly slid herself off the table. She allowed herself to be ushered to the scale, and was irritated that she could not see the numbers beyond her belly.

“143,” said Reed, matter-of-factly. “Oh, my lovelies.” She fondly patted Diana’s belly, Diana’s her immense irritation. Diana stepped back, putting space between them.

Simply smiling to herself, Reed lifted a chart and scribbled something down. Every so often, she would glance at Diana, then scribble some more. “Still, 143 isn’t too impressive. That’s 5 pounds over the past two weeks.”

5 pounds? Diana thought. She hadn’t really registered it till Reed said it aloud. 5 pounds seemed like a good deal of weight to her, especially for just two weeks.

“Over the next six months, you need to put on at least another 97 pounds. That’s a little more than 16 pounds a month.”

Diana was stunned. She couldn’t imagine herself putting on that kind of weight.

“We had a slow start,” Reed said, almost to herself. “It couldn’t be helped, we didn’t know. But I’m confident we can get on the right track.”

None of this seemed like the right track to Diana.

“…And there’s no doubt it would make for a difficult labor,” Reed continued.

“What?” Diana looked at her. She didn’t notice she was sweating by then. “I didn’t see anything about having to…to go through-”

Reed handed the Clause over. “The last line. It’s subtle, but trust me. These things tend to be very specific.”

Diana read it.

Diana must achieve all of these things prior to the natural birth of her child or children.

She had totally missed it. Reed seemed to be very attentive to detail. “I have to do it…naturally?” Diana’s heart pounded.

“It will all work out, Diana. Trust me. I’ll be with you every step of the way.” Reed reached down and held Diana’s hand, looking at her supportively, as though hoping she would consent to becoming the anomaly her aunt’s will demanded.

It’s all temporary, Diana reminded herself. She’d be able to reverse it…eventually. And so, she took a deep breath, and gave Dr. Reed the slightest of nods.

“Very good. Now to put you on a high-calorie diet. We’ll start with at least 4,000 a day. Next, I’ll need you to start regularly massaging your…”

Diana tuned Reed out as she continued to go over the ins and outs of bloating her up. She didn’t want to think about it, and yet she couldn’t escape it. What choice did she have?

That night, she went home, and emptied the contents of her refrigerator into her stomach. She ate until she was painfully stuffed, and then she forced down a few more bites.

Diana barely made it back to her bedroom, where she collapsed to bed, and didn’t awake until the next afternoon.

That day, Diana called Maroon and arranged a meeting. She then made herself a large breakfast of 12 eggs, a package of bacon, and three bagels. By the time she finished, she was flushed, sweaty, exhausted, and her abdomen felt quite pressurized. Forcing herself to get up, she showered, then measured out fifteen vertical inches of clothing. She tried her best to conceal herself in it.

Diana observed herself in her full-length mirror.

The outfit consisted of a pair of shorts and a tube top. The shorts had become little more than hot-pants against her bubble-bottom, and the tube top could either reveal a mountain of bloated cleavage, concealing a decent amount of her belly, or conceal her breasts adequately, leaving her belly to stick completely out in the open. Of her two options, Diana opted for the former. Though immodest, it seemed the less ridiculous of the two, and hence, the less embarrassing.

As Diana drove towards her aunt’s estate, she was frustrated to realize that in everything that had been happening to her lately, she had neglected to keep an eye on her car maintenance. The gas gauge revealed that the tank to be empty, and it was already making sputtering noises.

Diana pulled over at the nearest gas station, further annoyed to realize it was self-service. She climbed out of the car against the burden of her gained weight and five growing babies.

As Diana filled her tank, a yellow jeep pulled over at the pump behind hers. The door opened, and a young man stepped out. Diana kept her head down, trying to avoid unwanted attention. She allowed her hair to hang down in her face.

“Hey ma,” the stranger called.

Her face reddening, Diana ignored the stranger. To her frustration, he began to approach.

The tube top Diana was wearing barely seemed to contain her breasts, which were bulging over it, outrageously plump. Despite her efforts to conceal it, the lower half of her belly still stuck out beneath, from her navel downwards. Her thighs had grown as well, pressing together, looking full and shapely. And several inches of her ass-crack were visible above the tight shorts plastered to her bulging bottom. She must have looked like a complete whore. Diana impatiently continued to pump gas into her car.

“Why isn’t your baby-daddy doing that for you?” said the stranger, getting uncomfortably close.

Diana stiffened. She was too mortified to respond. Instead, she kept her head down.

“Let me help you with that,” said the stranger.

“No, I’m—fine,” said Diana.

“Don’t be shy,” said the stranger, his eyes trailing up and down Diana’s burgeoning body. “I’m into pregnant chicks.”

“I’m not fucking interested—” Diana gasped as the stranger suddenly grabbed her breast. It was so arousing, she could do little more than to lean against her car in an effort to keep herself upright.

But after a second, she regained her composure, and managed to tear herself away. “What the fuck!” said spat, shoving the man violently. “Don’t fucking touch me!”

The stranger snorted but he did step back, hands raised in a sign of surrender. His eyes shifted from Diana’s chest, to her belly, her widening hips, and her plump ass. “Don’t act like you didn’t dress for a little attention,” he said.

“Fuck you,” she retorted, her whole body tense, which only made her top ride up more.

Still leering, the stranger returned to his car. Diana’s heart was racing, and it took her a moment to catch her breath. Once she had, she pushed herself off her car, climbed inside, and sped off. The gas pump broke, still inside her tank, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to get away.

When Diana got to her great aunt’s estate and walked inside, she was bombarded with gasps and shocked exclamations. As usual, most of her cousins were present. They had become spectators to her transformation.

“I was hoping we could have met in private,” Diana told Maroon in irritation. “But as usual, everyone’s here.”

“Oh, but I had to invite your cousins,” Maroon responded apologetically. “As per Clause 3.”

“There’s a third clause?” said Diana. She lightly shook her head. “Nevermind. Whatever. As per my aunt’s stipulations, I’m here to show you my progress. Okay?” She motioned to her flushed body practically bursting from her fifteen inches of apparel.

Maroon seemed a bit embarrassed. “Yes, of course.”

“Then I’m leaving.” Diana turned, and did just that.



"Bubble-bottom" is a good word. Looking forward to those 15 inches failing to cover her.