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Note: This is a female version of Clause II.

Additionally, this story has no prequel (ie, there is no 'Clause I.') The series starts with this story. Apologies for any confusion.

Summary: To meet the requirements of a will and inherit her family fortune, a train-wreck of a woman is forced to become a pregnant BBW with the help of a quirky doctor. Contains: Female: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, weight gain.

Previous Chapter


Over the next week and a half, Diana noticed her chest was getting somewhat softer, which made her uneasy, but it had to be a sign that things were going in the right direction.

When Diana treated some of her friends to free entry of her nightclub one evening, she found that no one took notice of anything different about her. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a huge change after all. Besides, she could hide a small pregnancy bump with baggy clothing. She was a petite girl, and would have a petite baby, that would be born and sent off to a new family before anyone even noticed there was something different about her.

It took her some time, but Diana found a girl with plump lips and huge tits, and she spent most of the night dancing with her. She made the mistake of checking out a woman with the most delectable ass she had ever seen, only to find that her dancing partner had disappeared, probably swept up by some guy.

Diana was bisexual, though she had always had preference for women. Frowning in the direction of her failed conquest, Diana turned and joined her friends at the bar, where she discreetly drank soda instead of beer. She watched as Ted started playfully jabbing Rob’s stomach with light punches, and excused herself to the bathroom.

Diana looked herself over in the mirror. Her stomach was barely any different, physically, but it felt heavier if that made any sense. As though there was some uncomfortable pressure in it, and it was increasing every day.

Though usually lean, her stomach was beginning to bulge out, just the slightest, over the waist band of her jeans. It could have been the hormones or something. Diana found it best not to form any expectations.


“It’s confirmed,” said Dr. Reed elatedly at Diana’s four-week appointment. “You’re with child. Oh my, this is a bit overwhelming.”

“Oh,” said Diana, a little stunned. Maybe a small part of her had never thought it would work. “Well, I figured,” she added nonchalantly, not knowing whether to feel relieved or horrified.

“Congratulations!” Reed gave her an awkward little hug.

“Thanks,” said Diana. “Uh, you too.”

“Oh thank you, thanks so much.” Dr. Reed began to bustle about, prepping some injections. There was a broad smile plastered to her face. “Anything to report, by the way?”


“Any changes?”

Diana was still trying to process the news of her pregnancy. Now she felt embarrassed. “I noticed my chest seems a little…fuller, I guess.”

“A good sign. You should expect a lot more changes in the coming weeks.”

Diana looked down at herself. “Great,” she said dryly.


Reed wasn’t lying. Over the next few weeks, Diana’s chest grew softer, plumpening until she had small B-cups on her usually-flat chest. Her stomach seemed to be getting fuller every day, now beginning to visibly protrude in her tops. And Diana had been ignoring it for a while, but she began to notice that her panties were starting to fit her more tightly that usual. Her ass was getting bigger. Rounder. It wasn’t too significant. It just looked like she had done a few too many squats or something. She thought of the girls at the gym who dedicated all their time to pumping up their asses, and her hand slid down between her legs.

But at the last minute, Diana withdrew her hand, legs quavering. Suddenly wanting to use her cunt before she got too fat to pull, she grabbed her jacket off the back of her desk chair and headed out to the club.


Only a few hours later, she and Veronica were stumbling back into her apartment, kissing.

Diana didn’t usually fuck around with the same person twice, but she’s decided to make the exception with Veronica that night. Diana had gotten tired of trying to woo random girls as she danced with them, her chest aching as it jiggled with her movements. On top of that, she had started getting a little winded and nauseous.

As the two continued kissing, they leaned against a Florentine console table, causing several unpaid bills to tumble onto the floor. She and Veronica made their way to the bedroom, where they began to tear off each other’s clothes. Diana jerked up Veronica’s dress as Veronica tore open her shirt. Then there was a pause.

“Oh,” said Veronica.

“What?” said Diana.

“You’ve gotten…well…you’ve…changed,” said Veronica awkwardly.

“I put on a couple pounds,” said Diana testily. But Diana knew how she looked. Rather—womanly, when she was typically more on the butch side of things.

And admittedly, it was more than just a couple of pounds. The scale had reported a 6-pound gain at her last appointment. 6 pounds in 2 weeks. She was now up to 128, if not more by now. It was unnerving.

Veronica pulled away, surveying her. Veronica walked around her, probably noting how plump Diana’s chest was getting, how full her stomach was, and her ass – her ass was bigger than Veronica’s, now, panties stretched out against it. At least her clothes had offered Diana some shield against judging eyes.

Veronica slid behind her, wrapped her arms around her, glided her fingers over her groin, but then she cupped Diana’s chest. Diana grunted as Veronica began to massage the fleshy masses.

“You better get it together, Diana,” Veronica whispered to her, kneading the mounds. “You’re starting to look girly.”

It was only as she withdrew her hands that Diana realized how much she was enjoying it. Veronica gave her a quick and hard ass-slap that caused Diana to yelp, the sound of the impact echoing throughout the room. She could feel the rounded masses jiggling behind her.

Veronica chuckled. “This must be karma or something. Call me when you get back in shape.”

Diana glared as Veronica left. Once the door closed behind the other woman, Diana rubbed her bottom, which was sore from the recent abuse. But as she continued to rub beyond necessity, she felt her loins heating, nipples hardening, and breathing thinning. Diana quietly groaned, hands continuing to massage her soft ass.


By her ten-week appointment, Reed did an excited little clap at seeing her. Diana was progressing quite well, at least in Reed’s opinion.

Diana’s chest had bloated yet more. Her breasts were round, full, plump and fat, and they wobbled uncomfortably on her chest.

Diana felt decidedly bloated in the medical gown she was wearing. Her belly was a rounded mound, visibly bulging against the fabric, and her ass was sticking out through the back despite her best efforts to conceal it, round and full, and all but subtle by then.

Diana was decidedly unhappy. She had wanted a subtle transition, not to become - voluptuous. Her ass was getting out of control.

Dr. Reed was busy observing her chest, looking at her erect nipples protruding against the thin fabric. “Have you considered a maternity bra? It might help with the discomfort.”

Diana simply glowered at her. She digressed, “I’m only two and a half months along, right?” she said, patting her stomach. “So why am I getting so-?”

“Round?” said Dr. Reed with a contented smile. “Shall we find out?” She motioned to the table, and Diana obediently laid back. Reed then rolled a sonogram machine over.

Reed pulled up Diana’s gown and proceeded with the sonogram. As Reed rubbed her tool about her mass, Diana couldn’t help getting aroused. She was surprised that her areola puffed out, her nipples protruding farther, as her loins tingled. Thankfully, Reed did not notice any of it, her focus on the screen. Within moments, Diana was awarded with some gasps and mutters from Reed.

Diana could only imagine the worst. She hoped there wasn’t something horribly wrong. “What?” she said, trying to catch her breath between the arousal and the anxiety.

“Well Diana, this is extraordinary. The treatment seems to have worked better than I could have ever imagined. I’m counting three…four…five fetuses!”


“Yes, five babies,” said Reed, mistaking Diana’s shock for excitement. “And they’re developing quite well.”

That was four more than necessary. “Get rid of them!” Diana’s demand wasn’t the most tactful. She watched Dr. Reed’s face fall.

“I’ve dedicated my career to trying to cure infertility in women, and you want me to jeopardize the whole thing with a pointless elimination procedure?”


Reed’s eyes hardened. “Get out.”


Reed grabbed Diana’s wrist, and Diana was surprised by how strong the other woman was, as she was pulled off the table and dragged her away. Reed all but pushed Diana out the door then slammed it shut in her face.

“Hey, you’re supposed to listen to me. I’m the patient!” Diana rattled the doorknob. “And I need my clothes!”

In the end, Diana was forced to hurry off to her car while clutching the medical gown around her and hoping nobody saw. When she got home, her panic surged. She was carrying five babies. Five of them. Growing. Diana held her rounded belly. She was two months, no wonder she looked four. Maybe five. At this rate, she was gonna explode. Diana got on her phone and called Reed several times, but got no answer. She left messages, angry ones, then pleading ones. On her seventh call, Reed finally picked up.

“You have to compromise with me,” Diana entreated.

“I don’t have to do anything.”

“What do you mean? You’re my doctor!”

“Did you read the contracts, Diana? The ones you signed? Did you read any of them?”

Diana’s heart sank.

“As I said, I don’t have to do anything that will jeopardize my experiment.” With that, Reed hung up the phone.

Diana started pacing. “No no no no no…” she muttered to herself. If Reed wouldn’t do it, she had to find someone who would. But what if the elimination did fuck everything up? What if she got rid of four of the embryos, and something happened to the fifth in the process? Or later on?

Diana tried to keep her mind on her ultimate purpose. 1.7 billion dollars. She looked down at herself. Hadn’t she met the terms of the will, to some degree? She was pregnant. Diana’s heart lifted a little. If she could show Maroon her progress, she was sure she would be granted her inheritance. She would worry about eliminating her pregnancy afterwards.

Diana got back on her phone and arranged a meeting with Maroon for later that day at her great aunt’s estate. She tried to dress comfortably, but had to tug up her pants more than once as her ass crack bulged over the back waistband.

When she got to the estate a few hours later, she was expecting a private meeting with Maroon, but was startled to see that several of her cousins had been summoned. And they seemed startled by her.

Diana was wearing a black peacoat, but her belly had gotten just round enough that it was evident and pushing out in her attire. She also wore some gray sweatpants that were tight in the seat, and pushing out beneath the back of the coat.

“Oh my,” said Penny.

“Goodness,” said Rich. “You put on weight. Wait – you’re not trying to—?”

“I have a meeting with Mr. Maroon.” Diana cut Rich off. She met eyes with the man in question, who was standing in the front of the room. “A private one,” Diana said through her teeth.

“Oh,” said Mr. Maroon. He seemed to catch on. “I see. Private. My apologies. Please follow me to the back.” Maroon led the way.

Once the two got into Maroon’s office, Maroon got behind his desk and began to ramble. “Sorry, I thought we were having another will meeting. Some of the others also expressed interest in trying to contest the will, and…”

Diana busied herself with closing and locking the office door. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face Maroon and unbuttoned her coat. She had never revealed her condition to anyone but Reed, and the whole thing was testing her confidence. “I’m pregnant,” Diana cut Maroon off as she pulled her coat open.

“What?” said Maroon.

Diana slid her shirt up her rounded abdomen. “Yes, there are – babies – in here. I’m pregnant. More than pregnant. I’ll piss on a stick, I will, and I—I think I’ve more than met my aunt’s requirements.”

“Oh my.” Maroon was staring at Diana’s stomach in shock.

Diana was starting to feel uncomfortable. She lowered her hands from her waist, her shirt still bunched up over her protruding belly. “So about my inheritance…”

Maroon lightly shook himself, reddening somewhat. “My, this is…quite the development. But Diana, I’m afraid you haven’t yet met all of the will requirements.”

“What do you mean?” said Diana impatiently. “How—how dare you!” She contrived a self-righteous fury as she started towards the man.

Diana was good at convincing people into doing things they weren’t supposed to. Almost nightly, until recently, she had convinced random club girls to go back to her apartment with her. Just for sport, she had once convinced a homeless person to give her 40 dollars. Diana was certain she could convince Maroon of this.

“I’m pregnant, what the hell is the problem!?” Diana forced as much entitlement and impatience in her voice as she could.

Maroon was fumbling. “My apologies, miss,” he practically groveled, then leaned down and began to rummage in a desk drawer. “I’m just afraid that you have yet to satisfy the specifications in clause 2.”

“Clause 2?”

Maroon finally found what he was looking for. He brandished a type-written document. “Clause 2.”


Joshua S

Yes please


I love thick fat pregnant girls. That's just how all women should be lol