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Summary: Light has to bear a life for every one that he's destroyed. Death Note fanfic. Contains: Male: pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, butt expansion, birth.

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Tally: 7 born

As Light regained some of his strength, he came to his senses. He began packing to leave with all…all the babies.

He gulped.

“You should stay,” said L neutrally. “You can still do some good here.”

Light ignored him, continuing to haphazardly stuff belongings into his suitcase.

“You need the help,” L added.

“I can’t do this,” Light groused.

“You’re good at this,” L pointed out.

“Crime solving or having children?” said Light sarcastically.

L just shook his head.

“You’re insane,” Light added as an afterthought. All of this was insane. It was sadistic.

There was a wailing noise. One of the babies had started crying. Then again, did they ever stop? Light’s knees went weak, and he found himself sinking to the nearest chair, holding his head in his hands. His nipples began to sting, his chest aching. He hugged it and absently shook his head. L left and returned a moment later with one of the newborns, trying to hand it over.

Light stared blankly at him. “I—I just—” He ran off to the nearest bathroom where he purged his breakfast.

He knew couldn’t handle this alone. Not anymore. In fact, he had hardly been handling things when L had hired him.

So he would stay.

At least until he was back on his feet.

Light rested his head against the porcelain toilet seat and closed his eyes.


In the days that followed, Light found himself massaging his breasts periodically, trying to stimulate milk production. And as awkward as it was for him, and as uncomfortable as it felt, it did help some. He was also eating and drinking constantly, and felt like a pig. But he needed to take in calories not only so he could produce enough milk for his two newborns, but to replace the calories he lost when nursing, and also to sustain the new—the new pregnancy. Another twins pregnancy at that.

He felt depleted, and was still thin, his clothes hanging off hm. Then again, most of them had been stretched at some stage of his previous pregnancy. He felt like he needed a whole wardrobe for every stage of his condition. Especially if this was happening to him indefinitely. He tried not to think about it. He tried to focus on other things.

Aki was fascinated and almost loving towards her new siblings. He was not sure where she had gotten it, considering his decidedly robotic parenting. But Aki was proving a very curious one-and-a-half-year-old. She was good at simple puzzles and games, which he supposed she had gotten from him. She was getting rather needy, and gripped his leg whenever she had the chance. With age, she had developed awareness, and a keen fear of abandonment, undoubtedly supplemented by his constant disappearances to his other apartment. Mei was practically raising her. And Aki didn’t accept that.

Light was responsible for five children, all under the age of two. It took a lot of effort to make sense of it in his head. Aki wasn’t just a baby anymore, she was becoming an actual person, with character, perspective, interpretation skills, and understanding. Soon she would have the ability to judge. It intimidated him. He hardly knew how to deal with it, let alone the fact that the others would soon start to grow up as well.

The morning sickness was severe this time around. He would spend hours every day knelt on the bathroom floor, too dizzy to attempt to get up, his newborns screaming in the background. His head throbbed, his throat burned, and his stomach ached. He suspected he was traumatized from the last birth, and couldn’t stand the thought of doing this again and again. It was physical and psychologic torment. So he would sit hunched there, gradually losing himself in a miserable reverie. One morning, he became conscious of someone holding him around the waist, helping him to the living room.

The babies weren’t crying. His body was no longer struggling to purge his whole digestive system through his throat. Light was handed a glass of water. He sipped and grimaced at the faint medicinal taste, but he continued to drink it despite himself. He glared at L who was perched beside him, watching like the strange, owlish creature he was.

“What the fuck have you done to me?” Light spat the words that had been on his mind since this whole thing had started.

“I think the real question is: what has Light don’t to himself,” L responded, glancing over Light’s thin arm.

Light just closed his eyes and shook his head.

He heard L shift, then there was the rumple of cardboard or something. When Light opened his eyes, he was surprised to see that the coffee table was now occupied by a rectangular box with large assortment of cupcakes, at least two dozen of them. He sneered and wondered if this was what qualified as L’s lunch.

“Have one,” said L.

Light was not in the mood for sweets. Instead he closed his eyes and reclined somewhat, not caring as he shoved L in the process. Absently, he laid his hand on his flat stomach, trying to sooth the achiness, he supposed.

“A game, then?” L suggested. “For every one you eat, I’ll answer a question honestly.”

Light opened an eye, giving L a wary look. “How are you doing this to me?”

“Funny you should ask…” said L pointedly.

Light shoved himself into an upright position. Scowling, he grabbed a cupcake and began to eat is savagely, knowing that he would just heave it back up shortly. But the pastry, oddly, didn’t trigger nausea. Light typically didn’t like sweets, but for some reason, this one tasted heavenly.

“Baby likes?” said L.

“Shut up,” spat Light. He finished the cupcake in a few more bites. “Answer the question,” he said as he swallowed while managing not to choke.

L eyed him. “It was simple,” he responded in a completely impassive voice. “I had you drugged and implanted with an artificial womb. The technology is decades away from the general public, but I managed to pull some strings. Additionally, you were implanted with a sperm sac and various female reproductive organs my scientists were able to synthetically cultivate using your own DNA. The sperm release is controlled remotely, resulting in each of your pregnancies.”

Light was astonished that had had been given a straight answer. He was astonished by the egregious things L had just admitted to. He stared at L for a moment longer, before grabbing another cupcake. It was sweet and rich, making it all the heavier as it hit his stomach. There was a thick icing with chocolate chips, and a sweet cream on the inside. It took him longer to gnaw his way through it than the first one. He still wasn’t nauseous, and wondered if it had something to do with the medicinal aspect of the water he had been given.

Light wiped some icing off his lips. “How do I fix this?”

“You can’t,” said L simply.

“What the hell does that mean?”

L did not respond, just stared at him.

Light’s face twisted, but he managed not to explode. Exercising what he thought to be a remarkable amount of patience, he worked his way through another cupcake. Vanilla this time. It was getting more difficult, but he swallowed it piece by piece. By the time he finished, he felt uncomfortably full. He absently rubbed his stomach. “What do you mean I can’t?” he said calmly and deliberately.

It was useless. Light forced his way through at least five more cupcakes as he asked various questions on how to reverse his condition or find someone who would. But the inquiries led nowhere. He suspected L was lying, but the detective had claimed he wouldn’t. All that had been established was that the inceptions of Light’s pregnancies were automatic and could only be stopped remotely. It meant that if L died, the pregnancies would continue regardless.

Light forced down one last cupcake, feeling almost painfully full. His heart was pounding, belly tight. He made himself ask the one question he didn’t actually want the answer to: “Whose sperm is it?”

L smiled darkly. “Mine, of course.”

Light went numb. He leaned back on the couch, and stared blankly at nothing. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized before. Aki’s black hair. The twins’ dark eyes. He felt nauseous, but not in a way that had him racing to the bathroom. It was a deeper, more fundamental disgust inside him that was sure to linger for years to come. With the sperm sac.

“Oh god,” he breathed.

He’d had seven of L’s babies. He was carrying two more of them now. He was being used to make an army of little freaks.

One of the twins began to cry in the next room. L nonchalantly got up and wandered off, returning a moment later to dump the baby into Light’s arms.

But Light was frozen. He felt as though his throat was closing up. He watched as the newborn squirmed feebly then began to cry into his shirt.

“Can you feed?” said L.

He wasn’t asking of Light would. He was asking if Light was physically capable of it, if he had the supply of milk.

When Light didn’t respond, L got up. “I’ll make a bottle,” he said indifferently as he walked off.

Light’s gaze again shifted to the baby. He couldn’t tell whether it was Kouta or Keiko, and wasn’t sure if that was horrible or not. Regardless of which, the baby wasn’t a freak. It was half Light, and it—it was Light’s. Aki took after him. So would these two. They were in his custody, and were under no influence of L aside from an unfortunate part of their biology.

Light opened his shirt and allowed the baby to nurse, still rather numb, and dazed, and disturbed. L returned with a bottle a few moments later and frowned at him.


The next few weeks were spent avoiding L and growing faster than he thought possible. He was bigger than he was used to being at this stage. He was putting on weight, no thanks to his cravings for junk and sweets. And he had a bigger appetite, no thanks to the babies.

One afternoon, Light looked down at his tank top-clad torso. He had a small beer gut, though he was only two months along. It was unsettling.

There was a knock on the door, and an unfamiliar voice called, “Delivery.” Not many people were authorized in the building, least not of all, unknown delivery people. Light approached the door, and opened it just slightly. There was a rolling table with a wide, rectangular box set upon it. Light opened it gingerly, then frowned.

A little while later, the box of cupcakes were set on the coffee table before the couch, where Light sat blankly staring at an asinine children’s show.

Aki was sitting beside him, swinging her feet. She had been slobbering on one of the cupcakes for the past half hour.

Light didn’t like burying his woes in food, but after an hour of resistance, he couldn’t help picking one of the pastries up. He was wallowing, he knew. He needed an escape.


Light decided to return to work. It seemed wrong to do so when the newborns were so dependent on him, but he found himself handing the twins off to Mei, for the sake of his sanity. And not hers. She looked rather disheveled and overwhelmed. He was never much help with all the children when she was around.

“I was thinking that we could bring in a second nanny,” she suggested lightly as she balanced each twin in each of her arms. “Especially if there are going to be more babies…” Her eyes trailed to his belly, which Light only then noticed he had been holding. Mei threw a quizzical look, like she thought he was breeding on purpose.

“Speak to L,” said Light curtly, before turning and leaving Mei alone with five small children, all of whom were still in diapers.

He returned downstairs to his newly, and blissfully, child-free apartment, cleaned himself up, and paused in the mirror.

He was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. Not professional in the least, but he was beyond caring about anything other than his comfort at that point. His breasts had grown. Now C-cups, round and tender. They were certainly visible in his shirt. He couldn’t be bothered to bind them, not that he would be able to tolerate the discomfort, big as the mounds were getting.

His belly wasn’t as visible in the loose shirt, but Light decided that he would no longer try to hide or deny his condition. This was apparently his life now. And so, frowning to himself, Light turned and left the apartment.


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