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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ioew.

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Paige wobbled into a stall, but she could hardly fit. She proceeded to struggle to hide everything, feeling stunned and numb about the cow ears, yet attempting to somehow conceal it with the loose curls of her hair.

It wasn’t working.

Nothing was working. Much as she fidgeted, gasped, squeezed, and struggled, she could not get her swollen body back into the hosiery. She just popped free at one end or the other, until the shapewear actually began to tear, and she was a flushed, panting mess.

There was nothing for it. Paige hesitated and waddled her way back to the mirror.

Her back strained and arched under the weight of her mass. Her nipples and udder had started to drip from all the abusive fidgeting. She attempted to release a frustrated moan but all that came out was:


Paige blinked her overly-large brown eyes. She was transforming. She wasn’t even certain she was human anymore.

There was a knock on the door that made her tense up in panic.

“Are you okay in there, miss Jones?” her history professor called.

Paige hastened to make herself presentable, but she wasn’t even certain what qualified at that point. One hand gripped her hair, while the other cupped the large, heavy mound of her udder, milk having saturated her dress so fully that it was now splattering onto the floor.

“Mmmmm…f-finnee!” Paige managed.


Just fine.

There was a hesitative silence outside of the bathroom, before the sounds clicking heels on the hallway floor faded off.

Paige groaned and leaned back against the counter, as her legs had begun to quaver under her weight. She looked ridiculous. Outlandish. Her belly protruding out from her body like a boulder. Her two pairs of breasts were stacked above it, nipples bulging hugely, almost painfully, as they seeped into her top. Her four basketball-sized breasts wobbled uncomfortably with her every movement. She could barely stand the perpetual heat, the constant sensation of tension and fullness.

Her stomach lurched. “Mmmmm…” she groaned, rubbing what she could reach of it. One of her cow-ears twitched. Her cow-tail swished behind her.

There was nothing for it. There was no way she could hide this. Any solution short of tunneling her way out of there with a toothpick would result in everyone seeing her, and the whole campus finding out what she had become.

Paige braced herself. She took several long, steady draws of air, but no amount of them could help her catch her breath. She would assume it was anxiety, if it wasn’t very clearly the mass of her gigantic pregnancy squeezing itself into her straining body.

She took a step back from the counter, her hands instinctively snapping down to her belly and udder, both of which felt so heavy they could fall away from her. Gathering her resolve, she began to stagger for the door.

She had to get back to her dorm. That was her only goal. Get back to her dorm, regroup, and think of solutions while dealing with the backlash of outing herself.

She barely registered as she burst into the corridor, so consumed was she in her thoughts and her panic. Maybe it was for the best that she felt only vaguely conscious, sort of in a fugue state, as she was gawked from all corners, and determinedly dragged herself towards the exit.

There were gasps, whispers, yelps, and even a few exclamations. There were nervous giggles from students who thought she was partaking in some bizarre social experiments. Paige had almost made it to the door, when her right knee gave out, collapsing beneath the abusive pressure of her physique. Paige felt herself slowly sinking, and she could see the faces in her periphery, ogling her like a car wreck happening before their eyes.

She didn’t know it till that moment, but it was her worse nightmare come to fruition. Her cow-ears flapped bashfully, her tail waving in distress. Soon she was leaning heavily on her belly, which was perched on the floor tiles. She cried out as her udder was compressed, and did her best to stick her swollen ass into the air to take as much pressure off of it as she could.

People were snapping photos of her, coming in at all sides, cornering her there.

“Mooooo…” Paige attempted to plead with them, tried to duck away.

But if anything, she only drew more spectators, the crowd swelling as she mooed, groaned, and squirmed there on the floor.



Big fat cow girls don't literally collapse under their own mass often enough...