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Summary: An animal breeder is cursed to start personally giving birth to supply his pet shop with animals. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiple breasts.

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Tom brought Jack back to his ludicrously massive house.

In the living room, Jack stood against the wall, breathing heavily and arching slightly. His back was stiff, ill-equipped for the great weight it was carrying. His belly was huge and heavy. He looked due with fucking quad or quints. Squid eggs. Jack shuddered. He looked as though he had a beach ball attached to his torso.

His breasts were feeling rather heavy, the flesh tingling and nipples aching. He was almost worried he might start lactating again. The mounds felt full and warm, like he was producing milk. He gulped.

“You okay?” Tom asked as he undid his tie, dropping it onto the back of the couch.

“Just…trying to adjust,” Jack managed, grimacing.

Tom snorted. “Good luck.” He headed to the bar and began to pour himself a drink.

Jack glared at him. “You’re not much help,” he grumbled.

Tom downed his glass of wine then slithered over. His eyes looked bright, his face a bit flushed and rather devious. “Then let me.”

Jack gave a dubious look as Tom took his arms. “B-Bennett,” he managed, left with no choice but to lean heavily on the other man as he was pulled from the wall. He hooked his arms around Tom’s neck. “Nnggh, I’m about to pop,” he groaned.

“Then let go,” Tom murmured, carefully making Jack turn around in his arms, so Jack’s back was to his chest. He cradled Jack’s belly, either side of it. Eugh. Jack realized that it was wider than he was, like his belly was outgrowing him.

Jack gasped as he was pushed back into the wall, so his belly pressed into it. He groaned and cupped his mound, drawing in a shaky breath. “Careful,” he wheezed.

“Mmm.” Tom just seemed to press him harder. He reached up to cup Jack’s four breasts, fingers thoughtfully gliding over the swollen nipples until Jack’s eyes fluttered. “Oh, do you have something in here for me?” Tom murmured.

“Shut—nnghhh…” Jack moaned as two of his nipples were tweaked. “What are you doing?” he managed, wincing as his belly was squished yet harder, Tom’s body pressing fully against his.

“Trying to induce you.”

“Not working,” Jack mumbled back.

“Patience, Price.”

Jack almost smiled, but his face twisted as his nipples were roughly squeezed and tugged. “Stop it, you’re going to—”


“…going to make them leak,” Jack admitted weakly.

“Just let it go.”

Easy for you to say. Jack tensed up. “I just don’t want to fucking deal with it.” Jack somehow managed to extricate himself from where he was caged between Tom and the wall. The effort left him flushed and panting as he cupped the underside of his belly with both hands, feeling as though it might spill away from him, as heavy as it was. “Help me to bed,” he pleaded, feeling exhausted.

Tom wrapped his arm behind Jack’s waist, and obliged. It wasn’t long before the two were settled in Tom’s massive bed.

“How does it feel?” Tom inquired, prick that he was.

“Really full,” Jack grumbled. “And really fucking uncomfortable.” He tried fruitlessly to shift himself into a tolerable position, but his body was just so tight, pumped full to the brim with strange and inconvenient entity.

“We could try sex,” said Tom, perhaps, a little hopefully.

Jack huffed. “If one more thing is stuffed up there, I’m literally going to burst.” His belly gave a random heave, causing him to tense up, his face twitching. He slowly came down, managing to relax. He appreciated as Tom rubbed circles on the gigantic fucking mound in the sheets.

“A contraction?” Tom asked.

“Just a—spasm, I think,” Jack murmured wearily.

“Hm.” Tom leaned over, and Jack thought it was to coddle him some more, but instead Tom buried himself in Jack’s chest, licking, nipping, and sucking as Jack shivered. Tom climbed over Jack on all fours, the hard length of his erection jabbing against Jack’s swollen abdomen.

Jack couldn’t help arching as his breathing thinned, and as his own cock thickened and began to prod at the underside of his gut, smearing it with pre-come. He felt heat surging and blooming deep in his core, when a trickle of fluid brought him out of it. His nipples were stinging, and when Jack opened his eyes, he could see that a bead of milk had rolled down his lower left breast. “Fuck,” he hissed, pushing Tom away from him. “What did you do?” He groaned as his other nipples pulsed and stung. He knew they would be quick to follow the first one in leaking.

“Moving things along,” said Tom with indifference, and completely unrepentant.

“Just stop, you’re—I’m really overwhelmed right now,” said Jack, feeling weirdly embarrassed, almost prudish. But this was an extraordinary situation and Tom was happily exacerbating things. “Just let me fucking breathe.”

Tom’s face softened. “Fine,” he agreed.

So the two settled down for the second time that evening, and Jack tried his best to sleep.


“I feel like I can start giving birth right now,” said Jack, admittedly mortified. “But when I try, nothing comes out. But it all just feels really low and tight. Like they’ll start just popping out if I relax enough.”

“Then relax,” suggested Tom.

“You don’t get it,” said Jack, shifting his pelvis somewhat, trying to adjust the weight of his girth.

Tom was still trying to help him induce. Jack didn’t blame him. He looked like a whale. He felt like one. In fact, he felt like he should have been trying to birth at that moment. Over packed and overdue. That morning, Tom served him an overly spicy breakfast, that just had him gulping down fluids rather than pushing out squid eggs. Jack’s belly was straining by the time he finished his third glass of milk.

His breasts were getting bigger, no matter how much he tried to deny it. All because of his stupid, unbirthed squid, that had decided to use him as a personal incubator. Now his tits were hot, tender, and swollen. Bigger than they had ever been before. It made him uncomfortable, if not a little panicked. The four mounds had already been tricky to hide. And they were too tender to bind now.

Jack waddled over to the table, trying his best to breathe evenly from the exertion of the simple movements. He was wearing a stretch T-shirt that most of his gut bulged out of, a pair of boxers that stretched over his fuller-than-normal ass, and a thin robe thrown around his shoulders that had no hopes of closing. He allowed Tom to help him ease down in a chair. “Just want to get some work done.” He groaned once he was fully seated and rubbing the sides of his gut.

Tom nearly choked on his coffee. Bafflement was an amusing look on the posh man. “You want to go in to the shop?” he said in disbelief.

“I just want to distract myself.” Jack tiredly grabbed up a fancy roll. He slathered it with butter and began to gnaw on it.

“We have to figure out what we’re doing about this.” Tom nodded to Jack’s stomach.

Jack chewed thoughtfully, continuing to rub the side of his gut. He had no idea what to do. He didn’t even know how his situation even worked. Surgery seemed risky in various ways. He would be risking his health, his life, his money, and the continuation of the pregnancies. But his body was presently being pushed to its limits and he wasn’t going into labor. He felt so close—on the cusp. But it wasn’t enough. And what if the squid inside him laid another batch of eggs? He would be in serious trouble.

Jack ate slowly, every bite he swallowed adding tension to his abdomen, and yet he was ravenous. He tried to balance it out, taking frequent breaks and adjusting himself. He kneaded at gas with his fingers, hoping to open up a little more space.

He was only able to stop when he was a little pained, and felt on the verge of retching. Tom was watching him in fascination, and Jack could only assume he had made a complete pig of himself.

“Help me up,” Jack mumbled.

Tom came over, and wrapped his arms around what he could of him as Jack gripped the table as tight as he could. Jack took a deep breath, and together, they heaved. Jack groaned once he was on his feet, and Tom continued to hold him by the hips, keeping him stable. He allowed Jack to try to catch his breath.

Tom was pressed tightly behind him. Jack sighed and rested his head back on Tom’s shoulder. He felt Tom begin to rock gently, grinding against his backside with his growing erection.

“We should try it,” said Tom.

He was still trying to help induce labor. Or so he claimed.

It made sense. In fact, it was probably the only thing they hadn’t tried by that point. “Maybe,” said Jack, unwelcome to the prospect of another conference with Sturges, Simon, Dean, and Mindy, about the matter of him pushing out the next yield like a breeding farm animal. Like the prized pig that he had become.

Tom was grinding harder, his hands rubbing up and down Jack’s swollen flanks.

“You really are into this,” said Jack, almost skeptically. Tom welcomed him readily even as his transformation grew more grotesque. “God, you are such a freak,” Jack panted.

“Mm,” Tom agreed.

“More so than I am.”

“Right,” said Tom.


“Jack.” Tom cut him off.

Jack gripped the table harder as Tom slid his boxers down. “I’m just so stuffed,” he managed, reddening as Tom grabbed hold of him.

“Tell me when to stop.”

Jack didn’t.

A phone rang. By that point, Tom was inside of him. Tom panted and grasped haphazardly at the table. He somehow retrieved his cellphone and balanced it on his shoulder. “Hi Simon.”

Jack restrained a groan. His legs could barely hold him by then. He allowed his belly to press into the table, shifting some of the weight off his pelvis. Tom idly leaned on him, causing Jack to grunt.

“Yeah, we’re still discussing it,” Tom said breathlessly into the phone. He idly rubbed the side of Jack’s sweaty orb. “Of course we’re both concerned. I think he’s just hesitant to—ngghhh—” Tom broke off as Jack clenched, the phone dropping to the floor.

It was another spasm. Jack arched and moaned, his legs giving out. Tom tried to pin him there but they were both sinking.

“Jack,” said Tom, breathless and flushed. “Do you want me to…”

But Jack lost track of his words. His belly was tensing, swelling, pressing outward so forcefully every muscle in his body clenched and he feared he would burst. His four nipples leaked fat white droplets of milk, and he wasn’t in pain, but tears poured down his cheeks.

He came hard, splattering against the underside of his belly. Tom was quick to follow, as he gave an embarrassingly erratic moan. Afterwards they were both slumped on the ground, grasping each other for balance. Tom hadn’t slipped out, but was still inside him, soft and depleted.

It was a while before either had the energy or the confidence to verbalize words.

“Was that my fault?” Tom asked hoarsely, still an amusing contrast to his normally composed demeanor.

“I don’t think so,” Jack breathed out.

“We need to get back to veterinary clinic.”

“To waste time in indecision?”

Tom didn’t respond, he just waited for Jack to gather his energy, until he was ready to stand, then both got cleaned up.


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