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Note: This is a story-prompt for That-Other-Guy.

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Tim was relieved when the seatbelt sign finally went off. Between his strained bladder, and the jiggling display of stewardess Starla’s safety brief, he felt as though he was going to burst. He looked at his two friends who were in similar states of distress, when James blurted out—

“You should go first!”

Tim was just thankful they were in the front row since he was pitching a huge tent in his sweatpants. He waddled his way to the bathroom as quickly as he could, and managed to squeeze his fertile body through the narrow entrance. Once he had pulled down his pants, and managed to relieve himself, he couldn’t help examining the feel and girth of his gender. It was distinctly…thicker. Larger. He felt a combination of amazement and resentment. This had to be the scroll’s doing! Yet his fingers continued to absently explore the added girth of his dick, and the surprising fullness of his testicles. A quiet moan escaped his throat. He almost jumped when he heard a soft knocking on the bathroom door.

Tim started, “Occupi—”

“It’s me,” James’ voice called. He sounded a little meek. “I heard you groaning, and I um…I want in,” he whispered.

Tim froze, stunned. There was no denying what that meant. Yet for some reason, Tim found his fingers moving, reaching behind him to unlock the door, even though he knew full well what James was talking about.

Somehow Tim wanted—no, needed—another baby stuffed inside of him. He had to reclaim his title from Edward, but more viscerally, he needed more. He needed to be fuller. Tim released a soft hiss as James sidled up behind him. The door closed and locked with a soft click, and the two were truly squished inside of that small compartment, with no choice but to press against each other’s bodies.

Tim could feel James’ baby kick on his back. He almost giggled at the sensation. Then he felt James’ rock-hard erection, and was reminded of his own desperate body. He released a soft whimper.

James was thick. Long. Much larger than Tim could ever recall seeing his friend being. He had experienced growth as well. Tim released a shaky huff. “Do it,” he groaned out. “Slow. Gentle.” He felt his face burn with embarrassment. He couldn’t believe how needy he was—that he was practically begging for his friend’s cock.

James’ fingers practically shook as they settled on Tim’s bare hips. James shoved down his pants, and Tim was surprised that he could forego relieving his own bladder, but he supposed this situation was sufficiently distracting.

Tim couldn’t believe how hard he was—how hard they both were. He gasped as James pushed inside him, and it was like his body was made for James, sucking him in, so tight, yet welcoming. It felt as though he had already been prepared for him. Tim gasped and leaned forward, gripping the wall as James began to rock. Tim’s tits bobbed as his belly lurched, and he pushed harder into James’ thrusting body.

Both were gasping for breath when James came. Tim was drenched in sweat, and his friend’s orgasm easily triggered his own. He went rigid as he sprayed his seed into the toilet.

He felt his belly heating as James released an impossibly large load. James just poured and poured as Tim arched and groaned, feeling his stomach tighten, his belly button bulging larger than ever. His nipples ached and leaked as the pressure in his gut left him releasing a hoarse croak and he gripped the wall for dear life. His legs felt like they might buckle, but James held him tight around the hips.

Tim could actually feel his babies shifting, shoving higher to make room for their newest sibling. He groaned, clutching his mound with one of his hands. His face reddened in combined euphoria and discomfort as he felt his breasts tighten, droplets becoming squirts as they visibly swelled on his chest, heaving higher as they wobbled with his gasping breaths. His belly continued to visibly roll outwards.

It felt heavy and huge when it finally stopped, his body straining to support it in his awkward position. He was definitely bigger than both his friends now. His skin prickled from the pressure and growth, his mound wider than his torso, making him look as though he was overdue with triplets or more.

Somehow the two young men sunk down in a disorderly pile of sweaty limbs and flushed bulges, Tim rubbing at what he could of his mass, trying to recover from the exhausting growth spurt. He felt absolutely massive, and didn’t even want to think about getting up.

James reached out, idly rubbing along Tim’s belly with his thumb. He gave a sleepy, pleased look. “You’re carrying my baby,” he murmured.



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