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Tentacles in DeviantArt

Summary: Katie is impregnated with tentacles. Contains: Female: tentacle pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, egg laying, unbirthing, partial transformation, forcefeeding, stuffing, multiple breasts, and more.

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What happened next occurred so abruptly, Katie couldn’t have gotten any control of the situation, had she tried.

Her insides gave a twisting lurch, before pressure shot down to her groin, making her legs quiver. A tentacle shot out of her as the rodent attempted to scramble away. Katie nearly lost her balance as the tentacle gave a powerful jerk, before its head slammed down on the gerbil before it could get out of reach.

Katie could feel the tentacle sucking, pumping the gerbil in through its narrow opening, her face flushing, body sweating, as she watched the bizarre scene. The gerbil was still half-out, its little body still squirming for freedom. But then the tentacle pointed itself upwards, successfully using gravity to swallow the gerbil fully inside of it. A large lump began the slow process of working its way down the length of the tentacle, similar to what a snake went through when it swallowed a rodent whole. Each shift of the lump brought it closer to Katie’s opening. She watched on in silent horror, barely paying attention as two more gerbils were released into the room.

When the lump hit her, it came with a pressure that made her insides clench up and shift visibly beneath the sleek fabric of the skimpy gown she had on. Katie grunted and cupped her gut, staggering backwards until her back hit a wall. The tension was so jarring it took her a moment to breathe again. Afterwards, she was flushed and gasping, still contorted against the uncomfortable tension in her stomach. The tentacle lunged for another gerbil, making her groan in pain. But the remaining two rodents were just out of reach of it.

The room became silent except for Katie’s gasping breaths. The tentacle continued to writhe furiously. Katie worried it would come after her, but it remained intent on reaching the gerbils.

After several moments, the tentacle began to calm or tire. It retracted, almost angrily, causing Katie to yelp. She choked as some fluid came up her throat, then poured down her chin. More of the green slime, though thinner this time. She sunk down the wall and hugged herself, feeling pitifully resigned about her whole ordeal. She wasn’t going to move on to anywhere else. No amount of wandering had benefited her so far.

Across the room, the remaining gerbils continued to skitter around. She just hoped they didn’t come any closer.

On the adjacent wall, a door opened again, but this time, Katie ignored it. She put her head back against the cool wall, then stiffened as she heard footsteps approaching.

A small procession of—people?—walked into the room. About four of them, dressed in identical bronze uniforms, white helmets that covered all of their faces, and mitten-like gloves. Not a drop of skin was exposed, not through the tinted visors nor the nose filters.

They all stopped abruptly, regarded her, then looked around at each other.

“Subject is not thriving here,” said a voice that sounded automated, and Katie could not tell whether it was from one of the newcomers or from somewhere above her.

“If subject is not comfortable, subject will not thrive. If subject does not thrive, subject will not produce.”

“Subject would benefit from the presence of a familiar environment.”

There was a pause, the four masked people remaining stationary, oddly so. “It is decided.”

As three of the masked people remained stiffly frozen like marionette dolls, the fourth spun to face Katie so rapidly that it startled her.

“Subject will be sent to home. Subject will proceed like normal. Subject will not seek medical attention or other outside interference. Subject will be under constant surveillance.”

Katie stared. “You’re…letting me go?”

The masked person repeated: “Subject will be sent to home. Subject will proceed like normal. Subject will not seek medical attention or other outside interference. Subject will be under constant surveillance.”

Katie lightly shook her head, as she rose on quavering legs. “Who are you?” she wanted to know. “What is this?” her voice raised as she motioned to her abdomen. “Take it out of me!”

But the masked person hardly reacted, except to say, “Prepare subject for departure.”

And as one, the four masked figures made their way towards Katie, barely moving, practically levitating. She struggled as their mittens took hold of her arms, and she screamed in protest. “Let me g—!”

Something contacted with the back of her neck. She didn’t know whether it was pain or pressure, or just a sensation of temperature. She just registered contact, and her eyelids dropped. She held onto consciousness for just a moment longer, and then she was swaying in blissful reprieve of the madness transpiring around and within her.

When Katie awoke, she felt warm and rather comfortable. She opened her eyes and found herself back in her own living room.

For a fleeting instant, she felt the relief that it had all been a dream. That she was an average girl, with a great job, a loving boyfriend, and a fit body.

But as the fogginess cleared, and she truly looked around, she came to realize the odd little differences about the place, and the fact that she was…submerged…in something. A warm pool of water, the water pulsing gently without provocation. The water was a dark green hue, like that of the lake. And it was in the middle of her living room—a hot tub that had been arbitrarily implanted into the floor. “What the fuck…” Katie breathed the words.

Something was tickling her foot. “Oh god,” she groaned, as the tentacle breached the water, splashing her.

She could still feel the awkward discomfort of her rounded belly, and the tenderness of her breasts, and her stinging nipples. Of course she couldn’t have gotten off so easily.

The tentacle shot out towards her, and Katie just flinched as it smacked into her chest, going right for one of her nipples.

She couldn’t help shuddering as its sucker went to work, pulling and tugging her nipples, causing her thighs to twitch as spikes of heat and pleasure shot through her gut. “Nnnghhh…” Katie tried to protest as the tentacle moved on to her next nipple, but she felt herself arching, thrusting her chest out. This was all too much—everything she was going through. She needed to form a plan, to get the hell out of this tub, and—“Ohhhh…” The tentacle had moved on to the skin under her right breast, which was more sensitive than both her nipples, bizarre as that was. Her breast jiggled slightly as the tentacle wobbled and worked beneath it, Katie in a tense state, on the cusp of orgasm. She felt an impossible amount of pressure hit her loins as something slid slowly down to occupy it. But the tentacle—the tentacle was already—! She gasped for breath, twisted, and groaned.

She came, just as something new popped out of her opening, and the tentacle assaulting her body with bruising sucks moved on to the puffy spot beneath her left breast.

Katie’s skin was burning, her hips twitching in pleasure despite how disturbed she was by what she was becoming.

“Hooo…hahhh…hahhh…” she puffed, opening her eyes, and only then becoming aware of the fact that a second tentacle was presently stroking along in the water. A second tentacle had come out of her.

Katie jerked back in alarm, the tentacle on her chest detaching in the same movement. She found herself scrambling back, practically falling out of the hot tub, then sprawled back on her living room floor, naked, wet, with two six-foot tentacles protruding out of her sleek, straining vagina.

“Fuh…fuck…” she panted, climbing up to all fours, and grimacing at the awkwardness of maneuvering with the tense pressure on her torso. She cupped her belly and slowly got up to her feet, awkwardly wobbling to her bedroom, even with the two tentacles streaming after her.

She couldn’t believe it had—doubled? One was trouble enough. Just the sensation of both stuffed inside, occupying her passage, made her knees feel as though they might buckle with each precarious step she took forward.

Once in her bedroom, she quickly grabbed some clothes, not caring to wipe off the strange green fluid she had just been submerged in. She was surprised when her top immediately fit over her expanse, but that was a matter she would worry about later. She hopelessly deliberated over several pairs of pants, before finding a skirt that she didn’t really recognize. Rather than waiting and negotiating for the tentacles to go back inside her, the pulled the skirt down atop her head, then over her waist. She had no choice but to go without panties. The two tentacles in the meantime hovered around, as though observing her.

Katie turned to the mirror and took in her sorry appearance. She didn’t know how long she had been gone, but her belly bulge made her look as though she was nine months pregnant. Actually at term, with child. The tank top she was wearing covered her belly, though only just. She had pulled it on hastily without thinking about putting on a bra, and as she stared at the mounds on her chest, she realized that they barely necessitated support. They were round, plump, and faultless. They had to be nearly D-cups by then; such a change from the anthills that had been perched there before.

Her nipples were prominently distended, and felt a little sore, undoubtedly from the recent abuse. The skin beneath her breasts felt tender and bruised, and was surely still puffy from the special attention it seemed to be getting.

Katie uneasily trailed her finger over her bulging belly button. She absently turned to her side. In the short, spandex skirt she was wearing, she couldn’t help noticing how plump her backside was getting behind her.

Katie tensed as one of the tentacles began to move in her over-packed opening, slithering slowly and leaving her gripping the dresser. She breathed heavily as it made a slow progression back inside her, her belly tightening gradually as she fidgeted and grimaced, cupping the mound as it bulged in places. The second tentacle followed, but jerked into her body much more rapidly. She yelped, staggered, and nearly fell down.

Katie panted quietly. She looked even bigger now, her top stretching more snugly, a sliver of skin beginning to peek out beneath the hem. She couldn’t believe how tight she was.

But then, the original tentacle—well both—had appeared larger, and thicker, in congruence with her rapidly growing midsection. Undoubtedly it would continue to grow, and things would continue to get worse.

Katie bowed her head in fatigue. Her mind wandered, and she couldn’t help thinking about the facility, and the helplessness of being a captive there, with no hint of escape, and no awareness of what would happen to her there. She didn’t want that the happen again. She didn’t think she could survive it. She had been let free, if only partly—still a prisoner to the tentacle monster, as far as she was concerned—but had left all the other women behind, to continue to be subject to the dubious experimentation there.

Katie wished she had garnered a hint of where the facility had been. The overseers had been scrupulous in keeping that a secret. Now she deeply wanted to contact the police. Katie paused, then hurriedly began to rummage in her middle dresser drawer, where she tended to keep her cell phone. She was stunned when she felt her hand close around it. She lifted it to her face. The lock screen notified her of several missed text messages and calls.

They were all from Matt.


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