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Summary: Aiden is livestock on a farm, and every day produces five or so unfertilized eggs, which the farm sells as food with their other products. But when the farm gets esteemed visitor, Dean Chambers, Dean chooses Aiden as a bed-mate, and Aiden has no choice but to produce fertilized eggs, which are not sellable. When Dean leaves, the farmer gives Aiden hormones to double his egg output to make up for lost time, which makes it harder for Aiden to lay his eggs in a timely manner. Even worse, Dean unexpectedly returns, again causing Aiden’s eggs to become fertilized, and Dean isn’t too keen about letting Aiden lay them. Contains: Male: belly expansion, pregnancy, egg laying, breast expansion, stuffing, and more.

Previous Chapter


Aiden knew it was unnatural to breed this way. It seemed strange and illicit.

There was a sudden cracking noise that was oddly accompanied by a sharp tension in Aiden’s breast—both of them, actually. He cupped at his breasts as his tank top stretched harder against them, aching nipples bulging sorely, moisture seeping into his top. He felt his flesh tighten, and he groaned.

His attention shifted to one of the eggs, which had developed a long crack against its face. Dean lifted it.

“It won’t be long now,” Dean murmured, and as if in response, the egg cracked more, and Aiden’s breasts accordingly swelled.

“Fuuhh…” Aiden wheezed.

Dean’s lip quirked. Despite Aiden’s clear distress, he pushed the egg towards him, and Aiden had no choice but to cradle it to his chest. It cracked yet further, practically disintegrating as it made contact with Aiden’s heated flesh. All that remained was a flushed—infant. It squirmed a few moments as it took its first gulps of air, and then it released a sharp wail.

Aiden fumbled as the weight of the newborn sunk against him, not hard and firm like the egg, but wriggly, fleshy, and rather slimy. It pressed against his softness, into the crease of his breasts. Aiden winced as it began to pat and grip at him with its soft little hands, began to mouth at his flesh in search. Aiden was again assaulted with the acute awareness that all of these things were babies.

And this was the first.

He’d had—a baby.

He stood stunned.

Dean reached over, adjusting the infant in his arms into a more secure position. The baby began to nurse, to Aiden’s increased discomfort. “My first born,” Dean mused aloud. “Hm…a boy.” He seemed pleased, but only mildly. Certainly not at the level of an ordinary new parent.

“Oh,” said Aiden, still rather numb. He idly stroked the newborn’s back with his fingers.

“Of course, you won’t have to feed them all,” continued Dean blithely. “I have staff for that. Wet nurses and such.”

Aiden blinked, trying to process how he felt about that.

Dean wrapped his arm behind Aiden’s waist. “Come. I would like some words with you.”

A servant seemed to swoop in from out of nowhere, and detached the newborn from Aiden’s chest, taking it from his arms, as the baby cried in protest. As she swept off, Aiden couldn’t help noticing how chesty the servant was. “Wait…” he started.

But Dean was already leading him off, and Aiden had no choice but to waddle along with him.

“Do you know how rare layers are?” said Dean, as Aiden panted quietly, his breasts gently dripping and rocking, his belly bulging out before him. “Even rarer are they layers who become breeders,” Dean went on. “You’re giving me everything and more.”

Aiden couldn’t respond, he just gave a weak nod. He wasn’t sure what he would have said had he been capable of words.

“So I want to try something,” said Dean. He finally stopped and turned to face Aiden. He was nicer these days, always communicative and polite. It made Aiden uneasy.

“Oh?” Aiden managed, when it was clear that Dean was waiting for invitation to continue.

“I propose that you give birth to all the eggs you are currently carrying,” said Dean, reaching down to cup the side of Aiden’s round belly. “I know it is a lot of work. Afterwards, you can carry just one more fertilized egg.”

“One…egg at a time?” said Aiden, hopeful. It would be like back on the farm. No more of this congestion and burden.

“No,” said Dean. “Just one more egg. For me.”

Aiden was confused. “Does this mean that my…employment is ending?” he said, the concept more sweet than bitter, yet altogether odd. Why would Dean close a 10-year contract in its infancy?

“We will stop the induction drug,” said Dean.

“What?” Aiden responded. He wouldn’t have to lay anymore? Not at all?

“Temporarily, if you prefer,” said Dean with a sly look that Aiden didn’t quite understand. “The point is, that you will stop the induction drug and carry only one egg for me. My last egg. We will work on nourishing this one egg to prime condition for birthing. It will get the best nutrition, the best stimuli, you will exercise adequately and carry it longer than any of the others. It must be strong.”

“Your heir,” said Aiden.

Dean nodded.

“How long?” asked Aiden. How long would he be expected to carry it?

“Weeks,” said Dean. “Perhaps longer.”

“I might get big…” said Aiden uneasily.

“Undoubtedly,” Dean agreed. “But it would be worth it. After this last egg, your laying days would be over.”

Aiden chewed his bottom lip. “What if I can’t birth it?”

To this concern, Dean simply raised an eyebrow. “Oh, I have faith in you.”


Aiden took the night to think about it.

He was nervous. It just didn’t seem like a good idea. What if something went wrong?

But he would be released from almost a full ten years of his contract to Dean. He would have his life back. In fact, Dean had already cut Aiden’s servitude in half just by liberating him from his twenty-year contract on Roscow’s farm. And now he was offering another amazing opportunity.

Then there was the matter of the infants…

If Aiden was freed from his contract with Dean, what would happen to his offspring? He didn’t think he could just abandon them. What was Dean even planning to do with them all?

Finally, there was the matter that Aiden couldn’t even imagine going back to his old life. He had been a skinny loser, constantly getting into trouble, with no prospects for a future. Sure, he had the gene, but that had been kept a secret within his family. It was rare and no one ever went public with that sort of thing. It was dangerous and embarrassing. Aiden had never imagined he would actually start using the ability to pay off debts—that he would become round and matronly, and actually—laying eggs. But now he couldn’t imagine a life without his use of his unique ability. He didn’t think he could go back to the way he had been before.

Aiden approached Dean tentatively in the living room that evening, while Dean was reading the paper and taking his tea. Dean urged him to sit down, which Aiden did, gingerly. He grimaced slightly as he rubbed at his swollen abdomen. He had developed several new eggs throughout the day, but had been so distracted and anxious, he hadn’t remembered to lay any. He was beginning to resemble a woman with three live babies inside of her, nearly at term. He knew the congestion wasn’t good. Aiden shifted slightly, spreading his thighs. “Would I still be able to…see them?” he forced out.

“The children? Well yes. We can put that in the agreement,” said Dean. He sounded so sincere, so unlike the Dean Chambers who had just shown up on the farm and demanded the use of Aiden’s body.

What if this was all an act? What if it was working?

Aiden pressed his lips.

He couldn’t imagine carrying a single egg for weeks, let alone for months. But Dean always seemed to get his way. If Aiden refused, Dean would likely just purchase another layer to carry his heir, while making Aiden suffer ten years of continuous, overlapping pregnancies. Aiden might even be constantly congested to the point of bursting, as Dean seemed to prefer it.

Going along with Dean’s request seemed to be the lesser of two evils.

So Aiden nodded, and a pleased smile slowly spread across Dean’s face.


If Aiden was going to do this, he was going to do it right.

He spent all of the following day struggling to birth.

After the first three, he was already exhausted. But he knew he had to produce more. A lot more, if he only wanted to be left with one fresh egg.

After Aiden had spent half the day in the bathroom, Dean came in, presumably to check on him. When he saw what Aiden was up to, he smirked. “Getting a head start?”

Aiden gave him a weary look. “I’m—mmgghhh—enthused.”

Aiden was surprised when Dean quickly stripped out of his clothes, climbing into the warm tub behind him.

Dean wrapped his arms about Aiden’s midsection, cradling Aiden’s belly, which had shrunk down somewhat. “Mm, progress,” he murmured, giving a gentle squeeze that caused Aiden to squeak.

The two spent the rest of the day in the tub together, occasionally calling in servants to bring a snack or heat up the water. By late that evening, Aiden’s stomach was flat for the first time in quite a long time. He slumped back on Dean’s chest, completely boneless, his skin flushed and breathing coming out thin. His joints ached and his hole burned, and he felt oddly gutted.

“Now just to wait,” Dean murmured as Aiden’s eyes drifted closed.

When Aiden produced one more egg, the last egg, Dean’s heir, he would take an inhibitor, just a single dose. It would block any residual induction hormone in Aiden’s system and prevent him from producing any additional eggs for the time being. It would be just the one. Still, an odd concept for Aiden.

“Mmm,” Aiden agreed sleepily, sliding Dean’s hands low on his stomach. He drifted off to sleep.


He didn’t know how he got to Dean’s bed, but when he awoke, he was there, tucked under the blankets.

He could feel the faint, almost comfortable, tension of a solitary egg sitting low in his belly. It was so small and new. Aiden reached into his comforter and cradled the slight convex of his skin there. He glanced to his side, where Dean lay, peacefully asleep, facing him.

Aiden rolled over slightly to face the nightstand on his side of the bed. He reached inside the drawer, wrapping his hand around the small pill container there. He popped off the cap, lifted it to his mouth, and forced the single pill down his dry throat. The inhibitor.

Dean stirred. “Ready?” he opened his eyes as he reached under the blanket, to Aiden’s stomach, where his fingers fruitlessly stroked along in search of evidence of the lone egg. Aiden caught his wrist, stilling his hand against the vague curve.

Aiden nodded.

“Hm.” Dean pushed Aiden down on his front against the mattress, perhaps enjoying how much easier it was now that the layer wasn’t so round. “Just to fertilize then.”


Breakfast was milk, sweet fruit, vitamins, and a large scramble of chicken eggs funnily enough.

By brunch, Aiden was still full from breakfast, but he obligingly forced down the large shake Dean gave him. It was thick, sweet, creamy, and buttery, and it had a chemical aftertaste. It was undoubtedly packed with more vitamins.

By afternoon, Aiden had produced no additional eggs. The inhibitor had worked. He felt a physical compulsion to push the single egg inside of him. It was just a natural instinct, made all the easier by the egg’s newness, and its small size. It was a prime time for birthing it, but Aiden fought the need.

He sat firmly in a hard, wooden chair, breathing as his insides contracted gently. Dean summoned him, but he hardly wanted to get up.

He walked, despite it, to Dean’s room, clutching his ass with his hand to find Dean sprawled naked on his bed.

In a matter or moments, Dean was fucking him and yet blocking him, nudging the egg hard and deep, as though he wanted to pump as much DNA into it as possible, not that that made any sense. The egg was already fertilized. In fact, there was no pragmatic explanation for them to continue to have sex. Yet Aiden went along with it, because it made his nipples tingle pleasantly, as his breasts bobbed, and hot tension ricocheted around in his body. The sensation to push never faded, but it was easier during that session, and in the coming days, as the egg grew.

In the following days and weeks, Aiden found it refreshing to be slim again. He actually began to enjoy going out, and pigging out, and showing off his small bump at Dean’s high society events. He continued to consume the shakes as ordered, four times a day, and he even got used to the taste. It made his skin warm and his breasts tingle. His nipples always dripped some droplets of milk in the minutes that followed.

His body was changing, but more steadily this time. His breasts were fat, bloated D-cups, nipples continually erect. His ass was plump behind him, round and full but not obscenely large. His belly was a gentle curve, that resembled a stomach five months into a pregnancy. And Aiden felt good. In fact, this was the best he had felt in a long while. Dean seemed to gaze on him with a twisted sort of pleasure, but Aiden didn’t mind. This was his last job, and then he would be his own man again—wherever that would lead him.


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