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Note: This is a female version of Tentacles.

Summary: Katie is impregnated with tentacles. Contains: Female: tentacle pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, egg laying, unbirthing, partial transformation, forcefeeding, stuffing, multiple breasts, and more.

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Brad stood frozen as Connor groaned and the tentacle swayed above him, back and forth, methodically. To Connor, it was being rather tame. But to Brad, it was the most insane thing he had ever seen. The tentacle began to close in on Brad, hovering inches from his face, as though to examine him. It seemed longer than ever, perhaps seven feet, if not more. Brad took a step back, and it just trailed farther out of Connor, the head twitching here and there as it swayed from Brad’s right eye to his left.

Then suddenly, unexpectedly, the tentacle withdrew, its length retracting. Connor grunted as its head popped back into his opening and disappeared.

Connor panted as he rubbed his belly, shifting on his sore ass. “That isn’t even the worst of it,” he groaned.

Brad was pale and speechless. He seemed certain that it was he who had lost his mind.

“Brad, stay with me,” said Connor, pulling down his sweater. He continued to hold the underside of his belly. “I need your help.”

Brad lightly shook himself. “Yes…of course,” he said, in a daze. “The first course of action would be…oh…oh god. What…was that?” He began to pace and ran his hand through his hair, seeming confused and distressed.

“Brad, you have to hold yourself together!” Connor insisted, continuing to take deep breaths. “Just imagine what I’m going through. All of this is happening to me.” His voice quavered and he cursed himself. Man up.

“Right, right,” said Brad, trying to control his anxiety. He stopped pacing and turned to face Connor. “I’m so sorry Connor. First we’ll do bloodwork. A sonogram. A full workup. Let’s figure out what’s going on in there. Does that sound good to you?”

“Yes,” said Connor wearily.

Brad offered him his hand, and Connor took it, heaving himself off the couch with some difficulty. Once he was upright, he tried to give Brad a hug, but it was awkward, his belly serving as a barrier between them. The contents of it lurched, and he could feel Brad tense.

“So this is all…real?” said Brad. “Not some crazy gag?”

“No joke,” said Connor flatly.

They stared at each other for a while longer, until Brad’s brows lowered somewhat, and he took Connor’s chin to tilt his face back. For some reason he was staring at Connor’s mouth.


“Are you feeling all right?” Brad said.

“Of course not,” said Connor, with a wry smile.

“I mean…your lips. They look…”


Raising his pointer finger to indicate for him to wait, Brad pulled away and left the room. He returned a few moments later with a hand mirror, which he held up to Connor’s face.

Connor peered at his reflection. It took him a moment to figure out what was off, but once he did, he wasn’t sure how he had missed it in the first place.

His lips had taken on a greenish hue.


Laying back on the medical table, Connor lifted his sweater. He frowned at the way his mound bulged from his slim frame as it gently heaved with his breathing. Or maybe it wasn’t with his breathing. Perhaps it was heaving on its own.

Spurting a cool blue gel against Connor’s abdomen, Brad began to rub the probe against the mass. On the screen, he produced largely the same image that Connor had seen himself when he had run a sonogram a few hours before. A large, tangled mass of tentacles. Brad paled as he stared, continuing to search for anything beyond them, for any miniscule difference that might offer the two insight on what was happening, but there was nothing. Eventually, Brad turned the screen off.

“Your bloodwork came back normal,” he said, taking Connor’s shoulder and squeezing it slightly. “All tests presented as normal. Your vitamin levels are all average to high. Chemically speaking, you’re perfectly healthy, but…physically…” He trailed off, continuing to observe Connor’s swollen body. “Is it okay if I do a physical exam?”

“Do whatever you think is necessary,” Connor insisted.

Brad nodded, and with his gloved hands, he began to press along Connor’s abdomen, Connor groaning as the tentacles squirmed in response. Brad must have gotten used to the strange movements by then because he neither tensed nor withdrew.

Connor was still surprised that the tentacles were being so well behaved. Only once had a tentacle come out of him since his arrival at Brad’s house. It was a relief to have a break from their assaults and ministrations, but it was also a little unnerving. Why the sudden decrease in activity?

Brad finished up with Connor’s stomach exam. He nodded to Connor’s unusual chest. “Do you mind if I…?”

Understanding, Connor unbuttoned the top of his sweater, exposing the plump DD-cup mounds that had been non-existent only a few days before. Brad paused to stare, and Connor followed his gaze. He gasped at the sight of his nipples. Like his lips, they had become green.

“What’s happening to me?” Connor said in distress.

“I don’t know,” responded Brad gently. He began to do a breast exam, which was a whole new experience for Connor. “The texture seems mostly normal,” Brad said. “Except the skin is extraordinarily plump and fatty for breast tissue. Your nipples are also…unusually large.” Connor groaned as Brad squeezed and rolled one between his fingers, his back arching, his belly button seeming to distend.

“They’re also extremely…sensitive,” said Connor in embarrassment.

Brad nodded. He lifted Connor’s breasts upwards and blinked at what was beneath them. “Have you always had these moles?” He certainly had no recollection of them.

“What moles?” said Connor weakly.

Brad took Connor’s hands and guided them to the pudgy roll of flesh just beneath his breasts. He could feel a large mole on each side, in alignment with his nipples.

“No…I…” Connor was stunned. “These weren’t here yesterday.”

Brad frowned but said nothing.

“What do you think?” said Connor, trying to keep his voice calm. “Cancer?”

“I couldn’t say,” Brad admitted. “Connor, I believe that we’re dealing with alien biology here. A lot of strange things are happening to you. I am just as lost as you are.”

“But you can help?” said Connor.

“I’ll do my best,” Brad responded. He gave a forced smile, before sliding Connor’s sweater back down over his abdomen. He placed a gentle hand on Connor’s hip. “The last part of the exam.”

Grimacing, Connor nodded.

For this part of the exam, he was helped off the table, then turned to face it, clutching it as Brad gently shifted his sweatpants down.

Brad pushed the tips of two fingers through Connor’s incredibly plump ass and into his opening as Connor groaned. Brad carefully inched his fingers farther and farther, feeling for other abnormalities. Feeling for – the creature.

“Brad…” Connor grunted. He was going to agitate it. His breathing began to thin.

Brad withdrew his hand. He pulled off his gloves. “It’s okay Connor, I’m done.” He rubbed his arm.

But Brad didn’t seem to understand just how powerful the tentacles were. Connor dropped his head to his hands and quietly thanked him, but he felt less safe than he had ever felt before.


Brad set Connor up in a guest room. He strapped some monitors around his belly that would measure his growth rate, activity, and temperature as he slept.

Not that he was getting any sleep. Connor spent that night tossing and turning, his belly throbbing. He could physically see it, swelling, sinking, swelling, sinking. Full, and heavy, and ridden with those uncomfortable lurches. Connor tried several different positions, but he could not sleep through the sensations of what he knew to be his body growing. Beads of sweat formed above his brow.

He sighed and stared at the mound perched on his torso. Though the tentacles continued to squirm within him, they had still not bothered to come out. It was strange and unsettling. He felt like something bad was going to happen that night.

“Errrghhh…” Connor grunted at a sudden sensation of tightness in his abdomen. His stomach bloated, his belly button swelling outward, as he panted and rubbed at the tension-filled mass. He fumbled to untie the now-tight strap holding the monitors in place, but it was no use. It was happening again. “Grrghhhh…” Connor groaned as he was hit with another surge of pressure.

He climbed off the bed and staggered out of the room, his round bottom rocking, and plump breasts bobbing on his chest. He was dressed in some of Bradley’s clothes – a stretched undershirt his belly bulged entirely out of, and an equally stretched pair of shorts, several inches of his ass-crack protruding over the band. He was too disoriented to remember where any of the bathrooms were, but opened each door he passed, hoping to find one. He was slightly hunched as he proceeded, opening door after door, fearful that he would not make it in time. Now the strap was digging into his flesh, veins rising and sinking against the bloated mass. Sweating and gasping, Connor burst through a new door – it was the kitchen.

The strap snapped, the monitors falling at his feet. His belly button was pulsating, looking the size of a tangerine by then. “Oh…goddd…” Connor groaned, gripping his belly and eying the sink. He looked overdue with triplets by then, his belly heaving up and down with its growth and his breathing.

He staggered to a chair and pushed it to the large sink. He turned the sink on then climbed upon the chair, before pulling down his shorts and perching himself in the growing puddle of water.

It was like something inside him unlocked. Connor groaned as the pressure surged down to his hole, something shifting, working its way through him as he tensed and struggled, finally feeling an egg begin to crown. Why did this one feel so large? “C’mon…ngghh…gnnnhh…” He groaned, panting and sweating. His clothes were pasted to his bloating body, shoulders trembling and nipples wiggling. He gripped his belly as it heaved and bobbed.


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