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Summary: An animal breeder is cursed to start personally giving birth to supply his pet shop with animals. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, lactation, multiple breasts.

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Simon was pale and stunned. He had fallen speechless and looked certain that he had lost his mind.

Jack lowered his shirt, this time resigning his efforts to hunch or wrap his blazer around himself. He let his belly stick out visibly in the stretched material. He let his four breasts protrude outwards, nipples visible against the thin cotton.

And suddenly the three of them were on the phones, waking people up, making quick deals with the local aquariums, zoos, and pet shops, keeping the best of the inventory while trying to sell their surplus in large bundles by the species.

Simon would often go back to the tanks and survey what they had, sometimes giving hasty instructions on dividing the more vulnerable eggs. Other times Simon would throw glances at Jack. At his breasts, his gut, before remembering the task at hand. The three were on the phones into the morning and weren’t near done.

Tom and Simon continued to speculate on what to do with the aquatic creatures that had no value as pets, and Jack stopped them at the suggestion of food suppliers. He looked nauseated and exhausted.

“No,” said Jack flatly.

Tom tried to digress. “And then there are the breeds that we have to be careful about offering up for sale. The whale shark is an endangered species,” he noted.

“We have to release them,” said Jack. “Into the ocean. Some of the—inventory—are river-dwellers, but you’ll pass two rivers on the way to the beach.”

“Me?” said Tom, slightly appalled. He did like to get hands-on from time to time, but this was pushing things. “Jack, the closest beach is a twelve-hour drive from here. I’m not even sure how we would go about the transport.”

“Simon will advise us,” said Jack with a glare.

Tom took in Jack’s pink cheeks, his short breaths. His nerves were fringed and he seemed a jittery mess. “Fine,” he grumbled, pulling Jack in, allowing the other man to slump against him. “I’ll do it.” He basked in the sensation of Jack’s belly, bloated round even after he had given birth. His hands slid up to Jack’s waist as the other man sagged. He was so awkwardly chubby. It was cute.

“I think we’ve done all we can for the time being,” said Simon awkwardly, and Jack stiffened as he was reminded of the spectator in the room. “We should all get some rest. Our new partners will begin to pick up their shares of the inventory in the next few hours, but I’m sure your staff can handle it.”

Jack detached himself from Tom and agreed.

Dean and Mindy were just arriving as the three departed. Tom gave a nod and Jack flatly ignored them, as Simon hung back to give instructions on the new inventory they would undoubtedly be baffled by.

Tom and Jack got into his car, Jack releasing a sigh as Tom started the engine.

“It could have been worse,” Tom suggested. It could have been a breed, like the pups, that necessitated constant nursing.

Jack ignored him and closed his eyes as Tom drove slowly. Within minutes, Jack’s body had completely relaxed, and he seemed to be getting a doze. Tom almost felt guilty as he pulled into Jack’s driveway.

As he stared at Jack’s unconscious form, Tom couldn’t help anguishing over all they had to do now. On top of his being volunteered to make an hours-long trip to the nearest shore and back, there would be meetings with investors and partners, conference calls, paperwork, inventory tallying, transports, and Simon would need all the support he could get in preserving the eggs.

It was a lot to juggle on top of maintaining Jack’s secret. Just the thought of it was exhausting. It was hardly possible, if Tom really thought about it. Not with spectators hanging around.

“Jack,” said Tom quietly.

Jack grimaced in his sleep. His eyes opened slowly. He noticed that he was clutching his belly, frowned, and removed his hands.

Tom replaced Jack’s hands with his own, cupping the plump mound. “We have to tell your employees.”

Jack stiffened at this. “Dean and Mindy? Fuck no.”


“You must be out of your mind. Who’s next? Should I call the state governor?”

“There’s no other way,” Tom argued. “Do you know how many hours of work this is going to be just between the three of us?”

Jack’s face contorted in fury, but he restrained himself from anymore obscenities. He opened the car door and heaved himself out. Tom followed him inside, but found himself being ignored for the remainder of the day.

The following morning, Tom set off, as agreed, on a ceaseless road trip he only got through by distracting himself with calls to more potential partners and investors. He just kept reminding himself how much money this inventory would bring in compared to the previous. There was just so much of it. Fish eggs—it was just brilliant.

After the covert dumping of specimens at a few different sites, Tom was utterly drained. The tanks had been obscenely difficult to handle, and he wasn’t exactly one for manual labor. He spent the night at one of the hotels his family owned where he slept for an indulgent ten hours, before waking up and driving back to town without taking any rest stops.

Two cups of coffee in hand (both his own), Tom went to the pet shop and shoved his way into Jack’s office.

Jack looked up from the paperwork he was poring over. He no longer looked stressed and exhausted, but relaxed—calm.

He raised his brow at Tom. “I didn’t realize you were into road-trips, Bennett. I try to leave the grunt work to the grunts. Don’t you think Dean would have been willing to do it? Or anyone of dubious moral character?”

Tom grimaced. “If only someone hadn’t begged me to.”

“I don’t recall that,” Jack quickly cut in. “And what I’m trying to say is—fine. I agree.” He gulped. “We’ll tell them.”

Thank fuck. Tom thought.

They decided to share Jack’s secret much the way they had done with Simon, as both Tom and Jack were doubtful that Jack’s young employees would believe anything less explicit.

They called Dean and Mindy into Jack’s office the following morning, before the shop had opened. Jack was back to looking a combination of terrified and mortified, and Tom couldn’t help feeling pleased with it all.

“I know you both have been wondering where the, ehm, new inventory has been coming from,” Tom started, as Jack folded his arms against himself, looking dour and nauseous. “None of the partnerships with the usual breeders have been renewed this season. You might have suspected the shop was getting its pet supply through some illegal means,” Tom went on. Jack was practically quivering beside him.

“This is about the drug funneling?” said Dean flippantly. “It explains the money, the increased business, your constant presence. All of Jack’s—changes. I mean, look me in the eye and try to tell me he isn’t strung out.” He nodded to his clammy boss.

Mindy shrugged and grinned, all but expressing her agreement with Dean.

“Not at all,” said Tom calmly. “Jack’s not on drugs. I’m not—supplying them, or laundering money, or whatever you think this is. Jack has simply been producing the inventory, physically. Amazingly enough, he carried and gave birth to the last batch of kitten and puppies, and all the aquatic eggs that we just acquired the other day.”

Dean and Mindy stared at them for a moment, blank-faced, confused. Finally, Dean began to chuckle. “They’re both high,” he said, and Mindy peered at Tom and Jack in concern.

And suddenly Jack was moving, hastily jerking off his blazer, unbuttoning his shirt, so that his upper most pair of breasts were exposed.

Dean choked mid-laugh, and Mindy stood in frozen shock.

But Jack continued undoing his buttons, until his second pair of breasts protruded outwards as well. He stopped there, but the curve of his belly was clear in the way is pressed against the thin material. He stood stiffly allowing his employees to gawk at him, and Tom finally began to feel sympathy uncoil in his chest.

A full moment passed of tense, awkward silence.

Finally Mindy managed, “Are—are you p-pregnant now?”

Jack drew a deep breath. “Most…likely,” he mumbled.

Dean swore under his breath, and Mindy actually began to back away. She turned on her heel and bolted from the room as though she was being chased. Dean silently shook his head. He opened his mouth, then closed it.

“I’ll give you both the night,” Jack said, his cheeks pink. “Either you’re in or you’re out. So come prepared to work in the morning or hand in your letters of resignation. And if you come to work, I’ll make sure it’s worth your while. And if you try telling anyone else about this—well I doubt they’d believe you.”

Dean hesitated for just a moment and then he left as well.


When they got back to Jack’s house later that afternoon, Jack spent most of his time pacing, clearly anxious about what had transpired at the shop. Tom did not know how long Jack had been working with his young employees, and didn’t know if he was particularly attached, but he was certainly concerned about the outcome of all this. And Tom knew that Jack wanted them on board.

“Sit, relax,” said Tom, after Jack’s second hour of pacing. “Think of the baby animals.”

Jack threw him a look of disgust.

Nevertheless, he settled himself on the bed. Tom brought him one of the nutritional shakes he had picked up at the local supplement shop.

The next morning, Jack sat in his office glaring at his tightly entwined knuckles. Both Tom and Jack looked up when they heard a light knocking on the office door.

“Come in,” Jack called.

Dean came in, practically dragging Mindy along behind him. “We’re in,” said Dean, looking extremely disturbed. Mindy wouldn’t even meet Jack’s eyes. “But you’re going to have to pay up.”

Jack didn’t look it, but Tom could tell that he was relieved.


In the days that followed, Jack was ambitious, productive, and surprisingly pleasant. But then, his body wasn’t burdened by a heavy litter of animals. At least not yet. He seemed happy to have his full mobility back, despite the jolly roundness of his belly. Tom liked to see him like that. One morning, in the office, Jack held his belly as he snickered at something Tom had said. They were making quips about Dean and Mindy, both of whom had been acting awkward and detached since the week before when Jack’s secret had been revealed.

Jack was taking advantage of the revelation, if unconsciously. There was less of a demand for discretion. He became less self-conscious about his weight, allowing his belly to stick out, unhidden. And during closing hours, when the small group was cleaning up and counting funds, he even walked around with no hunch, no blazer, and absolute nothing to hide the four plump breasts protruding in the chest of his shirt.

Dean alternated between avoiding looking at Jack and just staring. Mindy was slowly defrosting. She still seemed shaken, but she was getting warmer towards Jack, and pleasantly enough, sympathetic.

Profits were absolutely booming, and everyone in the pet industry was desperate to get on as an investor at Jack’s shop. There was so much to be done that Tom took to hiring temp workers, though he made sure never to hire the same person more than once or twice. He didn’t need any outsiders to catch on to anything.

As Dean and Mindy’s comfort grew, so did their audacity.

“So when is he going to…”

“Drop,” Dean offered, as Mindy trailed off. The three were gathered in the break room in what was becoming an impromptu meeting. “I mean, how long do these things usually last? It’s been two months, and assuming its dogs or something, he would have—er—given birth by now.”

“How does he even give birth?” said Mindy in fascination.

“Let’s stay on topic,” said Dean quickly.

Tom found their embarrassment amusing, but he maintained an indifferent facade. “Why is this a concern?”

“The inventory is unbalanced,” Mindy said. “We’re out of cats and dogs. We’re becoming a fish store.”

“And sales a slowing. All the more exotic fish have been taken. If Jack can just produce more dogs or something—”

“Cats are a much hotter product,” Mindy argued. “Portable, low maintenance—”

“Whatever,” said Dean. “We just need more variety.”

“And this has nothing to do with your commissions?” said Tom. Generous ones at that.

“Let’s be real,” said Dean. “Those fish sales were insane.”

“It was good for business,” Mindy piped in.

“I’m sure there are methods to speed things up,” said Dean.

“Or induce?” offered Mindy. “I mean—do we know when he’s due?”

“And if you look at the farm industry, there are plenty of drugs and stuff to make animals grow faster,” added Dean. “Let’s take control. I think if we—”

The door opened, and as Jack entered, Dean snapped his mouth shut.

Even Tom felt awkward in the silence that followed.

“Bennett? A word?” said Jack coldly, before stepping out again.

Tom shook his head at Dean and Mindy, before following Jack out of the room and into his office down the hall.


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